加拿大大專院校參考名冊 目 錄 壹、使用須知 2 貳、加拿大大專院校名錄 ALBERTA 3 BRITISH COLUMBIA 6 MANITOBA 9 NEW BRUNSWICK 11 NEWFOUNDLAND 12 NOVA SCOTIA 13 ONTARIO 15 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 21 QUEBEC 22 SASKATCHEWAN 29 YUKON, NUNAVUT AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 31 加拿大大專院校參考名冊 使用須知 - 1 - 本書之收錄係依據下列三項原始資料,如有疏漏,以原始資料為準: 1. 加拿大各省高等教育主管機關提供之大學(University)、專科學院(Institute)及社區 學院(Community College)名單及資料。 2. 加拿大大學及學院協會(Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada)網站公佈之 會員學校名單。 3. 加拿大社區學院協會(Association of Canadian Community Colleges)網站公佈之會員學 校名單。 【註】: 1. 加拿大之〝Institute〞及〝Community College〞因其學程及課程不同,可分別頒發大學 學位、專科文憑及職訓證書。 2. 凡屬大學之附屬學院均於本名冊中加*號註明。 3. 本名冊編排次序依據各省英文字母次序,各省大學、專科學院及社區學院亦分別依據英 文字母次序。 4. 加國大學屬各省管轄(王家軍校除外),聯邦政府未設教育部統籌管理,除法語之魁北 克省外,英語各省之大學學制均大同小異,大學修讀三年或四年(醫學及法律系不只四 年,但均為學士後文憑)及格,授予「bachelor degree」(學士學位),差別為四年制 之學士文憑得加註「honours」字樣為「honours bachelor degree」(譯以「學士學位(四 年制)」),持此文憑可續就讀研究所課程。成績十分優異(GPA 甚高或通過大學論 文考試)者,則可取得「honours bachelor degree with (high) distinction」(譯以「績優學 士學位(四年制)」)。 5. 我國教育部在認定外國之學歷或文憑時,並不單憑學校或學位名稱,尚須查證該外國文 憑是否合於我國政府相關之採認規定。因此,在選校及選擇科系課程時,並請同時參酌 教育部「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」。 - 2 - ALBERTA 一、大學 Athabasca University Grant MacEwan University 1 University Drive P.O. Box 1796 Athabasca, Alberta T9S 3A3 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2P2 Tel: (780) 675-6100 Tel: (780) 497-5040 Fax: (780) 675-6174 Fax: (780) 497-5001 http://www.athabascau.ca http://www.macewan.ca Mount Royal University University of Alberta 4825 Mount Royal Gate S.W. 120 Administration Building Calgary, Alberta, T3E 6K6 Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2M7 Tel: (403) 440-6111 Tel: (780) 492-3113 Fax: (403) 440-5938 Fax: (780) 492-7172 http://www.ualberta.ca http://www.mtroyal.ca University of Calgary University of Lethbridge 2500 University Drive N.W. 4401 University Drive W. Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4 Tel: (403) 210-7625 Tel: (403) 329-2111 Fax: (403) 220-0762 Fax: (403) 329-5159 http://www.ucalgary.ca http://www.uleth.ca ALBERTA 二、大學-學院 Ambrose University College Canadian University College 150 Ambrose Circle S.W. 5415 College Avenue Calgary, Alberta T3H 0L5 Lacombe, Alberta T4L 2E5 Tel: (403) 410-2000 Tel: (403) 782-3381 Fax: (403) 571-2556 http://www.cauc.ca http://www.ambrose.edu Concordia University College of Alberta The King’s University College 7128 Ada Boulevard 9125-50 Street Edmonton Alberta T5B 4E4 Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2H3 Tel: (780) 479-8481 Tel: (780) 465-3500 Fax: (780) 477-1033 Fax: (780) 465-3534 http://www.concordia.ab.ca http://www.kingsu.ca St. Mary’s University College 14500 Bannister Road S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2X 1Z4 Tel: (403) 531-9130 Fax: (403) 531-9136 http://www.stmu.ab.ca - 3 - ALBERTA 三、社區學院 Alberta College of Art and Design Bow Valley College 1407 - 14 Ave N.W. 332-6 Avenue S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2N 4R3 Calgary, Alberta T2G 4S6 Tel: (403) 284-7600 Tel: (403) 410-1400 Fax: (403) 289-6682 Fax: (403) 297-4081 http://www.acad.ab.ca http://www.bowvalleycollege.ca Grande Prairie Regional College Keyano College 10726 - 106 Avenue 8115 Franklin Avenue Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 4C4 Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 2H7 Tel: (780) 539-2911 Tel: (780) 791-4800 Fax: (780) 539-2832 http://www.keyano.ca http://www.gprc.ab.ca Lakeland College Lethbridge College 5707 College Drive 3000 College Drive S. Lethbridge, Alberta T1K Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5 1L6 Tel: (780) 791-8400 Tel: (403) 320-3200 http://www.lakelandcollege.ca Fax: (403) 380-3483 http://www.lethbridgecollege.ab.ca Medicine Hat College NorQuest College 299 College Drive SE 10215 - 108 St. N.W. Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 3Y6 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1L6 Tel: (403) 529-3811 Tel: (780) 644-6000 http://www.norquest.ab.ca Fax: (403) 504-3517 http://www.mhc.ab.ca Northern Lakes College Olds College 1201 Main Street SE 4500 – 50th Street Slave Lake, Alberta T0G 2A3 Olds, Alberta T4H 1R6 Tel: (780) 849-8600 Tel: (403) 556-8281 Fax: (780) 849-2570 Fax: (403) 556-4711 http://www.northernlakescollege.ca http://www.oldscollege.ca Portage College Red Deer College Box 417, 9531 - 94 Avenue 100 College Blvd. Lac La Biche, Alberta T0A 2C0 Red Deer, Alberta T4N 5H5 Tel: 1-866-623-5551 Tel: (403) 342-3300 http://www.portagecollege.ca Fax: (403) 340-8940 http://www.rdc.ab.ca - 4 - ALBERTA 四、專科學校 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Office of the Registrar 1301 16th Ave. N.W. Suite 1000, 11762-106 St. N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2M 0L4 Edmonton, Alberta T5G 3H1 Tel: (403) 282-7248 Tel: (780) 471-6248 Fax: (403) 284-7112 Fax: (780) 471-8490 http://www.sait.ab.ca http://www.nait.ab.ca - 5 - British Columbia 一、大學 Capilano University Thompson Rivers University 2055 Purcell Way Box 3010, 900 McGill Rd., North Vancouver,B.C. V7J 3H5 Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5N3 Tel: (604) 986-1911 Tel: (250) 828-5000 Fax: (604) 984-4985 Fax: (250) 828-5086 http://www.capilanou.ca http://www.tru.ca Emily Carr University of Art and Design University of British Columbia 1399 Johnston St., Granville Island 2329 West Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6H 3R9 Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 Tel: (604) 844-3800 Tel: (604) 822-2211 Fax: (604) 844-3801 Fax: (604) 822-3134 http://www.ubc.ca http://www.ecuad.ca Kwantlen Polytechnic University University of the Fraser Valley 12666 72nd Ave. 33844 King Rd. Surrey, B.C. V3W 2M8 Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 7M8 Tel: (604) 599-2100 Tel: (604) 504-7441 Fax: (604) 599-2068 Fax: (604) 855-7558 http://www.kwantlen.bc.ca http://www.ufv.ca Royal Roads University University of Northern British Columbia 2005 Sooke Rd. 3333 University Way Victoria, B.C. V9B 5Y2 Prince George, B.C. V2N 4Z9 Tel: (250) 391-2511 Tel: (250) 960-5555 Fax: (250) 391-2500 Fax: (250) 960-6330 http://www.royalroads.ca http://www.unbc.ca Simon Fraser University University of Victoria 8888 University Drive P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2 Tel: (778) 782-3111 Tel: (250) 721-7211 Fax: (604) 291-4860 Fax: (250) 721-7212 http://www.sfu.ca http://www.uvic.ca Trinity Western University Vancouver Island University 7600 Glover Rd. 900 Fifth St. Langley, B.C. V2Y 1Y1 Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5S5 Tel: (604) 888-7511 Tel: (250) 753-3245 http://www.twu.ca Fax: (250) 755-8725 http://www.viu.ca - 6 - British Columbia 二、社區學院 Camosun College Northwest Community College 3100 Foul Bay Rd. 5331 McConnell Avenue Victoria, B.C. V8P 5J2 Terrace, B.C. V8G 4X2 Tel: (250) 370-3000 Tel: (250) 635-6511 Fax: (250) 370-3660 Fax: (250) 638-5432 http://camosun.ca http://www.nwcc.bc.ca College of New Caledonia North Island College 3330-22nd Ave. 2300 Ryan Rd. Prince George, B.C. V2N 1P8 Courtenay, B.C. V9N 8N6 Tel: (250) 562-2131 Tel: (250) 334-5000 Fax: (250) 561-5861 Fax: (250) 334-5018 http://www.cnc.bc.ca http://www.nic.bc.ca College of the Rockies Northern Lights College 2700 College Way, Box 8500 11401-8th St. Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 5L7 Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G 4G2 Tel: (250) 489-8243 Tel: (250) 782-5251 Fax: (250)489-1790 Fax: (250) 784-7563 http://www.cotr.bc.ca http://www.nlc.bc.ca Douglas College Okanagan College P.O. Box 2503 1000 KLO Rd. New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 4X8 Tel: (604) 527-5400 Tel: (250) 762-5445 Fax : (604) 527-5095 Fax: (250) 862-5466 http://www.douglas.bc.ca http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/site15.aspx Langara College Selkirk College 100 W. 49th Ave. 301 Frank Beinder Way Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 2Z6 Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4L3 Tel: (604) 323-5511 Tel: (250) 365-7292 Fax: (604) 323-5555 Fax: (250) 365-6568 http://www.langara.bc.ca http://selkirk.ca Vancouver Community College 1155 E. Broadway Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4V5 Tel: (604) 871-7000 Fax: (604) 871-7100 http://www.vcc.ca - 7 - British Columbia 三、專科學校 British Columbia Institute of Technology Justice Institute of British Columbia 3700 Willingdon Ave. 715 McBride Blvd. Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3H2 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5T4 Tel: (604) 434-5734 Tel: (604) 525-5422 Fax: (604) 434-1331 Fax: (604) 528-5518 http://www.bcit.ca http://www.jibc.bc.ca Nicola Valley Institute of Technology 4155 Belshaw St. Merritt, B.C. V1K 1R1 Tel: (250) 378-3300 Fax: (250) 378-3332 http://www.nvit.bc.ca - 8 - MANITOBA 一、大學 Brandon University Canadian Mennonite University 270 - 18th Street 500 Shaftesbury Blvd. Brandon, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R7A 6A9 Canada R3P 2N2 Telephone: (204) 728-9520 Telephone: (204) 487-3300 Fax: (204) 726-4573 Fax: (204) 487-3858 http://www.brandonu.ca/home/ http://www.cmu.ca/ * Collège universitaire de University of Manitoba Saint-Boniface 66 Chancellors Circle (Affiliated with University of Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba) Canada R3T 2N2 200, avenue de la Cathédrale Telephone: (204) 474-8880 Winnipeg, Manitoba Fax: (204) 474-7536 Canada R2H 0H7 http://umanitoba.ca/ Telephone: (204) 233-0210 Fax: (204) 237-3240 http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/ University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 2E9 Telephone: (204) 786-7811 Fax: (204) 786-8656 http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/ - 9 - MANITOBA 二、社區學院 Assiniboine Community College Ecole technique et professionnelle, 1430 Victoria Avenue East Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface Brandon, Manitoba 200, avenue de la Cathédrale Canada R7A 2A9 Winnipeg, Manitoba Telephone: (204) 725-8700 Canada R2H 0H7 Fax: (204) 725-8740 Telephone: (204) 233-0210 http://public.assiniboine.net Fax: (204) 237-3240 http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/etp/index.shtml Red River College of Applied Arts, University College of the North Science and Technology 436 Seventh Street East 2055 Notre Dame Avenue P.O.
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