ely to succeed is the. Alliance plan for Union County? Page A-4. To subscribe, call (800) 300-9321 The^festfield Record Thursday, February 22,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents prep District unveils budget solution McKinley Elementary School wall host a "Getting Ready for Kindergarten" meeting for par- Rising expenses and reduced aid equal higher school taxes ents 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 21 in the auditorium. All pro- •y KEVIN COUJQAN $139.20 per year. district's $48,728,989 net budget is dedicated • Other support accounts for 26.7 percent spective McKinley School par- THE RECORD Much of the increase is due to the loss of to instruction. of the budget ents are invited to meet the $415,357 in state and federal aid, according Of the $25,898,661 instructional budget, The district's business office, general ad- school staff. The Finance Committee of the Westfield to Finance Committee Chairman William $18,110,009 is dedicated to regular instruc- ministration, food services, plant mainte- To register for kindergarten, Board of Education released its proposed Sweeney. tion which covers teacher salaries, materials nance, transportation and attendance office a child must be 5 years old by 1996-1997 budget Tuesday night The full board will vote on the proposed and supplies. Special instruction accounts account for $13,029,263 of the proposed bud- Oct 1. Registration require- Though the budget stays within the state budget at its meeting next Tuesday. From for $4,303,661 of the instructional budget. get increase cap, property owners in town will there the budget will go to the county for • Instructional support accounts for 14.9 ments include proof of resi- • The remaining 5.2 percent of the budget dency, a completed registration see a 3.4 percent increase in their local review. If it passes muster, the budget will percent of the district's budget. form, the child's birth certifi- school taxes. go back to the school board for fine tuning This budget line, which supports princi- is allocated to debt service and capital out- cate, a completed health history Local taxes will rise 8 cents per $100 of in March before town voters have the final pals and school administrators, guidance lay. form and medical records show- assessed value under the proposed budget. say in the April 16 school board elections. counselors, summer school, child study The vast majority of the school budget — ing inoculation against diphthe- The increase for the average Westftelder Here's how the budget breaks down: teams and health and library expenses, ac- 89.4 percent — is raised through local prop- ria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomy- with a home assessed at $174,000 will be a A little more than 53 percent of the counts for $7,283,247. erty taxes. State aid contributes 5.3 percent elitis, mumps, measles (rubeola) and German measles (rubella). If you have not already done so, call the school at 7894555 to register your child. Two new faces Prayer breakfast First Baptist Church of West- fldd hosts its 13th annual men's prayer breakfast 9-10:30 in school race; am Saturday in Fellowship Hall at 170 Elm St The pan- cake breakfast and video pro- gram "New Vision lor a New Day" is open to the public. deadline nears School philosophy •> lUWM OOUMWH tion," she added. Ms. Puleio has a 7 year-old Parents planning to enroll THE RECORD their children in St Paul's Day daughter attending Wilson El- School in Westfieki are invited Board of Education President ementary School and a 4 year-old to talk about the goals and phi- Susan Jacobson finally has com- son who will soon follow. losophy of the preschool and pany. "1 believe the level of govern- full-day kindergarten programs Two more candidates have en- ment that affects us most is local scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Friday, tered the race for three open government," said Ms. Puleio. "I March 1. school board seats. Frances Master- am very committed to the West- son, 924 Harding St., and An- field school system. It's very im- 'Maw Student registration in- portant for my children's future." person times are: 9:30 am. nmarie Puleio, 430 Kimball Ave., Monday, March 4 for kindergar- are the latest hopefuls to join what Ma. Puleio, who once worked at ten; Tuesday, March 5 for the had been a one-candidate race a William Patterson College as a staff older than 4 and 4-year-old week ago. member for the vice president of classes, Wednesday, March 6 Both women said their children academic affairs, said she wants to for 3-year-old classes-, and influenced their decisions to enter protect that future by mobilizing the race. the school bourd to protect West- Thursday, March 7 for the 2- field schools from state plans to yaarold class. AUOUSTO F. MCNEZES/THE RECORD "My daughter is entering kinder- garten in the fall and I'm con- equalize school funding. Call 233-5417 for further in- Under the state's twin proposals formation. Television pros cerned about some of the direc- Waatrta+d HIeh School aJumnua Slav* W#», Claaa of '81, aaatad, who la th* produear of a TV tion* tataa*. iA-ikw schools," said to equalize funding and establish a Ms. Masterson, who is president core curriculum, Wentfleld schools Breastfeeding group commercial tor Qanaral NutrWon Canters ahot In tha high school osrN«r thia month, Joins and treasurer of the Presbyterian could be "gutted," said the candi- I* Leche League of other pradetton team msmbsrs to view • Hv* 1—6 of th* taping. Nursery School, which her daugh- date. WestflekV Cnwiford, a breast- ter attends. "The state would tell us the feeding Information and sup- The candidate pointed to lacklus- amount of money we need to port group, will meet 10:15 a.m. ter SAT scores and the district's spend per pupil to provide a thor- Thursday, March 21 at the relatively poor performance on the ough and efficient education," said Cranfbrd library on Walnut Av- Wark leaving Franklin eighth-grade Early Warning Tests Ma. Puleio. "That amount Is a great enue. Call 709-1261 or 2S7-M28 as warning signs. deal Irss than we ««• currently for information. Ms. Masterson also took issue spending" with the revised kindergarten-fifth Monies spent over the state- Adult school grade health curriculum — "or mandated amount would be for Chatham school job family values and sex ed cur- termed "excessive" and Buhject to The WestAeld Adult School riculum, to be specific," she sakl. voter approval. asks prospective students to Kenneth Wark, principal of Fran- staff a renewed enthusiasm. He Ms. MasUrson said the program "I think the voters of this town register early for the 80-plus klin Elementary School for the has been a wonderful principal was wrongly shifting its primary have said the education we are of- courses offered this spring. past three years and of Washington whose first interest in the children. focus from the nuclear family to fering is not an oxceflRive educa- Classes are held on successive Elementary School 1987-1993, will He was always very approachable more unconventional lifestyles. tion," said Ms. Puleio. Monday evenings March 4-May leave the Westfield School District for the parents, never hesitating to Ms. MafiteiHon also wants to More candidates will likely join 6 at Westfield High School. Call toward the end of this school year. make time for discussions." tackle the issue of school over- the Hoard of Education race before the adult school registrar at He has born selected as principal Active in many professional en- crowding. She sakl a system of the nominating deadline of 4 p.m. 232-4050 for information. of Chatham Middle School. deavors, Mr. Wark has served as school pairing, in which tx>lh siden Monday. At U>a«t four nominating In accepting the resignation. Dr. past president of the Westfield As- (if town would huw two klndcrgnr- petitions hnve btfti token from the 1 Photo show Mark Smith, Westfield superinten- sociation of Administrators and Su- ton third Ktude schools and one dislrkt's buslm-Hs offict1 dent of schools, said, "Ken Wark perintendents, and has attended fourth fifth KTMIP school, may I** Would I*) cnn(lidate» <an pick up The photographs of Sheila the New Jersey Department of Ed- Lange will be on display has made n significant contribution thi> solution pctitionH from th«- business office to the Westfield School District. ucation Inclusion Workshop, TESA "I inn more them willing to listen in tht* illHlrlct'H Aflrninistration' through March at the Midlantlc (Teacher Expectations Student Bank on Elm Street. His Interest in children, his rapport to anyone who has n IH'UIT solu Huikling, 302 Kirn St with parents and his support of Achievement) programs and the progressive curriculum are some of Hnrvard Principals Seminar. Women scholarships his many strengths, lie is an excel- "My experiences in the WestflHd Consultant search under way Applications for the 1098 lent mlmintstnitor and I wish him Schools has been extremely re- scholarfihlp* uwards by the well in hia career change." warding," Mr. Wark said. 'This is '11M- Wi-HlflHil Hoard of l^luca j from ju«t l>t»low< Wwtneld College Women's In addition to his recent role as un exceptional school district with tion IH looking lit scvfriil con $5,()()» Ui uhoitt $IH,(MMJ, Mr. Tori- Club wr available in Westfteld principal of the district's largest el- highly motivated students, <Utli- HiilUintH It IH conniilnring to h«>l(> in cllo mid. High School Wentfieki girls in ementary school, Mr.
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