PUBLIC LIBRARY 425 E.BROAD ST. ADV. WESTFIELO.H.I. 07090 Best Wishes To All 1970 THEWESTFIELD LEADER Graduates THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 45 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 Every Thursday 32 Pageg—10 Cents Junior Highs MTA Rejects 617 in Westfield salary Offer li'l students were graduated from • i I g\ J*%J"% I'll ill Mountainside—'line Teachers Asso- that Che salary schedule adtoptedby the Deer-field Middle School Tues- Graduate 666 ciation, at a meeting Monday voted ^ bc'ard does not maiinta&n Mouii- day night. ., unanimously to reject the salary tamside's compeiftive poisftion in Uie ';,-Featuring a farewell address by Susan Wolf and Andrew RuoHolo sehotlulB imflatemlly adopted byJhe COUI% te hWng alld keeping Khn L. ThWrr class raledictori*.. High shared • lop honors at last night's 317 Earn 349Promoted Board of BaiwaUcm at its June <J teachers. Among the 14 Uinon aa'd a welcoming speech by Denjsu "raduation of 617 seniors from West- meetinig. This aoti'on moans tat Cuity school districts wfhMh. have Gairibee, salutatorian, tlie cere- field Hiir , STUDENTS: David Edward Dunfee with the exception of a medical in- settlJ sala,rfe, MmMzmsMe and ponte, kfclutod the preseitata of r siffance package, the board arid line one other coirmranMy now offer the diplomas by Grant H. Lennox, pres- <-aio Dee Aagre Donald Jeffrey Dvorm Susan, first honor student, was RJDiplomas At Edison Pllylll s KllJ Aagre Harold James Edmon, Jr. assetfabton have be en un'aible to luwe8t minimum salaries alt the BA inter* of the Board of Educate. | awarded the American flag annually rea* agreement on any of the pro- and MA levels the alssoolat'tan Says, lEdbert Magno, Student Oouncil Jonathan AJpert Beverly Ehrich presented to the first honor student Linda Ruth Eichhorn by the Weslfield Chapter, Daughters Thres iliurtdired artd 17 students, (Robin Barnett and L. Christopher posata put forward as the basis of alld at fee s*on!d Step on the sal- sferetlary, presented Uie ctess Silt Uavid William Anderson r L A derson Wendy Scott Elcome of American Revolution. She also 60 wiiUi hoiitor ranking,' were grcri- Vejnosloa shared the Class of '62 an- a' successor agreement to Hie as-ary scjjleidiiile, Mountainside is tow-to Debra Goralski, Student Council JV ? - " Cathleen Anne Evangelista won a $15 Latin1 prize, a $25 English uateld Tui'isdiay night fram. Riiaiie- nual award for scholarship as 349sooMon's present contract willh lire esl in tke comty aoross fflte b^n}.' vlc^pmitat. aVld obert alz Jl anne F Ilc veilt Jiunror Il%h School. The oere- students, 67 of these honor pupils, Boart, due to eq*e June 30. »„» tod's new salary schedule Jeffrey W. IWt uf 1395 Ctapel J° f' > 'f° : moitie^ were held to Wesffield ffigh were graduated Tuesday night from ^ ? ^ f' " Oliver Deane **»•» for *. BB «* a**, R. Ale,, of » Sdho»l. Edison Junior High School. I. to — «—age of sssodJaitaon s«d tee we«-e several Dr. Salomon J. Cohen, a memlbcr Charles R. Mayer, a member of (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 4) Joel Mark Barnett Diane Gaydick general achievement," the Readers reasons for the rejeotaoa of liie Sal- Patricia Kay Barnett Robert Jeffrey Geenberg Digest prize to the valedictorian, of Hie Board of Education, present- the Board of Education, presented ary schedule. ed diplom'as to the graduates, many diplomas to the graduates at cere- Joyce Ellyn Bauchner Gregory Collins Gerber and the Panhellenic academic First, included in the 1970-71 of WlVom were recMuniis of laivwaaids monies in WestfieW Senior High Sarah Kaye Bellman J. Darlington Gilbert achievement award of $10 given to school budget passed by Mountain- Janette Morgan Berg the girl with I he highest academic amtoiuroed by Chester H. Bright, Schol. Samuel A. Soprano, princi- George Bruce Gillie, Jr. side voters in February, was a line Edward Arthur Biller standing by the Westfield Area City IJi'inlcipal. pal, presented the awards. James Scott Gillin item for instructional salaries Jamie Bischoff Panhellenic. The welcoming alddress wais gi'v- James Walter Gish The invocation was led by Kobin which showed an incraase of Barbara Susan Blonsky Rosalinda Veronica Giuditta Ruotolo earned the Cornel! Cup, eu by Dawiri P. Pecfca, president Barnett and the benediction by the$101,340 over the previous year's Joanne Leslie Bober David Philip Wayne Gowdy the Richard Van Den Bergh Mono- of tte niintli grade, the Class gift Rev. Robert W. Thatcher, associate alluuaM'on. "Since the teachers Daniel Ward Boston Pamela Elizabeth Grady rial Award ond the Nichols Memor- presented by Daivii'd C. Philips, vice pastor of the First Baptist Church. mlake up approximately 85% of the Suzanne Marie Boutillier. Margery K. Gunza ial Award. The Cornell Cup is pre- president. Ha'nwood K. Smith, Stu- Charles E. Jackson and Charles G. people KsiLe'd uodenr blife cfategory," Francine Marie Bremer Steven Richard Hake sented to a boy selected by a facul- dent Council prcsient, led the flag Schrope led the flag salute. said Mr. Deane, "we feel that pro- Mountainside — Resolutions to ap- man Senlancik received the highest net3i Ann Bronston Thomas John Handza ty conninittee as the outstanding salute. A welcoming address was given portional part of this $101,340 was Point Patrolmen Edward H. Hafekan score with Hafekan and Delia Ser- Ronnie Kay Brower Richard Haney man in the senior class based on Tlie Rev. Canon BJdiard J. Hard- by David J. Bonnctti, president of maant by the vdtem for tcadhers' aid Raymond H. Delia Serra to Sf.r- ra reportedly tied for second place. Aimee Susan Brown Robin Lynne Hansen all-around excellence, including high man, reatw of St. Pawl's EpSsoopal the ninth grade and Shellie Ann Bor raises. T'he &'/'• salary srfiedula geants, and Patrolman Stephen C. Seniority of tenure was not involved Richard Damon Calvert Gayle Lee Hartmann scholarship, extra-curricular accom- Church, gave both the iiiTO'Catiion nor, secretary, oresented the class adopted by the board represents Semancik to detective, were tabled since ail three men have been on Beverly Ann Campbell Eileen Rita Harwood plisfanents, character, personality and bBne!dSdt'ion. gift. for further study by Die Mayor and the force for approximately the about $57 000 or approximately 57% jacob Chacko, Jr. Jean Elizabeth Haworth ' and citizcnsliip. "Winners of awards wore: Other awards, presented by theof tjhiat money " Council at a meeting Tuesday night same number of years. Virginia Ann Chlan Paul Russell Hendrycy The Van Den Bergh plaque, pre- American Legion Goa'd Citizen- PTA, included: at the Becchwootl Sch o1 Robert Ruggiero, police commis- Nancy Jean Church James Eugene Hill sented to the school by Donald Ross qprondlv t'he nsMofetton feels ° - ship, Stephanie Ar-den Cfailaglia English, Julie Suzanne Fox, .ae.con.uiy UIL J^UUMUWI Several weeks ago when openings -sioner, when interviewed, stated Constance Claman Barbara Helen Hoff of ths Class of 19S5 in memoi-y of and JonBtihan Amktens Bagger. Charles G. Schrope, Mslinda Ann for two sergeants became available that because he was aware of the Donna A. Cleveland Charles Philip Howe Richard Van Den Bergh of the Class in Uls n[>lice arunent the flne record of 'P.T.O. awa>itt'3: EnfelMi, Diane Shapiro, L. Christopher Vejnoska, - d*P - ttti^ Semancik's achieve- Kancy Lynn Colwell Sheila M. Hyman of 1034, and replaced in 1958 as a El'aine Cummiitngs; history, Olrarles Fran Ruth Robins, Charles C. Swick- I OLI1UU1 men, among others, took the test "menls as a police officer, some olii- William David Condon Patricia E. Jeney gift of Mrs. Virginia Van Den Btrgh for the promotion in which Patrol- Bonnie Jean Cottrell Mpert; Datt:'n, Nancy N. Chenite; er and Laura Rachel Kuntz. _ . er form of recognition should be James E. Johnson Weklon, is engraved annually t» Gorman, Carolyn GutaS; French, Biology, Gloria Gail' Stricklin. awarded to him, since there was on- Nancy Craft Janel M johnson the senior boy who by vote of tha Leslie 'PaiSli Sauddttrs; Spamiish, Earth science, George C. Anibos. lime tt± ly two openings for sergeants'posts. Susan Ann Crane Wendy S. Jones senior class and faculty most near- Emily E. Lia Costa; Mat}!, Jona- Physical science,' Martin Jeffrey The commissioner further stated Patricia Ann Cronin Martin David Judd ly approaches Richard Van Den M»an Andets Daggei, science, Burt Minnicino. Summer school will begin lhat because Patrolman Semancik victoria Judith Cross Jennifer Anne Kaedinfi Bergli's enthusiasm and love of life, day and coatinu. Monday^ th, ough p.ovea ,cc d of outstanding unassuming simplicity and unstudl MJohell Silvcrman, nidusitriaJ aits, Geometry, Marie L. PcrKowski A(lV1S01 hacI a 01 K« A^" Cr w Barb ra a"ron Ka f Jonathan Andcn-> Bdgger and Joan E. Coukos. «ork wth juvew^. in oadiUon to rt Brian Cutler Frank Fremont Kaiser III *d courtesy, generous thouglUful- y Hote w for others, sincerity and fien- iMemoirldl idwatijs Dick.ans»mi, Algebra, Robm Barnett Cg m <llltleSl he deci!ied l0 Bruce Woodward Dean Michael Robert Kamins Woild history, Robert Thwn<)s Junll e 11 an mal w uaL1I ly nourtitfbs wni 0l "LA\O! A new po-t withi, n the dt- uineness of character. eloilliin0', Mf'ul'ha darter Fratt; Thp ,oca, antl pollutlon oiganiza-. Nicholas John DiGirolamo, Jr. Patricia Anne Kane from a m am until u M pm Th Lieut Daniel C McUnion, typing, Nancy Lee Sch- Fuller, Lauiv Raohel Kuntz and L. Um^ p?,p (Po]lullall and Environ- partmeiit in vlnoh the police officer Nlna T p,Lorenzo Beth Kaswan e ' Nichols an- nira jt.'ocir, Buiri1!! , urtirumentt iinus- Christopher Vejnoskla.
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