
t i i DECEMB ER * 1954 1 J. ~ J. 1 ~ 1 I J. I 1 1 1 1 J. J. J. t i WA LL~PlAY E D ! (.'H'I- IJU!!" .1 5.1/ 50 CENTS Svbsf:ripti on Rate YEA R SUS Dresden, 1892 RUY LOPEZ TaHasch ~ Iarco While Bla ck I P- K4 P- K4 4 P- Q4 B- Q2 2 N- KS3 N- QB3 5 N-B3 B- K 2 3 B_N5 P- Q3 S 0 - 0 N_' 7 R_K l 0 - T he I)oint! T his, the mOSI pl!l nsi ble InOl'e on t he boan !, loses: The l'l ght move is i PxP, giving liP t he cente r. 8 BxN BxB 10 QxQ QRxQ ANNOTATORS may he divided into lwo classes : 9 PxP Px P 11 NxP Bx? In the first class are Alekhine, TalTa,;ch and .\IJarco, Everyhody Or" 11 NxP 12 !\xB. :-"x N 13 S"x Dt. ebc llclongs in the second class, K - IU H PxN :: While wins t ll" O Iliel'e~, 12 NxB NxN 14 P- KB3 B- B4t 13 N-Q3! P_ KB4 15 NxB NxN II LEK H INF~ had a rat'e abllUy us an 12 B_B2 P- QR3 RnalY1lt with whlrh IU0 1l t of 1111 are fa, 13 Q-83 P_N4 16 B_N5 R- Q4 mlllar. We have playetl lIu'ough hIs notes 14 Q-R3 If 16 " , QH- Kl, 17 B- 1\7 wi ns. itl the .19 ~ 2 Hastinll:s TOIIl"namenl book or Whit e t hre!lt"ll~ I ~ NxN. QxN 16 BxPt 17 B-K7 ReSigns I'ead the r evealing semi - ll~ y(' ho l ojl:I('HI to win Dl II I·k·s Queen. On 1i .. H-Kl. W hi te w ins at leallt ("o mml'nl~ he made In the 192. :\ew YO I" Ii 14 P_N3 18 NxN Q,N t he ~x c h , lIlge after J S P- QB l. Tournament book or been in!!plred by hll< 15 P-B5 P_N5 19 RxN P- R4 pl"ofOllnd obl<el"vatioJ1!1 Incld, in tlmt 16 PxP RPxP 20 QR- KBI R- R3 magnum opus, the 192 ~ :\ew York 'fOlll"­ 17 Q- R4! PxN 21 BxP! P,8 H [~ l n: in 23 moves 1\',"111"11 seems to be nament boQk . Pel'haj)>I. belOt of ;til. we 22 Rx Rt Iml' fo]' t he t'olm ' e ) is 110 \\" DI:wkbul"llf! hayt' enjoyed the magnUkent note:, he 8," did it. wl"Ote to hi!! O\\'n wonderful game!! ill Berlin, 1897 My Best Ga mes of Chus, 1908-1923 anti My Best Games of Chess, 1924-1n 7, KING'S GAMBIT DECLI N E D Blackburne Marco TAlt J{ ASCH had a >l jllendld gift (or teachIng which we l'an Hllllre<"iat(> W hite Bla('k l\nouji(h his Ji:reat books. Dreihundert 1 P_K4 P_K 4 6 N_QB3 0 _0 Schilc hpartien and Die Moderne Schach, 2 P_I< B4 P_Q4 7 p,p R_ K 1 p,1l rtie, MI well as In hili deal' pene, 3 PxQP P- 1<.5 • N_B3 NxKP tmUng nOleli to t he :'t[al'lIhall ~ Lttllker 4 P-Q3 N_KS3 9 NxN 9_B4 111<ltch in 1907. the Mnl'lihnll- 'I'alTllllch 5 Q- K 2 B-QB4 10 N_K5 BxN mateh in 1905 Jlnd the Tarrasl'll--!.askel· 11 QxB P-KB3 mau'li in 1901'. G1;;OHGE "JAReD hI known to few or to' "''''!llte 'ItllImH\('ed male in six: e.g .. daY'1i Illayel'tl. His gl'ellt wol"l,1\ of 11l1l\ly· t3 ·Jb::Bt. Kxlt 2~ Q- Hl't. K - DZ ~5 Q- R7 t, SiR M etlttol' or th e W iener Schachzei_ K-Bl 2U QxQ. Pxl' Z7 B- H6t. K -Nl 28 t u ng, and his notes to the Gambit T oul·· Q-:-n mate. na ment" at V ienna in 1903 a nd at Baden In 19H , and his monumental production, SA)IE T Ol' it:\A:'.IE:\T : anolhel' YOllng Cal'l!!bad the 1907 Tournament book. are AIIIN'kan ma!Sler. IIlaylng f OI' the [inl ei\vi(!.r to the general. Lime in the bil{ lea~ne~ . took hl~ weal!UI·e . If Marco's naOle III new to you, and you would like an insight into his skill QU EEN'S GAMBIT D EC L I N ED JlS a critic, play o"el' the game, nern· Marshall Marco steil\- :\lmzovkh. 5t. I'etel"sbllt'g, 191·" While Black with hl~ note~ . An Engllllh trllllsb,tlon Is available III the November bsne of 1 P- Q4 P_Q4 7 B-Q3 0-0 12 P-Q6 Q,P 2 P-QB4 P- K3 8PxP p , p 13 B-K3! 8 , 8 CHESS nEVIEW, 1935, 3 N_QB3 N-KB3 9 8,N So great an (\.nalyn, you would think. " ,8 N ot 13 . Px:\ H Q- n-lt ilS White 4 B- N5 8-K2 10 P- KR4 P-N3 mUlit be the toughest man In the world w ins t he Bishop. 5 P_K3 P_QN 3 11 P- R5 P_B4 to beat. And yet, jUllt as literary crl t k~ 14 Q-B4t Q_ K3 e N-B3 B_N 2 12 RP xP RPx P do not IITite the best novels. so lire C'he"s 0 .. H .,. H~K3 15 H- Q I , Q- K2. aud l.etliBIl: }lar~lmll hi\I'e an open fil e f Ol' ('ritks not a lways the best p layer*,. In \Vhlle (,~Ill choose between 16 QxH+ 01" 16 :'.lan·o'1< case. he was freqllcnllr bowled hi!' Hoo k Illld laler hi:< Qlle-<'Il . I ~ eqllh'a, 11'111 to ('ommiHi ll /,:" !Hliddt'. 1 ~ -QSt. fo rdng mnle e ither way, H . .. ol"e\" in a sllrl)rl~ingly short nl1mbel' of K -RI. or l'Oll rse. leads to t he I'hI1ldo\,'s 13 N_K5! 15 Q-B3 Qx K P mOI·es. ",N Lef:"al"Y: 15 :-i- !l7t . 16 :\- IU.t. 1~ Q - ~8t 14 PxB Q_N4 16 0_0_0 K_N2 Paris, 1900 and IS :\- !l7 ma te, Bhwk ;lim.< (0 lii"II\ltt' tht, OP('II rile . 19 PxP QU EEN'S GAM BIT DECL IN ED 15 QxQt RxQ R-R3 bUI It'l< I {)(J lalt': 16 B_B4 PxN 20 R-Bl t K_ K. l Pill,bury M,1I rco 17 Q-R3! N_S3 20 Q-N5t K_N2 17 BxRt K-Sl 21 R_B3 8 _Q5 Whitt' U!flt'k 18 P_B4 Q-K3 21 P-B5 ~ Q- K4 18 B_S8 P-QR4 22 0_0_0 N_S3 19 Q- R6t K-B3 22 P-BSt Resigns 1 P_Q4 P-Q4 6 N_B3 P_QN3 23 SxP 23 Q-RSt 2 P_QB4 P-K3 7 B-Q3 B- N2 3 N- QB3 N- KB3 p , p p,p And next 11101'." j " mate, 4 B-N5 B-K2 •9 N-K5 QN-Q2 THOU GHT FOR T HE MON T H BACK in 1~~2, TaITIl!wh :< 11'lt1tHed Marco 5 P- K3 0-0 10 P-B4 P_B4 in 17 mOI'e!<. by a ,·omblmll!oll Ill ge lli o\l~ T he ~ t"! Jeme of a I;;allle j~ 1,luye d 01 11 0 - 0 1'_85 ,' nOIl/!:h 10 11m I.,. Ih., IdlOle I!allle a stand­ pO>lit ional lilies: t he dedsion or it. a~ h HlI*' Mal"('{) nlready rOrJl"ollt'1l Ih;tt Tar· ard IrHl ' in Ill" ol*lIll1l!~: 1"111 ('. I ~ effeN e<1 by {·omblna tion". rfll'l('h tried Ihl" .. y .. wmal!::~lilll<lPHII.blll·Y. - Ret i and Il'ill< brilliantly bt-att:n ? t = check: ; = u bI. ('heek ; i = dll. ~h , CHESS REVIEW rHI ,.,e,,,,a, (HISS MAOA"Hf 'alumn 22 Number 12 December, 1954 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz Readers ore invited to use these columns for their comments on maHers of interest to chessplayers. INDEX GaTTA MATCH? FEATURES General Baron Gaspard Gourgand), he Game of the Month __ ____ __ _____ ___ 360 Any university or private team inter· often lost. Napoleon was unfair at games. Star of Israel __ __________ __ _______ 370 esled in short wa\'!:: radio match is invited Sometimes he would insist on "touch· to contact The University of Buffalo move." But that rule was only for his op· DEPARTMENTS Cllt:ss Club c/o University of Buffalo, ponent. He always had some good excuse Annual Index ______ _____ __ ____ _____ 382 Buffalo 14, New York. to explain why his touch did not count, Book of the Month __ __ ________ ____ 354 UNIVERSITY Of" BUFfALO C. C. and, if anyone noted a breach of the rule Chess Caviar __ ____________ __ ______ 371 on h is part, he would l augh. Napoleon From My Chess M emoirs __ __ __ ____ 362 COMING CENTENARY pl ayed chess always hefore the evening Games from Recent Events ____ ____ 372 I.... Iueh impressed by the .l\Iorphy cover Odds and Evans _____ ___ _______ __ __ 376 un the August issue of CHESS HEVIEW, I meal which was served at nine P. M." Past Masterpieces _____ ____ ______ __ 359 should like to submit to the people whu St. Helena, by Octave Aubry Postal Chess _________________ _____ 377 know about such things that it would be ON THE COVER Readers' Games ____ ____ _______ ____ 368 a good idea to hold anolher chess congress Spotlight on Openings __ _____ ______ 364 Along with our best wishes for a on the hundredth anniversary of the First T ournament Calendar __ __ ____ __ ___ 358 )'Ierry Christmas and a Happy New Year American Chess Congress, October 6, World of Chess ________ _____ _______ 355 to all chess players, we pass on this 1857.
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