FRESNO COLLEGE PUBTISHED ASSOCIATED STUDENTS vor. xvil FRESNO, CALIFORN|A, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1963 NUMBER 20 Sump ter Picks Leqdìng Roles ' Nine Visitors For Wîlson's'The Boy FrÍend' Inspect Drama director Clyde G. Sumpter has announced the leading roles for the upcoming spring production, "The Boy Friend." I t FCC Facilities Diane Benbrook, Stephen Berglund, Kathryn Thomas, Nitre visitofs from Dos Palos Anna Tooakoian, and Richard Fagundes will play the leads Jciint Union High School District fn the first musfcal attempted by+- were oD campus Mar. 18 to iD- spec¿ the college's facllltles and *il"î:J:i" visit classes fn the three dlvlslous, I Student lounge announced Stuart M. White, tr.CC presented May 23,"'";""îïï,,i," 24 and, 26 It presldent. the student certer soclal hall Reopens To The Board of Trustees for the during tr'C0's second annual Flne district were shown slitles telllng Arts Festival. the story of FCC, then went to FCC Students tl,e Ilusiness Division, the Letters, Supporting Roles The lounge in the student cen- A¡ts and Science Dlvlsion, and Others cast ln supportlnt roles ter has been reopened by the the Technical and Industrial DI- inclutle Margaret Thomas, Deanna Student Councfl. vlslon. Passmore, Carol Schaeffer, Doris In the regular meetfng held The ttve þoard meBbers êDd Pires; Michael Quijada, Jo Ann last Tuesday, the members voted their companlons also toured the to open the lounge as long as Rlzzo, Ronald Scott, Ronald MNE VISITORS inspect FCC's fccilities crnd visit clqsses. new gymnaslum, the library, aDd Baker, Rodger Johnson, Do¡een students can use its facllities (L-R) NeiI Nordstrom, Mrs. the foreign language lab. properly. J!.y q" Mcrry Mcngaret Crowe, Kruger, Lubberta Meursinge, Car- John Britton,'Mqruin Meitenry ond Jock E. Mutkey. The trustees who vrsrteri FCC meu Rodriquez, Robert Russell, The resolutlon states that the were Rlcharcl Ð. Des Jardine, and Linda Jones. lounge will be open on a pro- president; Robert E. 'Wood, elerk; batlonary basls, as long as the The stago crew a¡rd. other 4on- FCC Debate Team Wins Lawrence Wolfsen, Robe¡t Mc- aoting po€itions will como from rules are followed. Taggart, and John Britton. Surnpter'e classes in theater cra,ft The rules for the use of the The Dos Palos representatives a¡rd rehearsal a,nd. per{ormance, lounge state that no eating, drink- Awards At State Tourney were accompanied by Jack E. card playing plus a few members from Delt¿ ing, or is allowed in The tr'CC debate squad won 14 tificate of superior performance Mulkey, district superlntendent; the lounge. Neil Nordstrom, the high school's Psi Omegan FCC's dla,ma club. awards of achievement at the for his oration and Karen Hayes California State Junior College principal, and two citizens from "Since 'The Boy Friend' is received the same award for im- FCC's ftrst musical; it be a Deþale,lgurnaBent ..p.¡ip.h .,ygS the district, Marvin McHenry and will promptü speâklng. new experiment," said Sumpter, "Potpourrì" held Mar. 15 and 16 ¿t the Uni- Mary tr'rances Crowe.. "but our cast is very eager to do versity of California a,t Santa Certificates of excellence were awarded a good Job." Barbara. to Richard Anderson and Selecfs tr' ra n z Weinschenk, debate Rouald Manuto in debate, John "The cornplete cast consists of Coffman Speaks coach, said outstaDding perform- Harker in extenìporaneous speak- sæsonod per{ormors ha,ve who given ing, Chuck Overs a,ppeared in numerous produc- SIsÍÍ Positions ances were by JoAnn Rizzo and Anderson and Marlene placed in oratory, Diane F illpot, Miss ln Palo tions and others who will be ap. Naney Drioane has been select- Smlth who Alto second and Jackson, Ha¡ker and Rogers peering ln their first play," added ed as the editor of Potpourri, the third ií oratory, Kar- ln "The Hydraulic System Polnts en Hayes who place interpretive speaking. 'Way Sunpter. FCC literary magazine. won third in the to Mechanical Fallure," extemporaneous speaking Potpourrl ls publlshed by the and by "Approximately 250 students was the topic of a speech given Completo Cest the debate team students each spring, contalning of Jo Beth Jack- representing 23 Californta Junior by Charles M. Coffman, FCC auto Sunpter also remarked, "We son and Miss Smith who tled for yesterday the wo¡ks of the student boaly. Colleges competed In the çtate- shop lnstructor, ln have a complete cast and have third place women's Short storles, essays, or stu- in debate. wlde competition," sald ùetn- Palo Alto. begun rehearsals. .A.t present we Robert Rogers received a cer- schenk. Coffman, an itrstructor at I'CC are working on the choreography dent art work may be submitted to the editors of the magazlte for elghteen years, was a gueðt under the direction of Dezle speaker for the .A.utomatic Trans- 'Wood¡, our choreographer." for incluslon. Jo Beth Jackson, publicity manage¡ of the maga- mlsslon Rebullders Assoclatlon of "The Boy tr'rfend" Delegates Represent FCC was wrltten zlne, announced that students Northern Californla. by Santly Wilson, as a muslcal rFho want material in this year's Ife spoke at the Cabañ,a, a satire durfng the 1920's. The set- edition of Potpourri should get At Bi-annual Conference Hotel-Motel in downtown PaIo tlng is the X'rench Riviera at a it in as soon as possible to per- Twenty-one delegates repre- Ilresno's student body presi- .A.lto. glrls' finishlng school durlng car- mit time to select the best ma- sented tr'CC at the biennlal re- nlv¡,Ì time. The central theme dent, tr'red X'. Faieta, Jr., was of terial. gÍonal student governmetrt con- joined the play is the basic Þroblem of by the presidents of the CALENDAR No date has been set as of yet ference held. in Porterville. Ma¡ch every girl getting her man, other member schools in praising for the deadline fo4 contributions, At the International Relations 18-2ÈDea.d Week according to editor Drloane, or and tr'oreign Students workshop Porterville for the fine ryay they 21-USC Choir,. .11 .11[ . for the sale of the magazine. She headed by F CC student Rick handled the confereube. He also 'Wrightson, Zz_Tennis, College of ttrrc Art-O-Rama did state that the deadline would the delegation from stated that most of the delega- Sequoias, 2:3O PM, tholo be set soon. tr'CC introduced a resolutlon ask- tion from f'CC expressed the City Rocreation l)epart Drioane, editor; Ânita Smith, ing the membe¡ schools to - Join opinlon that the conrerence menú l)anco, Social Hall Scheduled associate editor; Arthel Cake, the People to People program. and their respective workshop"s 2&-American River. IICIII business manager; Cress Lund- The resolution suggested that the v¡ere a complete success. tr'rosh et Berkeley, 1 PM May 20-25 strom, fiction edltor; Lynn An- program was a help to forelgn .{s a contribution to the tr'CC drews, assoclate fiction editor; students and american studerits tr'lne Arts Festival May 20 to 26, Julie Troiano, circulation man- alike, and would be a benefit to Editoriol the art departmetrt has scheduled ater; Jo Ann R'lzzo, assistant the campus. their thircl annual -4,rt-O-Rama. circulation ma[ager; Miss Jack- Motion Approved son and James X'errls, publicity " The -A.rt-O-Rama will cousist lfhis motion was approved and Dead W eek" Starts T omorrow manaters; Mike Mlnyard, feature of an outd.oor exhibit of paint- wlll be forwarded to the sta,te edltor; Diane Wolfe, associate ings, drawings, ceramic sculp- conference to be held April 18, feature editor; Morgan po- tu::es, and portralts created by May, lgt 20, fn Dlsneyland. etry editor; PauI Peterson, students in Dean A, Draper's fall asso- Aitliug 'Wrightson clate poetry editor; Barbara Roth was Frank and sprlng art blasses. The site Conway, the regioûal dlrector for proposed and. Joyce Schatborn, art edltors; for the display is the Dean People to People. rally shack. vrith Draper and Robert Shaver, fàculty spoDsors, At tho fnh"a,mu¡al Sports work- "The Boy Friend," a musical shop F'CC recommend.ed that at comedy to be staged on,May 23, Choir Presenls Progrom least two hor¡rs a week bo s€t 24 anil 25, will be the drama de- Two Easter Assemblles, Apr. asldo for lntra,mural activities at partmeut's project for the trestl- 3-4, with no charge to the ln- each school. val, whlle constructfng the scen- vitetl public will feature the Resolutions For Confab ery for thls production will be tr'resno Clty College choir directed Thls meetlng of the Oentral the stagecraft classes' responsi- by Lowell Spencer. bility. California Junlor College Stu- Jim Scott, commissloner of dent Governmeut Àssociation at A concert on May 20 will be assemblies, announced that try- Po¡terville was held to p¡epare the presentation of the muslc de- outs for the Apr. 25 talent show resolutions for the partment. 6tate confer- wlll be helcl at noon, Apr. 16. ence to be held ln two weeks. Poge Two nAm?AOt Thursdoy,Morch 2t,19ó3 Bulletin Boards Provide View 0f Publtshetl weekly by the Journalism students of tr'resno City College, 1101 University, Fresno, California. Composed by the Central Call- Campus life fornla Typographlc Service. Unslgned editorlals are the expresslon By DAVID PACHECO of the editors. <@Þ' The posters, banners, and bulle- tins plastered all over the walls of tr'CC's buildings reflect the EdÍtorÍol hectic college life of its students. Á.nyone taking a stroll through our campus would seemlngly be Squirrels Would Add amazed.
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