ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NATIONALIS HUNGARICI Torrms 75. Budapest, 1983 p. 229-246. Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) from Mongolia. Noctuidae Quadrifinae* by L. RONKAY, Budapest Abstract — Present paper contains records of 56 species, with descriptions of two new subs pecies, Drasteria pulverosa intermedia ssp. n. and Anumeta fractistrigata mongolica ssp. n. Further nine species are new to the fauna of Mongolia. With 24 figures and 2 photoplates. The following annotated list consists of data of Noctuidae Quadrifinae collected by DR. Z. KASZAB in Mongolia on his third to sixth expeditions. The material of the first and second expeditions was identified and published by SHELJUZHKO (1967). From the material of the third to sixth expeditions treated already by some specialists, notably DUFAY (1971) and WILTSHIRE (1969a) published new taxa from Mongolia. The greater part of the remai­ ning material was studied by SHELJUZHKO and KOVÁCS in the same years. The list presented here contains data of unpublished material deposited in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, the species, published in the previous articles were included in this list only if they provided new data. So the list contains 56 species with descriptions of two new sub­ species, 9 other species being new to the Mongolian fauna; the genital apparates of some species are illustrated for the first time. The collecting localities with characterisation of illus­ trated for the first time. The collecting localities with characterisation of the habitats are given by DR. Z. KASZAB (1963-1968). List of spec ies ACONTIINAE Eublemma arcuinna ingrata (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1845) — Cojbalsan aimak: 50 km SO von Cojbalsan. 700 m, 15. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 419), 1 i.-Suchebaator aimak: Ongon elis, 10 km S von Somon Chongor, 900 m, 4. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 360), 1 rf. The species occurs from Europe and North Africa to Korea and N-China, with a wid e distri­ bution in Central and East Asia, it has not been reported from Mongolia. The taxonomic rank o f this subspecies is dubious because the species has a large individual variability. Eublemma rosea (HÜBNER, 1790) — Central aimak: Lager am Fluss Kerulen, 45 km 0 von Somon Bajandelger, 1340 m, 26. VII. 1965 (Nr. 306), 1 d", 1 ? ; Ulaan chodag, 16 km S von Somon Öndörschireet, 1500 m, 23. VII. 1966 (Nr. 737), 1 c?; Tal des Flusses Tola, zwischen Somon Altanbulag und Somon Tariat, cca 30 km ONO von Somon Tariat, 2100 m, 24. VII. 1966 (N r. 742), 1 d\ — Chentej aimak: zwischen Somon Cenchermandal und Somon Zargaltch aan, 10 km 0 von Cenchermandal, 1400 m, 27. VII. 1965 (Nr. 314), 2 rf, 1 $ ; 7 km No von Somon Mörön, 1200 m, 28. VII. 1965 (Nr. 324), 1 d,\ $ ; 10 km W von Somon Delgerchaan, 1250 m, 2 3. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 475), 1 rf. The material from Mongolia is very similar to ssp. decolorata WAGNER, 1913, but uniformly smaller, so it is not impossible that they represent a distinct subspecies. Eublemma ostrina (HÜBNER, 1808) — Suchebaator aimak: Ongon elis, 10 km S von Somon Chongor. 900 m, 4. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 360), 1 <f (f. aestivalis GUENÉE, 1852). *Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. KASZAB in der Mongolei. Nr. 475. Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 75,1985 Lithacodia leuconephra (HAMPSON, 1908) (det. BOURSIN) — Cojbalsan aimak: 20 km SW von Somon Bajan-uul, 820 m, 18. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 445), 5 d; slides: BOURSIN, prep. KASZAB 23; No. 736 <?, L. RONKAY. This very interesting species was described by HAMPSON from Ussuri (1 ? , in coll. PÜNGELER), as Oligia, but there are no new records. The taxonomic position of the species was clarified up by BOURSIN. New for the fauna of Mongolia, the structure of male genitalia is shown on the Fig. 1. Lithacodia deceptoria (SCOPOLI, 1763) — Central aimak: SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 11. VI. 1966 (Nr. 521), 1 d. — Bulgan aimak: cca 20 km W von Somon Bajannuur (220 km W von Ulan-Baator), 1100 m, 17. VI. 1966 (Nr. 530), 1 d, 1 9 . Deltotes bankiana amurula (STAUDINGER, 1892) — Suchebaator aimak: Chadatin- bulan, 60 km N von Somon Bajanterem, 950 m, 31. VII. 1965 (Nr. 342), 1 d*. — Cojbalsan aimak: Somon Chalchingol, 600 m, 13. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 409), 2 d. PLUSIINAE Euchalcia renardi (EVERSMANN, 1844) —-Gobi Altaj aimak: Chasagt chajrchan ul Gebirge, cca 20 km S von Somon Zargalan, 2400 m, 15. VII. 1966 (Nr. 695), 4 d*. — Central aimak: SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 27. VII. 1966 (Nr. 751), 4 d*. — Slides: Nrs. 59, 60, 65, 66, 280, 285 ( d d1), gen. prep. L. RONKAY. It is interesting that all specimens from Gobi Altaj belong to f. eversmanni STAUDINGER, 1896 (DUFAY, 1968), at the same time at the other locality evidently the nominate from was collected. There are no differences between male genitalia of the two forms, the variability of the shape of valvae is shown on Figs 2-6. Euchalcia modesta (HÜBNER, 1786) (det. DUFAY) — Central aimak: Ulan-Baator, Nucht im Bogdo ul, 12 km SO von Zentrum, 1500-1800 m, 22-23. VII. 1965 (Nr. 293), 1 ? ; SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 27. VII. 1966 (Nr. 751), 1 d. — Slides: gen. prep. C. DUFAY, NO. 1972 ( $); No. 744 ( d), gen. prep. L. RONKAY. Polychrysia esmeralda (OBERTHÜR, 1889) — Central aimak : Uubulan am Fluss Tola, 60 km 0 von Ulan-Baator, 1370 m, 25. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 484), 1 ç ; 11 km OSO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600-1700 m, 26. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1153), 1 cf. —Cojbalsan aimak: 20 km SW von Bajan-uul, 820 m, 18. CIII. 1965 (Nr. 445), 1 d* — Bulgan aimak: Namnan ul Gebirge, 23 km NW von Somon Chutag, 1150 m, 21. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1127), 1 d. As shown by KOSTROWICKI (1961), esmeralda is not a subspecies or a form of moneta FABRICIUS but a distinct species. It has sympatric occurrence with moneta in the Altai-Region (ZHOLOTARIENKO and BUBNOVA 1978). Panchrysia ornata (BREMER, 1864) — Bulgan aimak: 9 km 0 von Somon Abzaga, 1300 m, 22. VII. 1966 (Nr. 729), 1 d; Namnan ul Gebirge, 23 km NW von Somon Chutag, 1150 m, 21. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1137), 4 d; 7 km NW von Somon Chanzargalant, 1350 m, 22. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1140), 1 d*; SO von Somon Daschincilen, 1050 m, 23. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1141), 1 d. — C e n t r a 1 a i m a k : Uubulan am Fluss Tola, 60 km 0 von Ulan-Baator, 1370 m, 25. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 484), 1 c?; SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 27. VIII. 1966 (Nr. 751), 4 d1; 11 km OSO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 26. VIL 1968 (Nr. 1153), 1 d\ 1 9 . — Chentej aimak: zwischen Somon Cenchermandal und Somon Zargaltchaan, 10 km O von Somon Cenchermandal, 1400 m, 22. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 467), 1 d. — Chövsgöl aimak : 8 km W von Somon Burenchaan, am Fluss Delger Mörön, 1450 m, 16. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1117), 1 d* ; 4 km N W von der Stadt Mörön, 150 cm, 19. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1128), 1 o'. — Cojbalsan aimak: 20 km SW von Somon Bajan-uul, 820 m, 18. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 445),3 o. Panchrysia dives (EVERSMANN, 1844) — Bulgan aimak: 7 km NW von Somon Chanzar­ galant, 1350 m, 22. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1140), 1 9 ; 11 km W von Somon Bajannuur, am Südrand des Sees Baján nuur, 1000 m, 24. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1144), 1 d*. — Central aimak: Uubulan am Fluss Tola, 60 km O von Ulan-Baator, 1370 m, 25. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 484), 2 d"; SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 27. VII. 1966 (Nr. 751). 4 d*. — Chentej aimak: zwischen Somon Cenchermandal und Somon Zargaltchaan, 10 km O von Cenchermandal, 1400 m, 27. VII. 1965 (Nr. 313), 1 9 ; 7 km NO von Somon Mörön, 1200 m, 28. VIL 1965 (Nr. 324), 2 d. — Chövsgöl aimak: 6 km WNW von Somon Tosoncengel, 1480-1550 m, 20 VII. 1968 (Nt. 1131), 1 9 . Plusidia cheiranthi (TAUSCHER, 1809) — B ulgan aimak: Namnan ul Gebirge, 23 km NW von Somon Chutag, 1150 m, 21 VII. 1968 (Nr. 1137), 2 d1; 7 km NW von Somon Chanzargalant, 1350 m, 22. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1140), 12 d*. — Slides: Nos 464,465 ( d d), gen. prep. L. RONKAY. The subspecific division of this in Palaearctic Region widely distributed species is uncertain, in need of further revision. Diachrysia chrysitis (LINNAEUS, 1758) — Bulgan aimak: Namnan ul Gebirge, 23 km NW von Somon Chutag, 1150 m, 21. VII. 1968 (Nr. 1137), 1 </; slide: No. 62, gen. prep. L. RONKAY. Diachrysia nadeia (OBERTHÜR, 1880) (det. DUFAY) — Cojbalsan aimak: Somon Chalchin- gol, 600 m, 13. VIII. 1965 (Nr. 409), 1 â; slide: gen. prep. C. DUFAY, NO. 1973. Diachrysia zosimi (HÜBNER, 1822) — C entrai aimak: SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 27. VII. 1966 (Nr. 751), 1 <f. An interesting species, distributed in Central and East Europe, locally in Central Asia and in the Pacific Region (Amur-valley, Ussuri, Korea, Japan). New to the Mongolian fauna. 3 4 5 6 Fig. 1. Male genitalia of Lithacodia leuconephra HMPS., Cojbalsan aimak, Nr. 445., GP. RONKAY, 736. — Figs 2-6. Euchalcia renardi Ev., variations of valval shape: 2 = Central aimak, Nr. 751, GP RONKAY, 65, 3 = Gobi Altaj aimak, Nr. 695, GP RONKAY, 59, 4 = Gobi Altaj aimak, Nr. 695, GP RONKAY 285, 5 = Central aimak. Nr. 751, GP RONKAY 66, 6 = Gobi Altaj aimak, Nr. 695. GP RONKAY 280. Aulographa buraetica (STAUDINGER, 1892)— C entrai aimak: SO von Somon Bajancogt, 1600 m, 27. VII. 1966 (Nr. 751), 1 d1. —Chentej aimak : 7 km NO von Somon Mörön, 1200 m, 28. VII. 1965 (Nr. 324), 1 9 .
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