Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1952-02-13 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1952). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1899. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1899 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XaVier -University News A. Weekly Neuapaper By Students From The Evanston, Downtown A.nd Milford; Campuse•. VOLUME xxxvn CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 19~2 N0.13 'Hungary's Catholics Firml}7 Resisting Reds'-Prinee Otto NFCCS PICKS CINCINNATI HOTEL --~ ··········. FOR NATIONAL PARLEY AUG. 24-30 'Responsibility Of The Christian Student' Dean Explains Is Theme For First Queen City Meet In History The National Federation of Catholic College Students will Dress Rulings bring its big national convention to Cincinnati for the first At Student Council meeting time as school representatives from points all over the country Monday members of Council meet for their meeting Aug. 24-30. The delegates will have asked for a clarification of the their headquarters at the Hotel Sheraton-Gibson. new dress regulations. Rev. Pat­ The theme for this year's con­ rick Ratterman, S.J., Dean of vention is "Responsibility of the . Men, explained that only trous­ Youth Progra.m Christian Student." For the first ers which hold a crease will ful­ time in its history, the convention fill the regulations. Also Champ­ Seeks Leaders will open with a day of recollec­ ionship Sport Jackets are permis­ tion. Don Wintersheimer of Villa sible provided that all identify­ Applications for student lead­ ers to assist in Operation Youth Madonna College has been named ing insignias have been removed. chairman of the national conven­ To further clarify the regula­ are being accepted, Dr. Joseph Link, Jr., program director, an­ tion. Xavier's delegation will be tions an eight-man committee headed by freshman John Moor- headed by Jack Cade was set up nounced this week. Counselors •• ho to study the problem. and leaders from among the stu- man. · Archduke otto of Hapsburg gives News Editor Tom Lippert an dent body will be needed during Cincinnatians In Charge exclusive interview on world affairs. Photo by He1lkamp the week-long program, which Other nominees were Miss Car- By Tom Lippert, Editor·in·Chie/ Yearbook Pictures Sunday this year will extend from June ol Hinds of Mt. St. Joseph to be "The. situation of the Catholic Church in Hungary is much All campus organizations will 14 through June 21. chairman of the arrangements more favorable than we are led to expect," Archduke Otto of have their group pictures taken Dr. Link reported that over 300 committee, and Miss Mary Dam­ Hapsburg, claimant to the throne of Austria-Hungary, told this Sunday, Editor Bob Fitzpat­ boys from eight states are ex- arrell to head the registration rick announced this week. pected to live on the Xavier committee. The College of St. The News in an exclusive interview last Friday. "There is no Students should consult the bul­ campus during that time. They Mary's of the Springs is editing serious dissidence within the letin board to learn the time for will participate in a program the National Year Book. Church itself, as in Czechoslo­ Prince Otto answered "yes" to their activity's picture. All groups stressing democracy and citizen- This announcement of the nat- vakia, and so far youth has not this reporter's question whether are requested to meet in the lobby it was true Archbishop Groesz ship. ional convention in Cincinnati been substantially lost to Ca­ of the library building. All Xavier students are eligi- came closely on the heels of the tholicism," Prince Otto encour- (Continued on Page 3) ble to serve as counselors or lead- NFCCS Forensics Commisions de­ agingly stated. · ers, and may obtain . application cision to make Xavier host of the The unusually affable 40-year­ . bla11ks from M;. :Wil~iam E. Saut-· -organiiation's" national. "d e·b'a t e old former Crown Prince, who Gibson Roof Garden-Scene - er, i~structor m ~hllosophy. Ac- tournament on April 18. The Pol­ speaks beautiful English and four cordin~ to ~r. Lmk, each coun- and Philopedian Society is al­ other languages fluently, lives Of Mardi Gras Fund Frolic s:lor is assigned from 10 to 15 ready :working on arrangements exiled near Paris with his Ger.; One highlight of the evening h1.gh ~c?ool boys for pro.gram for the national debate fray. man princess-wife but is now on By Bob Murray . superv1s1on. In. return for his ef- a lecture tour of the U.S. Ques­ The Alumnae Society, the Hon­ will be the crowning of the queen forts, he is given his meals, board Marian Congress Coming Up tioned as to present monarchist ors ·Course Society and the Book and the colorful .pageant preced­ and salary. Further plans of local colleges ing. the coronation. Girls from sev­ sentiment in Austria and Hun­ Lovers Club will present their Operation :Youth won ·the Na- to cooperate with this newly an­ gary, Prince Otto described it as second annual Mardi Gras Din­ eral of the local high schools will take part in the pageant and also tional Freedom F o u n d at i o n nounced national convention will "very strong, for the people rec­ ner-Darice at the Sheraton-Gib­ Award in 1951. Representing the be unfolded at·future meetings of ognize it as the alternative to the son Roof Garden tomorrow night. will act as ushers. The lucky winner of the new National Freedom Foundation in the Regional NFCCS. The annual unpopular Communist regime." Proceeds from the Mardi Gras presenting the award at Valley Marian Congress of the NFCCS Ball, which is always held on the 1953 Ford sedan will also be cho­ New Russian Revolt Unlikely sen and announced tomorrow Forge, Ya., was General Omar T. will be held on March 21, and While doubting any likelihood last Saturday before the begin­ night. Bradley, chairman of the Joint May 1 and 2 will see its Regional of revolution in Russia itself, ning of Lent, will go for the pur­ Chiefs of. Staff. Congress here. · chasing of new books for the li­ General C)lairman of the Mardi Prince Otto emphasized that rev­ Gras Ball is Mrs. John Rush. olution possibilities exist abso­ brary and for providing scholar­ ships for deserving students. Serving on the committee are lutely within her satellites. How­ Miss Mary Leonard of the Honors Blue & White Derby To Honor ever, he does not see any prox­ Charlie Kehrer and his orches­ tra will provide the music for the Course Society, M i s s H e 1 en imate possibility of the defection Knecht of the Alumnae, and Mrs. of Hungary "unless the new poli­ dance. Decorations will have a Fr. Miller's '20th Anniversary' New Orleans motif. John Gilligan of the Book Lov­ The Blue and White Derby will Building. · icy of Dulles (John Foster Dul­ ers Club., les, new U.S. Secretary of State),. introduce a new competitive Former alumni presidents as it grows clearer, aids and en­ Family Life Group All ticket sellers are reminded angle to alumni fund raising ef- George E. Kearns and Jack S. courages the liberation of East to turn their returns in at the forts as the new drive honors the M u 1 v i h i 11 , co-chairmen, 'an- Europe." He was quick to praise To Confer Mar. 13 Public Relations office by tonight. 20 year reign of Rev. Frederick N. nounced that a trip to the Ken­ the new administration's receDt The Sixth Annual Family Life . Miller, S.J., as Chemistry De- tucky Derby will be ·the prize for Chinese move as "the first sign of Conference, entitled "Through X Men Participate partment Chairman. The newest earliest fulfillment of the quota. a tremendous forward step." 'Your Hands," will be sponsored · goal of the Alumni Association Competition is being set 'up ac­ A further insight into monarch­ by the Xavier Family Life In- In Control Confah is $25,000 to furnish one of eight cording to postal zone numbers. ist hopes in Hungary came when stitute from March 13-15. new laboratories in the new Lab To Be Dedicated Five Xavier accounting stu­ Thomas J. Logan Chemistry Chairman Friday will be Very dents partook in the forum dis­ The lab that is furnished with Two Korean Vets Rev. James F, Maguire, President cussion of the Cincinnati Control the money collected in the Blue of Xavier; on Saturday, Rt. Rev. of the Controllers Institute of and White Derby will bear a Join ROTC Staff Msgr: August J. Kramer, on Sun­ America last night in the UC plaque dedicating ·it as· follows: day afternoon Dr. Joseph P. Ev­ Union Building. Xavier University Alumni Lab­ Two new instructors, Major ans, and on Sunday evening Rev. Jesse H. Brown and Capt. Ben C. Selected as partiicipanlts and oratory in Commemoration of Joseph· Osuch, S.J. alternates on the panel, "Seek­ Rev. Frederick N. Miller, S. J., Parrott, have recently been added Panel discussions, exhibits and to the Xavier ROTC staff. Both ing a Career in Accounting," were Chairman of the Chemistry' De­ a pageant on Sunday will fea­ Jack Ryan, Bob Smith, Jim partment since 1933. officers returned from Korea in ture the March conference.
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