Batchelor Th reatens Resignation at Conference Conflicts Over Executive Divide OSGA By CI NDY DAVIS "Is there a conflict of interest if A winter conference is tentatively ment. "With this bill, no regional rep- After lengthy discussion , the reso- the Graduate Student Association's of 13 to "Year of ihc Black." Colleg ian Staff Writer I'm in the Black Student Union and scheduled for the weekend of Jan. 23. resentative will be needed. I'll be a pup- lution was defeated by a vote OSGA?" he asked. He also questioned pet," he said. 4 with two abstentions In addition to The fust rc-olutmn H'-ke d that the Further Conflict Defenders of the bill insisted that Schuylkill, the Hazlcton. McKeesport ptesidonts of OSGA. G>actuate Student Ron Batchelor, president of the if they resented his participation in the executive committee did not always and Scranton Campuses voted for it. Government and the Undcrm aduate Organization of Student Government the BSU halftime presentation. Further conflict arose over a reso- act in the interests of the Common- The General Assembly then voled S' udent Government he e.\ officio mem- Associations, threatened to resign after lution introduced by the president of wealth Campuses, instead they con- to endorse two executive committee ber':: of the Board. "Many times I have compromised Schuylkill campus, John Davis, stating cerned themselves with the politics of resolutions requesting a student voice OSGA members at Saturday's Fall (Continued on page nine) my principles by attending OSGA meet- that all new bills or resolutions be dis- University Park. on the Board of Trustees and support of OSGA Conference, charged him with ings and not BSU meetings," Batchelor a "conflict of interests." tributed to the Commonwealth Cam- told the assembly. "But if this is the puses at least seven days before they Ex Officio Member Batchelor is also a member of the opinion of the OSGA, then I would are voted on by the executive commit- Non-Voting, Black Student Union. gracefully resign as your president of tee. this organization." "Some of the attitudes of racism Several executive members protest- that existed in some of the workshops Batchelor then temporarily turned ed the legislation, saying it would "tie cannot be avoided and canr.ot be re- over the chair to OSGA Vice President the hands" of the elected representa- peated, at least while I'm president of Pat Keaveny. tives. Myers Gets TIM Seat OSGA," he said at the conference. Holds Press Conference "It will act as a check to delay any- Both Lobb and Suppa stress- infi when to award bail funds. Suppa aKo said. "Campbell Workshop Discussions By MIKE GOMEZ After the meeting was adjourned, thing being railroaded through," a pro- ed that the contributions From "We'd have to send a said all \kc must do is have the Collegian Staff Writer representative to preliminary money " He added that "What I was subjected to in a Batchelor held a brief pressconference. ponent of the bill asserted. damage deposits should be The Town Independent Men 's given voluntarily by students. hearings whenever \\c consider Campbell agreed to "set low couple of rooms last night, I wouldn't Glenn Taylor, representative to the backing anyone, " Suppa said. bail" when TIM backed a case. "I wasn't surprised that they ques- Council Supreme Court last Lobb also said money for the like a repetition of," Batchelor added, University Senate's Committee on Aca- fund would be solicited from "We'll have to decide whether Lobb cugqrstcd that ball tioned my black involvement," he said. night voted to give Joe Myers, " fitnd n be kept in downtown referring to last Friday afternoon's demic. Athletic and Admissions Stand- the student body in general a person is worth backing "Fortunately, the support of part of former TIM president, a non- Paul Campbell . Centre Coun- banks He added that this workshop discussions. ards and a member of the OSGA execu - since the fund would be my executive committee and several voting ex officio seat on the available to all students. ty Court judge, has been con- miaht create a problem since "When issues come down to black campuses (who spoke on the floor in tive, spoke against the bill. "Do you sulted about the bail fund, ac- TIM funds are now under the council. , and he said control ot Associated Student and white in regard to student govern- Batchelor's defense) avoided my resig- In your own student governments con- According to Suppa , TIM cording to Suppa Myers lost his position as a would use discretion in decid- such a bail would be legal. Activities. ment, we not only have to talk about nation. sult each and every student before you say anything about anything?" Taylor voting member of the council immediate problems, we have to talk "This is the closest I ever came asked. because of his acceptance of a about attitudes," he said. to resigning from any organization," fraternity bid. The Court A heated exchange followed the Batchelor stated. "It has affected my "If we can't open our mouths and decided by a 3-0 margin that 's acceptance of the bid charges that Batchelor is not serving life, my personality and my ideas about say or do anything, then you do not Myer need an OSGA executive committee— conflicted with the TIM con- the interests of OSGA. OSGA members representing people." stitution. said he should have asked Ernest B. you need a mail order house on this McCoy, dean of the College of Health He commented that a black in an campus that can send back your char- The court issued the follow- and Physical Education not to allot a office representing a majority of whites ters, send back your coke machines and ing statement: "The court , send back your ditto machines," he Sortion of the halftime program at the "can't erase that color barrier." finds Joe Myers eligible for a ov. 1 football game to a presentation said. non-voting scat on the council. by BSU in place of the All-University Batchelor added that student gov- Taylor added that if this is what There is no reason in the TIM Day banner contest. ernment has to be reassessed as to its the Commonwealth Campus student constitution to deny an ex roles and makeup. officio his position , however, in The banner contest included entries governments want "then now is the time to disband this organization . the Joe Myers' case, the voting by each of the Commonwealth Cam- "My proposal for commisisons , rights are lost." puses as pari of the All-U Day festivi- and structure another organization be- within OSGA will be discussed in the cause I'm afraid this one won't work." ties. The contest instead was given time individual student governments and the In other business, Jeff Lobb, during the period between the third executive council. I am hopeful of ac- Richard Hagan, Piedmont regional TIM vice president, presented and fourth quarters. tion in the winter," he said. representative, echoed Taylor's argu- a plan for TIM to set up a stu- dent bail fund. "Kids have had to spend a lot of time in jail because they haven't had the money to get out," he said. According to Lobb such funds could be obtained from Senate Committee To Suggest students whom TIM has helped to regain damage deposits from landlords. Lobb stated that often the returns on damage deposits amount to Reserved Adm issions Spaces double the original deposit. By ROB McHUGH effective for Fall Term 1970. Members of the subcommittee TIM Legal Chairman Ron Collegian Staff Writer would meet during the summer to' "reviewrprograms of the Suppa said" the organization THEY MIGHT BE Christmas irees, but whatever ihey are previous year and make recommendations to the Senate, has won almost 33,000 in Chanukah ihey seem to be rushing the season a bit. Afier all Thanks- The University Senate Committee on Academic, Ad- on or before the November 1970 meeting, regarding future claims for students within the giving isn't until Thursday and that's when Santa Glaus mission and Athletic Standards (AAAS) will recommend to continuation of the SEOS admissions." last week. the Senate at the Dec. 2 meeting that 500 admissions spaces Bush?? rides in the Macey's Parade. for FaU 1970 be reserved for Special Educational Oppor- tunity Students (SEOS). Three hundred of the students would be admitted to University Park, with the remainder to be distributed among the Commonwealth Campuses. The recommendation applies only to Fall 1970 admissions. Mr s. Wise Addresses The Senate has the responsibilty for determining Uni- Apollo Lands Safely versity admissions policy. Two hundred and fifty-one SEOS ABOARD USS HORNET (AP) — Apollc end Dec. 10 at the Lunar Receiving admissions were made for this September. 12' s moon voyagers came home safely Laboratory m Houston. The committee also will recommend that "first prefer- Mort ar Board Society yesterday, making a bull' s-eye spashdown in Conrad , Grodon and Bean saluted tropic waters. It ended their million-mile smartly as they stepped out of the helicop- ence be given to SEOS students in the allocation of initial "We are speaking out the PSEA. "They don't want to funds through the Office of Student Aid." By BETTI RIMER trip, man's second lunar landing mission ters. Wearing blue flight overalls , navy blue Collegian Staff Writer against the same things stu- get out on the limb. The young and first detailed scientific exploration of baseball caps and black tace masks, part of Hans Panofsky, chairman of the AAAS subcommittee Political activism is the key woman tends to leave the the moon.
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