WINTER, 1978 1978 ^^ Karnea IN THIS ISSUE 3 Delts Tackle Dystrophy Making Impressions is Good Business 6 Performing Delts 10 Jazz City Karnea 11 Producer of Gymnasts 12 Tau Returns to Penn State 14 Alumni 19 The Alumni Chapters 20 Delt Sportlight 26 The Oelt Chapters 43 Contributors' Names 44 Directory 46 Chapter Eternal 7'/ fE COVER: The French influence on New Orleans, site of the 1978 Karnea. is reflected in the fleur-de-lis cover design. Tran.slated, fleur-de-lis refers lo the iris. Itsforin was chosun as Ihe royal emblem of France by Charles V. Thanks forthe cover go lo Delt Dennis E. Calkins and the Greater New Orleans Tourist & Convention Commission. For more on New Orleans and the Karnea. turn to page lo. THE RAINBOW OF DELTA TAU DELTA VOL. XCX! No. 2 WINTER, 1978 A Quarterly Magazine devoted to educational materials concerning college and fraternity interests. The official educative, journal of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Subscription rate, $3.00 per year. All Chapter reports, alumni notes, alumni chapter reports, news stories, photo graphs, manuscripts, subscriptions and death notices, for publication, should be sent to: Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 4740 Kingsway Drive, Suite 110 Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 David N. Keller, Editor ' ^^'^ ^^ ^^^^"^' �h'�- Published at 900 East Street.StTpp^^Atlf' ^T^^^ State Athens. Ohio 45701, and issued four times during the year. r Delts Tackle Dystrophy DELT Mike Doughtery of Texas A & I aren't restricted to fund raising. Brothers can at MDA's summer and Aspresented a $48,719 check to Jerry Lewis serve as counselors winter and visit on a one- on the national broadcast of the Jerry Lewis camps may patients basis. can also host patient Telethon, millions of Americans watched him to-one Chapters recreational explain how Delt chapters across the country parties and outings. Those who've participated agree had put their brotherhood in action to help already that result to their thousands of children and adults afflicted with that the good things chapler are measure. In addition muscular dystrophy and related diseases. and campus beyond leadership, and Some 213 television stations across the coun to promoting chapter unity, alumni relations, a project for MDA can try earned the 2V/z hour star-studded show good substantially to enhance a chapter's which raised over $26,800,000 for Jerry's kids. help and in the community. One bike-a-thons, carnivals. image on campus Bowl-a-thons, Lewis Tele � it does so is through the Jerry Softball marathons, dance marathons you way thon. which support MDA are invited name it and Delts did it to help raise funds for Chapters to on the local broadcast of the Tele the fight against muscular dystrophy. appear thon. Money raised by the "Delts Tackle Dys Through MDA's Telethon campus activity trophy" project go to support MDA's compre some even appear on the national service and research pro project, may hensive medical or of broadcast of the Telethon. Any college high grams. These funds will help find the causes school which raises $15,000 net or more sends and cures for muscular dystrophy and related to Las Vegas to present a neuromuscular diseases. And while research a representative check directly to Jerry Lewis. The student rep ers seek to find cures, the money also helps is chosen from the organi with aids and resentative usually MDAprovide patients orthopedic the zation on campus that raises greatesl por services such as wheel chairs, braces and lifts, of the amount. and recre tion family counseling, physical therapy the Dells Make sure your chapter joins ation and winter and special ' at summer camps this For more informa 180 free Tackle Dystrophy' year. MDA also maintains over Office, outings. tion contact the Fraternity Central your clinics. dollar raised for MDA becomes a direc Every local MDA office listed in the telephone dollar well with almost eighty-two cents spent, or write Diane Tracy, Muscular Dystrophy services. tory of it going directly for program Association,8107thAve.,NewYork, NY, 10019, Opportunities tor involvement in the fight and against muscular dystrophy are limitless Jainbow� MAKING IMPRESSION Bill Windsor gels an idea. Within a short time. Mr. Wiiidsoi � he jots it down. Nothing was selling and delivering � Grei Whenunusual about that, A lot of us oriented products to some of his doit. But Bill's ideas don 'taccumulale brothers and a few sororities. into a hope uhest of forgotten notes. Business and studies were That's the difference. His brainstorms interrupted by four months' active appearregularlyas new products, new duty in the Array Reserve, but Mr, � businesses, a new publication, and Windsor spent many produclivehou even the name of an entire new planning a way to reach all 26 industry. fraternities and sororities when he Hard work? The 1970 Texas Tech returned to the campus. Back in Delt, now a resident of Dallas, Lubbock, he and one of his pledge considers the term a synonym of brothers, Steve Shanklin (nowEpsilc "pleasure," Adversity? How can such Delta Chapter adviser] opened a stoj.- a thing disturb him when he began his near the Tech campus. It wasn't lot- successful career as a result of getting before "Universiiy.Services - The ripped off? Greek Corner" was selling mosl of Throughout his undergraduate fraternity and sorority jerseys ani years at Texas Tech University in party favors. Lubbock, Dill Windsor worked as a After graduadon. the business radio announcer on several local sold aod .Vlr. Windsor became natii stations. Pledging Delta Tau Delta in marketing manager for Ihe Ameiii the fall of 1967, he became a leader of Association of School Relailers. Epsilon Delta Chapter, serving in year later he formed his own sa various capacities, including business in Orlando, Fla. It president. He was active also in On May 1, 1972, he and his v campus organizations, and in 1970 he Barbara, a Delta Delta Delta from Tf was named to "Who's Who in Tech, opened "The Wear House", American Colleges and Universities," retail store specializing in a comp, During the year Bill was Delt line of imprioled products, prim. president and a justice on ihe IFC sportswear, in Winter Park, Fla, Court, salesman afast-talking whisked Business grew so rapidly ihat in fiv Ihe through campu.s laking orders and years the couple tripled retail down for payments fraternity and facilities, added a screen-printing merchandise. sorority Unfortunately plant, then moved to a large the merchandise never appeared. store-pianI, Neither did the salesman or the down But by May of 1977, the payments, Texas Tech Greeks had been fermentation of other new ideas had. prompted him to sell the thriving Bill Windsor's reaction was business. On a business trip to Miaul immediate, Off went letters to he had seen several hand-painted '< companies who manufactured shirts in the Buckhead seclii products city's misrepresented by the boutiques. Driving along the highwi salesman. swmdling Not jusl letters of as he headed home, he let his thougl protest. The writer offered to provide wander to honest local producing hand-painti representation in the form apparel. He rejected the idea ol hiri or himself. ^ artists, because of potential problen^ RAINBOV,, M fyou think opportunities to develop unique ideas into idividual business success have disappeared, consider he record of young Bill Windsor. GOOD BUSINESS D controlling ihem on a Windsor, "and we knew we had a S3 5,000 in advertising. Since that time loduclian-tj'pe basis. Then he wdnner." ilhasgrownsteadily, and letters to the cndered the idea of customers Trips to New York and Chicago editorverifyitsservice to the industry. ainting iheir ov\m shirts. That would brought orders from such companies In July, the Windsor family, which Hjuire unique packaging. Maybe as Penneys. Montgomery VVard, and includes five-year-old Hritt and omelhiftg like a Pringles or L'Eggs Sears Roebuck, Returning to Orlando, Iwo-year-old Ryan, moved lo Texas, an. That was it. He would put it in a Mr. Windsor set up a complele Shirtcan manufacturing remains in sn. A shirtcan. manufacturing facility in a 10.000 Florida, and "Impressions Magazine" By the time he reached Orlando, he square foot building. He shipped still is printed there, hut Windsor lad outlined the complete program, shirtcans to nearly everj' state in time Communications, Inc., is ndudicgdesigns. His art director was for the 1976 Christmas shopping headquartered in the Dallas suburb of ssigned the task of creating the first season. Richardson, our designs and the can label, Todav there are 16 different Shirtcan The move has given Mr, Windsor an "We all ale a lot of Pringles potato designs being sold by distributors in idea! He has rented the Dallas week in .iipssQ that he could prepare dummy theU. S., Venezuela, Canada, Belgium, Convention Center for one ans for sales use," Mr, Windsor France, Luxembourg, Holland, and Mav, sponsoring the first annual ecalls. |apan. Arrangements are being Imprinted Sportswear Show, Early Each "Shirtcan" contained a white finalized for distribution in South returns give him expectations of more '�Shirt printed with a black outline i\frica. Denmark, Sweden, Austria. than 400 exhibit booths occupying feet and Hign, four special acrj'lic fabric Italy. Spain, Mexico, Australia, 100,000 square attracting lints, a paini brush, and complete Bahamas, and many other countries. 5,000 participants. tinling instructions. Everyone Custom Shirtcans also are sold for In what must qualify as a understatement, Mr, onnected with the project became advertising specialty and premium prize-winning Windsor thai he does idled about its prospects, but would accounts for Newport cigarettes. acknowledges customer actually buy it? Seagrams, and olhers.
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