CO )f Discarded CSL DiscafL,;. PST3 car^o STA ,«y Connecticut Daily Campujg Serving Storrs Since 1896 CON IXF(fi&$T * *^*■ VOL. CXVI. No. 122 STORKS, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, -MAY 1. 11)62 a o Spencers, Sprague Plan Defeated by Narrow Margin Marathon Winners Students Rights Fight Reopen The WHUS Marathon sky- utes of the Marathon. They were rocketed toward its goal of $1500 both very close until a series of As Senate Rejects New Plan during the closing hours of its contributions in the name of Spen- continual broadcast Wednesday cer B placed this unit $70 ahead The Senate rejected a new financial plan Wednesday night, reopening the studeiSs night as Spencer A and Spencer of Spencer A, and captured the rights issue which broke out last fall and lias been smoldering ever since President Jor- B each approached the dedication trophy. gensen agreed to "compromise". The proposal, drawn up by a bi-partisan committee, deadline with the intent to win Several donations were received would have recognized university "supervision" of student monies while maintaining the trophy for the largest amount after it was announced thesi student "management" of them. The plan was submitted to Mr. Clark Ba;ley, Assist- in contributions. would no longer go to house ant to the President, Mondav before it had been brought to the senate floor. ' Conceiv- The final tabulations for the totals. Ho'vever, they were added house totals and the Marathon to the entire total. Many students ably Mr. Bailey showed it to President Jorgensen, who had earlier demanded some kind total came out over the air at not on the Radio staff answered of proposal by May 1 (Monday). The vote was 16 against, 13 for and one abstention. approximately 11:45 Wednesday the telephones to receive dedica- The plan "... outlines a meth- ed the plan, asked Schaehter if night. The Marathon was tions and contributions. od of subsidation of the Connecti- he felt that senato.-s need tech- pledged $1373.27. which they now Sprague Hall won the Marathon Fall Semester cut Daily Campus, the Nutmeg, nical help to handle finances. have to collect. Spencer B fin- Theme Song lor the second year! WHUS and Photopool (hither to Schaehter answc.ed "perhaps, but ished far ahead of its nearest in a row, by bidding the most forj be called the Communicative if this is necessary then a fund rival, contributing $350.92. Spen- it. The house came in third as a House Averages Organs) so that they will realize should be set aside to pay for cer A donated a total of $277.10. unit, with S103.96. The following figures indicat? the greatest amount of autonomy outside help." WHUS was able to cover 85% The. entire operation went off the relative scholastic standing of and have an equitable method or Past president of the ISO, Skip Of the Ucorm campus, with thir- very smoothly and effectively. the Sororities. Fraternities, and becoming financially independent Walsh, addressed the Senate with teen AM transmitters distributed However, the inoperativeness of and yet respecting anl'recognlz- a program of his own. V. data in North campus. South Camous the FM transmitters due to tech- Independent Women's Dormi- ing the right and responsibility proposed to divide the campu- in- West campus, Towers, and Whit- nical difficulties may have gj lories. There are no figures avail- of the students through their stu- to academic and non-academic ney. fected the total contributions, able for the Independent Men's dent government to manage stu- areas. The first would be the Goal of $1500 Many listeners of WHUS rely on j Dorms. The Fraternity and Sor- dent monies and the right of the responsibility of the faculty and 1 Universi The goal of $1500 was the high- the FM broadcasts, and therefore' orj|y averages include only the re 'y '° assume supervision would include the making of all est ever aimed for in connection could not p|ck up the Marathon. spccUve membprs Q[ £ R over thee-funds." | academic decisions Tne latter re- with the CCC. Last year, with a Eighty-Two Hours group Senator Hammerman, a mem-' sponsibility fall to students includ- target of $1000. contributions The annual program went on that are living in the unit and ber of the commitee which devised ! ing such traditionallv Admnis- totaled $1400 this year. Contribu- the air at 2:00 p.m. Sunday. April do not include the Independent* the compromise, introduced it and trative areas as housing and tions came in much smaller 29, 1962 as scheduled, and wen! living there. explained each section. He said athletics. amounts with many donations of off at midnight, Wednesday, after SORORITIES the two key words were "super- Faculty advisor, Seott McAlis- around 25 cents. 82 hours of continuous program- Group vision" and "management." Sup- ter. warned the s< nate to act Contributions were not counted ming. Ratio Phi Sigma Sigma 27.23 ervision by the university and from a position of strength. He after 11:00 p.m. Wednesday, to Chief Engineer, Cliff Millikan. management by the student supported the committee's plan, enable final tabulation prior to Kappa Alpha Theta 26.39 supervised the transfer of neces- Pi Beta Phi 26.13 government. Hammeiman admit- rejected Walsh's, and advised midnight. At about 9:30 p.m., sary equipment to the HUB Lob- Delta Zeta 25.861'.''d disappointment over parts of that until the senate ratifies a there was $900 collected. In the by, where the show originated. last two and a half hours, nearly Alphi Epsilon Phi 25.28 the proposal but argued its value ' constitution it cannot make pro- Rick Semels, Marathon coordin- Kappa Kappa Gamma as a start toward a stronger Sen- -gress. $500 came in. as is the case in ator, and Betty Ann Regan, Ad- 24.71 Phi Mu 24.66 ale. The rejection of t!ie financial most drives of this type. ministrative Director,, tabulated, Delta-Pi plan puts the senate where it was Battle of the Spencer's the returns as they came in. 24 19 Senator Siracuse (Independent) Alpha Delta Pi 23.53 speaking against the plan, said last fall when the Board of Trust- Of much interest was the two- The Student Union contributed j A)| soroi.;, way battle between the two tes 25.49 "If we accept it we might as well ees removed its financial respon- immeasurably by allowing the I All Women Spencer houses. A and B. highly building to remain open during the,1 23.S2 pack up our bags and go home." j sibility to Administration. Since intensified in the last ten min- entire Marathon. FRATERNITIES Supervision and management, he'then, the student's rights fight said, could not be separated. ISO j had pursuaded President Jorgen- Group Ratio SPn senators tended to agree with him. ' '° promise a compromise. Alpha Gamma Rho 25.5B The Alpha Epsilon Pi 25.08 Senator Schaehter .'aid that if feeling of the opposing sen- Beta Sigma Gamma 23.49 student government is to survive '■ ators Wednesday night was that Music Department Plans 2332! at the University, it must become 'his was a compromise on the Theta Xi arl of Phi Sigma Delta 23 13! financially independent, i P 'h<* senate, not the admin- stra ion and ,ha ,ikp cl>m |om Tau Epsilon Phi 23M\ He suggested that action might I ! - ' P ; Phi Epsilon Pi 23.071 be taken through the State Legis-! ise.s m "j0 Dast InP scna,e would Two Weekend Recitals Kapr>a Psi 22.82 jlature or state courts to repeal gain nothing and would lose c<>n- i siderablv. The Music Department will pre- night's; will begin at 8:15 in the Delta Chi 22.79, statutes which require state in- sent two music recitals this week- Von der Mehden recital hall. Phi Sigma K-ippa 22.73, stitutions to administer the mon- | - , ... _ end in which the university's mu- Tonight'H Program Sigma Phi Epsilon 22.67; ies of "students or inmates" 5friKIII<J rOTCe sic students will participate. Both The agenda for tonight's pro- Theta Sigma Chi 22.65 'quotes are Schachter'sl. "We Bonn. May 2 1AP1— West recitals, tonight's and Sunday gram will consist of "Sonata for Chi Phi 22.14 should," he concluded, "not an- Germany's defense minister, ar- French Horn and Piano, Opus",,Phi Kappa Tau 22.44 peal below the Board of Trustees riving for a NATO meeting in ,a Zeta 21.97 and "Poco Adagio" performed bylpT Omega but ibove. otherwi.se nothing will A'he"s' "J* il c'ear *•* his gma lNu A| ha --21.80■«- . ,. eountrv will move for a decision Mom's Day Charlene Barber on horn and'f! P be Leonard Seeber on piano: "Min- 'Sigma Chi Alpha 21.62i accomplished. 1 to mak(1 the A„antic AlUknce t strels" by Virginia Prann on the Alpha Sigma Phi 21.61 President Dunne, who support-'nuclear striking force Set Sunday piano: Wenn dein Mutterlei from Zeta Psi 21.61 . "Kindertolenlieder" and "Chanson Lambda Chi Alpha 20.99 Mothers will be the center of de Fi01.;an" by contralto. Sybil Sigma Alpha Epsilon 20,3] attraction as Uconn presents its Levson; "Sonato for Clarinet and Jail Kappa Epsilon 20.08! WSGC Conference Here annual Mom's Day this Sunday. Piano" and "Sehr langsam-Masig Theta Chi 19.23 Highlighting the day will be bewegt" by Jack Owens and Jo- All Fraternities 23 3S frfursc's Capping Ceremonies be- ann Robin and "Allegro" from All Men 21.92 This Weekend For Talks ginning at 3 p.m.* in the Auditor- Sonata in E minor by Frederick CROUP ium, a Band Concert at Mirror Tinsley on cello and Carol Mac- Whitney Hall (Undergrads) 28.88, _ The Women's Student Govern- Middlebury.
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