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Capra’s work “The gorize these in terms of Yin and Yang), it can prove prof- mann Publishers Inc., 2000. Quick Browsing in Large Audio Collections,” in Tao of Physics” [3]. Holistic thinking is also highly re- itable for different scenarios, e.g.: Proceedings of the 125th Convention of the Audio garded in contemporary theory of dynamical systems or Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA, Oc- chaos theory, which exploits new theories drawn from bi- for composers or performers to drive high-level au- • tober 2008. ology and mathematics [4]. tomatic composition or synthesis techniques in a _596 _597 more holistic way, thus delegating all the problems arts [5] and Feng Shui (which has gained in popularity 3. EXTENSION OF THE YIN YANG THEORY TO related to low-level control and the large dimension also in western countries [7]), to name a few. In histori- SOUND of the parameters space to the machine; cal times, the theory has spread outside the boundaries of China, such as in Japan, Korea and Vietnam. In this paper we demonstrate how the rules on the inter- for artists of different backgrounds to communicate • The Yin Yang theory is based on the concept that all play between Yin and Yang can be applied also to sound.
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