PI MU EPSILON JOURNAL THE OFFICIAL PUBLICAmOKOF THE HONORARY MATHEMATICAL FRATERNITY VOLUME 1 NUMBER 4 CONTENTS Non-Linear Vibrations .........M . L. Cartwright The Euclidean Division Algorithm .... B. E. Meserve Problem Department .................... Problems for Solution .................. Solutions.......................... Excerpts from Letters to the Editors ............ Reports of the Chapters ................... Medals. Prizes and Scholarships .............. News and Notices ...................... Initiates ........................... APRIL 1951 PI MU EPSILON JOURNAL THE OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION OF PI MU EPSILON JOURNAL THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION THE HONORARY MATHEMATICAL FRATERNITY OF THE HONORARY MATHEMATICAL FRATERNITY RUTH W. STOKES, Editor VOLUME 1 NUMBER 4 ASSOCIATE EDITORS J. S. FRAME, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan N. H. McCOY, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts LEO MOSER, Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Texas CONTENTS R. J. WALKER, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York HOWARD C. BENNETT, Business Manager GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE FRATERNITY Non-Linear Vibrations .........M. L. Cartwright 131 Director General: C. C. MacDuffee, University of Wisconsin The Euclidean Division Algorithm .... B. E. Meserve 138 Vice-Director General: W. M. Whyburn, University of N. C. Problem Department Secretary-Treasurer General: J. S. Frame, Michigan State College .................... Problems for Solution .................. Councillors General: Solutions. ......................... S. S. Cairns, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Excerpts from Letters to the Editors. Tomlinson Fort, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia ........... Sophie McDonald, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Reports of the Chapters. .................. Ruth W. Stokes, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York Medals, Prizes and Scholarships .............. Ex-officio Member of the Council: Howard C. Bennett News and Notices ...................... Initiates ........................... PI MU EPSILON JOURNAL is published semi-annually at Syra- cuse University. MANUSCRIPTS and EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE, including CHAPTER REPORTS, NEWS ITEMS, etc., should be addressed to the Editor, Ruth W. Stokes, 15 Smith Hall, Syracuse Univer- sity, Syracuse 10, New York. APRIL 1951 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE relative to advertising and sub- Copyright 1951 by Pi Mu Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. scription rates should be addressed to Howard C. Bennett, 15 Smith Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse 10, New York. NON-LINEAR VIBRATIO . Cartwright, Cambridge U uring the last ear Vibrations or sometimes Non-Linear Mechanics has re- ceived considerable publicity in the mathematical world. Since a very large part of mechanics including the theory of the motion of the planets involves non-linear differential equations and lies outside the subject to which I refer, it is preferable to speak of non-linear vibrations. The non-linear theory of vibrations concerns vibrations represented by non-linear ordinary differential equations; the essential mathematical difference from the linear theo- ry is that while solutions of a erential equation can be added to give a more ge ion this is not so with non-linear equations. Th of the simple pendulum equation by means of elliptic inte- grals which was well known in the 18th century, but Duffing (1918) is perhaps the first exponent of the modern theory, and van der Pol (1920) the next with more outstanding con- tributions to it, the first in connection with mechanical vi- brations and the second in connection with electrical oscil- lations. The essential feature of the modern theory is the study of equations in which the non-linear terms, although perhaps small, give rise to feature are qualitatively different from equations. For instance the equatio ut the solutions of van der Pol's equation 132 PI MU EPSILON JOURNAL April 1951 NON- LINEAR VIBRATIONS 133 as t+m whatever the initial values of x and 2 may be. It is such things as the rolling of ships, steering devices and vi- easy to verify that if (2) has a solution approximately of the brations of a gage for investigating explosive blast. The form x = A cos(t + o<), A must be 2, by substituting in the vibrations are usually undesirable ones, the mathematician corresponding energy equation. This is obtained by multi- is required to explain why they exist so that they can be plying by k and integrating from t = 0 to t, and we have eliminated. On the other hand the electrical, and more particularly the radio problems, concern highly desirable oscillations; moreover the very great rapidity of the oscil- lations, and the radio engineer's ability to vary the system while it is still oscillating, make it possible to observe a x -Asin= ag number of phenomena which could scarcely have been ex- proximately, an pected. The physical results of Appleton, van der Pol and van der Mark obtained for systems represented by the equation- Duffing however was concerned with resonance phenom- ena associated with an equation of the form in the attempt to explain how It was already known that the period of the free oscillation with F = 0 decreased as B increased, and that for the linear I e with 0 = 0, the amplitude of the 0s 1 -1' - - - I\ cillat a > 0, the free oscillation Q (t) exists for finite t un- and x have one particular pair of initial values, but v> (t) -Ã 0 as t -> m. If a < 0, the amplitude of the free os- fing showed that for cillation tends to infinity with t, unless A = 0. Further as to a point of resonance beyond 1, and after resonance drop \' -Ã 1 the amplitude of the forced oscillation increases and sharply, whereas when \' decreases the rise does not take if a = 0 it tends to infinity. But in the case of certain physi- place at the same point. Both these qualitative results were cal systems represented by (4) the free oscillation can be established by considering equations in which the non-lin- detected by ear for all t, provided that ^2 is not too near 1, ear terms were small compared with the others by trying a and its amplitude does not increase beyond a certain point solution of the form x = A cos(\t + o<). as t + m, on the other hand if approaches 1 the free os- The mechanical applications were developed by various cillations vanish entirely at a certain point and the forced authors including the Russian authors Kryloff and Bogoliu- oscillations increase up to a certain point and no further. boff, Vlasov and others. The physical problems concern 134 PI MU EPS RNAL April 1951 NON-LINEAR VIBRATIONS 135 Society appealing for the assistance of pure mathematicians in solving a certain type of non-linear differential equation arising in radio problems and giving a few references in- cluding one to a summary by van der Pol in the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1934. Certain sug- gestions in this summary caught my attention, and Little- bi and tte vary slowly, and that the higher harmonies may wood and I began our collaboration. Soon after this Levin- be neglected in the first approximation. With these as- son began to write on the pure theory, handling it partly by sumptions we obtain after some detailed calculations the methods of Lienard and partly by skillful application of equations of the form classical results from other fields. Naval research during the war aroused more interest in the subject, and the American Office of Naval Research has sponsored much work in this field including translations of Russian work. Besides reading the published works of van der Pol, Little- The original treatment of the particular equations ob- 9 wood and I have had correspondence with him and Appleton ained some, but not all, of the ob- and others, and we have found much interesting work in the Russians, especially Andronov and literature; but, so far as Littlewood and myself are con- gress by applying the topological cerned, by far the most fruitful of our investigations have equations of the form (6), and so been those inspired by van der Pol's suggestion implied in developed a beautiful general theory of curves in the (bi, 02) his summary and developed further in a letter that the plane represented by (6). They also justified the approxi- equation (4) with'k large could have two stable periodic so- mations used by van der Pol and Appleton by appealing to lutions one of period (2n-1)2 v /\, where n is a positive in- Fatou's results. At the same time Kryloff and Bogoliuboff teger which may be as large as k, and the other of period developed the analytical theory of nearly-linear equations (2n+l)2IT / \. This has led us from the physical experi- representing oscillating system ments of van der Pol and van der Mark via Levinson's top- Let us now return to (4) wit ological treatment of forced oscillations into the lofty Pol considered systems represe realms of pure topology and pathological curves described found graphical solutions of (4) with p = 0 for k = .l,1 and 10, as indecomposable continua. as curves in the phase plane (x,y) where y = k. ~i6nardand others developed a technique which became popul for dealing with equations of the for REFERENCES s J. J. Stoker, Non- ibrations in Mechanical and imental physicists, although some of the Russians developed Electrical Systems (New York 1950) the theory independently of its applications, and some of the Contributions to the theory of non-linear oscillations, S. French work included purely mathematical treatments. In Lefschetz, ed. Annals of Maths. Studies, 20 1938 the British Department of Scientific and Industrial Re- (1950). search issued a memorandum to the London Mathematical 136 PI MU EPSILON JOURNAL April 1951 NON-LINEAR VIBRATIONS I Fig. 2. Some typical c b2) plane which arise in connection with (4) when k is small and A near 1. The thick curve in the figures on the left and right are called limit cycles'and correspond to st tions for which b, and b vary slowly.
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