30-Oct 68 NYTimes RFI Continued From Page 1, Col. 1 year-old Ethel Kennedy who is NEW FUNHONORS awaiting the birth of her elev- enth child at the end of Mo- ROBERT KENNEDY vember, remained secluded by doctor's orders in her second- floor bedroom overlooking the Family Plane Foundation to lawn at Hickory Hill. Advance His Ideals But she issued a statement saying that it was the hope of her hustrarld's family :and By NAN ROBERTSON Special to The New York runts friends that the Robert F. Ken- WASHINGTON, Oct. 29—The nedy Memorial would "carry Kennedy family announced to- forward the ideals" so impor- 1 tant in his Iife. day plans for a $10-million "He wanted to encourage the foundation, in memory of Sen- young people and to help the ator Robert F. Kennedy, to act disadvantaged and discrimi- as a "catalyst" in trying to I nated against both here and solve some of the nation's abroad, and he wanted to pro- severe problems. mote peace in the world," her The announcement was made statement said. "These will be by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the goals of the memorial:" of - Massachusetts, on the slop- corporated in the District of Small Task Forces Columbia, Mr. Kennedy hinted ing, leaf-littered back lawn of Senator Kennedy was hardly thq his brother's memorial Hickory Hill, the suburban Vir- more specific. He talked of es- foundation might be perma- ginia estate of his brother. tablishing small action task nently located in New York He announced that the chair- forces that would apply them- City. man of the foundation's execu- selves to helping and involving The reason, he said, was that the poor, the Negroes, the ali- tive committee would be Robert most of the nation's important enated young at home and the foundations had headquarters S. McNamara, president. of the hungry abroad to better their in New York. The Robert F. World' Bank and former Secre- lot. Kennedy Memorial will seek tary of Defense. Thomas J. He was flanked by two of his money from sources such as Watson —Jr., chairman of' the sisters, Jean Kennedy Smith these; it will not itself finance board of the International Busi- and Pat Kennedy Lawford. Th any programs. shivered in the nippy autumn ness Machines Corporation, will The Senator said the memo- wind, staring unsmilingly at the rial would be in no way active be- finance chairman. The ground and into the distance politically, nor would it lobby memorial ,hopes to • raise $1,0- as he spoke. in Washington. million quickly under his direc- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ken- Following is a list of the tion. Frederick G. Dutton, As- nedy, the parents of the slain trustees and executive commit- Senator, are the honorary co- sistant Secretary of State under tee members of the memorial: chairmen of the foundation. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Rob- President John F. Kennedy, was The 56-member board of trus- ert S. McNamara, chairman; Thom- named organizing director. tees ranges across the Kennedy as J. Watson Jr., chairman, finance Individuals and groups will committee; Frederick G. Dutton, family, names in universities, executive director; Samuel Brown, be asked to finance the initial government, business, labor and John Lewis, John Seigenthaler, $10-pillion. After that, the me- civil rights. Stephen E, Smith. inoritilt- hopes foundations will Included are Cesar Chavez, BOARD OF TRUSTEES: K. Le- finance its programs. The initial the organizer of the California Moyne Billings, Julian Bond, David $10-million will be used mainly Burden, Samuel Brown, Nodding grape workers; Julian Bond, Carter 2d, Cesar Chavez; Robert for staffing task forces. the Georgia Negro legislator; Coles, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Robefit Kennedy's widow, 40- Charles Evers, the Mississippi C. Douglas Dillon, John Doar, Fred- -, Negro leader; Douglas Dillon, erick G. Dutton, Charles Evers, Continted otl Page 21, Column John W. Gardner, John G. Glenn, former Secretary of the Treas- Richard N. Goodwin, David L. ury; Ambassador-at-Large W. Hackett, W. Averell Harriman, Mi- Averell Harriman, Carl Kaysen, chael Harrington. head of the Institute of Ad- Also. Carl Kaysen, Doris Kearns, Edward M. Kennedy, Joseph P. vanced Studies at Princeton Kennedy Jr„ Mrs. Robert F. Ken- University, and, John W. Gard- nedy, Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr., ner, director of the Urban Coa- Mrs. Patricia Lawford, John Lewis, lition and former Secretary of George C. Lodge, Robert S. Mc- Health, Education and Welfare. Namara, Burke Marshall, Andre Meyer, Kenneth P. O'Donnell, Mrs. Widows on Board Aristotle Onassis, William S. Paley, John D. Rockefeller 4th, Laurance Ethel Kennedy is on the J. Rockefeller, Pierre E. Salinger. board, and so are the widows Also, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., of two other assassination vic- Benno C. Schmidt. Paul Schrade, tims—Mrs. Aristotle Onassis, John L. Seigenthaler, Bishop Ful- ton J. Sheen, Mrs. R. Sargent the recently remarried widow Shriver, R. Sargent Shriver, Mrs. of John F. Kennedy, and Mrs. Stephen E. Smith, Stephen E. Martin Luther King Jr. Smith, Theodore C. Sorensen, Max- Senator Kennedy said that well D. Taylor, Stewart L. Udall, the foundation would announce William J. Vanden Heuvel, Adam Walinsky, Thomas J. Watson Jr., its first "significant and siza- James Whittaker, Robert J. War- ble" program within several ren. Adam Yarmolinsky, the Rev.' weeks. Although it has been in- Andrew Young. .
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