Animpacted primary lateral incisoras a causeof delayed erupt,onof a permanenttooth: case report TimothyW. Adams, DDS rolonged impaction of primary incisors is un- process, but this condition has not been reported to usual. There have been only two such cases affect the primary anterior teeth. 6 Partial impaction p reportedin the dental literature. 1.2 Bothcases in- of primary, permanent, or supernumeraryteeth in the volved maxillary primary incisors and the etiology may area of an alveolar cleft does occur.4 Other syndromes have been accidental trauma in both. Luxationinjuries are associated with cyst formation and impaction of in the primary dentition are commondue to the resil- multiple secondary or supernumeraryteeth (cleidoc- ient nature of the bone surrounding these teeth, and ranial dysplacia, Gardner syndrome)? However, completeintrusion of erupted primary incisors into the Andreasen4 states that in cleidocranial dysostosis, the alveolar process occasionally occurs.3 However,even primary teeth, because of their superficial position, whena traumatic condition remains undiagnosed, in- nearly always erupt spontaneously. truded primary incisors don’t usually remain impacted This case emphasizes the importance of a thorough but re-erupt within a 2- to 4-moperiod following the dental history and radiographic examin children with injury? Belostokyet al.1 describeda case in whicha 10o missing teeth? Prolonged impaction of the maxillary month-oldfemale child fell, and a maxillary primary primaryleft lateral incisor wasassociated with eruption central incisor presumed"lost" had apparently been in- delay, ectopic eruption, and an apparent dilaceration of truded throughthe buccal cortical plate whereit could the root of the maxillaryleft permanentlateral incisor. not re-erupt. Thetooth had to be surgically removed11 years later. The authors emphasizedthe importanceof CaseReport radiographsat the time of injury to ensure that a pri- Historyand chief complaint marytooth is indeed lost and not intruded. A 9-year, 1-month-old, 56-1b girl appeared for Lambertand Rothman2 reported a case ofa 4-yearo an initial examination with the chief complaint old male with an impacted maxillary primary lateral of noneruption of the maxillary left permanent incisor, which showedno change in eruptive status central and lateral incisors. The parents reported during a 6-mo follow-up period. The parent did not that the maxillary right permanent central incisor recall dental trauma,and the authors discounteda trau- had erupted more than a year ago. Additionally, matic etiology, surmisingthat malpositionof the tooth the parentsstated that the maxillaryleft primarylateral inci- germ was the cause of the impaction. However,both sor had never erupted, whichheightened concern about the progressive discoloration of the maxillaryprimary cen- status of the maxillaryleft permanentincisors. Theparents tral incisors (beginning at 39 months of age) and provideddetailed dental records, whichindicated that when mobility were reported. These findings suggest that the child was3 years, 1 monthof age, the maxillaryleft pri- dental trauma could have occurred, raising the possi- marylateral incisor remained unerupted. Apparently, bility that intrusive luxation may have caused the radiographswere not taken at that visit. Whenthe the child impactionin this case as well as in the previous one. was5 years, 6 monthsold and 6 years, 10 monthsold, max- Other factors which commonlycause impaction of illary ocdusal radiographs were exposedand reviewed. teeth do not similarly affect the primary incisors. Chartingat the latter visit indicatedthat there hadbeen pre- These teeth occupy a superficial position within the matureloss of the maxillaryleft primarylateral incisor, developing alveolar process.< 5 Thougheruption cyst however,notation of additional abnormalityin the anterior and hematomaformation may briefly delay primary maxillaryregion was not made.Both parents stated that the tooth emergence, dentigerous cyst formation associ- maxillaryleft primarylateral incisor hadnot beenlost pre- ated with displacement or prolonged impaction--as maturelyand, in fact, hadnever erupted. The child had been seen in the permanent dentition--has not been re- in the mother’scare continuouslythroughout the first 3 years ported to affect the primary teeth. 5 Ankylosedprimary of life andhad neverhad a traumaticinjury to causeintru- molars undergoing infraocclusion may eventually sion or the loss of the primaryanterior teeth. Thechild was becomecompletely re-engulfed within the alveolar the product of an uncomplicated,full-term pregnancyand Pediatric Dentistry-20:2, 1998 AmericanAcademy of Pediatric Dentistry 121 neonatal laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation were not Clark's rule was used to locate the tooth for surgery.7 used nor was the child born with natal or neonatal teeth which A second periapical film was exposed in approximately might have required early removal. the same horizontal plane as the first periapical film but Oral examination from an angle slightly to the left of that of the first ex- posure. Comparison of the two periapical films showed The oral exam showed a Class II, Division I malocclu- that the crown of the impacted tooth was positioned sion, but with good arch development and adequate space facially to the maxillary left permanent central incisor for tooth eruption. The mandibular permanent central with its incisal edge at the approximate level of the and lateral incisors and the maxillary right permanent cementoenamel junction of the left central incisor. central and lateral incisor had erupted, but the maxillary left permanent central and lateral incisors had not. A hard Treatment swelling could be palpated just to the left of the anterior At a subsequent visit, a full-thickness envelope flap nasal spine. Maxillary occlusal and anterior periapical films was reflected facially from the distal aspect of the right confirmed the presence of the maxillary left permanent central incisor to the distal of the left primary canine. central and lateral incisors (Figs la, lb) and revealed that Care was taken to first separate the fibers of the maxil- root development of the maxillary incisors was somewhat lary frenum to preserve the integrity of the flap. Flap delayed relative to the child's chronologic age.5 The root elevation exposed the crown of the impacted tooth. of the maxillary left permanent lateral incisor appeared to Tooth removal was accomplished with a large curette. be dilacerated near its junction with the crown. The ra- The periosteal flap was closed with three interrupted diographs also revealed an impacted tooth in the left region 4-0 gut sutures and by continuous application of (Figs la, lb). Though superimposition complicated in- pressure with sterile gauze for 5 min. The impacted terpretation, the impacted tooth, in close association with tooth had proportions similar to those of a primary in- the developing maxillary left permanent incisor crown, was cisor (Fig 3), however root development was visible in both films exposed at the previously mentioned incomplete and the incisal edge of the tooth had a lobed exams (Figs 2a, 2b). The size and shape of the impacted appearance (Fig 3). tooth approximated that of the erupted maxillary primary At a 12-mo postoperative visit, ectopic eruption of incisors (Figs la,lb, 2a, 2b). the maxillary left permanent incisor had just occurred. The maxillary left permanent central incisor had erupted favorably (Fig 4a). Review of the radiographs strongly suggested a dilaceration of the root of the maxillary left permanent lateral incisor such that the crown of this tooth has a marked facial orientation relative to the long axis of the root, and that the crown of the maxillary left permanent canine had drifted mesioangularly and facial to the dilacerated root of the maxillary left perma- nent lateral incisor (Figs 4a, 4b). Fig. IA Occlusal radiograph (pre-op) showing impacted incisor Discussion The size and shape of the impacted tooth, its position, and degree of root development Fig. 2A Occlusal radiograph(at as seen on earlier films suggest that it is ei- Syrs, 6 months of age) ther the maxillary left primary lateral incisor or a supernumerary primary incisor5'8 (Figs 2a, 2b, 3). In view of the detailed history it seems unlikely that the maxillary left primary lateral incisor exfoliated, was removed, or avulsed. However, it is possible that a traumatic event at the initiation of tooth eruption might have caused marked intrusion of the primary lateral incisor that went unrecognized by the parent. If such event occurred at 1 year of age, the root of the maxillary primary incisor would Fig. 1B Anterior periapical have been approximately one-half to two-thirds film (X-ray beam from Fig. 2B Occlusal radiograph(at 6yrs, formed and calcification of the crown of the per- patient's left side) 10 months of age) manent maxillary lateral incisor would have just 122 American Academy ofPediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry - 20:2, 1998 Fig. 4A Frontal view, (12 months post-op) 9 Fig. 4B Occlusal radiograph, (12 months post-op) begun. Such an event likely to be suggesting dilaceration of the maxillary left could account for impac- impaired permanent lateral incisor and resultant mesial drift tion and cessation of root by an abor- with the potential for impaction of the maxillary left Fig. 3 The surgically removed development of the pri- tive devel- permanent canine. impacted primary tooth. mary lateral incisor and opment of the associated
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