Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/22/2017 3:18:26 PM BROCHURE USAGE REPORT - January 1 - June 30, 2017 HANDY REFERENCE MAP 1,271 1,009 1,592 1,787 1,970 1,454 SIZZLING SUMMER 231 LURE GUIDE 1,247 1,171 1,435 1,507 1,841 1,345 UNCOVER THE ARTS 325 175 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/22/2017 3:18:26 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/22/2017 3:18:26 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/22/2017 3:18:26 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/22/2017 3:18:26 PM KEY TO t St. Catherine | MAPS ^ i&Museum. jj id related i ROADS DA iite designated $ I I I ‘ v / .1- r il, Scientific & !G , f x-__-EthiopianPrthodoK ■ •,- SSAVENWftS ■ Bus Route 0 STREET f' - 'i M recognition } rv-«l—?crr. fo, 2 / ,-J|! J lOi/i-Ai <>-V. i Buildings y ....... Other y Bay-----, Alexandra's J Battery Park X2” Traffic Flow A. i'• N'Av?L itlf“ Bridge yji TS «|CTOk,. .UH'J, 1 MTVr ilGGS‘:AN0 •............, v,xr...' Peraio's Say ia.v,^.. ; ----*-1“-Xs * -/ ■” )EISlAN!>; mini Railway Trail '» J , _P> isisr BOM A* 'W& Wharf Sf'^ORGF'S ‘iA , VICTORIA STRf-E L^Ti.fVJ ‘.i M*r aridA:: ' ^ARl-'v tr A* U^fT* ’■ Seventhsa ly" , mm AdvSnillt !a . HISTORIC Sq&Th88tr -r-o-tB^-H.v.^9p> - ‘""'XTXS^ ir|U^e r1 Jy ^§T Fort rff'W A ■ ak‘- *^4^° fv> ^ vf Shipwreck im,•.££&/* SX. |f^ Attraction TW Sl km i__Lp. Wade w—- Bermuda . International Carter House ““ National Trust __ Aiipwt....... Bermuda's oldest dwelling in St. David's. African Diaspor. Ctearw. i ■: T Heritage Trail Si \8dgdi Turite/B|$| ? ® ja M r BkieHojcj * iarraa Slv aBW'r®**1 1 * /\ i Long Bay TRANSPORT ¥i\ //>a> T$ $ (TMl) Taxi Stand ..... UA-y.......... ' ...... Historic specimens Dock %F irgrre's ctTSofc fit’/ A *n3k.$* *’*-**Mb#tt* jf . JlSXfU^ of the Calabash tree V CASTLE £ S3 Bus Stop 5®ff Pflrk by'""' '?... i •‘WsWiA^ei'T made famous by poet wmmmMk HARBOUR J Bay • ...... ■ : Tom Moore 1804. ■i PITTS BAY ROAD CATHARINE W, . i Ai,fo.-.' .Tr.irml'" HAMILTON F2L Tour Boat PARISH m 2/ St. David's i») * Si CASTLE ISLAND>Tmk.W: - I CASTLE Ferry Stop Lighthouse ' RQAO.S2j ~v4,6 Built of Bermuda stone —------------- Shark'. IV ® and has been lighting rAixkhb Harbour Ferry 2 HARRINGTON Hole j ■■■ JIH.KHI i. I 4- ■:........ r^mSm the way since 1879. National Museum of Bermuda ........FA............. SOUND............ - ^ Point TRUNK ISLAND j Goif Couit$0' — rcsiSay Fast Ferry & Dolphin Quest —■ nEpgpiip Fascinating exhibits, spectacular views and do 5; H.T. North ■WiSMm.'h1- Blue Route encounters inside Bermuda's largest fort, the 1 1 Bermuda Aquarium, Nature Reserve/ Dockyard Ferry Dockyard Keep. Museum & Zoo :i (hot suitable for/ ______ N (see Flatts Village map for f • walking) yx^5 Orange Route Home of the more information). America's Cup Village St.George's Ferry Heritage Wharf 4. Oevil's : Ar—..... * i King's Wharf Green Route Royal Naval "'IWo/jV Hole ■HBHI Rockaway Ferry noWSSKv Admiralty House [ Fort Hamilton | \ Cemetery T■A%. 'j? WMffl&WTjvi. 11 Built in 1812. There is Mid-19th centuryfort I; Pink Route Burial ground for the an elaborate system of Black Watch Well *...... PagetAA/arwick British Navv dating tunnels and caverns | and moat. I Dug by the Black Watch Ferry back to the 1700s. dug around 1849. ‘H'Sin-.•v % tiaven iv.R, | • ’Jc-nii 1.... i ■ i' iv ivrr ./ Regiment during the rT >t Long Bay East drought of 1849. •'Johl i ■ ■ ■■' r rrm ■■ n.iV Bermuda Park Robinson i A \X MJ TourisM no with interpretive l COBBLER'S Spanish H'S *-** Parson's I'-MCIANn D-,1, SoyRaA /p"k SMITH'S v JJ *>•<••" A Authority ot for migratory birds. sa StovellBay ki'/. PARISH Spittal Pond Nature Reserve ' H ........ a\ Ducking vF7F • ; 7he DRYDOCK 1902 Wm Bermuda’s largest wildlife sanctuary and Jeff 1 i*ff* ®>(HA"''*,v'ATroRD^^x I ‘ - 1A., 9.VDanish pc 4 vs»™i'seUii FMsB9ro''<?ls“M°Aiv '' ^ PEMBROKE PARISH .7F| Portuguese Rock I ?u^W“ 1543 memento of at K:V ^Daniel1 Watford Bridgp Ferry earlier visit. F l/Head / / Town of | Skeeter's j • ("& I'Cofner ""/' \ % ilsr i I 'OSSfc” Ikisi,#*W \e. ST. GEORGE | Daniei's / \£ SOMERSETMERS VILLAGE " ^«iTT 'Verdmont' for deiirlelf map) UNESCO World Heritage Site 18th century historic home |/ Head Park *££,“1 * . .1 J| VONSHIRL j£ \ PARISH / filled with antiques, * 4 V : V Cavello Bay Forty r^60i..'*;"f Gilbert Natur f i ; d si. Hevdon Trust Chaoei jB s l'. i y I-..:, Town of St. George Nsa'si V Old Devonshire Church TBI WIFI Zone ^ a c Perfumery L;.Nt Si Bermuda Peserye In Stewart '‘c'v'3i<S; , Built 1716 and still lit by candlelight. ..Batk.i: IIARUoUR ~ Museum Scaur Hill Fort •F XjIlMS*’ .. , Nature n . and Park WT o Bermuda Underwater Exploration Inst Staircase to «x.f“.......i ** Reserve appouO! St; George s Built in 1860, the foi' Interactive museum exploring the wonders of the Cllib ■ a , - ..... I:.',. / : otters excellent viev- \PAPI5li \ ocean; great for all ages. of the Great Sound i Royal Nava! Dockye" mp4' > 4 V— ',0 .Th^Sbi :'XiA sg Pnlics , ^ . ..............orawaVvav % .Staton 3 Q . i's : . ;r...... ■ Somerset Bridge 'Waterville' HISS Fort St.CathettnoEc Museum:; Belmont. Achilles Bay 1 s ®* i ■ The smallest drawbridge in the world. Only w -DEEP c1/26 historic home Tobacco Bay SQUARL enough to let through the mast of a sailboat. The former Slave and headquarters of the 'if#5 Graveyard and fe-*r _ Bermuda National Trust. c?J' Ducking / GRACE Memorial at the itesar, Stool*- wvmgr- ^mDYS ' j / ISUND Rubber TteeISH?9 ^ > _ Golf, u Club.^ ,f,ob,bsF\4>% O Li r UBelmon I Botanical Gardens MliSfnAi '%A ^r b•/ . ..dog ; ^°y \ L \ ,./&* ■ \ ...•••!■', Gibbs Hill Ornamental, horticultural • Morgan's ’Historic O Point Lighthouse ** ' and historical interest Ps^t ' George's j/' %. yV^vid< \\i f U V with Visitors Centre m Churdi’.0ff i' i. HP'. Made of 4. t Bay Camden ■ : ■ i i"i 185 steps — «***> ^ V--......•--,^.Rock®------- .P0W . and giving excellent Offical residence of FJ Ferry views of the island. Bermudas Premier. OTHER 9 C9LA4 i4*^Vosey Nature Masterworks — ' *^&ans ««*rv* aSH Museum of CD Sports <?y-0:V B@i muda Art WSmm (J) Water Sports / PortRoyar^’fc^**%? Evans! \ Bay 3 EMMA DAMS & NORKOPUN inspired art, gift shop 1919 e.X FIVE STAR I" - /./ 8each : . Frank's Corner ISLAND VL* K. \■-\jy : H Hotel ,9 ’•Xl Railway i ran A walking, jogging and sightseen Paqet Marsh island wide. Motor vehicles prohi b-oftltelas. pShB:ii-.ho:.' ' Warwick a%4 *-afic^ & Park ^ Camp ; of Bermuda's Bermuda / SOUWAMPTONj*5'!yi»o',« \%^ %;&& Nature Reserve GoifP n*»- ■'PARiSH Bam“ * M W All 'Go|f/5!ulr.^r.---f:o:Golf club' _ i N3tiirs» Res@ru \-Tt ■ I s. - Golf Course s>" a.#. NfitureReserve? o Fast VVfia/e - mfoXi itlSli iii£i ,/jj\ Vacht/Boat Club 0 Playground Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/22/2017 3:18:26 PM ReCe,v6d^NSD/FARA^g>— tto 0& — II Po'ckysrdOB^” ; snorkel - Moped \ ■ % £%p§. Bermuda scooter maritime iamu .1 c J Ferry Terminal Clayworks Rental / e uda Arts Centre w Bermuda Chamber of Commerce r&acVvarSL Moped;. : (iWti) Ba TourisM Authority c 4 fort Hamilton^. C 5 “etr/ \ SR“°S.v,abA«6!^ : Q 1 p .2 Perot Post Office Old Military Rd Bermuda Historical Society Museum "-nWl^iCTUALUWv. J 8 r 4. police Station - G'2 » T »ffl ^ & ft 1 Alexandra 8attery fa* Orange Valley Rd - Bermuda Monetary Autlton y T a post Office (Generali , ; L 5 1 Ct------ ^ ^ clockcoWer I rnmmtsslonar's : 231 1 Beach house v-i.hf»'ife! Blue Hole Park Old Rd O 6 It r/r— S3 ri sU®«r 'hG; - -5:Shoppingen Botanical Gardens IM PayntersRd House ; g| Wheelchair access R 5 j R 3 k\ vtU Casernes.... ^ Mall Ui1 P :■ ® / Cattle island Nature Ilea Pepper Hall Rd cflphStTheCabina^Building 2 Bartaolis:': 1 ; TheKeep ) N 3 . L 8 © Coney Island Padre- ■ Radnor Rd City Hall & Arts Centred Cooper's island Nature Res U R 4: Q I i: Retreat Hill L 3 Beaches 6? Bays Cra»l Waterfront Park ft, ® Q 1 l 9: SayleRd Q 3 Devonshire Bay Bark St. Oavid’s Rd Southcote Rd ■ Achilles Bay R 3 k 8i L 7 Devonshire Marsh St. Mark's Rd Daniel's Head Pack Sound View Rd Annie’s Bay. M 4 N 4 Q 1 GAt£ Ducks Puddle Park Secretary Rd. Beach house with primes Spanish Point Rd. 'Vr’i Bailey's Bay O 4 N 3 N 6 Hog Bay Pa,h Jh OotkyafU perfy point Park tia. Soromersa" Rd Wheelchair accessible Spice Hill Rd - Blue Hole R 1 S 3 a 3 Jubilee Park .0 7 TBiWIFI Building Bay avrnm Great Head Park. SouthsideRd P 2 Lagoon Park Stowe HiU Q Cleamater Beach W®** ’ Higgs & Horseshoe Island R 2 . Stokes Point Rd. 8 [ 10; Tamarind Vale . H 7 ,^9HugteaS>.N®«B«5 N S.i K 7 Paget Marsh, Devil's Hole ; store Hill palmetto Park J 7. Tribe Rd No. 1 CWari §111551 pevns > N 7 '\ P 1 Tribe PH No. B (E'pton) Devonshire Bay. John Smith's Bay ParkW ; Suffering Ln Pembroke Marsh ...R 3 S 2 : K 9 G12 j 7; Tribefc>No.5(S'pton> hBiWiF*z<WQ Dolly's Bay Little Head Park l Tbe St S 3 Robinson Bay Park - Q \ .
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