<"• ,-.*,..• ;*»;: PAOE. EIGHT EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT, EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2l. 1936. f r EVERY BUSINESS JOB PRIMING r 'Engic Lake should be repn ^-TiM- Il'^^iyHt plant/i cqut!!-. .'»nteci in t;i" columns of 'p'''! loi ail tliibhes /of Com-' Eagle Lake's newspaper,, iLciC'Lil Primhig and will ajj- pn'ciiit' vfurr nv\\ order fir Tin; nKAFiLKim jOBj'KlNtf.NG " THE ONLY FAPER I\ MANJf HUMES, THE ONE PAPER IN MOST HOMES IN SOt THEAST COLOKADO {Ol'NTY AND NORTIIEKN WHARTON ("OlINTY Don't (l«^Ia\ anollicrdayl nriiijr in lliat old truck or plck-nijt for a trade on a new V-^ truck or phk-uj). Or Irl our -^^-- ^_ (icparlinciil rcjdacc your old unit. \Vork done by, skilled nieeliaiijcs. 'AW work guarantce4^ ^s^ 11 Bruce W. McCarty, Editor and Owner. •'.MrniiNa KXTKNTATIC, NOK SKT P^WN ArciiT IN' MAIJCI:" "IVoT) ollars a Year In Advance. V(JLl ME XXXIII. E\(;F K LAKE, TK\ VS. FRIDW, \lH;i SI 28. WMu M,M|{| U 21. FARM LEADERS URW We Have A Few Good Used Trucks UGHT VOTE IN GOES ON BENCH SIX OCCUPANTS OF FOOTBALL BOYS TO FUNERAL SERVICES fCOYLE-STERLING CAR ALL INJURED COLORADO COUNTY TO LEAVE MONDAY FOR :,~~=±=: Also Several Used Fords and Chervolet Passenger Cars COUNTY CAST AHEND LAGRANGE MEET ™™Sr GARWOOD WELL PRICED TO SELt. IN HIGHWAY CRASH WEEK'S CAMP TRIP -ON SATURDAY Districfleefing of Texasligricul- DRILLING TODAY B. H. McElhinr.ey, Mgr. Colored People Going Home To tural Association Has Program Coaches Hinton and Ctieatham To Esteemed' titizen and Veteran Houston After Attending Funer­ Eagle Lake, Texas Phone 6.: Thompson, McDonald and Cody of Rural, ifrtian and Town Be Witti Bjoys For Traininj At Business Man of Eagle L^ke Three Crews Mov£ In To Garw'ob.d al Here, Land In Hospital; One Leading Candidates In Cdlora- Problems Closely Related. Coacti Tom . Dennis' Privately Passes Awayin Temple Hos­ ^m Yesterday,- Resume WorL 1s In Very Serious Condition. do County'.With Only. Fourth of Owned Camp Near Wimberly. pital Early Thursday. On Mary South No. 1 And Will v ^ Jpters Going To Polls. • • Representatives from the Eagle Carry Well To Completion.^. ;' Lake Rotary Club, Eagle Lake bu.si- Six colored people, who left Ea­ The Eagle U^ke High School "Ea­ Genuine regret is felt throughout mmitimi^mmmmmm neM men and farmed of Uii«.^M»c-v. .HEHEiS A f A+tSON S - r • HAHIWKM FA>m.V. MRS. gle Lake -Siinday afiefni-)on fur gles," IcHcfrfbdibair team, Will leave ItHis com'mUhlty iuid'ixpresslbns.bt lion.are beipg urged, 10 attend the LIFE -AS -UK iiEES it MXEUAN OFF FOR VISIT Houston, are in Houston hospitals for "Camp Idlewhile ' near Wim­ sorrow are heard from 'many lips WHh a-rvery H«ht ratf polled Civic Leaders' Pay proBiam under 'J Three Sterling Oil and Refining ' suffering from injuries received berly, Texas, early next Monday throughout the slate in Saturdays auspices of the farnv board. a1 La- since a message yesterday broughk Company crews moved into GarwocKl-.... Who'd be a i)arson?_ _______ Mr. and Mrs.'Frank Hartwell and (iff primary, EnitH Q.'ThtWBP- wne|i their ear, collided with an^ and, will be iti tamp until Satitf- th»>->iaU ncwii oi ibv piotnig of J4f, -ycfitcidtty, wjierc. they ^ wiil mak»»aa ^Xi.stf n To uTiri'^ nev" *crPaul Glld- Grangc iiexT Monday two chlTdrea Dow and Jeannine, .son won the -nomination for rail­ other between Rosenberg and Staf­ day The boys will be back in Eagle A. L Baring. He died at 6:30-Thurs­ their headquarters, and drilling w.i.-' deii: vicaf ot ."it J.uiies' ChUrth. in The program, which ulfects iurni- Wt by auto yesterdav for a iwc road commliiloner over Morris by ford. Lake by noon Septenibeji.ith. day morning at the Kings Daugh­ resumed at the Coyle-Sterling Mat^—— the Walthamstow suburb of London, weeks' visit awav trotft the usuaJ ers and business men ilik": .should AVALCN a large majority. J. E. McDonald This camp is one* that is owned ters hospital in Temple, following South No. 1 well, eight miles we.^t has to .say .ibuut his Job in his business grinc'. They expect to Nina Selders, about 70 years of be heard by as many people from EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS was re-elected Commissioner of by Tom L. Dennis, coach of the an operation more than two week.s of Garwood this morning. parish magazmr. '^ spend a week Msitms in New Or­ age. who for many years farmed this section as possible TONIGHT . Agriculture over Terrell. previous. The crews had expected to resum.; If he is devout he is accused of leans. Louisiana, and Jackson. Mi.s- JUDGE R. B. STANFORD with her husband near Eagle Lake, . Civic. Business Service and Port Arthur High School. Coach T. H, Cody of Houston wen the Lffit^y Judge R B Stanford, who has suffered a badly bl-oken hio and Luncheon clubs hav* been invited Dennis has his squad\of thirty boys Mr. Baring was one of the veteran drilling in the well last night, but '." ".spending all his itime in that si.ssippi. and the second week thev nomination for judge ot the court "JAIL BREAK" church of lu.-^ •'*If. he visits his will si.cnd tiikinc in the_Texa,<; Cen- sen-ed as Secret&ry of Stale in the crush of the bones of the upper to send as many delegates as pos­ in camp now and they will be there business men of Eagle Lake, having owing to eli'ctrical disturbances irV-- of civil appeals in this district over withour squad all during next week the air. the highline current wi.i.-' With June Travis, Craig Reynold.s pari.sh he is always putting his teimial at Dallas. The last fe^y days AUred.admmlstratiflh .since the res^ leg. Her condition is .serious. Her sible, and farm leaders are urginjf been continuously in business here Horace Soule, off. and drilling did not get under- :• no.se into otliei iieople's basines,s." of their vacr.tion they plan to ignation of Gerald C. Mann, has .'on. Earl received a broken leg all farmers of this community to The Eagles will leave at 6 a. m. since 1899. In October of that year Henry S Paulus was nominated way until today. • ON THE STAGE II he docs not, they .say, "we iiright ^nend at Neu BnniiifcK oi Medina resigned the office and ha.'- beeir Local colored people were unable attend, which is the District No. Monday in the Glaiser school bus he moved to Eagle Lake and open­ For for district attorney without op­ This, well was .spudded in several«_ be dead ,for all iic caies.". Lake, .iist doing nothing Prank appointed bv Governor Allied to to furnish the names of the other 11 meeting of the Texas Agricul­ with the following boys in the camp­ ed a .saddle and harness business, HAMMOND ELECTRIC ORGAN position . If h'." tries to iiieet the wishes of said, or rather 'r(sting up trom the succeed the late District Judge Sam tural Association. ing party: later'taking on a line of buggies weeks,ago, drilled to 755 feet.when^ '•" • Col Thompson carried Colorado four in the car with them, all of ' With Albon Wiggui.s. Organist his people he ''iiasn't a mind of vacation before starting biick to R Scott of Waco and surries. His first busines,s stand surface ca.slng was sj'i and cement-' eoimiy oveF. his opponent in a vote whom were injured and are in hos­ Farm leaders who are in a po­ William' Bales. Leonard Braden jiis own." If he carries out his own work Mr.s. R. L McLeUan accom­ here'was "in a byilding about where I ed. Since that time the well hii SAIIIRDAY of 777 to 283. which i's approxi­ The 36-ycar old district Judp<' is pitals suffering from broken collar­ sition to know, say that the prob­ James Cash, Ray Eslliiibiiuni.-Clif­ policy in his own way he "has no panied them as far as New Orlean; j the Avaion Theatre now- stands been standing while the crews w-ei.» Al'GlST 22 mately one-lo'.irili of the county's a son of Justice J, A. Stanford of bones, broken ribs, one, a broken lems to be discussed at this meet­ ford Evoritl. William Glaiser. Bryan lespect lor other peoples feelings." and fro.ra there went by tram far af \i\U'r. he m'oved further east on ciwaged in work on another Ste- Associate Justice ^ the. court of civil appeals of Waco (iiLkle. and numerdu.s' bruises-and ing af-e so vital tojfcrmers and busi- Handle.v. Howard Lee, Doug Oben-' visit to I'Y'latives in Mobile. Alabama | voting flreiigtli The race for^Com- Main street to .-iomewhere- near lilt; ling venture iu .VUt .Swniuv'MotisVori.;'-'*' , "THE SINGING missjosier of Agriculturi*~'ln Tlie is married and. Inis two children cuts.' •. ' • . - • - -n^ati men alike, that bii.-.viiess nuu haiis. -Paul Powers, Johii Rauch. Sunday's Hniston Post printed n The City Grill is uatler the man- ; present Rotary Cltlb hall, an(l,'then area.- . • , ((ii*ntv 'xtt^ close, McDonald havins He 'vvas county judge of Wttco two aild farmerii cannot alliird to mi.ss Luw.son S.wearingen. Walter Taylor * VAGABOND" picture of the handsome new home apement of Mis.s Gladvf Tate durr The colored'people had been to to the stand now- occupied by Harry 'The Headlight is (old that, th- a lead over Terrell of-onlv 12 votis terms ajid wiil .serve until, the ex­ •the.meewng.
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