November 18, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9991 Congratulations to the entire Red Sox team, Whereas Derrek Lowe, Pedro Martinez, and Amendment to the preamble offered by Mr. who will be remembered forever as the con- Curt Schilling delivered gutsy pitching per- OSE: quering heroes who Reversed the Curse and formances in the postseason worthy of their On page 1 line 10 strike the word ‘‘payoff’’ status as some of the best pitchers in Red and insert the ward ‘‘playoff’’. brought a baseball championship to New Eng- Sox history; land for the first time since the Wilson Admin- Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I do want to Whereas the Red Sox starting pitching in speak to the amendment, if I might, istration. (Woodrow Wilson, not Mookie.) Games 2, 3, and 4 of the World Series had a Congratulations also to all the great Red combined earned run average of 0.00; because I know the gentleman from Sox players of the past, including Johnny Whereas Manny Ramirez won the 2004 Massachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO) comes Pesky, Dom Dimaggio, Carl Yastrzemski, Jim World Series Most Valuable Player award in from district eight in Massachusetts, Rice, and Luis Tiant—this victory was as the World Series after batting 0.350 in the and clearly there has been an error in much for them as anyone., The same can be postseason with two home runs and 11 runs the third paragraph of the resolution. said of Ted Williams and all the other Sox batted in; We are going to call this E–8 in the Whereas the Red Sox staged the greatest gentleman from Massachusetts’ (Mr. greats who have passed on, but who no doubt comeback in baseball history in the Amer- CAPUANO) memory because I do not be- watched from the heavens above, smiling. ican League Championship Series against And most importantly, congratulations to their rivals, the New York Yankees, by win- lieve he meant to put the word ‘‘pay- baseball’s most loyal and passionate fans: ning four consecutive games after losing the off’’ in there, and we are attempting to Red Sox Nation. first three games of the series; correct this. And I just want to assure Mr. Speaker, on April 11, 2005, the Red Whereas the Red Sox prevailed in four con- folks of the district that the gentleman Sox will raise the 2004 World Championship secutive American League Championship Se- from Massachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO) rep- banner at Fenway Park alongside its counter- ries games, while producing some of the resents that it was an error made in part from 1918. In the visiting dugout, watch- most memorable moments in sports history, good faith and that it was an error including Dave Roberts stealing second base much like many errors in the past like ing the Sox try on their rings, will be a team in the bottom of the ninth inning of Game 4, that has suffered without a championship David Ortiz securing a walk-off home run in Mr. Buckner has made, and I hope to since the year 2000—the New York Yankees. the 12th inning of Game 4, David Ortiz sin- never see such an error again in the Don’t worry, Yankees fans, there’s always gling in the winning run in the bottom of the next 86 years. next year. 14th inning in Game 5, and Johnny Damon The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I with- making a grand slam in Game 7; question is on the amendment to the draw my reservation of objection. Whereas the entire Red Sox organization preamble. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. has a strong commitment to charitable The amendment to the preamble was FRANKS of Arizona). Is there objection causes in New England, demonstrated by the agreed to. to the request of the gentleman from team’s 51-year support of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Jimmy Fund in the fight A motion to reconsider was laid on Massachusetts? against childhood cancers; the table. There was no objection. Whereas fans of the Red Sox do not live f The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- only in Boston or New England, but all REPORT ON RESOLUTION WAIVING lows: across the country and the world, and a H. RES. 854 grateful ‘‘Red Sox Nation’’ thanks the team REQUIREMENT OF CLAUSE 6(a) OF RULE XIII WITH RESPECT TO Whereas on October 27, 2004, the Boston for bringing a World Championship home to Red Sox won their first World Series title in Boston; CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN 86 years in a four-game sweep of the St. Whereas the 2004 Boston Red Sox and their RESOLUTIONS Louis Cardinals; loyal fans believed; and Mr. DREIER, (during debate on H. Whereas the Red Sox won their sixth world Whereas this IS next year: Now, therefore, be it Res. 854) from the Committee on Rules, title in the 104-year history of the storied submitted a privileged report (Rept. franchise; Resolved, That the House of Representa- Whereas the 2004 Red Sox World Champion tives— No. 108–784) on the resolution (H. Res. team epitomized sportmanship, selfless play, (1) congratulates— 861) waiving a requirement of clause team spirit, determination, and heart in the (A) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consid- course of winning 98 games in the regular 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and eration of certain resolutions reported season and clinching the American League for their incredible performance during the from the Committee on Rules, which Wild Card payoff berth; 2004 Major League Baseball season; and was referred to the House Calendar and (B) the eight Major League Baseball teams Whereas the 2004 Red Sox World Champion ordered to be printed. team honored the careers of all former Red that played in the postseason; Sox legends, including Joe Cronin, Bobby (2) recognizes the achievements of the Bos- f Doerr, Carlton Fisk, Jimmie Foxx, Carl ton Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and SPECIAL ORDERS Yastrzemski, Cy Young, Johnny Pesky, Dom support staff whose hard work, dedication, DiMaggio, Jim Rice, and Ted Williams; and spirit made this all possible; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Whereas the 2004 postseason produced new (3) commends— the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Red Sox legends, including Derek Lowe, (A) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant uary 7, 2003, and under a previous order Pedro Martinez, Curt Schilling, Tim Wake- performance during the 2004 season and the of the House, the following Members field, Jason Varitek, Keith Foulke, Manny World Series; will be recognized for 5 minutes each. Ramirez, David Ortiz, Johnny Damon, Trot (B) the fans and management of the St. Nixon, Orlando Cabrera, Kevin Millar, Mike Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox f Timlin, Alan Embree, Mark Bellhorn, Bill fans from Boston and around the Nation to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mueller, and Dave Roberts; celebrate their first title in 86 years at their previous order of the House, the gen- Whereas Red Sox Manager Terry Francona home field; and tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is brought fresh leadership to the clubhouse (4) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- recognized for 5 minutes. this year, and brought together a self-pro- resentatives to transmit an enrolled copy of (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed claimed ‘‘band of idiots’’ and made them into this resolution to— (A) the 2004 Boston Red Sox team; the House. His remarks will appear one of the greatest Red Sox teams of all hereafter in the Extensions of Re- time; (B) Red Sox Manager Terry Francona; Whereas Red Sox owners John Henry and (C) Red Sox General Manager Theo Ep- marks.) Tom Werner and Red Sox President and stein; f (D) Red Sox President and Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Larry Lucchino A FISCAL U-TURN: BACK IN THE never wavered from their goal of bringing a Officer Larry Lucchino; World Series Championship to Boston; (E) Red Sox Principal Owner John Henry; HOLE AND STILL DIGGING Whereas Red Sox General Manager Theo and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Epstein assembled a team with strong pitch- (F) Red Sox Chairman Tom Werner. previous order of the House, the gen- ing, a crushing offense, and most important, The resolution was agreed to. tleman from California (Mr. SCHIFF) is the heart and soul of a champion; AMENDMENT TO THE PREAMBLE OFFERED BY recognized for 5 minutes. Whereas the Red Sox never trailed in any MR. OSE of the 36 innings of the World Series; Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, earlier Whereas the Red Sox set a new major Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I offer an today I joined many of my colleagues league record by winning eight consecutive amendment to the preamble. in Little Rock, Arkansas, for the offi- games in the postseason; The Clerk read as follows: cial dedication of the William Jefferson VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:42 Nov 19, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO7.022 H18PT1.
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