TOMORROW: ACC FOOTBALL PREVIEW THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 « DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 83. NO. 5 Neil Williams to step down as Board chair Employee hurt By DAN BERGER level that you not get burned out. I Neil Williams, chair of the Board of wanted to step down when my en­ during gas leak Trustees, said Wednesday that he will not thusiasm was at a peak," he said. From staff reports seek a sixth term in that position when Williams added that "there were ab­ the Board holds its annual election for of­ solutely no external events that affected A gas leak forced the evacuation of a ficers next May. Williams predicted that my decision." tunnel between Duke Hospital North he will be replaced by Fitzgerald Hudson, At the Board meeting last May, during and the Eye Center Wednesday night who currently serves as vice-chair. which Williams privately announced his and sent one employee to the emer­ Williams, whose term as chair expires decision to step down at the end of his gency room. at the end of the academic year, plans to fifth year as chair, Trustees chose Hudson Darryle Waller was treated for continue participating on the Executive to replace Anthony Duke as the Board's minor contamination by ethylene oxide Committee for one year after leaving his vice-chair. According to Williams, Hud­ gas. Public Safety officers at the scene current post in order to help with the son, a member of the Board since 1979, is said Medical Center officials had told transition. He also said he intends to the most likely candidate to become chair. them that the gas, used in sterilization serve out the remainder of his second six- However, this succession is not automatic machinery in the tunnel, can cause year term as a regular Board member, because the new chair will not be decided skin irritation, vomiting and breathing which expires in 1992. Universtity by­ until next May's officers election. difficulties. laws limit trustees to two consecutives Hudson said Wednesday that he would Waller, a pharmacy department em­ terms. be interested in serving as chair and is ployee, was listed in good condition at The decision to step down stems from honored to be considered a candidate, but 11 p.m. Wednesday but had not yet two considerations, Williams said. He he cautioned that his election-to the spot been released. said the first is a "feeling [hat at a Board STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE is not certain. About four people were in the tunnel as strong as Duke's, it is really very im­ Neil Williams Along with being vice-chair and thus a when the leak was discovered, accord­ portant that there be a strong and vigor­ He said the second factor concerned the member of the Executive Committee, ing to officer B. Mister of Duke Public ous leadership." He said that to maintain time commitment required to fulfill the Hudson serves on the Trustees' medical Safety. Neither the Eye Center nor the these characteristics it is necessary "to position's duties. As chair, Williams is re­ affairs committee, land resources commit­ hospital were evacuated. make sure that the leadership does not sponsible for leading monthly meetings of tee, and is chair of the building and The leak occurred when one of two stay in any one position too long. I don't the Executive Committee, leading four grounds committee. Hudson also serves valves on the sterilization equipment think that there is any magic number, but full Trustee meetings annually, and par­ as chair of the Capital Campaign's major became stuck in the open position, five years seems like a right time to ticipating on various other University gift committee. „ ,, ' _ Mister said. change." s projects. "It is important for your energy See WILLIAMS on page 8 • Forum for mayoral candidates covers economic development By GILLIAN BRUCE rights, and the subsequent attempt by Candidates for mayor and six City community leaders to recall Gulley was Council seats participated in a public another controversial issue among the question-and-answer session sponsored candidates. Clement, Jenkins and Jervis by the Durham Forum last night at the agreed they would not have signed the Sheraton University Center. The Forum, proclamation as mayor. "It had divisive- a licensed political organization estab­ ness written all over it," Jervis said. "It lished in 1985, promotes inpolitical par­ ran against traditional notions of ticipation in Durham, Griffin said. morality condoned by Catholics, Protes­ Mayor Wib Gulley, Mayor Pro-Tern tants and Jews," Chester Jenkins, council member Howard Jenkins said the mayor should concen­ Clement and Durham lawyer Robert Jer­ trate on unifying the community rather vis, mayoral candidates who will meet in than dividing it. a primary election Oct. 6, made short Candidates also discussed the efficiency statements and an- ,y~^k of separate police and fire services. The swered questions ~ (| B"' two services were combined under the from the audience. p^pi\lLiJ'T TR now defunct public safety system. Clem­ The questions fo­ ent disagreed with the 1985 Council cused on economic decision, "We've spent 63 percent more for development, TOWN protection and I doubt we're getting 63 growth management, police and fire percent more protection," he said. PETER AMAN/THE CHRONICLE protection, the proposed merger between Gulley said he agreed with the Coun­ Candidates fielded questions from the audience at the Forum-sponsored ques- Durham city and Durham County tax cil's decision during the term of his tion-and-answer session last night operations and last summer's recall at­ predecessor, Charles Markham, to sepa­ hard for Ward 6 also participated. Ward 2 tempt of Gulley. rate the services. But Gulley said im­ a broad segment of the community. That candidate Oscar Lewis was unable to at­ Economic expansion and growth man­ provements are still needed. "It's clear to was the intent of this organization." Grif­ tend, Griffin said. agement were emphasized by all the can­ me that we're not getting the job done in fin said. didates.- Gulley stressed his role in the fighting crime in Durham." The terms of the other six seats on the growth of Durham business. "I can talk Ten candidates for at-large positions on City Council will not end until 1989. Following the session, Forum members about growth. It's been dynamic. It's con­ the Council were present, including in­ The Forum's 42-member board of di­ voted on the candidates to receive the or­ tinuing," he said. cumbent council members Peggy Watson- rectors, of whom one-third are black and ganization's endorsement which will be Referring to last year's struggle within Borden, Johnny Red Williams and Matt one-third are women, is "representative of released early next week, Griffin said. the Council over the Treyburn develop­ Yarbrough. Challengers included Shirley ment project, Clement said the City Coun­ Caesar, Jeff Clemmons, Tom Edelen, cil had displayed an anti-growth attitude Frances Farthing, Ronald Newton, Dick Inside Weather toward business development. Jenkins Smith and Mark Webbink. The 10 at- said Durham needs to become more large candidates will be narrowed to six in Company admits to fuel spill: Partly boring: Today will be partly "business friendly," emphasizing that the primary, and three will be elected to A Durham oil company took full re­ cloudy with highs in the 80s. Tomor­ business interests and neighborhood con­ the Council in November. sponsibility for the 1,400 gallon diesel row will be partly cloudy with highs in the 80s. This weekend will be partly cerns are not mutually exclusive. Candidates for three ward positions fuel spill on campus. Meanwhile, clean cloudy with highs in the 80s. The en­ The anti-discrimination proclamation Walter Cain for Ward 2, Carolyn London up operations, for which the company tire month of September will be partly signed by Gulley in July 1986, which in­ and Sandy Ogburn for Ward 4, and Hilda will pay, have begun. See page 5. cloudy. yawn. • cluded a clause in favor of homosexual Hudson and incumbent Virginia Engel- THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1987 World & National Newsfile Gulf peace mission gains support in U.N. Gulf War escalates: Iraqi planes and Iranian handed, this will be tantamount to an outright Iranian warships hit seven ships in 24 hours in the Persian rejection, and would make it more difficult for nations Gulf in the most concentrated assault on shipping UNITED NATIONS — United Nations Secretary Gen­ sympathetic to Iran to demand more time for its leaders since the Iran-Iraq war began in 1980, reports from eral Javier Perez de Cuellar Wednesday received the to make up their minds. the region said. backing of the five permanent members of the Security The secretary general's proposed visit comes in Council to begin a Persian Gulf peace mission next week response to a letter from Foreign Minister Ali Akbar in response to an Iranian invitation, senior U.N. officials Velayati of Iran, delivered Tuesday, that asked him to PilOt jUSt wanted peace: Mathias Rust flew to said Wednesday night. come to Tehran between Sept. 10 and 13. Moscow to talk to Mikhail Gorbachev about peace, The officials said the secretary general would insist on This led to consultations all day Wednesday with the West German youth told a Soviet court. He flew a a total cease-fire in the Iran-Iraq war on his visits to members of the Security Council, which culminated in light plane unchallenged across hundreds of miles to Tehran and Baghdad.
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