Renaissance boat boasts pint-sized utiliV Canoe yawls deemed suitable sailing vessel for Texas Gulf Coast Sailing ByJOHt IRA PETTY Ille r! ccho troE tla brt caithlfT, cr- r ylwb tbrt alsttrtld ln Ea3hd rrc dDdlry a Elct h Ancrlcaa lrlllDt At lcrrt om lr la Tcrrr Bcc.u. ot thcir gurUy 8!od pcrlc. narc udcr rdl 8!d tbclr d.lloo-dnlt, It wodd!'t be arpddry to E dc! ar\illd our ca|tr. wl& rt.rorbL re coonoAdoo, tDa DrllF ultdor raD cle to ldcd tc pou!8 $ilt b lbdloi Terss bays. Crtra yaxb arr Dt rully clloa, rld $me ftcl't 6tc0 yrwb. lt:y wcle knoula, too, ar Hunbcr yewll. (Itc Hun' bcr b a urlrb ad lom.dncl lhdtos dE thrt llorl p.rt Hull lld Grlnbry hto t!. North S€..) Th€ bortr 6nlvGd ticra fc onc ol tlc lrne Ferroil tbcy a adtld to qlr wr- tett: llElr sbellow dnlt rrd ttl&Dtble sblllty to coDa wltb bolrtcrour condldoar. Th€y'r€ pretg, !oo. fhek trtr.Irta4 bctrn lr tb. !n, when desfiner Ted &?wrf cam! up wlti r , bost totelly uarcl,rted to thc HuEbcr yavb, 8ut tt c.u8ht tbr cye o( a lellow h Novr Scotb who sratcd !o boud oB. Hr hrd rc mon y, hrt he hrd an old boolr ha ofiertd to tmde la r set of planr. ltc book drtcd bom ,ud.ftCr t[. turn ol the creatury, aod was by Dlxoo-IGmp, rho nrote yachdlt booll tbat bavc b+ come ctardcs "I knev thc book vas r rrrlty, so I $ld src," seid Brr*:r, ol llnlortea, Wasb.. "Hc alnt mc tbc booh, atd lr lt wett r lot ol lUustnuoE ol tlrcc. Uttle care trnwll. I tust lell ln lorrr wlth tb.n." Moll th8! l0 ycarr l,rt€r, JerrJ, Koch (who wer worti[g as crbL n/ Dew8man) went to Brner lor I bost hr clold boll- dlDd tr$tet ar a ddellr. Brt{lcr su8- g€.ted r Humber 1a*1, ead tbc Rob Roy Zl was borlt, Koch became a partlc! ln MrdD Con cepts, whlch, wlth Roa Joh!!o! tt tbc helnr, still r!r&€! tbe Rob Rots la Trrlon Tcd Brcwe rbo dcdgmd tltr NlmUc 30. a dcrcandam of $a Humbcr yawl. pertncrrhlp sprlus,- F1s, Tlrc dldn't last. Koch subequently loutrdcd Nlmble Thc lbst Nfmul 20 vrU bc dnlrlcd W Btte.r saftl. "Hcf kccl B qult shdlos." pou!.lt ol bdlrrt tn.l ,5ll {urr! lEho( Bost! ln Gystal B€ach, Fla, He mater cerly sprlng. Th.rc ir a clttierbolrd that incccala. tba tdl. It hrs r b.r. pclc! oa l3+@. two Humber yawl de8c"trdantl, the Ntm- The Rob Roy hu dorcrvcll-nqr tirn ll'r draft botn 1l lnchc! to { lc.t Brwrr bu r bool drl (lbd&rrer8. ble 30 and Ue Nlnbte Zl. Both 8rl Brewer 43 gp elllng tl thr Unlted Stltar. Th€rc b fte Nlmbh Zl (.ctually rlm6t 2l &ct pbtB slilfut &.dlr, 8vdhblc lrrdt deslgns. oa h Corpur Cbrtstl but nonc ln our elar overall), ls h some ttlpeclr morc slnllu covcf bortr Int€rmttonrl Mrrlm PrIUid Brcwer had a Rob Roy ol hb own, untll The Rob Roy b bGhg bollt h EnSlrnd, to boatlr llk! thc Mudhen or Dovkle thm 8 tn8 Co., 2l Em Street, CenAeq ffrfr# spr{n8. had sold geveral ol thc too. A Bdtlsh megadm decl8rcd lt ilt to scaleddo*l yacht, TheF ere, howqrer, 0a843, t1?.5) whlch addl*t U. b.ibr llst He yawls. boaa, udnS hb.! a denorutrator. Tten a crc the Engllsh Channel. two good-dz.d slnSlc bertfu ln the crbln, rnd N llttle tbout the He erDlarnf customer went saillng wlth hlm and decld- Brewer said a properly equlpped Rob with chlldren's V berths ard stowage lor- some ol hls vlcu,s on sriltng, t0o. ed h. wrnted the boat tlut partlculrr Roy wlth I good mrn aboard cu.ld probs- ward, Hc.e lr about $0,m. He suDroed lt up pFtty wetl ln crr ciiiE bo.t. - bly crorr the Atlrntlc, althouSh he Llle th€ Nlmble 11, the Rob Roy her ea vcrisatlon. wouldn't rccomm€nd lt. outborrd well, but welghs about ?00 "U pcoplc wurld rurt trtr. llttb yr*t! "I've odered s n€w Nlmblc O bonr poun& moru rnd dBrvs f}6 leet vlth the you can trln your stl!8 |td not Grrcotoircb Jen?," &rwar nld. boerd up. It b mott ylcht-llle, but morc the helm lor 20 mlnut€. at. ttn - tA?ill Conr;tnctlon her bcgun, |!d h. hop€r to erpcnslvc: rh? Fldte starts at t8,m. tct an cnttrely Dew conccpt d rrnrijz tll. dellv.r? Lrtc thle epr{ng. It rvlll bG $c Ttrfltmblc ill lsJomethlng else ! 80. Brewcr !rtd, "ydt'rc out thcrc to iliir lfth Nlmblc 0. and there arc odcr! stt€r' lust-alur.sm*lrde sailinE vessel.- Db and hrvc fua. mt to bert younu to dc|th - hlr. iiiciment G o.sm pound-r, wlth Td to 8!t an extra querter of r laot." @-4Fa Copyright I 986, Th6 tloustm P6t Reprinl€d uy pormissim rIEEE 20 PRICE T.IET lf,IIIBLE 2(, Standard core with 2 bronze opening elliptical ports, one bronze opening forward port, working sai1s, yawl rlgf, 2 berths with cushions, stainl.ess steel standing rigging, anodized spars, white saiLs, green or cream hul1. full floatation. 10,600. rntBLE 20 -_.lROPrGrf,' vERSrOr Foam core, 4 opening bronze elliptical ports with screerls, forward port screen, solar vent with backup battery, brass rub rail and all standard equipment of the NIMBLE 20, above. 11,600 !ueEE--?o__- orrsmnr vBsror Lead shoe and sea hood in addition to all the aborre equipment on the Tropical Version. 72 ,600 . oPfrors Tanbark Sails.r.,,.,.'. .100. Forward Berth Cushion . .165. Battery . .85. Bow pulpit, stanchions and lifelines. .,22O, Bow pulpit only ....150. Main Sail Cover .,,,L2O, CoLr:r other than green or cream .,,25o. Color sheer stripe .100. Bottom Paint . .3OO. Bow anchor roller . .35 Varnished interior .25O. 1 Burner Origo Stove ..,.100. Water System: Pump, Basin and Bladder. .100. Elliptical port screens.. (each).... .....30. Round ( forward) port screen . .72. 2 additional opening bronze ports .37o. Brass Rub Rai].... .2OO. Solar Vent instal led. , , L25 , Lead Shoe .....600. Galvanized Trailer.. ....9OO. Aluminum Trailer.. ....1,450. Freight from Florida Sub-total. Tax. Total Prices and specifications are subject to change..
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