THE O LD STO NE CRO SSES O F DO RSET WITH AN INTRODU CTIO N AND DESCRIPTIVE ARTICLES BY ALFR ED $0s ‘ ou cnu u . mann a or n u nou n n u n “. a m ou r u p ANTIQU A U ANn u n cu m ; sou cr rou or r u n m u m cou r t ; n . m a nou n ILLUS TRATED WI TH NUMERO US PLJTES ! ND 1 KEY-HI P OF THE C O UNTY LO NDO N : PRINTED AT THE CHISW ICK PRESS A N o HEN N Doncnzs‘ r nn D sw BY RY LI G , x 9o6 E‘ T‘ PREFACE T isnow some twelve years since I first became e the e C sof inter sted in Old Ston rosse Dorset , when the restoration ofthe fifteenth-century cross e in the Stratton churchyard was contemplated . I th n read a paper on Stratton Church and Village Cross at a meeti ng of the Dorset Natural History and w ft sa a Antiquarian Field Club, hich a erward ppe red . x vi of i sw a w in vol its Proceed ng , ith vie to g iving e publicity to the matt r. Since then I have made the old stone crosses of a and a m Dorset a study, and very interesting bsorbing has the e e of a one it proved to be, and at urg nt requ st “ 7 of now several influential members the club, I put the information acquired at the service of the members ofthe Club and others who take an interest a e m in these ncient ston s. I have had considerable difficulty in deciding on e of e the arrangem nt the several d scriptive articles . w s so connected ith these crosses. Dor et is not rich in as f w w c old crosses the counties urther est, into hi h V w w r t they ere introduced, ith Ch is ianity, at a much r a ea lier d te . s of x -one The remain si ty crosses only , in some “ cas fa to es mere r gments, are all I have been able discover in this county . In the county of Somerset f w Mr. Pooley tells us he has ound over t o hundred to describe and delineate ; and in Devon and Cornwall of there are the remains a much larger number, many of n e f very a cient dat , some be ore the Saxon and a s rse f Norman er s, wherea in Do t I have only ound of the one, viz that at Todbere, the Saxon period, remainder being mostly erected in the fourteenth and fif teenth centuries . h s f for conveni I have t ought it be t, there ore, the e of a to fa f nce my re ders and cilitate re erence , to arrange the descriptive articles relating to these crosses in alphabetical order rather than in order of e w w dat , hich some ould consider the more correct a rrangement . The reader m ay think t hat in some instances the descriptions have been somewhat encum bered by s e t a l he a of mea ur men s and det i , but may be ssured the accuracy of these as well asof the other parts of as the descriptive matter, I have personally i ak v sited almost every stone described , and t en wn the measurements with my o hand . This vi sr f I considered neces a y, as the photographs rom which the plates have been taken ar e not of s . a s s a to . cour e sc le The e plate , however, convey true impression of the subject ; they preserve its main featuresand are of the greatest help in illus r t t a ing the text . ’ I must crave the reader s indulgence if in any of my descriptive articles I have gone astray on any c —I —bu t if techni al points , am no architect by writing these essays I can induce him to take an interest in these ancient crossesand preserve their a s for rem ins, I hall be amply repaid the trouble I ak have t en in describing them . It has been somewhat difficult to locate the remains of the many stone crosses scattered up and down a w the county, but I venture to think th t, ith the n of seson o exceptio cros t mbs and monumental slabs , ss are e s and church gable cro es, which so num rou that I cou ld not include them in a work of this i size, none have been om tted . n and t I have to tha k the clergy , gentry, o hers in for n the county , the ready and able assista ce they have and rendered me in my work , the courtesy with which they have responded to my sometimes trouble i ofw f e some inqu ries, to many hom I have re err d in a my descriptive articles , and I h rdly think they vii 6 ld ih i m h h re wou w s the r na es repeated ere . I ave ceived great technical assistance and considerabl e ’ f e of in bou r th . Po help my la s rom study Mr C . oley s ” i l e k on o se of So st adm rab wor the Stone Cr s s mer e , ’ “ I Bri i and u i of Mr. T. ght s Anc ent Crosses Antiq ties ” ’ ” n al and R m se of Cor w l , im er s Stone Cros s England , and a ed u u sefiil f h'om g ther m ch in ormation the Rev. ’ El iasOwen swork on the Old Stone Crosses of ’ l and fr m u of Wa es, o H tchins s History Dorset . I mu st thank those l adiesand gentlemen who have a a s rendered . me gre t help by t king mo t excellent r a of m n fr the photog phs my a y subjects, om which l u h d plates in the vo me ave been reproduce . S l s ome may say that these photogravure p ate , u of o which are q ite works art, are more c stly than a k of o l n the wor this character w u d warra t, but great importance oftheir being permanent must not be for was to gotten , and I unable obtain a guarantee that r c s any ofthe cheaper p o esse would prove so . i d as f c I have ntroduce , a rontispie e, a sketch map ofthe u ofthe s co nty, with the positions several cros es e so t a f mark d in red, that hey may be e sily ound, should any of my readers have the cu riosity to Vl Sl t . them ALFRED Po s p . ' Doacu zsr aa, A r il I 06. p , 9 CONTENTS Paau ca TABLE or Com am s La w or P u mas MA P or Doass'r su owm c OSITIO or Caossx s , P N (a tispiece) IN'r aonu c'r xou BA'r cou na Down CROSS-A ND-HAND Bu mm er “ Bu u nr oao Foru m Bu nr onn Anu s(Cu u acu u nn) (V BRIDPORT CA'r 'r rs'rocx CBRNB Anu s Cu asn nonna m z O x nr onn - Con n ou Anu s Conn Cas'r u Conn Mu m. “ Fir m-t u n Ma o na u n ' FoNr u u x. MAGNA GUSSA L G ! A I. SAINTS ' Gu m s: S r . MI cu AaI. HAMMON aliasHAM-MOHUN l wa z Ca u n'a v aliasSHROTON LANo'm NHsaaI No LIIIG II IN YETMINSTER (VI LLAG B) (CIw It I vAIt n) a u r r MI Ns'r za MAIDEN Naw't oN(V (Cu u acu vAa n) Men u “ Bu n Mat nvnv O SMOND MILTON AnaAs MI N'r anNs(LITTLE) Mo'r cou nz O x sr ono aliasc r oan FITZPAINE PAna (W337 ) PIMPERNE Pooas'rocx aliasPowsns'r ocx PUc Nowu WI 'r II Swvnz RA MPISII AM(CHU RC HYARD) (VI LLAG B) SHAFTESBURY (VARIOUS Cnossas) (How TRINITY) ’ ' (S r . Joa Ns) PAG E SHA pvn cx S HBRBO RNB (CO NDU I ‘P) S HI LLI NGS’I‘ O NB (VI LLAG B) (CHURCHYARD) S PB‘I‘ TI SBU RY STALBRIDGE STI NSI'O RD (ON THE HEATH) (A'r DU DDL! ) (AT THE CROSS ROADS) STRATTON (CHU Rc ARD) (GRI II S'r O Na DOWN) STUDLAND STO RII I NS'I'IIR MARSHALL STU RMI NS‘I‘ BR a 'r oN S LI ' NI AS YD NG S r . CHOL TAR RAN'I' CRAWFORD TARRAN‘I' HINTON TARRAN'I' MO NIt 'r O N TO Du Ra TYNEHAM WHITCOM BE WI NTaRnO RNz STIC KLAND LIST OF PLATES KEY-MA P or DORSET Fr ontirpicce BATcO HEE DOWN CROSS-AND-HAND STONE) BEAMINSTER (ROBINSON MEMORIAL) BRA Dr O RD AEEAS (CHURCHYARD) BRI DRO RT CERNE AEEAS CHESIILEORNE COMPTON AEEAS CO Rr E CASTLE CO Rr E MULLEN LANGTON HERRING LEIGH IN YETMINSTER (VILLAGE) MAIDEN NEWTON (VILLAGE) MBLBU RY Bu ss MOTcO IuI EE O KEFORD FIs AI NE PI H RERNE PO c NOWLE RAMPISHAM (CH U RCHYARD) (V xiii S HATTESEU RY (HOLY TRINITY) ’ (ST.
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