Cathedral Schools Trust (A company Iimited by guarantee) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year ended 31 Augu st 2017 Company Registration Number: 06516626 (England and Wales) Cathedral Schools Trust CONTENTS Page REFERENCE AND ADM IN ISTRATIVE DETAILS 2-3 TRUSTEES'REPORT 4-11 GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 12-14 STATEMENT ON REGULARITY, PROPRIETY AND COMPLIANCE 15 STATEMENT OF TRUSTEES' RESPONSIBILITIES l6 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 17-19 INDEPENDENT REPORTING ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT ON REGULARITY 20-21 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES INCORPORATING INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 22 BALANCE SHEET 23 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 24 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25-48 1 Cathedral Schools Trust REFERENCE AND ADMI NISTRATIVE DETAILS Company Limited by Guarantee Number: 06516626 (England and Wales) REGISTERED OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL ADDRESS College Square Bristol BS1 5TS MEMBERS Dr D Hoyle MA PhD, Dean of Bristol Mr S R Parsons LIB MBE DL Mr C Martin Prof W J Browne Mr S l'Anson TRUSTEES Mr S R Parsons LIB MBE DL (Chairman) Dr D Hoyle MA PhD, Dean of Bristol Mr N Blundell (Executive Principal and Accounting Officer) Mr E Benzecry Mr I M Robinson FCA (resigned 31st December 2016) Mrs M lpinson-Fleming Mr S Atkinson Mr M Lea FCA (appointed 12 September 2016) Mrs S Yates (appointed 9th January 2017) Clerk to the Trustees: Mrs A R Williams KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL (IN ADDITION TO TRUSTEES) Executive Principal - Mr N Blundell (appointed 1 September 2016) Headsof School-MrPAtkins(appointed 1September2016), MrsSYarnold, MrJ Lacey(from 1'tAugust2017)and Ms M Fredrickson (from lstAugust 2017) sENtoR LEADERSHTP TEAM MEMBERS (tN ADDIT|ON TO PRTNCTPALS AND HEADS OF SCHOOL) Director of Specialism - Mr E Bailey (appointed l"tSeptember 2017) Director of Learning - Mr A Steward (appointed 1"t September 2017) Trust Finance Director - Mr S Eakins (appointed 31st August 2017) Trust Operations Manager - Mrs A R Williams (appointed 1 September 2016) Trust Strategic Manager - Mrs A Calvert (seconded from RSC with effect from 20 September 2016) 2 Cathedral Schools Trust REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS BANKERS Allied lrish Bank Barclays Bank PLC 19 Whiteladies Road Bristol Broadmead Clifton Business Banking Bristol Leicester BSB 1PB LE87 2BB SOLICITORS Veale Wasborough Vizards Narrow Quay House Narrow Quay Bristol BS1 4QA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP Carrick House Lypiatt Road Cheltenham GLsO 2QJ ACADEMIES Bristol Cathedral Choir School Cathedral Primary School Headley Park Primary School (Joined 1 August 2017) Victoria Park Primary School (Joined I August 2017) J Cathedral Schools Trust TRUSÏEES'REPORT The Trustees present their annual report together with the financial statements and auditor's report of Cathedral Schools Trust, the "Academy Trust" and also the "Charitable Company" for the period 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017 . The annual report serves the purposes of both a Trustees' report and a Directors' report under company law. On l"tAugust 2017 Headley Park Primary Schooland Victoria Park Primary Schoolconverted to be Academies and joined Cathedral Schools Trust (CST) and the Trust became responsible for those Academy's operations and management. The Academy Trust operates 1 Secondary Academy (Bristol Cathedral Choir School (BCCS)) and 3 Primary Academy (Cathedral Primary School (CPS), Headley Park Primary School (HPPS)and Victoria Park Primary School ("VPPS")) for students in the Bristol area. ln the January 2017 census, the Academies had the following student numbers: Bristol Cathedral Choir School 834 (598 pupils in Years 7 lo 11and 236 pupils in years 12 and 13) Cathedral Primary School 154 Headley Park Primary 417 Victoria Park Primary 429 Structure, Governance and Management Constitution The Academy Trust is a Company limited by guarantee and is an exempt charity The Charitable Company's Memorandum and Articles of Association are the primary governing documents of the Academy Trust. All references in this Trustees' Report refer to the Articles of the Trust, for example in relation to method of appointment of Trustees. The Trustees of Cathedral Schools Trust are also the Directors of the Charitable Company for the purposes of company law. The Charitable Company operates Academies which are set out above. Details of the Trustees who served during the year are included in the Reference and Administrative Details on page 2. Members' Liability Each Member of the Charitable Company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Charitable Company in the event of it being wound up while they are a Member, or within one year after they cease to be a Member, such amount as may be required, not exceeding Ê10 for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a Member. Trustees' lndemnities As disclosed in note 12, professional indemnity insurance is paid on behalf of the Trustees and officers of the Academy Trust. 4 Cathedral Schools Trust TRUSTEES'REPORT Method of Recruitment and Appointment or Election of Members The Articles of Association adopted on 29 February 2016 state that the Members should comprise the Dean of the Cathedral of the Holy and Undivided Trinity in Bristol plus additional persons appointed by the Members by special resolution. There are currently4 additional Members appointed in this way. Employees of the AcademyTrust are not permitted to be Members of the Academy Trust. Method of Recruitment and Appointment or Election of Trustees The Articles of Association adopted 29 February 2016 state that the number of Trustees shall be at least 3 but is not subject to a maximum. Other than the Dean of Bristol Cathedral and the Executive Principal who are Trustees acting ex officio, all other Trustees are either appointed by Members or co-opted by Trustees who were not themselves co- opted. Trustees are subject to retirement by rotation. Trustees are eligible for re-election at the meeting at which they retire. The Trustees to retire are those who have served the longest in office since their appointment or re-election. The term of office for any Trustee is 4 years, although this time limit does not apply to the Executive Principal or to the Dean of Bristol Cathedral. Policies and Procedures Adopted for the lnduction and Training of Trustees The training and induction provided for new Trustees will depend on their existing experience. Where necessary induction will provide training on charity and educational, legal and financial matters. All new Trustees will be given a tour of the Academy and the chance to meet with staff and students. All Trustees are provided with copies of policies, procedures, minutes, accounts, budgets, plans and other documents that they will need to undertake their role as Trustees. As there will normally only be two or three new Trustees a year, induction will be done informally and will be tailored specifically to the individual. Mentoring of new Trustees will also be offered, as appropriate, during the first year following appointment. Organ isational Structure The management structure consists of three levels: the Trustees, the Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) and the Senior Management Team. The aim of the management structure is to devolve responsibility and encourage involvement in decision making at all levels. The Academy Trust's elected and nominated Trustees are appointed at a meeting of the Trustees. The composition of the Trustees is specified in the Articles of Association of the Trust. Whilst there are a number of provisions to appoint Trustees in varying circumstances the normal membership will be:- . Up to seven Trustees appointed by the Members; . The Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity in Bristol ¡ The Executive Principal (ex-officio) (subject to appointment as a Trustee by the Members); ¡ At least two parent Trustees elected or appointed under Articles 53-56, unless there is a minimum of one Parent Local Governor serving on each LGB (and in all other cases, such number of parent Trustees as may be confirmed by the Members); . Co-opted Trustees (appointed by those Trustees who are not themselves co-opted Trustees). The Articles include the provision that there will be a minimum of 3 Trustees and that the proportion of Trustees who are Academy Trust employees must not exceed one third. The number of Trustees is not subject to a maximum. The Trustees are responsible for setting the Academy Trust's policies, adopting the Academy lmprovement Plans and budget, monitoring academic and financial performance against these plans and making major decisions about the direction of the Academy Trust including the Academies' curriculums, the achievement and welfare of students and staffing. Currently all business of the Academy Trust is carried out by the full Trustee group whilst the Trustees determine a sub-comm ittee structure. 5 Cathedral Schools Trust TRUSTEES'REPORT The Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) for the Academies within the Trust are also committees of the Trustees. The LGBs operate at the Academy level and have been operational since the new Articles were adopted. The LGBs have delegated responsibilities for setting policies applicable to individual Academies and for monitoring performance at the individual Academy level. Their principal focus is Teaching and Learning. The LGB of each Academy within the Academy Trust is permitted a maximum of 12 members to include: e Headteacher . At least 1 elected Parent . Up to 2 elected Staff (one Teaching/one Non-Teaching) . Local Governors Day to day management is delegated to the senior management team of each individual Academy - including the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher assisted by Academy Trust staff including the Trust Operations Manager and the Trust Finance Director. Arrangements for setting pay and remuneration of key management personnel The setting of pay and remuneration for all key management excluding the Principal and Heads of School is delegated by the Trustees to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Previously all job roles at the Trust had been assigned a pay scale spanning, typically, 5 pay scale points.
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