UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU RESULT GAZETTE B.Ed. Semester-I Examination 2019-21 Held in February 2020 (Errors & Omissions Excepted) PUBLISHED BY: Controller of Examinations University of Jammu Baba Sahib Ambedkar Road Jammu-180006 Date: 21st August 2020 With Best Compliments From Controller of Examinations Re-evaluation Dates With prescribed Fee upto 31-08-2020 With late Fee upto 03-09-2020 The applicants shall submit their Online application forms for re-evaluation by following the below mentioned steps w. e. f. 22-08-2020 : - I. Logon to www.coeju.com II. Click on Re-evaluation of 1st Semester icon, fill up their Roll No. and a pre-filled candidate specific re-evaluation form will pop-up. III. Select the subject(s) in which the candidate is desirous of availing the re- evaluation. IV. The candidates shall submit the prescribed fee through online mode only. V. The candidates are not required to submit the hard copy of the re-evaluation form. VI. The candidates are required to get the print of the receipt for online payment and preserve it for reference. ATTENTION ALL CANDIDATES Candidates wishing to apply for Re-evaluation are advised to conscientiously peruse the below mentioned Statutes before doing so:- 1. The fee for Re-evaluation shall be Rs. 810/- (or as notified from time to time) per answer script for a count of 10 days from the date of declaration of main result (excluding the day of declaration of main result). The form shall also be accepted with a late fee of Rs. 450/- (or as notified from time to time) per answer script for another count of 3 days, Late fee of Rs. 940/- will be charged for late entertainment of application form for re-evaluation for another count of 2 days after the expiry of count of 3 days with late fee. Thereafter no application form shall be accepted. Fee once paid shall not be refunded except as per 6 below. 2. The candidate, whose result is kept withheld on account of Disputed Eligibility, shall be eligible to submit the prescribed application form within the statutory period only. Therefore, such candidates should get the formalities completed for settling Disputed Eligibility immediately so as to avail of the opportunity for re-evaluation. 3. The candidates, whose result is declared late under 'Later-on' category, shall be required to deposit their re-evaluation form, If they so desire, within 10 days of the date of declaration of the concerned result; if due date has expired. 4. i. Re-evaluation will be done by an independent examiner. The score obtained by the student in re-evaluation shall be final. ii. The score obtained earlier in the main examination by the candidate shall be considered as surrendered. iii. The candidate has to accept the Re-evaluation result as final and irrevocable whether FAVOURABLE or UNFAVOURABLE and no further re-evaluation shall be allowed. 5. If the University is unable to get the answer script/s of any candidate re-evaluated due to the loss of the same in transit or otherwise, the candidate shall be entitled only to the following relief:- (a) Refund of full fee paid by him/her for re-evaluation of the concerned answer script/s. OR (b) Re-examination in the concerned paper/s without payment of fee at the time of subsequent examination provided a written request is made by the candidate for the said purpose. 6. Failure / Re-appear candidates shall submit their Examination Forms along with prescribed fees only through online mode on the website www.coeju.com w.e.f. 22/08/2020 within 15 days (without late fee) from the date of declaration of the result. For the next 15 days, the candidates can fill the examination forms with late fee as prescribed by the University of Jammu and thereafter for the next slot, the Examination Forms can also be filled with increased late fee, for the next 15 days. If the candidate fails to fill the Examination Forms in above mentioned time frame, then he/she will have to contact the Examination Section of the University, for the submission of the same. The candidates are not required to submit the hard copy of the examination form and will get the print of the receipt only for online payment and preserve it for reference. However, the candidate(s) whose result is withheld under DE/RLO category, can also fill Online Examination Form after the clearance of the DE/RLO. (' A l{)Li ln)ller ol li\ln1s. 0lr/l-ll-llli5(, l'/\ k, ( (!rlrr)llcr ,,1'l \Inrs ()l()l-l-li.i77(, UNIVERSITY OF.IAMMU DATE SHEET B.ED. ISI SEvIESTIR IiXAMINAI'ION 20I9-2I ttU(;LII,AIt & PI{IvA.I.Ii CANDIDA'I.I.]s l'inrc : l0:00 A.M. t l)ay & Dale Cou rse No. 'I ir lr 'Iuestlal' l0l I,.DUCA' ON lN lNt)lAN I'UltSPEC ltVE I I -02-2020 I, rirlal, I r)2 cHIl,I)ITOOD & Al)Ol.t S( |jNCti t.]DtrCA't'l()N t 1-02-202t) Nl o n rlar I03 LANGtIA(;li COMl'lil llN('l'l & ('()lvlNltlNI( r\.Il()N SKIl.l,S l7-()2-2()2r, 'l hursrlay I r){ IDTICA'I'IONA I, PI,AN N I N(; & MANA[; I.]M IiN'I' 20-02-2020 Sunrllv I05 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 23-02-2021) I N otc: - l. The students are advised not lo cany Mobile Phones or arly othel elcctronic device in the examination hall. f. Thc candidates are also adviscd not to disclose theif idenlity by \r,riting nilnre oI put any other identilication nralk in rhc Answer Book which shall tantaDlount to the use of untirir nreans anrl shall be punishablc undel the Universiry slirrutcs. l. The candidates are further advised lo use only Blue ink or Ball Pen and cross all blanks sheets or blank po ions ofshcrts {. lhe cantlidates are aclvised to bring theil roll no slips with lheur. No canclidate shall be entered in the E\anrinlrion hlll without roll no slip. 5. Cary bags containing pelsonal belongings ale not allorved in tlre ljranrination (entre prenrises. 1'lrc univelsity shall rrot lrc lesponsible tbl the loss of tle sanre. 'r'r r r,. irNrvltRSl't'Y ot'l'tcI 0+. IJABA SAIIIB AMBEDKAR IIOAD, .rAPrMU (TAWr) - 180006 DEPITTY ltE(; tSTltA R (EXA S llol.--il) \,/ No. Exanrs, Prof.-ll/B.Ed./l 9/ {t;.ls-{s Daterl: 1Q -,2- ll u B.Ed. EXAMINATION SEMESTER - 1 - 2020 UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU (REGULAR) ================================================================================ CODE SUBJECT APPEAR PASS PASS% ================================================================================ EIIP-101 EDUCATION IN INDIAN PROSPECTIVE 4594 3977 86.57 CAAE-102 CHILDHOOD & ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION 4594 4147 90.27 LCCS-103 LANGUAGE COMPETENCE & COMMUNICATION SKIL 4594 4241 92.32 EPAM-104 EDUCATIONAL PLANNING & MANAGEMENT 4594 4201 91.45 INED-105 ENCLUSIVE EDUCATION 4594 4192 91.25 SCHINT-1 SCHOOL INTERNSHIP 4594 4440 96.65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEORY PRACT. OF TEACHING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED 3462 4440 REAPPEAR 1017 -- FAILD 115 154 ABSENT 22 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNFAIR MEANS (U.F.M./E.C.) -- ADMISSION CANCELLED) -- DISPUTED ELIGIBILITY (D.E) 660 DUES OUTSTANDING (D.O) -- MARKS AWAITED 115 NOTI./REVL. PASS -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ENROLLED 4709 TOTAL PASSED 3462 PASS % 73.52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.Ed. EXAMINATION SEMESTER - 1 - 2020 UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU (PRIVATE) ================================================================================ CODE SUBJECT APPEAR PASS PASS% ================================================================================ EIIP-101 EDUCATION IN INDIAN PROSPECTIVE 338 280 82.84 CAAE-102 CHILDHOOD & ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION 226 171 75.66 LCCS-103 LANGUAGE COMPETENCE & COMMUNICATION SKIL 230 168 73.04 EPAM-104 EDUCATIONAL PLANNING & MANAGEMENT 267 209 78.28 INED-105 ENCLUSIVE EDUCATION 254 168 66.14 SCHINT-1 SCHOOL INTERNSHIP 23 18 78.26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEORY PRACT. OF TEACHING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED 632 856 REAPPEAR 225 -- FAILD 4 17 ABSENT 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNFAIR MEANS (U.F.M./E.C.) -- ADMISSION CANCELLED) -- DISPUTED ELIGIBILITY (D.E) -- DUES OUTSTANDING (D.O) -- MARKS AWAITED 42 NOTI./REVL. PASS -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ENROLLED 915 TOTAL PASSED 632 PASS % 69.07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ROLLNO REG.NO STUDENT NAME FATHER'S NAME TP THEORY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ M C Khalsa College of Edu., Chand Nagar, Jammu 11902001 BED19002052 KASHISH VAID RAJINDER KUMAR 038 Passed 314 Passed 11902002 2172WDCGN16 TAMANNA BHAGAT TARSEM LAL 038 Passed 324 Passed 11902003 2149WDCGN16 MONICA GUPTA PURAN CHAND GUPTA 040 Passed 350 Passed 11902004 1369GGMSC15 ASHISH SHARMA RAJESH SHARMA 037 Passed 319 Passed 11902005 BED19002001 TANIA JAGOTRA PARVEEN JAGOTRA 038 Passed 321 Passed 11902006 182SVNSC13 MEENU KUMARI MADAN LAL 038 Passed RE:EIIP-101 11902007 BED19002002 SHEETAL SHARMA YASH PAUL SHARMA 038 Passed 327 Passed 11902008 BED19002003 SIMRAN SHARMA PUSHKAR RAJ SHARMA 036 Passed 326 Passed 11902009 BED19002004 KAJAL KATAL VIJAY KUMAR 037 Passed 302 Passed 11902010 7HPLDC12 RAFANA CHOUDHARY ALI AHMED 036 Passed RE:INED-105 11902011 BED19002005 ISHIKA SHARMA KAMAL SHARMA 035 Passed 311 Passed 11902012 1257WDCGN15 RAJNI BANO FARID HUSSAIN 037 Passed 334 Passed 11902013
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