EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Thursday, February 8, 1945 NOMINATIONS Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name of nominee Office Predecessor -------------------------------------------------- [NOMINATION REPORTED ADVERSELY] DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 19.~.; .fan. 3 L g;; 30 Henry A. \Vallace, of Iowa_ Secretary of Commerce __ [CONSIDERATION OF ABOVE NOMINATION POSTPONED UNTIL MAR. 1, 1915) [ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS PASSED OVER] IN THE ARMY 'lbMPORARY APPOIN'I'~JI, \!1 IN THr: ~RMY OF THE, UNITED '\'I'ATES Feb. 109 52 Court,ney Whitney________ Brigadier generaL _____ _ llO ,53 Hammond Davies Birks ________ do ______________ _ 1 110 53 Charles Booth Spruit_ __________ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 James Francis Collins ___________ do ______ --_----- __ 1 [ 10 li3 John Carroll Kennedy __________ do. ______________ _ 110 !\3 C'harle> Royal Lehner __ - _______ do_----_---------- 110 53 Charles Sabin Ferrin ___________ do. ______________ _ [ lJO I 53 William Lemuel MitchelL _______ do _______________ _ l 110 53 Francis LeRoy Anken- _____ do _______________ _ brandt. 1 110 53 George Windle Read, Jr--- _____ do _________ ------- 1 110 53 Donald Fowler Fritch __________ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 Selby Harney Frank ____________ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 Harold Haney _________________ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 Rex McKinley McDowelL ______ do _______________ _ 1 JJO 53 John French Conklin ___________ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 Einar Bernard Gjelsteen_-- _____ do _____ ----------- J 110 53 Edwin William Rawlings ________ do _______________ _ 1 llO 53 David Hazen B!akelock _________ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 Thomas Sarsfield Power _________ do _______________ _ 110 .33 Thomas Merritt Lowe __________ do _______________ _ 110 53 William Archer Hagins _________ do _______________ _ 1 10 53 Franci5 Hudson Oxx ____________ d0---------------- 1 110 33 John Brandon Franks __________ do ______________ _ 1 110 .33 Cornelius Edward Rvan ________ do______ -------- 110 53 Lotha August Smith ____________ do _______________ _ 66222-45-No. 7 I Date of Calendar Message Oillcc .Prcdeecs.sor report No. No. Name of nominee i -----------------------1--------------------------- IN THE ARMY-Con. TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES-COD 1945 Feb. 1 110 53 Clarence Charles Fenn_ __ _ Brigadier generaL-- .... _ .. 1 110 53 Bernard Linn Robinson _________ do ___ -------- ..... .. 1 llO 53 George Francis Wooley, Jr_______ do _______________ _ 1 110 53 Thomas Benton Catron 2d ........ --_do ___ .. - .............. - .. 1 110 53 Benjamin Grant Weir_ ____ .......... do ...... -------------~ 1 110 53 Robert Merrill Lee .......... - .. .. .. .. - .... do .. - .. - ............ --- -- .. 1 110 53 Ralph Townsend Heard ........ _____ do ____ .................. .. 1 110 53 Sherman VitusHa&brouck .............. do ____________ ..... · 1 110 53 Cyrus Higginson Searcy---- .... __ .. do ___ ................ --- .. - 1 110 53 William Fulton McKee .................. do -- 1 110 53 Gustav ,Joseph Braun .......... - _.. ___ do ___ .. _.... _.... _____ _ 1 110 53 Pearson Menoher ______________ do ________________ _ 1 110 53 John Hubert Davies .............. _____ do ___ ........ __ ............ .. 1 110 53 Walter King Wilson, .Jr .. - ...... ____ do _____ .. ______ ---- 1 110 53 Garland Cuzorte Black __________ do ____ ... _________ _ 1 110 53 James Roy Andersen _______ .......... do __________________ _ 1 110 53 Frank Denis Hackett .. __ .. _........ __ do _______ .......... _ .... 1 110 53 George Arthur Lincoln _____ .......... do .. ____________ _ 1 llO 53 LeGrande Albert Diller _____ .. ___ .. do _________ .. _ .. _ .. _ 1 110 53 Charles Day Pahncr.. .. _.... _........ _do .... __ ............. .. 1 110 .53 John Koehler Gerhart _____ .. .. _ .. do _______ .. _ 110 53 John Kcliher_.. .. .. do _____ _ 110 .53 Harold Albert Nisley _...... _ rlo .. 110 53 FrankSchafferBesson,Jr ........ do ................. 110 53 Eugene Lynch Harrison........ .. .. do __ 1 110 53 James Harve Johnson ____ .... _do ..... 1 110 53 Marion VanVoorst .... ___ .. .. __ do _____ _ 1 llO .'i3 John Archer Elmore_...... .. ...... _.. do .. _ .. .. .. .. 1 110 53 Edward Ward Smith .... _ ...... __ .... _do .. __ ...... _ .. ___ .. _ .. 1 110 53 Augustus l\Iilton Gurney...... .. .. ..do __ ........................ .. 1 110 53 Emons Bert Whisner ............... _.. _ .. do .. _ .. 1 110 53 Roy Victor Rickard ________ .......... do ...... ----------- 1 110 53 James Frederick Phillips .... _ ...... do __________ .... _ 1 110 53 Charles Ken on Gailey, .Jr ...... _ _ .. do .. _ .. _.... _.......... _ .. _ 1 110 53 Harold Quiskie Huglin ____ .. .. .. .. do .................. 1 110 53 Lawrence Edward Schick ...... _____ do _______ ....... .. I 110 53 Calvert Hinton Arnold _____ .......... do .................. ____ _ 1 110 53 Henry Irving Hodes_ .... _ .. _.. .. .. _ .. do_.. .. ............ __ .. .. 1 110 1)3 Robert Clarence McDonald_ .......... do __ .. .. ........ _ .. _ 1 110 53 Ralph Parker Eaton ____________ do .. ------------ 110 53 Max Frank Schneider __________ ..flo ______________ .. 1 110 53 Eugene Ware Ridings _____ .... _ .. __ do _______ .. _ ........ __ _ 1 110 53 Charles Eskridge Saltzman_ .. ____ do ____ .. __ .. ____ .... _ 1 110 53 Edward Clark ~ose ___ -----~-- .... do .. ------------ 1 110 53 Georges Frederrc Donot .... _____ do _____________ _ 1 110 53 William Henry Draper, Jr .... ' .......... do ............ 1 110 53 Elliott Roosevelt__ .. __ .......... _...... _do ___ .......... __ ...... __ .. I 1 110 53 Bernhard Alfred Johnson ____ .. _.. _do .... _ ........ ___ .. __ .... 1 110 53 Edward Courtney Bullock .......... do _______________ _ Danforth, Jr. 110 53 John Joseph O'Brien ............ _____ do _______________ _ 110 53 Gene William Hall.. __ .. _ .. j .. _ .. __ do .... _ ............ ___ ........ i 1 110 53 George Hamden O!mstcd ..... -1------do _____ ........ __ ..... ! 1 110 53 \Vi!liam Herbert Eaton ____ , ___ .... do ______________ I 3 Date of Calendar Message report No. No. N arne of nommce Office P1·edecessor [NEW REPORTS] FOREIGN SERVICE AMBASSADORS EXTRAORDI­ NARY AND PLENIPOTEN­ TIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO 'fHE COUNTRY INDICATED WI'l'H THEIR RESPECTIVE NAMES 1945 Feb. 5 111 58 Ely I:. Pahnar, of UhoJe Afghanistan __________ _ Island. 5 112 32-2 Joseph F. McGurk, of Dominican Republic ___ _ New Jersey. 5 113 32-1 Edwin Jackson Kyle, of Guatemala.___________ _ Texas. 5 114 32-3 R. Henry Norweb, of Ohio_ Panama ______________ _ 5 115 57 Herman B. Baruch, of Kew PortugaL ____________ _ York. POSTMASTERS ARIZONA 5 116 A-2 Lena M. MorrelL _________ Florence _______________ N. E. Guild, retired. COLORADO 5 117 A-8 Ruby H. Schroeder_ _______ Gypsum _______________ E. M. Stanley, resigned. 5 118 B-3 Edward Termer __________ Sugar City ____________ L.F.Houston,transferred. CONNECTICUT 5 119 B-4 John J. Shea _____________ Colchester _____________ J. M. Clifford, deceased. FLORIDA 5 120 A-9 George C. G. Hopkins_____ St. Augustine _______ -_- 0. P. Goode, deceased. IDAHO 5 121 D-1 William Clay Peebles______ Nampa _________ --_____ J. J. Walling, deceased. ILLINOIS 5 122 D-2 Roy M. Hart _____________ Fairmount_ ____________ K. E. Rowand, trans- ferred. 5 123 D-3 George T. Hobkirk ________ Williamsville___________ R. L. Cooper, trans- ferred. INDIANA 5 124 A-ll Esther Wolford ___________ Linton ________________ C. L. Wolford, deceased. IOWA 5 125 A-12 William F. Hulburd _______ Dow City _____________ J. L. Buss, transferred. 5 126 A-13 Walter H. Peters __________ Ireton _________________ John Moeller, transferred. 5 127 B-7 Florence Goss _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ Lawler_ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ D. P. 0' Connor, retired. 5 128 B-8 Jeneva G. Parker ______ ·-- Mcintire ______________ Office became Presidential. 4 Date of Oalendar Message report No. No. Name of nominee Office ' POSTMASTERS--Con. MAINE 1945 Feb. 5 129 D-5 Loretta M. Dwyer- ------- Great Works __________ _ Office became Presidential. 5 130 D-6 Clara A. Lewis ___________ _ Litchfield _____________ _ Do. 5 131 D-7 Everett E. Clarke_-------- Long Island _________ -- Do. 5 132 D-8 Maud R. Tyus _____ ------- New Harbor_ _________ , Do. 5 133 D-9 Walter W. Anderson ______ _ New Sweden.-- __ ----- - 1 Do. 5 134 D-10 Clarence T. CarlL- - -----­ Waterboro _____ - ___ ---- Do. 5 135 D-11 Mary W. Dingley_ -- --- - - - West Farmington _____ _ Do. MARYLAND 5 136 D-12 May B. Bolt_____________ Eckhart Mines_________ Do. 5 137 D-13 Ruth V. HoshalL _ _ l'arkton_ _ _ _ H. B. !iol-lmll, rl<'<'l':t~Pd. MISSOURI 5 138 D-19 James H. PowelL _________ Elsberry______________ R. :\I. llmc·hr·Lt, trau~- ferre<l. 5 139 D-20 Imogene .Johnson _________ Galt __ ------------- D. H. VP!lC'lll, truH,fvrn·rl. 5 140 D-21 Ethel I. McRaven _________ Glencoe __________ _ Herbert Hamc•l, n:'>tgnu<l. 141 5 D-22 Oren G. GameL __________ Half Way_ ----------- Office bvcanw Pt·(·~i!lt-nt i·d NEW HAMPSHIRE 5 142 A-36 GouldS. Richmond _______ Orford ____ ----------- Do. NEW MEXICO 5 143 D-23 Dolores Romero __________ Roy __________________ .:vr. Y. Hav. rt'bl!l;!lPd. NEW YORK 5 144 B-21 Elliott McClung _________ _ Campbell HalL Office lH·camP I'n•,tdt·ntial. 5 145 B-22 Charles R iccardL ________ _ --------1 Glasco ________________ , !Ju. 5 146 A-37 Naomi C. S. Garritt ______ _ Cragsmoor~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -~ lJo. 5 147 B-23 Mildred E. Kraack ______ _ Lake Huntmgton _____ _ B. D. ( 'ulkm, dPet•a,<•t!. 5 148 A-39 C. Everett Scott _________ _ Morristown _________ _ G. H. llop;:trdu;-, tr:w~- ferred. 5 149 A-40 Patrick K. Fleming ________ Plattekill ______________ Office bH·am1· Pr<>"iil<"lltial. 5 150 C-13 Mabel J. Bigelow_________ Richville___ _ __________ , .J. .\I. l{('e\1, n·,Jgw·d. 5 151 B-25 Belle Ernes _______ - __ - __ -- ~elden _______________ -I Office b<;C'llill<' Pn·:-Jdt·Illial. 5 152 A-~1 Katherine C. Slattery ______ Trudeau_____ ______ _1 H ..J. Slattt·r; dl'i'""'''d NORTH CAROLINA 5 153 D-24 Clyde B. Shaw_ Carthage ____________ _ P.

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