PAGE TWENTY-EIGHTH FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1968 Eti^ning Aveniffe Dally Net Press Run Michael A. Howard, son of For The W e e k Ended The Weather Abolit Town Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. How­ April 26, 1968 ard of 218 Keeney St., was Chance of scattered showers Boy Scout Troop S«2 of St. recently installed as a member tonight. Low near 40. Tomorrow Bartholomew’s Church will of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity at conduct a paper drive tomor­ 15,159 fair and mild. High In mid 60s. row from 9 a.m. to B p.m. at Quinnipiac Ckdlege, Hamden. Manchester— 4 City of Village Charm the Popular Maricet parking lot, Air Force Capt. and Mrs. 'wishing to donate p a ^ r may VOL. LXXXVII, NO. 177 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1968 (Classified Advertising on Page 11) PRICE TEN CENTS 728 E. Middle Tpke. Those Kevin P. Toomey have been leave It at a truck at the park­ visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. ing lot, or may contact Fred Francis Toomey of 23 Lyndale Buggies of 106 Barry Rd., Doug­ St. for the past 30 days, and las Hauschlld of 93 Const^ce left today for Travis AFB, Cali­ Dr., James Rook of 128 Cole­ fornia. Capt. Toomey’s new man Rd., or Ernest Moquin of assignment will be in Vietnam. While he is overseas Mrs. Too­ 193 Lydall dt. and the papers Humphrey will be picked up. mey will make her home' at B52s Strike Cong Sun Valley, Calif. Sgt. Joseph A. Paone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Domenic A. Pa­ Miss Elizabeth Keith, daugh- - one of 44 Princeton St., has ter of Mr. and Mrs. Da'Wd Keith Commissioned • recently returned from a 13- of 66 Hillcrest Rd., has made To Announce the honor roll for the fourth month tour of duty at Kimpo James A. Cummings, son of marking period at St. Marga­ AB, Republic of South Korea. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cum­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice and Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, close to Saigon ret's School, Waterbury. He was assigned to the Detach­ mings of 11 Lockwood St., has President Hubert H. Humphrey, his fellow Minnesotan. ment 1100 Pacific Postal and been commissioned a second with some backing from busi­ Humphrey’s 1 p.m. EST Mrs. Merrill Rubinow of 68 SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Air Marine A6 Intruders blasted a read into Secretary of Defense Courier Region. In June, he will lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force ness, labor, the South—and per­ speech was to be carried l^ve by Butternut Rd. is a member ’of the major television-radio net- small North Vietnamese airstrip Clark M. Clifford’s prediction be assigned to Bolling AFB, upon graduation from Officer haps President Johnson—is Force B52 bombers attacked the planning committee for the 16 miles north-northwest of the that "in due time" U.S. military Washington, D.C. He is a 1962 Traihlng School (OTS) at Lack- launching his second quest for works, Viet Ciong sanctuarie.s on two 1968 Art Exhibit of the Connect­ any heir-apparent allied outpost of Glo'Linh on the involvement in Vietnam can be­ graduate of Manchester High land AFB, Tex. the Democratic preldentlal Although icut Physicians Art Association status for Humphrey is vag^ue at sides of Saigon today in a new eastern edge of the DMZ. gin to ebb. School. Lt. Cummings, selected for nomination issuing a call for na­ Tuesday, Wednesday and this point, professional politi­ effort to smash enemy troop Spokesmen said the 2,500 foot- "There is no specific time OTS through competitive exam­ tional unity. Thursday at the Hartford-Hilton cians are firm in the belief concentrations within striking long strip is along the const and plan, only a goal," one official The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, ination, is being assigned to His announcement of candida­ Hotel. distance of the capital. could be used for light observa­ said Friday. pastor of Bolton Congregational Chanute AFB, 111., for training cy, due today at a luncheon for Johnson prefers Humphrey as Intelligence reports persisted tion and cargo planes. Church, will conduct a service as a missile launch officer. 1,0KX) supporters at a Washing- his successor. The comment was made to a Miss Susan Palmer, daughter The President announced that the Viet Cong arc planning Carrier-based bombers con­ Sunday at 8:18 a.m. on radio The lieutenant, a 1961 grad­ ton hotel, pits him against Sens. reporter seeking clarification of of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. March 31 he will not run again an attack on Saigon similar to centrated on truck traffic in the station WINP. The program is uate of Watertown (N.Y) High Robert P. Kennedy of New York this statement Clifford made In Palmer of 16 Timber Trail, is but made clear in remarks the invasion of the city during panhandle and pilots reported sponsored by the Manchester School, received a B.S. degree New York Monday at the annual a member of the Aurora (III.) Thursday night he will not be a the lunar new year offensive destroying at least 18 vehicles. c5ouncil of Churches. in psychology in 1966 from Un­ luncheon of The Associated College touring choir which will bystander in the campaign. Jan. 31. U.S. sources said there has ion College, Schenectady, N.Y. Press: "The increased effec­ make a seven-state concert tour And Johnson’s promise to vi­ Despite the reports, only been an increase in North Viet­ The Ladles Guild of the His wife, Donna, is a daugh­ tiveness of the South Viet­ from May 19 through May 29. gorously oppose "any would-be .small-scale skirmishes were re­ namese truck tr.affic southward Church of the Assumption will ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Q. Briton Editor namese government and Its diverslve force’’ in the nation ported on the outskirts of the ever since President John.son have a business meeting Mon­ Walt of Scotia, N.Y. fighting forces will now permit day at 8 p.m. in the Assumption The Connecticut Braille Asso­ was widely interpreted as direct­ capital. ordered a curtailment of the us to level off our effort and In School library. A seventh day ciation, Inc., will have its an­ Sees Another ed primarily at Kennedy and The biggest fight was Just be­ bombing March 31. due time to begin the gnadual McCarthy, critics of the way he annversary Mass will be cele­ nual spring meeting and elec­ World War I Barracks euid low the demilitarized zone near WASHINGTON (AP) — Ad­ process of reduction.’ ’ has handed the Vietnam war brated Monday at 7 :46 a.m. at tion of officers Tuesday at 10:30 Auxiliai-y will meet Sunday at Con Thien where U.S. Marines ministration officials don't want and other problems. Administration officials said the Church of the Assumption. a.m. in the Science Building of 2 p.m. at the VFW Home. Mem­ Rush on Gold supported by tanks and artillery to be pinned down as to how This and the chief executive’s The Mass has been requested St. Margaret's School, Water­ bers are reminded t o bring a killed 72 North Vietnamese many months or years arc to be (See Page Fourteen) by the Ladles Guild. bury. pledge to work for continuance troops in a three-hour battle. salad or other foods for a pot- LONDON (AP) - A lead^g domestic programs point- luck after the meeting. Marine losses were listed as Britlsh commentator reported strongly to Humphrey, the nine killed and 17 wounded in today signs of a new rush for indefatigable defender of John­ HAPPY MAY DAY TO A DEAR KATHY! Miss JudiU: A. Allen, daugh­ the fight that broke out Friday gold, and predicted that the son policies at home and in Viet­ WE’RE RUSHING THE SEASON WITH NATIVE: Spinach, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. when a squad from the 4th Regi­ Riots Hit Island price will rise. nam. Dandelions, Asparagus and Rhubarb. Allen of 65 Morse Rd., received ment ran into a North Viet­ GARDEN F R ^ H : Peas, Broccoli, Green, Yellow Beans, Patrick Sergeant, financial It remaiiu undisclosed just honorable mention for her namese force of unknown size. Belgium Endive, Parsnips, Red, Green, Cabbage, Cauliflow­ editor of the London Daily Mall, how and when Johnson would scholastic achievements during Two platoons of Leatherneck er, Red, White Onions, Shallots, White Sweet Potatoes, said international bankers were help his loyal vice president reinforcements and tanks were Egg Plant, Cherry Tonmtoes, Leeks, Beet Greens, Hot the first semester at Skidmore worried by rumors of a major pick up support for*the Demo- thrown into the battle. Bermuda Declares House Tomatoes, Boston Lettuce, and Chinese Cabbage. College, Saratoga Springs, IT.Y. deflclt in the U.S. balance of cratic convention in August at JUST PIC^IED: Fresh Strawberries, Watermelons, Red, Enemy gunners made artil­ payments in the first quarter of Miami Beach while Kennedy Herald Photo by Sylvian Ofiara lery, rocket and mortar attacks white. Blue Grapes, Honeydews, Spanish Melons, Tanger­ this year. ines;'Nkvet> Oranges, Pineapples, Coconuts, Pears. Man­ and McCarthy harvest the publi­ Friday on Camp Carroll, a U.S. darin Oranges, Limes, Papayas, plus: CRISP-AIRE MAC Players Learn These rumors, he said, sug­ city and the votes from presi­ artillery base east of Khe Sanli, Emergency State and RED DELICIOUS APPLES. gested that the deficit may be dential primaries he is not en­ Don’t Forget and on the Quang Tri airfield.
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