" JUNE 28, 1942 , '== Indians Drub Cooler , . ChilDx Behind MUnu, IOWA: l"btl,y ~ la 11 to 5 taJt PGI"Uoa See Story on Pqe • THE DAILY IOWAN \OIIay. ·, , 10Yia City's Morning Newspaper . Housewife FIVE CENTS THE AS800lATIP ••111 IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1942 VOLUME XLD NUMBER 239 · .... • ment should be mllortant rtant factor in ~auses fatigUe," In summarlzinc an the fieid. "To ,wn when YOU 'y room, by the *** *** *** *** ** * *** * * * on the ground nerous trips up uirs, 19, the "curved , is again em· lee, Ihe "side to Nazi Tank Attacks' -Sma hed Before Kur k 'Pping has been :ti ve than the •• ~ thod which reo JAP MOVES IN ALEUTIANS REGARDED AS AnEMPT TO SEPARATE ALLIES 'rgy. WlndoWi with a sponc. Fighting Becomes More Violent Matruh Abandoned as British )u~ege. J o v E ,. T . UN . I ·0 N • Crl ..... I"'>' ..; 'arch for h'h As Sevastopol Defenders Yield F II Back 10 AII~Oul Defenses .11 step·ladder. for maklq nes from at•• MO ow, T\l sday (AP )-'T'h e .-eel army mashed WAve after Report New Lines Formed 40 to 50 Mile East r c lothes alao wllve of' German tanle attacks in the KUl'sle sector, north of Khar· ~ d out on the Of Matruh as New Zealand Troops a.nd time el· kov, yesterday but wa fore d to yield ome ground to reinforced German forces in th battle for besieged Seyastopol, the Russian Rush Into Heavy Battle • midnight communiqu 'aid today. sts have mad. The hig h command indicated the German offensive in both A TRO (A P) Trt'at Britain' cl PrillI'm), reinfor{' i1 by the Industrial these sectors waR increasing in violence, espeein By arollnd the United tat plane. aJld maud by frpsh • '('W Zt>aJand troop, up worker el· Crimean naval l'!tl'OngllOld where the communique disclosed new fought tllbbornl)' 18 t night in n funn I· hSfJM orea ea t of do u s ly In aU German resel"ves were bing used. ,Matruh after that !ltrongpoinl wa e\,III'l1l1led for I rrain whjcb ,try. Industrial· "On the, eV8Rtopol sector," the communique said, "our tl'OOp I the Briti h ommand con idrl'\'d more (Uh'811Iagl'Oll • mding a special repulsed frequ nt aUacks of superior fOI'ces or the enemy. The 'e the past three A th detail. of tlw batli(' gan to rt'a('h lwr . il b arne known es' direction. 11 enemy put new reserves into the battle. With heavy .l osses, the that there was no fighting in Mlltruh itself Ilnd tbat all Ilupplies u:e and attract. enemy Hucceedt'd in advancing somewhat. The battles are ex· were removed berON" tb a i for ~ enll'rpd thl' lown whil'h i. l 'H; coast and par" tremely fil'l'ce. " mil~ W('RI ot AII'X1Indrill. 1r I\'a. understood that thl' Briti~h 11('1'(,1' There was no inclication how . -----------,,..--- hod on~' int ntion of making a tond lit Matruh. extensive th G 'rman advance They wilhdrew quickly to tlH' I'ost alld weT followed by arl . )edicated was or wh ther the penetration vance units of MOl'Rhol Erwin Rommel 'R mrchaniwd onny, (,"'lit· Winnie.Ready inlla funnel. hapI'd spl'orhpnd n(,lIr the J .. ditl'rrllnelln COli· t whil'h ist Church was on tIle northE'rn 01' SOll\ hern I&.. t night W8I! being jtlhbt>t1 olong th . ide by Briti h ('olnmn .• oon Service side of evastopol, but the word • • • A eli patch fit d hy Harry "somewhat" In the communique UN,'TeO NATIOMS' he new organ, o eA~ES~ Crock II , cin/I'd PI' POI" might mean the advance was ser­ To Face (ritics Igene Deveraux, ~ JAP,qN!Se 8ASES British Prepare For re pondl'nt wilh thl' Brjti b I D nd theory at ious. ill be held thil The high command said: BLACK AREA COVERSJAP. prm,' in thl' wl'.ll'rn (I rt, Ilt· I In the First "The German command, try. ANESE TERRITORY a n.m. today (Monday) llic11hlJ iDr to break down Sevastopol's In Parliament British were plannin, all-out de­ resistance, is throwing In more Egyptian fense about ~!) lo !)() mil alll <Ie .vis LeRoy Dun· the church, will .nd more tanks and aircraft." Hint Prime Minister • The Centrll.l Press map above shows graphically wh), observers the JIPS could ecure sUfliclent baaet In the AmerIcan Ilianda Matroh In the re,lon b tw n th E. Harper, di· In the Kursk sector, 280 miles believe that the recent Japanese landlnICs III the Aleutian Islands they would complete a cilialn of ba controlllnr Ute ea lanet coast nod th Greal. Qa\\.al'8 d - )01 of line art. south of Moscow, where the Ger­ To Give 'Startling may be Intended to set up a barrier between Ihe United s tates and be~weell the United tll.tes and Ru sla's maritime provlnc • preulon. Thlt I. nearly 1,000 mJle, Le committee on mans started a big orfenslve Sun­ them If the Japs launch an assault on eastern Soviet Rus III.. Jf Prln'c1pal known balles of Japan alld uf the United NaUonl In that Battle-- [rom the orl,inal axil bue. th organ. day, "A large number of enemy Reasons' for Defeats SIberia to preven~ effective and rapid comlllunlcation ' betw en atea are Indicated on the map. "The battl or ElO'pt I on ill tank attacks" were repulsed with o! 40 members LONDON (AP) - Winston -----.----------------------------------------------------------------------~ ¥ • ¥ Cull force," Crockel! m ,ed. heavy losses, lhe communique said. B)' HARRY RO K Lat r th corr pond nt til d • r containing 25 Churchill confidently prepared the dedication, The Soviet information bureau , cond brl r d ilIlla tch Issued a special communique yes­ last night to delend his govern­ CAIRO, Tuctay (AP) - Til "We xpect bl, d velopm nt, sident, terday denyll;lg the claim made by ment and hi!; dual role as prime B /tl Ilhlh rmy t dn.Y Ihr v In lh next lew dUYII." hid. J the Cermans yesterday that they minister and defense minister u all avallobl r InION: m litS InlO '''1'''' ~Ti\\.:n at nt\~ tit ,," IS Succumbs had captured 30,000 Russian troops against parliamentary opposition I new line 01 defen aboul 50 c n hold th Un toward which on the Volkhov front. south of strengthened by the axis capture mil s ea t of Matruh, th 5trol\l- th German 211t and 15th paMer rt Illness Leningrad. of Matruh, the Egyptian strong· hold glv n up yesterday to the divIsion .re dr}vJn,." father of David The communique said there had point. Hawaiian Air Force England, Russia Sign axis forc drivlna Into EKYpI . The allrlounc men! lasl nllht lllege, died Fri· been heavy fighting in ihis sector A two-day debate is imminent. ·Youths 18to 20 Military,(ourl I hav lust r turned tl'Om BrJl- n w Am rican air r intorc m nta Li cagQ following ~8rJier lhis month and that both Political experts said only a cata· Ish mobJle headQ.uart rs in th had arrlved ond that more w re · Funeral ser· sides had suffered heavy losses, strophe in Egypt would produce Carries Out AHack . ' Pact for Financing western de ert where I learn d b jn, rushed to th d . ert battle 10nday or Tues· but the Germans wer said to more than 20 or so votes for con· details ot a ,rest tank battl which scene lndlcot d every {forl wu luh mortuary Is have lost "No less than 30,000 servative Sir John Wardlaw-Mil· Register Today Britain's Aid to Reds May Try Eight covered th Brill h wlthdruwa\ beln, mode to bol t r th wav r­ killed alone" while the red army ne's motion of "no confidence." Reports 'Everything ond wh r I hard plan for the ine British ei&hlh army lost only about 10,000 killed and ChurchUl's oratory frequently new defense line. • • • IO ,OQO missing. has overwhelmed bls parllll.men· Leveled on Surface' About Three Million MOSCOW, Tuesday (AP)- ThJJ line will run from trollr hortly afterward It w dJl- (A mllltar)' commentator In tary foes II.nd he will mll.ke tbe Of Jap-Held Island Great Britain and the Sovlet Nazi Saboteurs coastal pO 1&10118 50 mil I ea t cl d th. , fr h troop allo bad 'London said "the main German final speech. It was hinted that Expected to Sign Up Union have signed nn allre ment of Matruh lOuthwarcl about'~ been thrown In&o the baUle, m- offcnalve" opened with the he could mll.ke ... stll.rtllnr an· AIR F'ORCE, T. H. (AP)-Strlk- In Nation', Fifth Draft providing Cor financing of British mil to the rrea~ Qattara cle· dudl"r New 2."1 1\d )l1\~ • Kursk attack. He added that the nouncement of one of the funda· ing in the brilliant Iigh t of a tUIl military supplies sent to Russia, the WASHINGTON (AP) - There pre Ion. Th baUle for Erypl is Rommel'l rreatest problem lull welrht of German attacks were Indications 111st night lhat 1\ now on In full force a. Oen ft.l now I hll dl tallC from up. menial reasons for the defeats U S b b I d By the Associated Press Moscow radio announced today. was beln, felt In the Kharkov in Libya and Eupt. moon, . army om ers oose The agreement was signed June mJlltal'Y court might try the el&ht Sir elude AllchlnJeck'.
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