בס״ד TORAH WEEKLY 17 - 23 March, 2019 Parshat Tzav 10 - 16 Adar II, 5779 PURIM held on Adar 15. for our ancestors on this day This week, Wedne- Mordechai and Esther many years ago. Torah: sday (3/20/2019), is the fast of instituted that these two days In the morning ser- Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36 Esther, followed by Thursday be observed for posterity as vice there is a special Torah (3/21/2019) is Purim. the festival of Purim — Adar reading (Exodus 17:8–16), 15 in walled cities, and Adar describing the battle Joshua Haftorah: Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jewish 14 in unwalled towns — by waged against Amalek—Ha- Jeremiah 7:21-28; public readings of the story man’s ancestral nation—al- Jeremiah 9:22-23 people, in the year 3405 from Creation (356 bce), from of the miracle as recorded in most one thousand years Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill the “Scroll of Esther,” sen- before the Purim events CALENDARS and annihilate all the Jews, ding food portions to friends, unfolded. We have Jewish young and old, infants and giving gifts of money to the It is a tradition to give poor, and enjoying a festive three coins in “half” denomi- Calendars, if you would women, in a single day.” meal accompanied with ine- nations—e.g., three half-dol- like one, please send us Haman was Prime Minister to the Persian em- briating drink (recalling the lar coins—to charity, to a letter and we will send fateful wine-party at which commemorate the half-shekel you one, or ask the Rab- peror Achashveirosh, whose dominion extended from Esther turned Achashveirosh that each Jew contributed as bi / Chaplain to contact India to Ethiopia. Endorsed against Haman). his share in the communal of- us. by Achashveirosh, Haman’s A time-honored ferings in the time of the Holy decree boded the physical de- Purim custom is for children Temple. This custom, usually FAMILY to dress up and disguise performed in the synagogue, PROGRAMS struction of every single Jew on the face of the earth. themselves — an allusion is done on the afternoon of Do you have While the sage to the fact that the miracle the “Fast of Esther,” or before family on the outside Mordechai rallied the Jews of Purim was disguised in the reading of the Megillah. who are struggling, to prayer and repentance, his natural garments. This is please contact or have cousin, Queen Esther, engi- also the significance behind ON RABBIS AND them contact our office neered Haman’s downfall at a traditional Purim food, the hamantash — a pastry whose JEWS to learn more about our a private wine-party to which Without going into filling is hidden within a family programs. You she invited the king and the whole question of sacrifi- three-cornered crust. The day the minister. She prevailed ces, one difficult phrase that and they are not alone, before Purim is “The Fast of upon Achashveirosh to hang appears in this week’s rea- we are here to help. Esther,” in commemoration Haman and to issue a second ding, and throughout the early of the fasts of Esther and her GRAPE JUICE & decree, empowering the Jews chapters of Vayikra (Levi- people as they prayed for MATZAH to defend themselves against ticus), is reiach nichoach la- G-d’s salvation from Haman’s Aleph offers free those who sought to destroy Hashem—“a satisfying aroma decree. Grape Juice and Matzoh them. to G-d.” Why the repeated We celebrate Purim On the 13th of emphasis on satisfying G-d? for you to be able to by: Adar — the day selected Some have suggested make the blessings every 1. Hearing the reading of the by Haman’s pur (lottery) that with all the pageantry Shabbos. Please have Megillah. — numerous battles were associated with the Temple your chaplain / Rabbi 2. Giving to the needy. fought throughout the em- rites and rituals, people might contact us to enroll, it is 3. Send food to a friend. pire between the Jews and come to place undue impor- 4. Feast available to all prisons. those who attempted to carry tance on the kohanim and On Purim, we out Haman’s decree (which their ceremonials. The ritual ALEPH INSTITUTE include the brief V’al Hanis- was never actually revoked). directors might become so Hyman & Martha Rogal sim section in all the day’s The following day, Adar 14, prominent in people’s eyes prayers, as well as in the Center became a day of feasting and that they would forget about day’s Grace after Meals. This 5804 Beacon Street rejoicing in celebration of the Almighty. It was therefore prayer describes the Purim Pittsburgh, PA 15217 the Jews’ victory over their necessary to remind worship- story and thanks G-d for 412-421-0111 enemies. In the ancient walled pers to Whom they ought to the “miracles, redemptions, Fax: 412-521-5948 capital, Shushan, where the be directing their offerings, mighty deeds, saving acts and battle went on for two days, thoughts and prayers. www.alephne.org wonders” that He wrought [email protected] the victory celebration was As a rabbi, I am often asked to pray for people. This one is in need of a blessing for improved health, the other wants to earn a better living, In Jewish History and so it goes. Of course, there are set times for such Sunday, 10 Adar II, 5779 - March 17, 2019 prayers in the synagogue service, and I am happy to oblige. Maharal Meets Emperor (1592) But I also suggest to people that they themselves should be Rabbi Judah ben Bezalel Lowe, known as the Maharal of in shul for the prayer too. Furthermore, there is no more Prague was famous among Jews and non-Jews alike. He sincere prayer than that of the person in need. Surely their was a mystic who was revered for his holiness and Torah sincerity will be unmatched, even by the most pious of scholarship, as well as his proficiency in mathematics, rabbis. astronomy, and other sciences. Eventually, word of his The story is told of a saintly rabbi of yesteryear greatness reached the ears of Emperor Rudolph II. who was approached by a woman in need of a blessing for The Emperor invited the Maharal to his castle her child. The rabbi demanded a large amount for charity in on February 23, 1592. There they conversed for one and return for his prayer. The woman was apologetic, and said a half hours, and developed a mutual respect for each she didn’t have that amount of money. Could the rabbi re- other. duce the price? But he was adamant. After all her haggling Rabbi Judah Lowe made use of his excellent got her nowhere, the woman stormed out in a huff. “I don’t connections with the Emperor, often intervening on be- need you to talk to the Almighty for me,” she said angrily. half of his community when it was threatened by anti-Se- “I’ll pray for myself.” mitic attacks or oppression. “Aha,” said the rabbi. “That is exactly what I was Monday, 11 Adar II, 5779 - March 18, 2019 hoping to hear. Your prayer will, in fact, be better and more First Print of Rashi (1475) effective than anyone else’s on your behalf.” The saintly Rashi, the most basic commentary on the Torah, man understood that this woman was placing too much was printed for the first time, in Reggio di Calabria, credence in him, and forgetting about G-d. Italy. In this print, the commentary on the Five Books of There used to be an unhealthy—and, thankfully, Moses, authored in the 11th century by Rabbi Shlomo now largely discredited—attitude among many that one Yitzchaki, was not on the same page as the text of the could hire a rabbi to perform all religious duties on his or Scriptures, as it is normally printed today. her behalf. Let the rabbi keep kosher, and let him obser- This was the first time that the rounded Hebrew ve Shabbat and the festivals. Let him study the Torah, to font was used, the font which has since become known keep it alive (barely) to pass on to the next generation . as “Rashi Letter of rabbis! Meanwhile, I will live the easy life, and pay for Passing of Rogatchover (1936) the services of a rabbinical professional when I need them. Rabbi Yosef Rosen, known as the Rogatchover Gaon Until then, don’t bother me, I’m busy. (Prodigy/Genius), passed away in Vienna on Thursday, I once encouraged someone to try putting on March 5, 1936. tefillin in the mornings. His response: “Rabbi, you do it for Rabbi Rosen, born in 1858, and raised in the me.” I asked him if I could also eat for him and sleep for Belarusian city of Rogatchov, served for decades as a him. rabbi in the Latvian city of Dvinsk (Daugavpils). He was Rabbis are not meant to be intermediaries between an unparalleled genius, whose in depth understanding Jews and G-d. Every Jew has a personal and direct rela- of all Talmudic literature left the greatest of scholars tionship with G-d. There are not 612 commandments for awestruck. He habitually demonstrated that many of ordinary Jews and 614 for rabbis. We all have the same 613 the famous debates between the Talmudic sages have a obligations, no more, no less. Rabbis are only teachers, to singular thread and theme. advise and to guide.
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