1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE The following-named pay directors to be service, while serving as Assistant Chief of The Journal of the proceedings of pay directors in the Navy with the rank of the Bureau of Medicine and surgery, from Thursday, September 17, 1942, was read rear admiral, for temporary service, to rank November 17, 1941. from the 15th day of September 1942: William J. Carter to be pay director, with and approved. John F. Hatch rank of rear admiral, for temporary service, MESSAGE ~OM THE SENATE Emory D. Stanley while serving as Assistant Chief of the Bu­ Fred E. McMillen reau of Supplies and Accounts, from Septem­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. The following-named civil engineers to be ber 4, 1942. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced civil engineers in the Navy with the rank of Lewis B. Combs to be civil engineer, with that the Senate had passed without rear admiral, for temporary service, to rank rank of rear admiral, for temporary service, amendment bills and a joint resolution from the 15th day of September 1942: while serving as Assistant Chief ot the Bu­ of the House of the following titles: Henry G. Taylor reau of Yards and Docks, from July 20, 1942. Gaylord Church H. R . 6362. An act to amend the Act en­ Leslie E. Bratton to be rear admiral in the titled "An Act to regulate the practice of IN THE COAST GUARD Navy, on the retired list, for temporary service, while serving as Assistant Judge Advocate the healing art to protect the public health Capt. Lloyd T. Chalker to be a rear admiral General of the Navy, from September 4, 1942. in the District of Columbia," approved Feb­ tn the Coast Guard, for temporary service, to ruary 27, 1929; rank from the lOth day. of March 1942. PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR SERVICE H. R. 6401. An act to amend section 7 of Capt. Harvey F. Johnson to be a rear ad­ The nominations of Earland E. Hedblom th~ Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the miral in the Coast Guard, for temporary serv­ et al., for promotions in the regular service of American War Mothers," approved February ice, to rank from the lOth day of March 1942. the Navy. 24,.1925 ( 43 Stat. 966; title 36, sec. 97, U. S. C., Capt. James Pine to be a rear admiral in (NOTE.-A full list of the names of the per­ 1940 edition); the Coast Guard, for temporary service, while sons whose nominations for promotion in the H :R. 7235. An act to amend the District of serving as Superintendent of the Coast Guard regular service of the Navy were confirmed· Columbia Emergency Rent Act; Academy, to ranlc from June 30, 1942. today may be found in ·the Senate proceed­ H. R. 7399. An act to increase the penalty Capt. Frank J . Gorman to be a rear admiral ings of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ·for Sep­ for indeeent exposure in the District of Co­ in the COast Guard, for temporary service, tember 14, 1942, under the caption "Nomina- lumbia; and while serving as Chief, Division of Finance, . tions," beginning with name of Earland E. H. J. Res. 271. Joint resolution authorizing to rank from June 30, 1942. the President of the United States of America Capt. Robert Donohue to be a rear admiral Hedblom on p. 7139 and concluding with the name of Arthur B. Simms, Jr. to proclaim October 11, 1942, General Pu­ in the Coast Guard, for temporary serVice, laski's Memorial Day for the observance and while serving as Chief, Division of Personnel. POSTMASTERS commemoration of the death of Brig. Gen. Capt. Edward H. Smith to be a rear admiral ARKANSAS Casimir Pulaski. in the Coast Guard, for temporary service, Benjamin S. Kent, Mountain View. while serving as commander, Greenland The message also announced that the Patrol. COLORADO Senate had passed, with an amendment James 0. Stevie, Denver. in which the concurrence of the House is WITHDRAWAL Thomas H. Hargreaves, Holyoke. requested, a bill of the House of the fol­ James F. North, Rocky Ford, lowing title: Executive nomination withdrawn from Ben B. Btlshoar, Trinidad. the Senate September 21, 1942: H. R. 6921. An act to amend the Soil Con­ PosTMASTER servation and Domestic Allotment Act to authorize payments in cases where farmers' LOUISIANA crops are acquired, prior to harvest, in con• Lloyd Armand Theriot to be postmaster at HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES nection with the acquisition of their farms Lockport in the State of Louisiana. for use in the national war effort, and to MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1942 provide for the division of such payments. CONFIRMATIONS The House met at 12 o'clock noon and The message also announced that the Executive nominations confirmed by was called to order by the Speaker. Senate had passed bills of the following the Senate September 21, 1942: The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ titles, in which the concurrence of the ARMY SPECIALIST CORPS gomery, D. D., offered the following House is requested: Abraham Herbert Klubock te> be principal prayer: S. 2411. An act for the relief of William R. Army exchange instructor, Army Exchange Laurence; Service, Services of Supply, at a salary of Almighty God, the strength of all men S. 2503. An act to provide for the payment $5,600 per annum. who put their trust in Thee, ·perfect our of retired pay to certain retired judges of Newman Smith to be Deputy Director, weakness in Thy strength. Thou who the police and municipal courts of the Dis­ Fourth Service Command, Field Service, Army dost hold in Thy hands the basic laws trict of Columbia; Specialist Corps, at a salary of $5,600 per of the universe, we pray that this sad S. 2689. An act to amend the act entitled · annum. world may emerge from the tragic scenes "An act to incorporate Saint Ann's Infant William Johnson Fuller to be principal per­ of darkness and threatened death. Help Asylum, in the District of Columbia," ap­ sonnel procurement officer, Fifth Service proved March 3, 1863 (12 Stat. 798); Command, subdistrict office, at a salary or us to yield ourselves to Thee so com­ S. 2696. An act to permit prosecutions after $5,600 per annum. pletely that every fiber of our Nation's the lapse of a temporary statute for offenses Ellerton James Brehaut to be Deputy Di­ soul shall revolt against unprovoked war committed prior to its expiration; rector, First Service Command, Field Serv­ with its tempest and burning blackness. S. 2705. An act for the relief of Capt. Sam­ ice, Army Specialist Corps, at a &alary of As lovers of freedom, may our people put uel N. Moore, United States Navy; $5,600 per annum. on the whole armor of God that we may · S. 2717. An act for the relief of Charles H. Koch; IN THE ARMY be able to stand against the wiles of the S. 2731. An act to suspend until June 30, TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY OF THE devil and quench all the fiery darts of the 1945, the running of the statute of limitations UNITED STATES evil one. Again we invoke Thy blessings applicable to violations of the antitrust laws; Jacob Loucks Devers for temporary ap­ upon our world-renowned President, our S. 2733. An act to amend an act entitled pointment es lieutenant general in the Army Speaker, the Vice President, and both "An act to provide for the better registration of the United St ates. Houses of the Congress that strength, of births in the District of Columbia· and IN THE NAVY unity, and wisdom may abound and that for other purposes," approved March· 1, 1907; they may be directed in the realms of S. 2739. An act to authorize the Secretary APPOINTMENTS FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE of the Navy to grant ea.!zments for rights-of­ Arthur S. Carpender to be vice admiral, to resolution, endeavor, and determination. way over, across, in, and upon naval reser­ rank from September 4, 1942. Dear Lord, we pause in reverent tribute vations; Louis E. Denfeld to be rear admiral, while to the honored Member who answers not S. 2740. An act to provide for furnishing serving as Assistant Chief of Naval Person­ to the roll call. Oh, take unto Thyself transportation for certain Government and nel, from May 16, 1942. the soul of him whose devotion to duty other personnel necessary for the effective Ralph E. Davison to be rear admiral, while aud integrity of purpose abide with us. prosecution of the war, and for other pur­ serving as Assistant Chief of the Bureau of 0 heavenly Father of compassion, poses; Aeronautics, from August 1, 1942. through their halting hours of anguish, S. 2747. An act to authorize a reduction in Theodore D. Ruddoclc, Jr., to be rear ad­ the course of instruction at tl1e United States miral, while serving as Assistant Chief of breathe upon all the loved ones stricken Military Academy; and the Bureau of Ordnance, from July 5, 1942. in their grief that they may take up the S. 2751. An act to amend the act entitled Luther Sheldon, Jr., to be medical director, weary burdens of life. In the name of "An act to establish a Women's Army Auxil­ with the rank of rear admiral, for temporary our Saviour. Amen. iary Corps for service with the Army of the 7226 CONGRESSIONAL :RECORD:-HOUSE SEPTEMBER 21 United States," approved May 14.'1942. to cre­ he is going to call up? That may facili­ . 'amendments as may have been adopted and ate.
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