ACRL Board of Directors Midwinter Meeting 1964 BRIEF OF MINUTES Mr. Bailey reviewed briefly the schedule of activities for officers and committee chair­ January 27, 8:30p.m. men between the Midwinter Meeting and Present: President, Neal R. Harlow; Vice the annual conference. A detailed schedule President and President-elect, Archie L. Mc­ will be mailed in February to persons re­ Neal; Past President, Katharine M. Stokes; sponsible for ACRL activities. The need to Directors-at-large, Andrew J. Eaton, Jack communicate through correspondence was E. Brown, Lucile M. Morsch; Directors on emphasized by Mr. Bailey. ALA Council, Dorothy M. Drake, Walfred Mr. McNeal reported, as chairman of B. Erickson, Elliott Hardaway, Mrs. Frances the Planning and Action Committee, the B. Jenkins, Russell Shank, Mrs. Margaret objectives and goals of ACRL, reading from K. Spangler, Edward B. Stanford, Robert L. a letter, dated January 4 in which Mr. Har­ Talmadge; Chairmen of Sections, Dale M. low noted the need to outline the goals of Bentz, Wrayton E. Gardner, Rli M. Oboler; ACRL. He asked for suggestions from the Vice Chairmen of Sections, Carson W. Ben­ ACRL Board of Directors. The committee nett, H. Vail Deale, Orville L. Eaton, Mrs. reported the following major objectives to Marjorie Eloise Lindstrom; Past Chairmen the Board: increasing assistance to college of Sections, Charles M. Adams, David and junior college libraries, suggesting im­ Kaser; ACRL Executive Secretary, George provements in direct library service to users, M. Bailey. Committee Chairmen present encouraging libraries to come up to the ap­ were George S. Bonn, Lorena A. Garloch; proved standards, developing resources, Editor, Richard K. Gardner; Representative, and improving communication within and John H. Moriarty; guests, Thomas R. Buck­ among the various groups interested in the man, Richard A. Farley, Robert R. Hertel, libraries of these institutions. The commit­ Frank Schick. · tee had briefly discussed two recommenda­ The minutes of the Board of Directors tions submitted for ACRL consideration meeting as reported in CRL, September from the Conference-Within-a-Conference. 1963, were approved. A report of nomina­ Mr. Bonn reported on the plan of the tions received to date for the 1964 division Library Services Committee, in coopera­ and section elections was presented by Mr. tion with the University Libraries Section, Bailey. A complete list of the nominees ap­ to sponsor the first general session in St. pears elsewhere in this issue. Louis, at which three speakers will present Miss Stokes, ACRL representative to specific approaches to solving the problem PEBCO, reported on the Midwinter Meet­ of making libraries effective in the teaching ing of that ALA committee, noting that the and learning process. Mr. Harlow stated two days of meetings were devoted to that Alvin M. Weinberg, director, Oak statements of needs by ALA, division, com­ Ridge National Laboratory, would speak at mittee, and project representatives, and the second general session on service to spokesmen for kinds of libraries and chap­ users of academic and research libraries. ters. In addition, headquarters and financial A highlight of the meeting was the pre­ needs were stated. In a summary, the broad sentation by Dr. Schick, assistant direc­ needs were listed as personnel, research tor, Library Services Branch, U.S. Office of and planning, improved communication, Education, of the report on "Library Sta­ strengthening headquarters operations, legis­ tistics of Colleges and Universities, 1962- lation, extended and improved quality of 63," which had just been published (in library services, and improved program for January, on time, as promised by U.S. O.E.). intellectual freedom. After receiving the applause of the Board MARCH 1964 135 members, Mr. Schick noted that 70 per cent mittee, read a letter from Mrs. Grace Ste­ coverage (instead of the expected 50 per venson regarding its status and recommend­ cent) had been attained by the September ed that the subcommittee be discontinued. 30 deadline. State agencies were used in The possibility of an ACRL audio-visual collecting the statistics, although some aca­ committee was considered. demic libraries did not cooperate in this Miss Garloch reported upon the plans of pattern. Junior college libraries were most the ACRL National Library Week Commit­ incomplete in reporting. The Office of Edu­ tee, with mailings to librarians for eighteen cation now has about 85 per cent returns states, including a personal letter, statistical and hopes for 92 per cent to be included in summary, and sample State fact sheet. Em­ the analytic report. The statistics were made phasis will be placed on recruitment. available in time for use in the National The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Library Week program. The Board dis­ cussed the possibility of publishing the re­ January 28, 8:30p.m. maining statistics for 1962/63 and what Present: President Neal R. Harlow; Vice procedures should be followed in the fu­ President and President-elect Archie L. ture. Mr. Schick also reported on an in­ McNeal; Past President Katharine M. quiry about a preferred publication date Stokes; Directors-at-large, Andrew J. Eaton, but it was noted that the findings were no Jack E. Brown, Lucile M. Morsch; Direc­ longer valid since they were based upon an tors on ALA Council, Dorothy M. Drake, anticipated return of only 50 per cent. Walfred B. Erickson, Elliott Hardaway, Mr. Farley, chairman of the LAD Build­ Mrs. Frances B. Jenkins, .Russell Shank, ings Committee, stated that two kinds of Mrs. Margaret K. Spangler, Edward B. inquiries are coming to the committee: how Stanford, Robert L. Talmadge; Chairmen of to begin planning programs-these are an­ Sections, Dale M. Bentz, Wrayton E. Gard­ swered by the headquarters office; and in­ ner, Eli M. Oboler, Benjamin B. Richards, quiries about presenting plans at an annual Norman E. Tanis; Vice Chairmen of Sec­ institute. No buildings institute will be held tions, Carson W. Bennett, Orville L. Eaton, in 1964, but an equipment institute is Mrs. Marjorie Eloise Lindstrom; Past Chair­ scheduled for St. Louis. men of Sections, Charles M. Adams, David The first issue of CHOICE: Books for Kaser; ACRL Executive Secretary, George College Libraries will be published March 1. M. Bailey. Chairmen of Subsections present Mr. Gardner, its editor, reviewed the ac­ were Laurence H. Miller, Robert C. Miller, tivities for the first six months and noted Kirby B. Payne; Committee Chairmen, John that thirty-five thousand copies of a promo­ M. Dawson, Mark M. Gormley, Frances tion piece were being mailed to libraries. Kennedy, Edmon Low, Stanley L. West; He listed subjects for which reviewers were editor, William V. Jackson; guest Frank needed: Social Science, Economics, and Po­ Schick. litical Science. The Choice staff has nego­ Nominations for the College Libraries tiated with the ALA Editorial Committee in Section were reported by Mr. Bailey. respect to plans for publishing the Uni­ Mr. Harlow discussed the schedules of versity of California college book list. programs and business meetings for the St. The preconference institute of the Rare Louis Conference. Books Section will be held at the University A memorandum announcing a meeting of of Kansas and Linda Hall libraries on June the Committee on ALA Publishing on Jan­ 25-27, 1964 with financial support from uary 29, 1964 to discuss ALA publishing those libraries in addition to the registra­ activities and programs, was called to the tion fee. According to Mr. Buckman, chair­ attention of the ACRL Board. Representa­ man of the program committee, the theme tives of all ALA agencies, divisions, sec­ will be "The Bibliography of Natural His­ tions, and committees concerned with pub­ tory." Speakers will be secured from the lishing activities were requested to attend United States and abroad. Plans are being this meeting called by the chairman of the made to publish the proceedings. Committee on ALA Publishing. Mr. Har­ Mr. Moriarty, ACRL's representative on low asked Mr. Moore, chairman of the the AASL-ACRL-LED-DAVI Joint Sub­ ACRL Publications Committee, to attend, committee of the ALA Audio-Visual Com- along with all ACRL editors. 136 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Two recommendations made by the study­ section Steering Committee also discussed discussion groups at the Chicago Confer­ a proposed joint committee with the Asso-. ence-Within-a-Conference had been pre­ ciation for Asian Studies on non-Western sented to the members of the Planning and library resources for undergraduates. The Action Committee, who noted that the prob­ possibility of establishing an audio-visual lem raised in one of the recommendations committee in this section was discussed by had already been identified as one of the the Board. Mr. Bailey will investigate the general objectives of ACRL by the commit­ possibilities of such a committee. tee. The committee agreed that the recom­ Edmon Low gave an extensive report on mendations needed clarification, and Mr. activities pertaining to federal legislation for Harlow stated that ACRL would be pleased libraries of colleges and universities. State to work with ·other divisions concerned in commissions will be established by the state relation to them. The recommendations governors to select the institutions to receive were distributed to Board members who funds under the Higher Education Facilities were asked to make additional suggestions Act. It is not certain whether appropriations to Mr. Bailey during Midwinter. for the Act will be available in 1964. The In applauding the success of the U.S. Board voted to leave action to implement Office of Education, Library Services the legislative proposal for materials for Branch, in collecting and publishing aca­ college and university libraries to the judg­ demic library statistics for 70 per cent of ment of the ALA Committee on Legislation. the libraries of such institutions, according Frances Kennedy, chairman of the Mem­ to the prearranged schedule, the Board ex­ bership Committee, referred to the report pressed the desire that the additional sta­ submitted before Midwinter.
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