GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERITORY OF DELiO DJRECTORA TE OF EDUCATION: COORDINA TION BRANCH LUCK..""IOW ROAD, DELID-S4 (pH: 01l-23BII3BB) No.30-3(17)/(8)/Mi,dCoonll20l4/ ,,?(?llq- .:?q 7 Y CIRCULAR 1 Sub: Conduct of 6 1> Economic Ccnsus in Delhi-Seven days Special Earned Leave to teachers. Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Jetter No.FA/36J2013IDES/EC-VV4829 dated 6~1May 2014 and order No.F.4/36120J3/DES/EC-Vl/2694-2703 dated 30-04-2013 received from Directorate of Economics & Statistics, GNCT of Delhi vide which 07 (seven) days special earned leave has been permitted to the Principals/Vice-Principals and teachers as deployed in Census work in NCT of Delhi during February-May 2013 for further necessary action at your end. A list of these beneficiaries is also enclosed as received in the CD concerned from Directorate of Economics & Statistics, GNCT of Delhi. Encls: As above (Sl~~k"u'hal) Spt, Dtrcctur of Education (Coord.) NO.30-3(17)/(3)/MiSdCONd'/2014/~1l(q -29?r Dated- J<f /Srjt'f Copy for information and necessary action 10:- I. PS to Pr. Secretary (Education), GNCT of Delhi, Old Secretariat, Delhi. 2. PS [0 Director , Directorate of Education, Delhi. 3. Spl. Director (finance), Directorate of Education. 4. Add\. Director of Education (Admn), Directorate of Education. 5. AddL Director of Education (School}, Directorate of Education. 6. DCA (Accounts/Budget), Directorate of Education. 7. All RDEs/DDEs of Districts Directorate of Education, Delhi (through website). 8. All Branches ofHQ, Directorate of Education, Delhi (through website). 9. All I-lOS of Govt. Schools, Directorate of Education. Delhi (through website). 10.as (IT) with the request to upload the Circular alougwith a list provided in CD (by Directorate of Economics & statistics) on the website of Department. (Sh:lshi Ka shal) Spl. Director of Education (Coord.) ~-, GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI . DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS .:> 0 VIKASH BHAWAN -II,mFLOOR ,'B' WING, BELA ROAD, DELHI-IIOOS4 ~ (,\/1,.-;7'-"'-' Tel: 2~8.12835, Fa~: 23812851, E-m~il: dire~@?nic.in ~"'2§)L- € ~'Y'- VISIt our website: www.des.c!ellllgovt.mc.ll1 i . D NO.F.4/36/2013/DESIEC-VII t/2J.') Dated: May {, . ~L4 ..--- cd-u - ,,~- ','r ~ 0\ \.- ca,i /" - ',>' v,' t:~ To, '-.13 O-,}, ....v ~ ,,0 (_ '-p r : f.\ \ Tl D' t (Ed u ) ;} D,~,}I'F ': S9(1C, \ . re tree or ' uca IOn , -'J '.J6. rb 1<:' . / i j) ~ g~~~~~~~t~~:'~I~:I~~t,GNCTD, t:7s/Jj/}} \~,/j 9MAt 1('14 '. Subject>. Conduct of 61h...Economic Census III Delhi- Seven days SpeclIil~-:·tEarneCl,"\(;'tl$./Leaves "<'"to tcachers.. Y - - Sir, A total 3678 teachers of schools of Directorate of Education, GOVl.of NeT of Delhi as per the enclosed list (soft copy) who were deployed as Charge Officer! Supervisor/Enumerator under 6th Economic Census-2013 sponsored by MIa Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India have completed their respective assignment, submitted filled-in schedules and submitted the filled-in ECS Performa for release of payment to this Directorate. These teachers are entitled for the benefit of Seven Gays Special Earned Leaves as per the office order of even no. (2694-2703y"dated 3Q1h April, 2~()D(copy enclosea)-:tt IS requesIealnat the list of these teachers may be uploaded all the website of Education Department with the necessary instructions to the concerned DDEslPrincipals to do the needful in this regard. List of the remaining teachers will be forwarded on submission of ECS details and release of honorarium to them. Encl: 1. Copy of leave order. 2 List of teachers (Soft copy) ~{\~ (Dr. R.N.Sharma) Joint Director ~ ]) €. (po-rd") -:IDe- (1-1/1 -- ~ GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI, DII{ECTOI~ATE OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS 3'd FLOOR, 'B'·WING VIKAS BHAWAN-il, BELA ROAD, NEAR METCAI.F HOUSE, DELHI-llOOS4 Tel: 23812848 Fax 23812851 Ernail:[email protected] 3~"", No. F4/35n.013/DES/EC-VI/ .2.G~J~ ~ ,<7 'o '20 Dated : April,2013 Subject: e" Economic Census - 2013- Grant of seven days Special Earned Lea~regardjng. The Competent Authority is pleased to order that the Principals/Vice-Principals and Teachers deploved as Charge Officer, Supervisor or Enumerator for conduct of field work of 61r, Economic Census in the NCT of Delhi during Februerv-Mav. 2013 are permitted to avail 7 ~ days Special Earned Leave. ' /' The above mentioned Special Earned Leaves would neither be cncashabte nor,would be merged with regular earned leave but may be availed in combination with any other type of leave at any time during the service period. Further the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 will not apply in th~s C3~e. 00l~J1 / (Shakti Sin'ha) Pr. Secy. Planning Copy to: 1. Secretary, (Education), Govt of Ncr of Delhi, Old Secretariat, Delhi 2. Chairperson, NOMe, Palika Kendr<J,New Delhi. 3 Commissioner. North Delhi Municipal Corporation, 4'" Floor, E- Block, Dr. SP. M~kherjee Civic Centre, JlN Marg, New Delhi 4. Commissioner, South Delhi Municipal Corporation, s" Floor, E- Block, Or. S.P. Mukherjee Civic Centre, JLN Marg, New Delhi. 5. Commissioner, East Delhi Municipal Corporation, 419 F.I.E., Udyog Bhawan, Patp argan] IndL Area, Delhi -110092. 6 Director. Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, O:cJSecretariat, Delhi. 7. Chief txecuuve Officer, Delhi Cantonment Board, New Delhi. 8 Commissioner (Economic Census). M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of lndiil, Jeewan Prakash Building, 25 K.G Marg, New Delhi 110001 9. Guard file. '2I!1\~ [Shak ti Sinha) Pr. Secy. Planning List of Delhi Govt Teachers Deputed in 6th EC-2013 S.No Common ID Name Desig. School Name Amt of Honorarium Paid Supervisors 1 3 A K DWIVEDI TGT MATHS R S B V WEST VINOD NAGAR DELHI-92 3200 2 5 A K JHA TGT GBSSS NO II NAJAFGARH 2833 3 6 A K KUSHWAHA TGT MATHS G CO-ED S S X BLK BRAHM PURI DELHI 53 3200 4 8 A K SHARMA PGT CHEM GBSSS NO. 3 BHOLA NATH NGR SHAHDRA DELHI 3200 5 9 A K SHARMA TGT GBSSS, MAHIPAL PUR 2833 6 10 A K SHUKLA TGT(SANSKRIT) SV SECTOR6 ROHONI 3933 7 14 A P YADAV LECTURER COMM GBSSS SU-BLOCK PITAMPURA DELHI 3200 8 15 A S DINKAR PGT HIS ACHARAYA TULSI S B V CHHATAR PUR 3200 9 16 A. K. RAI TGT(SSC) SBV RAMESH NAGAR NEW DELHI-18 2100 10 17 A.H. RIZVI NULL GBSSS SRI NIWAS PURI 6500 11 18 A.M. AMIR ANSARI LECT. SOCIOLOGY S.B. MILLS SSS SHIVAJI MARG, ND 15 3567 12 19 AARTI GOYAL PGT ECONOMICS RPVV,LAJPAT NAGAR 3567 13 20 AARTI GUPTA PGT ENG RJ SKV RLY COLONY TUGLAKABAD ND-44 3200 14 21 AARTI MAHAJAN PGT HISTORY SKV RAJOURI GDN EXTN 3567 15 22 AAS MOHAMMAD TGT N SC GBSSS, JAFRABAD, DELHI-110053 3200 16 23 ABDUL KHALIQ PGT HIST G B S S S JOGA BAI OKHLA NEW DELHI-110025 3200 17 24 ABDUL SALEEM TGT MATHS G G S SCHOOL KALAN MAHAL NEW DELHI-110002 3200 18 25 ABDUR RAHMAN TGT MATHS GBSSS, JAFRABAD, DELHI-110053 2833 19 26 ABHA BHATNAGAR LECT ECONOMICS GSKV NO2 KALKAJI NEW DELHI 2467 20 27 ABHA GOSWAMI TGT N SC SWAMI DAYANAND SKV, OLD RAJENDER NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110060 3200 21 28 ABHILASHA YADAV TEACHER GOVT BOYS SR. SEC SCHOOL. 2467 22 30 ABHINAV SRIVASTAVA PGT COMM. R P V V CIVIL LINES DELHI-54 3200 23 31 ABU TALIV PGT R S B V NO1 SHAKARPUR DELHI-92 4667 24 32 ADAL SINGH TGT(HIN) GOVT.BOYS SEC SCHOOL NO.3 MEHRAULI NEW DELHI-30 3200 25 33 ADARSH KAUR LAMBA PGT ENG S K V NOOR NAGAR, OKHLA, NEW DELHI-110025 3567 26 36 ADITI KAUSHIK PGT BIOLOGY SSD GIRLS SR.SEC.SCHOOL EAST PATEL NGR 2833 27 37 ADITYA AWASTHI PGT SSC SARVODAYA BAL VIDALAYA RAMESH NAGAR 2833 28 38 ADIYA NATH MISHRA TGT (SANKRIT) GBSS E-BLOCK SULTANPURI DELHI 3200 29 39 AFTAB AHMED TGT ANGLO ARABIC SEN SEC SCHOOL AJMERIGATE DELHI 3933 30 40 AHMED TAQIUDDIN TGT GBSSS JAFRABAD EXTN DELHI 3200 AISHWARYA RATNAM 31 41 PANDEYA PGT POL. SC. G G S S S NO. 1, BADARPUR, NEW DELHI-110044 2833 32 42 AJAY GOEL PGT MATHS COMMERICAL SR SEC. SCH DARYA GANJ, NEW DELHI-110002 3200 33 44 AJAY KUMAR LECTURER GOVT S B V NO-I NEW SEELAAMPUR DELHI-53 3200 34 45 AJAY KUMAR PET GBSSSNO2 NARELA 2833 35 46 AJAY KUMAR PGT G B S S S P-II, KAMDHENU MANGOL PURI, DELHI 3200 36 47 AJAY KUMAR PGT GBSSS AVANTIKA SEC-1 ROHINI DELHI 110085 3567 37 48 AJAY KUMAR PGT COM GBSSS, B-13, GEETA COLONY, DELHI-110031 3567 38 49 AJAY KUMAR PGT COMM G B S S S NO. 2, BADARPUR NEW DELHI-44 3567 39 50 AJAY KUMAR PGT COMM SBV A BLOCK VIKAS PURI 4300 40 51 AJAY KUMAR PGT ENG. GBSSS DEENDAR PUR NAJAFGARH ND 2833 41 52 AJAY KUMAR TGT G B S S S BINDA PUR, NEW DELHI-59 3567 42 53 AJAY KUMAR TGT (S.SCI) GBSSS D-BLOCK JAHANGIR PURI DELHI 3200 43 54 AJAY KUMAR TGT MATHS GBSSS KATEVERA DELHI 9800 44 55 AJAY KUMAR TGT MATHS GBSSS KATEWARA DELHI 9067 45 56 AJAY KUMAR CHOUBEY PGT MATHS S B V NO.-1, MORI GATE DELHI 3567 46 57 AJAY KUMAR JAIN PET SV, GP BLOCK, PITAM PURA DELHI 3200 47 58 AJAY KUMAR SAGGI PGT COM G B S S S BABARPUR SHAHADRA DELHI-32 3200 48 60 AJAY KUMAR VARSHNEYA TGT MATH GBSSS G T ROAD SHAHDRA, DELHI-110032 3933 PGT PHYSICAL 49 61 AJAY KUMAR VARUN EDUCATION Govt.
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