.r¡.r ,2 0n test l)\ ! ,,r !*.x¿. lhr chgant, sealur{ùy lines cxtend below the watedine and have alrays bcen a distinc'tive marh of thls desþ .* s ts s ¿ ¡t Contessa32 I Twenty-five years old this yeer, one of the world's Builder lercmy Rogerc takes tte helm of tln ner boat, 25 yearc after buiHingtftef,rst one favourite cruiser-racers is in production once more. "At that time we were working under the Matthew Sheahan was the first journalist to test the RORC rule and, to improve her trim, we lev- 32 elled the bottom of the keel, moving the centre new Contessa from Jeremy Rogers ofgravity ofthe ballast further forward in the boat. This also had the benef,rt of allowing her F! legant, unmistakable and unques- DES¡GN to take the ground more comfortably than in LI tio-nably seaworthy. rhe Contessa J2 The Contessa 32 was first launched in197l. her Folkboat guise," said Rogers. ff upp.urs ro be one oiihose few de- "Designing a cruiser-racer to satisfy both By 1970, Rogers and Sadler were looking l sisns that never dates. She seems to camps was easier in those days," said Rogers, for a bigger boat to build and started their re- -Ll niu"been bom into her own timeless "as most people were combining racing and search into the current examples afloat. In par- zone, watching others come and go around cruising anyway so they were looking for a ticular, they looked at designs like the S&S34, her. This year is particularly special as, not boat thatfilled both bills." the She 3l and the Arpège, and finally came up only is she 25 years old, but her original In fact, the story of the 32 started well be- with the design for the Contessa 32. builder, Jeremy Rogers, has just launched the fore her launch. In 1965 ex-military tank de- "I think one ofthe factors that has helped first 32 to be built by his yard since 1982. signer David Sadler bought one of the the success of the design is the lack of tumble- Ifever there was an example ofnear-perfect glassfibre hulls based on a Folkboat design home. Atthe timewe agonised overwhetherto harmony between the needs of racing and from JeremyRogers. To this he added his own incorporate this into her shape as it was acom- cruising, the Contessa 32 has to be it. It is diffi- deck and a masthead rig and c alledher Contes- mon feature of the day. The problem was that cult to think ofanother design that has caught saofParkstone. we knew what we wanted to do with her after on in such numbers and yet spans virtually all From this design, the well known and suc- sections and including tumblehome meant aspects of the sport. Not only is she a staunch cessful Contessa 26 followed in 1966. that we would have to change her shape aft. cruiser, but class racing has always "In the end we opted for a low been strong, as has handicap racingin , freeboard and no tumblehome and everything from round the cans 1 this, I am sure, has helped keep her events to offshore classics. looks through the years while her Take the Ker family's Assent. contemporaries now look dated." Willy Ker is well known and much re- The boat was an immediate suc- spected for his cruising exploits in cess and was announced as Boat of both Arctic and Antarctic waters. the Year af the 1972 London show. Yet the family have frequently raced The order book filled quickly and the boat successfully, too, winning soon there was a long waiting list. Class 5 in the 1979 Fastnet Race. "At oui peak in 1977, we were So what makes this design so uni- building eight 32s per month and em- versally appealing? Jeremy Rogers set ploying 200 people. We were, of the scene for us as we sailed up a tran- course, still building others in our quil and crisp winter Solent aboard range at the same time, such as the hisnew32, WíldCall. Unmistakable from any angle, the Co¡¡tessa 32 is a landmark design Contessa 35 and 26." > MAY,t996 717 GONTESSA 32 Balfast rãtlo 47.6 Perconal stowage 10.25 Per cent factor: 3fl.' per person for stowage 2 Stowagê 3 'l 50g/m effects. Factor is shown as a 10.33 orft'" of Oersonal Solld lamlnale ûercentaqe of total volume. Þounds/lnch (kélcm) lmmerslon: How much wêignt it takes to sink the boât parallelto DWL. 3 '150g/m2, Prlsmatlc coefl{cleût! The rat¡o ofvolume to 10.33 orfr' a volume of LWL and the solld lamlnal€ displacement to maximum cross sectional area below the Ø loâd waterplane. An ¡ndicat¡on offineness or fullness of the hull' 4 050g/m2. 13.2a orJll' Solld lamlnat6 Polar dlagrami Shows the optimum close hauled angle to the true wind. Also shows speed attained on all courses. lmportant - 5 850grm2 " lE 1a ô/ñ' consider ¡n conjunction with the true w¡nd Solld lâmlnal. speed dur¡ng the test. Sall area: dlspfacement ratlo: Th¡s ratio gives some indication of power available, H¡gher numbers = greater performance' Designed by: David Sadler sA(fr') . .. .=, (D¡splacement (lb¡ + 6a)"- Built by: JeremY Rogers by: Carl Phillips Yachting Ltd, Marketerl Ballast ratlo: A comparlson between Firefly House, Hamble Point Marina, displacement and the weight ofthe ballast' School Lane, Hamble, Hants SO3l 4NR' Dlsplacement:watetllne lengËh: ind¡cator. Low numbers = Tel: (01 703) 457577. Fax: (0 1703)454966. Performance higher performance. (Displacement (lb) + 2240) + (0.01x LWL(ft))3 Stowåge volum9s f.0 t0 I T Stowage%=10.25 Approximate data, - o soTs lQ,tot",=r.os 6 t no rev counter f¡tted È l-t I-r ¡5 o H, ld i E ffi o Ëoz5 lll'itll- -l*i å5 a o Ø l r ' "o'r l-_.; '. ., o 0 o '--. ,, L] t.' - x 2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 tt 13 rpm ,""r.6'!ôooneøtd,ì'"i\..":þt'"t oÁt 0 tt tt Ssil area/dlsPlao€ment ratlo o 2 I knols 30 o o ! r:4 knots 25 o 20 _ tói Cont'lsa 32 o .9 Ers lo ldr rñ Wind speed - 7-9 knots o -tlo ld l I z t0 6 Sea state - câlm i-rirì11 Full main, full genoa 5 illllrI I l, '-l I 0 L ) À?- ú ^aù^ cj **r.eotln*"Oas'!ta"..ooð øoó'' 5.{'ii3i4'þu'- 10 Õ"Ñ"tu" a$' JEANNEAU SUN FAST 32 DEHLER 33 CRUISING COMPARABLE BOATS CONTESSA 32 SIGMA 33 32ft 6in 9.50m 31ft 2in 9.99m 32ft 9in LOA 9.75m 32ft oin 9.91m 26ft 3in 8.05m 26ft 5in 9.00m 29ft 6in LWL 7.32m 24ft.Oin 8.00m 10ft 6in 3.35m 11ft Oin 2.99m 9ft loin Beam (mil) 2.98m 9ft 9in 3.20m 5ft 9in 1.96m 6ft 5in 1.65m Sft Sin Draught 1.65m 5ft Sin 1.75m 9,2001b 3,601kg 7'9381b 4,Oookg 8,8181b Dlsp (r¡eñÈ¡lp) 4,300k9 9,4801b 4,L73kg 3,4L7lb 2,3811b 1,390kg 3,0641b Ballast 2,O45Rg 4,5081b 1,550k9 1,080kg 46Aft' 43.66m" 47AfÚ 50.30m'? 541.Ít' Sail area (rooY" lorottlangls) 39.06m', 4201t2 43.ILm2 35 4-7 +6 5 Berths 2GM20 Yanmar 2GM20 Yanmar 2GM Yanmar 2GM20 Yanmar En$ne 18hp 13kW 18hP 15kW 20hp 15kW 20hp 13kW Power 35gal golt 2ogal 82lt 18gal 914 20gal 1591t Water 10gal 13gal 45lt 10gal 68lt 15gal 45lt 60lt Fuel 20.3 15.O 16.9 r"8.9 Sall area:disp 153 306 227 L92 Dlsp:LWL t53,389 tsl-,204 Prlce (ex VAT) t59,750 t67,750 YACHTING \øORLD 118 Old and new - the very first Contessa 32, Confessa Calherine llelll, alongside tfte new Jeremy Rogers boat, lfiird Gall. Main ¡hture, Wild Callsp;ilswilh Biued¡¿nh a 1977 version ¡ ':a r/ + r¡I I T f- .c K t h 65:1Í fr; t rS -! i1''---.," 0n test o s € o ñ è oì,i co o- Sh¡ringlhe ú qurrteñeiür, thc n¡vigato/¡ ¡cat is convcnlenüy cloce to thc comp¡nionrry ON DECK AND UNDER WAY Stand in the Contessa's cockpit with the tiller between your legs, the genoa sheet in one hand and the mainsheet in the other and there is little Ábove, tl¡e¡u i¡ more to be said about her ease of handling. For a32ftboat, her cockpit is small, but füesaloon, now then every aspect ofher design will seem small tpically 1.8m 16ft1. compared with modern designs. The advan- Fa¡ IeG h¡ndy tage, though, is that smallmeans manageable. locker/Crelf in lhe Deep coamings surround the teaklaid galley. Lefi, bcttcr cockpit and at first her long swan-neck tiller englnc accrss seems to dominate this area of the boat. How- ever, once you get under way, the helmsman is well forward in the cockpit leaving plenty of space towards the after end, a safe place for betweenmain andjibcanmakelile exciting, es- timeless elegance with the back-up of a suc- children especially. pecially when she gets to hull speed. Unfortu- cessful class association that keeps the spirit of The mainsheet traveller runs across the nately, the Contessa 32was born in an age the class alive. cockpit just abaft the companion'ilay, an when narrow transoms were the norm and a Perhaps a clue to the success ofa class can arrangement that is often criticised aboard typical downwind motion would emulate a be found in the value of the second-hand boats.
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