LLANDUDNO Cylchgrawn Plwyf Parish Magazine Hereford Cathedral - see page 20 50p 1 August 2013 Services Holy Trinity Church, St. Tudno’s Church, Mostyn Street Great Orme Sundays 9.00 am Morning Prayer (Sat) 8.00 am Holy Eucharist 11.00 am Open Air Service (Sun from end of May to end of 10.30 am Sung Eucharist (1st, 3rd, 4th September) & 5th Sundays) On the first Sunday of Matins followed by each month, the service is nd shortened Eucharist (2 followed by a shortened Sunday) Eucharist in the church. 5.00 pm Evening Prayer 6.00 pm Exploring Worship - in The pattern of Sunday and Weekday Church Hall (2nd Sunday services sometimes changes. Please unless notified otherwise) check the calendar in each month’s Weekdays magazine and the weekly bulletin. 8.30 am Morning Prayer (Tue, Wed Thurs & Fri) 9.00 am Holy Eucharist (Wed) 11.00 am Holy Eucharist (Thurs & major saints’ days) Holy Eucharist in Welsh © 2013 Rectorial Benefice of (Sat) Llandudno Registered Charity 1131171 5.00 pm Evening Prayer (Tue, Wed, Thurs & Fri) www.llandudno-parish.org.uk The deadline for copy for any edition is oOo the 7th of the previous month. Please The Rector is in Holy Trinity church leave copy in box near pulpit in Holy on most Saturday mornings from Trinity Church or e-mail: 11.30 - 12.00 to see parishioners on [email protected] any matter – for confessions, spiritual Copy may be on disk, printed or guidance, the booking of baptisms or handwritten. weddings etc. 3 From the Rectory I’ve been called all sorts of God. Within this tiny space funny things in my time – com- was the Lord of all things. So, plementary and otherwise –- from ancient times Mary was but at Walsingham last month called by Christians the ‘God- I was called something very bearer’. odd indeed: I was told that I At the Annunciation, when was a ‘little container’! Gabriel came to tell Mary she And it wasn’t just me. In fact had been chosen to be the all the pilgrims present at the main mother of the Lord, God was depend- Pilgrimage Eucharist in the Shrine of ent on her for the fulfilment of his plans Our Lady of Walsingham that day were to redeem the human race. He needed branded as ‘little containers’ during his divine Son to be conceived and grow the sermon by Bishop Lindsey Urwin, in the womb of a human mother. He the Administrator of the Shrine. What could simply have used Mary as a kind on earth did he mean by this? Should of surrogate just to carry the divine we have been deeply offended or very child, to be merely the instrument of excited? his will. But he didn’t. God never forces his will on anybody – even in a matter It all stemmed from a trip Bishop Lind- so vital as this. So he wanted Mary to sey had recently made to South Africa. give her heartfelt consent to his plan; There in the townships he had seen needed her to choose to offer human- many large shipping containers used ity to God And as we know she did just as shops or workshops or even homes. that: her reply to Gabriel was ‘Let it be These containers, which had been made to me according to your word.’ From to transport goods all over the world, that moment on her womb ‘contained were now being used for very different the uncontainable’ and the stage was purposes indeed. set for the coming into the world of Seeing these containers brought to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop Lindsey’s mind some words This month we celebrate the feast of from an ancient Christian prayer di- Mary, the Mother of the Lord, an op- rected to Mary, the Mother of the Lord, portunity to thank God for this woman which spoke of her as ‘containing the from an obscure village in Palestine uncontainable’. When Mary was preg- whose love for Him was so great that nant she contained within the confines she was willing to give herself body and of her womb something which filled soul to the divine will. As the hymn puts the whole universe – the divine Son of 7 it: ‘She gave her body for God’s shrine, wonderful vocation, what an awesome her heart to piercing pain, and knew the responsibility! cost of love divine, when Jesus Christ Now shipping containers can be bashed was slain. around a lot as they travel around the But what about the business of calling world. No doubt those in South Africa us ‘little containers’? In his sermon which Bishop Lindsey saw being used Bishop Lindsey went on to remind as businesses or shops etc. had been the pilgrims that, like Mary, Christians ‘retired’ because they had been dam- are called to be ‘containers of the aged over the years. Well, we too have uncontainable’. Although Mary had a been bashed around a bit in our lives special vocation as the Mother of the too. We’ve often not made a very good Lord to contain Christ in her womb, all job of being containers of the Lord. Christians are indeed bearers of Christ And yet, like the sedentary containers in their own way. We have all been in South Africa we still have a job to do Christened – made Christ’s – he dwells and a vocation to fulfil. As we celebrate within us through baptism and faith. We the feast of Mary and give honour to carry him wherever we go. Our voca- the greatest of all the saints, let’s re- tion therefore is to make him known to solve like her to be containers of the everyone we meet by allowing him to uncontainable that all the world might shine out of us. So to be called a ‘little come to know and love her Son, Our container’ is indeed to be given a title Lord Jesus Christ. of great honour and dignity. What a Fr. John News and Notices The Hall on and not be able to come to us for some time. At the time of writing we still had not received the faculty from the Diocese This may mean either that the work for the forthcoming work in the hall will drag on into the autumn with huge at Holy Trinity – two months after inconvenience to everyone who uses the meeting of the Diocesan Advisory the Hall or even that we might have to Committee’s meeting which consid- postpone the job until the New Year ered the matter. This is a matter of deep with the possibility that the cost of concern. We can’t tell the contractors the work may increase. If we do not when we want them to start and so hear from the Diocese soon we will when we do get permission to proceed be making a formal complaint regard- the contractors may have other work ing this matter as it puts us in a quite 8 unacceptable position. We can only helped to focus thoughts, and empha- apologise for the uncertainty all this is sise the bigger picture….looking after causing and hope we have some good Churchyards these days is about much news soon. more than just grass cutting, we are likely to be looking after areas that Fr. John may contain biodiversity unchanged through several centuries. That’s food for thought! The Churchyards The members of our Churchyards Our two churches, and our responsibil- Group are William Maidlow, Christine ity for St.George’s Churchyard, were Jones, Jennifer Fossi, and Terry Dewar: represented at a Church in Wales semi- we do welcome your contribution, nar on looking after Churchyards, at St. your expertise, and your suggestions Mary’s, Dolgellau on 16th July. Useful for community involvement. Age and presentations by Alex Granville, Church physical fitness really is no barrier in in Wales Head of Property Services, the task ahead. and Sue Cooper, Caring for God’s Acre, provided practical ideas and insight William Maidlow into legal, and health and safety issues, and developing schemes such as how to involve the community. The two or- HTC 150 Meeting, 2nd July ganisations have developed publications The recently established fundraising that will be of great use in the future group reported on ideas and sugges- as we look to develop management tions proposed by the group members. plans for our three churchyards. The The proposals will be put to the PCC, first, produced by the Church in Wales, meeting on 25th July – more details Management of Churchyards: Policy and in the next edition of the Magazine. Guidance sets out the legal framework The main proposal is to set up a and outlines our responsibilities. The ‘100 Club’ (in our case a ‘150 club’). second, a copyright free pack published Church members will be aware that by Caring for God’s Acre, Churchyard many charities and Churches operate and Burial Ground Action Pack, looks such clubs where participants make at practical schemes for protecting a monthly contribution, with a prize wildlife, preserving heritage, and involv- draw held monthly designed to create ing people. a regular, quantifiable income for the Caring for God’s Acre is also prepar- 150th Anniversary. We are grateful to ing a bi-lingual pack for use by Primary Terry Dewar for his work promoting School teachers that will be available in the 150 Club. Spring 2014. This really useful meeting Other suggestions put forward by 9 members included a 60’s & 70’s music Sea Sunday Family Service event (the Rector reserving his posi- This year’s service was held on 14 July.
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