BACK UP OUR BRAVE BOYS WHO ARE HOLDING THE LINE AGAINST THE MENACING HUN THE WEATHER; - For Nebraska: . Fair; warm er north central portion. Thermometer Heading!D. 8 m. m , II 1 p. m . 4 HO The- 'm. ra p. Ill Omaha M! "The Stars and Bee 7 k. m. ......... ft7 1 n. m , st Stripe Daily . m 10 4 p. m 83 n. ni t 5 P. m M Forever." ! VOL. 48. NO. 27. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 1918. " '' ' In JO . m 18.S P. IB 84 . I "ill (I Daily. II.JO; Suntfty. n,rn It a. 11 1 P. m 84 I mt)i KM: CuNib. in.......... IS p. m SO S P. 84 ? 1 AMERICANS CAPTURE 4000 HUNS SINK YANKEE TROOPS IN RUSH PRISONERS IN OPERATIONS U.S.SMPIN CARRY ALL BEFORE THEM; TO WEST OF SOISSONS CAVALRY NOW IN ACTION WAR ZONE Counter Attack Between Rivers Aisne Airmen Use Machine Magnificent Troops Dash Forward Plateau Dominating Soissons on Southwest Occupied in Ad- Guns on Troops Below With and Marne, Complete Surprise for Boche; Great Fervor Dash Front of 28 Ger- 18. Thom-asso- n, American Westover. Along Miles, Which Penetrates Paris, July Colonel Steamer By Associated Press. vance Believed to Have Put End to Ger- a military writer, describ- : on to Eu- On The French front in man Lines to a of Six the air fighting,-says- Torpedoed Way France, Depth Miles; Large ing 18. When the allies' attack man Offensive Against Rheims "It was on Monday and Tuesday, July Ten of Crew Number of Guns . when the Germans were forced to rope: Navy began afnoon today the Germans Captured were and offered abandon and muni- of surprised slight moving troops 92 Missing. resistance in advanced BULLETIN. the allied avia- the lines, ' tions by night, that ' 18. Stubborn German resistance at Cour did many immediately throwing up . By Associated Press. ( , Paris, July tors their most spectacular "kam-erad- Washington, July 18. The Ameri- their arms and ." ichamps, northwest of Chateau Thierry, has been broken by the work. A great flock of more than shouting Paris, July 18. More than 20 villages have been recap ' 200 the Ameri- can steamer Westover an army supply in French, says the Havas correspondent at the front. Eighteen wentout Monday, The fire the tured by the French and American troops the offensive be cans the the French ship manned by men, was tor barrage preceded irimf and nuhierous machines were by the French flying lowest, navy waves of infantry but one of the gun this morning, according to the war office announcement to captured next and the British the highest-Whe- and sunk in pedoed the war zone heaviest storms of this year night, which reports also the occupation ot the plateau domi- troops. they reached an 11 important while bound to Europe, the drowned the noise of the shells. ; July Soissons on the southwest. ' , highway the American commander was advised Most of the Germans had taken nating dived. American Navy department tonight By Associated Press. Every followed, Vice Admiral Sims. Ten officers shelter in the from the The statement says: then the French and then the by dugouts 18. French have the and men of the crew of 92 are missing. deluge and the entente allied "After having broken the German offensive on the Cham London, July troops gained British. were five-mi- They are: troops among them with and Rheims mountain fronts on the 16th and 17th, ravine at the River Crise, into Soissons, on a le machine its pagne 15th, running "Every emptied guns Assistant Robert Her- grenades and before at-- into miles of the Paymaster bayonets the French troops, in conjunction with American forces , front down to the east of Buzancy, which means a maximum ad wagons and fields bert Halstead, Mich. they had time to turn around. to which Germans scuttled. Lansing, tacked the German on the 18th between the Aisne vance this of five to news received in the Ensign Many prisoners are in. positions at point miles, according time Ameri- Ralph Dillingham Caldwell, coming "Time and again the Woodsford- - Me. The entente allied are and the Marne on a front of 45 kilometers (approximately 28 London tonight. cans returned for ammunition. troops Chief Machinist Mate Frank Wil-lar- d displaying the utmost fervor in The front Troesnes Americans in the west of Soissons, the Some of them made five in miles.) comprises Ambleny, Longpont, operating region flights Hollo way, Washington, D. C. the attack, their desire being to and IjJouresches. a day." Hart-wel- dispatches add, have taken 4,000 prisoners, 30 guns and much single Seamen: James Brown Estis, l, strike a strong blow in return for other material which has not yet been estimated. Ga. the recent German assault. Plateau Dominating Soissons Up till. 1 o'clock this afternoon French troops had captured Austin CJyde Wilson, Muncie, Ind. It is the first occasion this year and Chaudun Region Reached. the on the extreme left and PATRIOTIC DUTY Fireman: Bryan Deal, London, Ind. that the entente allies have coun- "We have made an advance into the heights overlooking Fontenoy, had Harvey Harrison, Noblesvillc, Ind. ter attacked on such a big front. important enemy progressed to Mont de Paris, within a mile of the city of Sois- Edward Lewis Griffin, Baltimore. Their operation directly affects lines and have reached the plateau dominating Soissons on the ' ' sons.- - , Mess Attendant John Cole. Bret- - the position of the German west- southwest and the region of Chaudun. ; Md. ern flank and EMPHASIZED BY wood, probably will cause "Between Villers-Helo- n and Noroy-Sur-Ourc- q, violent en Americans Continue Advance Se-re- Water Tender Wilfred Joseph y, the German crown prince to hurry have been in South of the our Beyond Town of Vierrzy. Ashland, Ky. some of his reserves to the scene gagements progress. Ourcq, line of Saint Gen- - An American with French t2 Survivors Rescued. of the fighting from the Marne troops have gone beyond the general Marizy division, the troops " r V ' COL. ROOSEVELT and Champagne where evieve, Hautevsnes and Belleau. v . : in their counter attack have the town of No details were given Tn the yeerday today, captured Navy and today everything was quiet. the admir- six miles of and have advanced department's announcement and the "More than 20 villages have been retaken hy Vierrzy, about south Soissons, Franco-Americ- the advices said. s circumstances under which 82 off- able dash of the an troops, , in. which several three miles beyond the town, Former Given Most res--cu- President icers and men of the crew, were thousand, prisoners, and Infportant warmaterials were .taken.!',. i. South of on the north of the River ,1 Vierrzy, heights Ourcq Enthusiastic: are not" known. Nor was there valley the Germans hastily counter, attacked and the situation Reception by any announcement as to whether the GOMD'SMIY Americans Push ForwarcLRapidlyj ' - ' ' vu - at that point still is obscure. ". ' , ; New York G. 0. P. submarine was sighted and fired upon Cavalry .Brought Into Action, f rx V rl by, the squad of armed guards on the A j - The French are on the outskirts of Chouy and Neuilly-S- t. BLOCKS With the mericah Army in France July .18, The Ameri- Convention. steamer. ENEMY'S late Front and from there to Belleau Wood. The average depth The Westover was of 4,270 net can troops had carried all before them by in, the afternoon of the advance is about three miles. tonnage and was last reported at an and had proceeded so fast that cavalry was thrown into the " BULLETIN. - ; Atlantic on May 27. It came American staffs1 were East of Rheims the allies have captured Prunay. 18. port 'STEAM ROLLER' action. All the headquarters., tonight Saratoga Springs, July The from the Pacific coast, having sailed held The great counter attack in which the French and Ameri- movement to about the nom- well inside the territory which the Germans this morning. bring from Tacoma and Seattle 12. It Cour-cham- Colonel April reached the line of ps, can troops are participating between the Aisne and the Marne ination of Roosevelt for was 410 feet long and 54 feet broad. The allies have roughly, Belleau, 28-mi- of New York re- Villers-Helo- n, domi- on a le front has succeeded governor by the French General Tells Chouy, Chaudun and the heights extremely well, according took definite form late Seamen Murdered. (How ' publicans Soissons.' ' ' : j to the latest advices received here tonight and the situation after of the state London, July 18. A French steam-e- e nating. , j tonight the session Poilus and American Dough- Soissons-Chatea- u ioxr many reasons is considered extremely promising. convention when Attorney Gen. has been attacked and sunk by a French cavalry has crossed beyond, the; E. chief to Reuter's. The Course of the Franco-America- n forces. Action Surprise to Germans; Merton Lewis, rival of according boys Changed Thierry road to openings made by Governor Whitman, issued a state- crew succeeded in getting away from The made to latest was about Enemy Reaction Weak. with- the in two boats of German Offensive. ; greatest progress up reportsv Artlilery ment announcing he would ship but both ; 10 kilometers, or a little over six miles. ; , ;Owing to the fact that there was no artillery preparation draw if the colonel would become them were rammed by the under wa- ter craft. There was one sur- Wilbur Forrest. .;v...w the action was a for the Boche, arid the a candidate. only By Americans Fight With Fury; ':ri:r f'; complete surprise enemy a robin was vivor of the who was in the 1918, Tne Tribune ,A(M'n.) - Coincidently round disaster, (Copyrlcht, b;' Can Them.
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