G. RAJOVI Ć, J. BULATOVI Ć, College of Textile Design, Technology and Management SOME ECONOMIC-GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXAMPLE RURAL AREAS NORTHEASTERN MONTENEGRO Goran Rajovi ć, Jelisavka Bulatovi ć, Researchers College of Textile Design, Technology and Management, Belgrade, Serbia Phone: (0038161) 19-24-850, 30-82-651 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Received August 14, 2012 ABSTRACT The paper analyzes some of the economic and geographical factors of rural settlements northeastern Montenegro. Isolated traffic and geographical position adversely affects their economic and social development. Natural characteristics of space indicate that rural economy is not in compliance with all the natural conditions. Incompatibility between the available natural and current conditions of the rural economy is determined by the overall socio-economic factors of development. The percentage decrease in rural population in the municipality of Berane period 1948-2003 amounted to - 0.22%. However, the municipalities of Andrijevica and Plav, show significant deviations from these popula- tion dynamics. Thus the percentage decrease in population rural the same period was in the munici- pality Andrijevica - 49.44%, and the municipality of Plav - 26.8%.The main characteristic of the mod- ern development of rural settlements give industrialization and urbanization processes. Age groups, due to migration and the reduction of fertility change and take on unfavorable characteristics, reduces the proportion of younger and older increases the proportion of the population. In both cases, the disturbed age structure has a reverse effect on the movement of the population (the size of reproduc- tive contingent), but also to all other structures of the population (the size of contingent employment, population, compulsory school contingent, contingent dependent population ratio). Rating natural conditions aimed at separation of homogenous territorial units with some degree of benefits and limi- tations for certain types of economic development. KEY WORDS Northeastern Montenegro; Geographical location; Natural features; Rural settlements; Population; Economy; Regions. The research presented in this paper is mod- Age groups, due to migration and reducing birth ern characteristics of the development of the rural rates will change and take on unfavorable charac- population of north-eastern Montenegro, in the teristics, reduces the proportion of younger and example of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica increases the proportion of elderly people. In both and Plav. Natural indigenous strengths and ex- cases the age structure of a disturbed feedback of tremely favorable conditions for colonization (re- the movement of the population (the size of repro- lief and hydrographic openness and permeability, ductive contingent) but also to all other population fertile land, abundant water, temperate-continental structure (size of contingent employment, popula- climate, diverse plant life) for centuries attracted tion, compulsory school contingent relationship people in the northeastern part of Montenegro. maintenance). Negative selection has led to a very Major changes occur in the second half of the unfavorable economic structure of the population, twentieth century and in accordance with the from the standpoint of labor and productive capac- changed policy of socio-economic development, ity. Moreover, these uncontrolled demographic which is opposite to the traditional orientation of processes are not accompanied by adequate meas- the population in agricultural activities, encourage ures other necessary changes in the rural economy, the industrialization of the economy and urbaniza- which has been shown that the qualitative proper- tion of society. The process of land reclamation ties of optimal favorable population and economic and the transfer of labor in non-agricultural activi- structure, now a component in guiding the trans- ties accelerated the depopulation of rural areas. 3 Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, No. 9 (9) / 2012 formation of space, the decisive factor in the diffe- rica municipality in the southwest, the Republic of rentiation and polarization of the environment. Albania to the south, the Republic of Serbia in the The aim of the research is to show fundamen- east and northeastern, Rožaje the east and the Mu- tal changes in the total number and spatial distri- nicipality of Bijelo Polje in the north. bution of the rural population of the municipality Of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav have a com- Berane, Andrijevica and Plav, and analyze tenden- plex geography that is heterogeneous in nature and cies of social and economic development factors. with different degrees of preference for use of The purpose of the research is to determine how space. The municipalities except Berane no signif- much analyzed and displayed differentiated icant role in the structure of geo-space Montene- processes of social and economic development in gro. The geographical position of the Municipality rural areas, constitute a factor of disturbance for its Plav and Andrijevica is peripheral in relation to social and economic development of the studied the main traffic flows in Montenegro; since that is area. Rating natural conditions (geographical zon- in this region do not cross the road, with bond ing of rural territory) has shown that rural econo- functions in the organization of space. mies of the considered area is not in compliance Berane have the most significant traffic posi- with all the natural conditions, it is a conflict be- tion, thanks to the main road. Territory of the mu- tween the existing natural features and terrain of nicipality, Adriatic highway coming from Bijelo the contemporary rural economy, is determined by Polje, northwest of Berane through Tivran the demographic and economic structure. gorge into the urban area of Bar and continue east to Rožaje. It is a broad highway of regional impor- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY tance, which connects the neighboring municipali- ty of Bijelo Polje, Berane and Rožaje and also The core of the methodological procedure makes way for Serbia. Wind from Ribarevine ac- used in this study makes the geographic (spatial) cording Mojkovac and Kolašin; go to Podgorica method and included the rural settlements of Be- and Montenegrin coast. Therefore, the Adriatic rane, Andrijevica and Plav. To collect data related highway, a very important factor for current and to basic socio-economic factors of development, future economic activity, the municipality. Anoth- we used the statistical method. Comparative me- er important road is the main road Berane - Andri- thod allowed us to economic and geographical jevica - Plav, which is the territory of the Andrije- factors, factors of development; we look at the vica Most Bandovi ć, provides over Trešnjevik, to northeastern region of Montenegro. Permeated Podgorica, and the Plav territory, Čakor over the through the entire text of the method and integrity, stove. Both routes through Trešnjevik (1573 m) thanks to which we were able to identify, define and Čakor (1849 m) are impassable during the and assess possible limitations of the economic winter months. Isolated traffic and geographical and geographic development. The scientific ex- position adversely affects the economic develop- planation of terms, by two methods: analytical and ment of municipalities Andrijevica and Plav. synthetic. Analytical methods are considered some of the dimensions of the research topic, a synthetic NATURAL TERRAIN CHARACTERISTICS whole, the relations between the subject and sug- gested measures that derive there from. Since Natural terrain features are the basis of exis- work has essentially synthetic character, the re- tence and progress of each geospatial unit. The sults published in the international literature. distribution of natural resources is a measure of Among them this opportunity to emphasize this: opportunities for the development of a specific Clayton, Dent and Dubois (2000), Ankre and territory. The natural resources of rural settlements Emmelin (2006), Janvry and Sadoulet (2007), of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav challenging op- Madu (2007), Liu (2011). portunities for understanding the development of certain economic activities, particularly agricul- GEOGRAPHY POSITION ture, tourism and construction. In terms of geomorphology of the territory Of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav are located northeastern of Montenegro's mountainous charac- in the northeastern part of Montenegro. They cov- ter. Height difference between the highest (Maja er an area of 1486 km². In this area, it is in rural Kolata 2528 m) and lowest (bottom valley Berane areas, according to the census of 2003, lived 36 645 m) is 1883 m. 370 inhabitants, or 24.7 in / km². The territory of the observed geographic space, is housed between the Municipality of Kolašin in the west of Podgo- 4 G. RAJOVI Ć, J. BULATOVI Ć, College of Textile Design, Technology and Management Figure 1 − The geographical position of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav on the map of Montenegro. Source: ( www.nasme.me ) So, landforms and configurations height, the Thanks to the geological structure in Berane slope and under the influence of different substrate basin contains significant reserves of brown coal properties (forests, meadows, litsolli, fields, or c- and lignite (total reserves amount to 176 231 197 hards), consists of a diverse natural basis, and tons). Program development of
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