FEBRUARY 1992 FREE • •' i ~* 'GIJOTtJS JTION SWINGERS THAT PUNK RAWK MAGAZINE FROM CiTR 101.9 fm LIVE AT 86 ST. MUSIC HALL Psychedelic Furs With Special Guests Pale Divine Friday F«b 14 Doors'8 pm Presented By CiTR 101.9 fM TICKETS ON SALE AT ALL ^g^ffi****** OUTLETS C R OR CHARGE BY PHONE 280-4444. VITH THE FAMILY DiScORDER ENNDYE FEBRUARY 1992 ISSUE #109... In other words not to get it wrong, it's , pointless to walk when it's past time to run. Secured under the ( weight of watchful eyess, lulled to , sleep under clear expansive skies. i - fugazi i IRREGULARS SWERVEDRIVER INTERESTEDINTHISACTOF LOVE THIS PROOF." GIVE GROTUS ME EVERYDAY LIFE-EN­ U.G.L.Y. You Ain't Got No Alibi You're Just HANCING CONSISTENT ACTION SWINGERS CHARM OLD BEAN GIVE Tarzan's Of The Rock N' Roil Jungle TIME ATTENTIVENESS IN­ NED'S ATOMIC DUSTBIN QUIRE AS TO THE STATE OF •y Grown Out Of Those Crimpin MY HEALTH OHO WRITE ME DELIGHTFUL LETTERS RE­ LATE YOUR MISFORTUNES IN AN EDIFYING OR ESPE­ 3 VANCOUVER SPECIAL....21 CIALLY A HILARIOUS MAN­ ...5-6 UNDER REVIEW 22-23 NER ID DO THE SAME FOR ...8-9 REAL LIVE ACTION ....11 SPINLIST ....20 ONTHEDIAL OF HABIT (IVE KNOWN DEAR OLD HORACE FOR YEARS) OR CONVENIENCE (SAME AGE, SAME LOOK, SAME SIZE. LET S SWAP DOOR MONEY by Gary Wildeman.... • CLOTHES DIG MY BOY- STUPID DUMMYHEDS...by Rob Adamson .. EVERYTHINGS DUCKY ....by Blaine Thur. JUNKFLESH...by Bryce Thing CHARI "; HAS NARDWUAR CHARW ING PEOPLE MAKE Yd WANT TO DO THINGS AC QUIRE ABILITIES SEE TH YOU HAVE THE ORDER TO DANCE OFFICE USE ONLY FEBRUARY ONL Kr SHELL BOOK YOUR OWN SHOCK FRIENDLY SLAMMING ALLOWED 99$ DRAFT BEER mm%*wm*wim $1.75 HIGHBALLS UNCI HYPER-ACTIVE ALTERNATIVE HDK+ALTERHi HUE ME ICE J TRACKS NEW AND OLD BATTLE OF THE D.J.S BZZR BASH $1.25 CAGED GMO DANCERS #7 ALEXANDER STREET GASTOWN 682-8550 between Twerdocleb and Atomic 61, tainer but not a prophet, he is not P.S. LONG LiVE KIDS IN THE the readers of Abattoir; giving in to but what can you do? there to idolize or to believe blindly, HALL, The ony REAL T.V. show the almighty power of fret speech. mm 2)No, not all headlining bands like any public figure he is to be worth watching. In regards to your humble opin­ start at 11)0 AM. because if you 11 questioned. ion, I am comfortable with printing remember back to the good ol' days My parents trust what their fa­ Kinda makes you glad you live in the "Abattoir" and don't try to tell me whan the Cruel Elephant was down vourite political party tells them and city, doesn't it? And I happen to like that this is the first time you've read on Granville St. the headlining band don't question or examine the rea­ borscht! recreations of sexual fantasies be­ usually got on before 12:00 but only soning behind its rhetoric and as a cause if you said you didn't mastur­ because their liquor licence limited result they believe only in a mean­ TISK, T1SK, TISK bate you'd be lying also. them to serve drinks until that time. ingless story which to them reads Now that the new Elephant has an like the truth; evangelical Christians Dear Airhead, extended licence that permits the believe only in their interpretation of If you could explain one thing sale of more drinks longer, they (I the bible, an unsubstantiated story in to me, just one thing, I will be quiet a guess) have the ability to start the itself, and unfortunately still others and just complain to my friends rath­ bands later so that us beer-swilling believe in what Jello speaks without er than bringing this up in print again. Wo 6138 SUB Blvd. patrons will havi an incentive to saying "prove it" I sure don't have Why did you, Discorder Magazine ff*3* sr stay longer. Unfortunately, for sub- the answers because I choose to re­ and its editors, give a monthly, prom­ Vancouver, B.C. ^ urbian dudes like yourself, this for­ main ignorant of all that goes on inent, full page column to M. Jules mula doesn't always work. Maybe outside my small world but I do Killam? Does someone there o kv6T 2A5 XS, next lime, get a buddy to drive (or know that truth is non-existent and him money? Has Discorder, in fact I even your dad, I know it sounds the only thing you can be sure of is become a magazine for a disaffected corny but whatever works hey?). that the person claiming to know the stream of conscious writers whohave | 3) Even if the Cruel Elephant to recreate their sexual fantasies ir doesn't love you I think they still print? appreciate youattending their shows. I want to properly express my anger and revulsion over this col­ AIRHEAD dear airhead, umn and the danger that it poses. But RE: dales letter (January issue) I can't I am just too worked up about BITCH, BITCH, BITCH Airhead, dear dale, it and have been ever since this rac­ Re: Steel Pole Bathtub concert Dear Airhead/Coral Short i noticed you're from trailAH- ist, mysoginist bullshit appeared in Jello Biafra, mouthpiece of the Guys, at Cruel Elephant: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- what was once a progressive maga­ "alternative" community, dissemi­ HA!1!!I here's some advice, GET I found il very interesting that Unable to see Steel Pole Bath­ zine. If I had a subscription, I would nator of counter-culture propaganda OUT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, Nona Van Rassel attended a con­ tub last year because of my age, I cancel it If I were an advertiser, I at $3500 (US) an engagement, speaks i'm stuck in that crater you probably cert by a band that—from the re­ was looking forward to seeing them would move to AF (well, maybe against all that is wrong in the straight pass on your way home. Grand Forks: view— sounded very much like a this[last] month. Having to take not). If I were a writer, I would stop world and all that is right in his famous for sunshine and borscht concert I attended Nov. 26. The Skytrain there (Cruel Elephant), I writing for you. If I were a reader, I world. And what is his world. Coral? (yukky russian soup). I can relate to songs had the same names, the band realized I wouldn't see SPBTs en­ would learn to live without you. If Scavenged magazine clippings from your plea for help, we, the inhabit­ members had the same names and tire performance but I thought I'd at you can defend it and feel comfort­ left of center publications, notes ants of the interior desperatley need the review was very much like my least see a good half hour of it. Any­ able with what you are putting forth, cribbed from mainstream informa­ salvation. The only local radio pro­ impressions of the gig I attended way, I had to leave the club as SPBT then you have every right to do so. In tion sources, wake up, Jello is the gramming is CKGF's tradio (tradeee- which was even at the same venue. were about to start to catch the last my humble opinion, (thanks, Judith) Skytrain home. A couple of ques- junior wannabe of the very world o) or "The Local Seniors Russian One difference. He attended a there are enough magazines with [ he rails against Choir Wails For Twelve Hours gig by a band called The Buzzcocks this kind of sick journalism (sic OUie North gets twenty five Straight". while I attended a Buzzcocks' gig. 1) What the fuck was on stage already. It's too bad Discorder has | grand to rail against commies and One day my friend asked for The Sun, The Province and between the two opening groups, a chosen this path. left wingers at universities and Re­ the Nine Inch Nails tape in Radio even the Georgia Straight I can shitty Hellcows tribute band? It was Sincerely, publican conventions while Jello gets Shack and the guy told her to check forgive for getting the name wrong fucking dumb and it wasted a good Lane Dunlop three and a half grand to rail against the hardware store, i'm dead serious. as it is a common error, but Dis- 45 minutes causing a late start for the real band Steel Pole Bathtub. Ollie. Jello regurgitates his selection All you Vancouverite freaks be misogynist (mis-oj-in-ist) n. a per­ of stories from the media and you thankful that you have a scene (ver­ Buzzcocks. The name of the 2) Do all headlining bands at son who hates women. accept them as truth. Listen to him sus a cutural wasteland) to whine band is Buzzcocks! theCruel Elephant startat 1:00 A.M.? It's unfortunate that you chose and spot the differences between him about Does Mr. Van Rassel by any 3) The Cruel Elephant doesn't to use a word that carries so much and the other orators of our society. i'm not here to take care of my chance also listen to a band called love me. angstful weight because the way I Just because his version differs from mom though (shes only 42) i'm vis­ The Talking Heads or, for that mat­ Anyhow, I guess I'll be watch­ read Jules' piece was not in a hateful what the most empowered and vocal iting my dad.
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