MASTER Book List.xlsx Why Mosquitos Buzz in People's Ears Aardema, Verna E AAR Bugs The Peace Seekers Aaseng, Nathan 372.1 AAS The Lonely Phonebooth Ackerman, Peter E ACK Picture Book Dear Peter Rabbit Ada, Alma Flor. E ADA Writing Happy to be Me! Adams, Christine E ADA Self Esteem Castles and Forts Adams, Simon 322.7 ADA Castles A picture book of Abraham Lincoln Adler, David A. B LIN Presidents The Babe & I Adler, David A. E ADL Sports Cam Jansen and the green school mystery : Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 5-8 Cam Jansen and the mystery writer myster: Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 5-8 Cam Jansen the basketball mystery Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 5-8 Young Cam Jansen and the 100th day of sc: Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 5-8 Cam Jansen and the School Play Mystery Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 6-9 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the UFO Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 6-9 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins Adler, David A. FIC ADL Ages 6-9 Roots and blues :--a celebration Adoff, Arnold. 811 ADO Poetry Each Peach Pear Plum Ahlberg, Janet & Allen E AHL Rhyming The Black Bear Ahlstrom, Mark E. 599.74 AHL Bears Alejandro's Gift Albert, Richard E. E ALB Water Little women Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1 FIC ALC *YA YA Little women Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1 FIC ALC *YA YA The Crossover Alexander, Kwame FIC ALE *YA Coretta Scott King & Newbury Baby Animals on the Farm Alexander, Liza E ALE Toddler Book The Black Cauldron Alexander, Lloyd. FIC ALE Ancient India Ali, Daud. 934 ALI History: India The Big Book for our Planet Aliki FIC ALI *YA YA I'm Growing Aliki E ALI Growing Up The gods and goddesses of Olympus Aliki. 292.2 ALI Mythology Mummies made in Egypt Aliki. 393.3 ALI History: Egypt My five senses Aliki. 612.8 ALI Human Body Ansel Adams: An Autobiography Alinder, Mary Street 770.92 ALI ART Dance of the swan :--a story about Anna : Allman, Barbara B PAV El libro de Oscar Almada Rivero, Marcos. 468 ALM Spanish Skellig Almond, David, 1951- FIC ALM The Rocky Mountains Aloian, Molly. 917.8 ALO US Geography The Yangtze :--China's majestic river Aloian, Molly. 951 ALO China The Nile :--river in the sand Aloian, Molly. 962 ALO Egypt The Amazon :--river in a rain forest Aloian, Molly. 981.1 ALO Amazon The Stephen Cartwright ABC Amery, Heather E AME Toddler Journey Through Pakistan Amin, Mohamed 915.49 AMI Exploring Pianos Amoroso, Cynthia. 786.5 AMO Music Drums Amoroso, Cynthia. 786.9 AMO Music Guitars Amoroso, Cynthia. 787.87 AMO Music Trumpets Amoroso, Cynthia. 788.9 AMO Music Powwow Ancona, George 394.2 ANC Native American Andersen's fairy tales Andersen, H. C.--(Hans Chr FIC AND Fairy Tale Fairy tales Andersen, H. C.--(Hans Chr FIC AND Fairy Tale The Ugly Duckling Anderson, Hans Christian E AND Picture Book Forge Anderson, Laurie Halse. FIC AND YA Fever, 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse. FIC AND *YA YA Cock-A-Doodle-Doo: A Barnyard Hullabaloo Andreae, Giles E AND Farm The First Americans: Indians of the Plains Andrews, Elaine 978 AND First Americans Anno's mysterious multiplying jar Anno, Masaichiro. 512 ANN Math Anno's Counting book Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926- 513.2 ANN Math Art and religion in ancient Greece Apel, Melanie Ann. 292.08 APE Art: Greece Don't swap your sweater for a dog Applegate, Katherine. FIC APP Ages 6-9 Don't tap-dance on your teacher Applegate, Katherine. FIC APP Ages 6-9 Never glue your friends to chairs Applegate, Katherine. FIC APP Ages 6-9 The One and Only Ivan Applegate, Katherine. FIC APP Newberry The One and Only Ivan Applegate, Katherine. FIC APP Newbery 8-12 The Aztec empire Apte, Sunita. 972 APT Aztecs Salt Hands Aragon, Jane E ARA Animals 1 MASTER Book List.xlsx Protists :--algae, amoebas, plankton, an: Arato, Rona 579 ARA Cells Music Ardley, Neil 781.91 ARD Music Awesome African-American rock and soul m: Aretha, David 920 ARE Music Shipwreck at the bottom of the world :--: Armstrong, Jennifer, 1961- 919.8 ARM Exploring Sounder Armstrong, William H. FIC ARM Newbery Sounder Armstrong, William H.--(Wi FIC ARM Ages 6-9: Dogs A warmer world :--from polar bears to bu: Arnold, Caroline 363.738 ARN Polar Bears Beachcombing: Exploring the Seashore Arnosky, Jim 578.76 ARN Nature: Beach All About Alligators Arnosky, Jim 597.98 ARN Reptiles Otters Under Water Arnosky, Jim 599.74 ARN Animals Raccoons and Ripe Corn Arnosky, Jim 599.74 ARN Raccoons Trapped :--how the world rescued 33 mine: Aronson, Marc 363.11 ARO Resources Why Does it Float Arvetis, Chris E ARV Picture Book Daddy and Me: Photo Story of Arthur Ashe Ashe, Jeanne Moutoussamy 342 ASH Family What Can it Be? Riddles About Easter Ashley, Jill 818 ASH Riddles Climbing Ashton, Steve 796.5 ASH Sports An Egg is Quiet Aston, Dianna 591.4 AST Eggs An Egg is Quiet Aston, Dianna 591.4 AST Eggs Dream something big :--the story of the Aston, Dianna Hutts 979.4 AST History: USA Mr. Popper's Penguins Atwater, Richard & Florence FIC ATW Ages 6-9: Penguins The land of painted caves Auel, Jean M. FIC AUE *YA YA The First Americans Aveni, Anthony 970.01 AVE The fire cat Averill, Esther Holden. E AVE Animals The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle Avi 495.6 AVI Ages 9-12 The Secret School Avi FIC AVI Ages 8-12 Crispin :--at the edge of the world Avi, 1937- FIC AVI *YA YA Crispin :--the cross of lead Avi, 1937- FIC AVI *YA YA Crispin :--the end of time Avi, 1937- FIC AVI *YA YA Teddy Bear Tears Aylesworth, Jim E AYL Teddy Bear Who Was Martin Luther King Jr. Bader, Bonnie B KIN Black History Rabbit Race Baglio, Ben FIC BAG Ages 9-12 The Young Fishing Enthusiast Bailey, John 799.1 BAI Fishing Adventures in the Middle ages Bailey, Linda, 1948- 940.1 BAI History: Middle Ages Story Lives of Great Composers Bakeless, Katherine Little B BAK Music Daily life in ancient and modern Beijing: Baldwin, Robert F. 951 BAL China Astonishing women artists Ball, Heather, 1978- 920 BAL Artists: Women Magnificent women in music Ball, Heather, 1978- 920 BAL Artists: Women Exploring the Titanic Ballard, Robert 363.1 BAL Disasters The Calder game Balliett, Blue, 1955- FIC BAL The Wrights 3 Balliett, Blue, 1955- FIC BAL My Light Bang, Molly E BAN Elements Living Sunlight Bang, Molly E BAN Planets The Indian in the Cupboard Bank, Lynne Reid FIC BAN Ages 8-12 Baboon Banks, Kate, 1960- E BAN Animals The Indian in the Cupboard Banks, Lynne Reid FIC BAN Ages 9-12 The Key to the Indian Banks, Lynne Reid FIC BAN Ages 9-12 Stephen Hawking Bankston, John 530.92 BAN Science On stage Bany-Winters, Lisa. 372.66 BAN Theater Sorting the elements :--the periodic tab: Barber, Ian 546 BAR Elements Sorting the elements :--the periodic tab: Barber, Ian. 546 BAR Elements Extra Yarn Barnett, Mac E BAR Caldecott Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Barrett, Judi E BAR Picture Book Pickles to Pittsburgh Barrett, Judi E BAR Picture Book Peter Pan Barrie, J. M.--(James Matt FIC BAR Peter Pan Barrie, J.M. FIC BAR Ages 8-12 Hearts Cupids and Red Roses Barth, Edna 394.3 BAR Valentine's Day Shark vs. train Barton, Chris. E BAR Picture Book The Water Hole Base, Graeme E BAS Animals Beany Wakes Up For Christmas Bassett, Lisa E BAS Christmas Playthings and Pastimes in Japanese Prints Baten, Lea 769.49 BAT Art The Fabrics of Fairytale Batt, Tanya Robyn 398.23 BAT Fairytale Hungry Hungry Plants Batten, Mary 583.75 BAT Plants 2 MASTER Book List.xlsx Valentine's Day Stories and Poems Bauer, Caroline E BAU Valentine's Day Beethoven for kids : his life and music : Bauer, Heidi B BEE Music Beethoven for kids :--his life and music: Bauer, Helen B BEE Music Beethoven for kids Bauer, Helen, 1943- B BEE Music The Wizard of Oz Baum, L. Frank E BAU Fairytale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Baum, L. Frank FIC BAU Ages 8-12 The Emerald City of Oz Baum, L. Frank FIC BAU *YA Ages 9-12 The Lost Princess of Oz Baum, L. Frank FIC BAU *YA Ages 9-12 The Land of Oz Baum, L. Frank FIC BAU *YA Ages 9-12 The Wizard of Oz Baum, L. Frank E BAU Picture Book Throw Your Tooth on the Roof Beeler, Selby B E BEE Culture Ludwig Beethoven and the Chimney Tower Bells Beethoven, Ludwig B BEE Music Duck in the Park Duck in the Dark Begley, Eve E BEG Picture Book We are alike, we are different Behrens, Janice, 1972- 305.8 BEH People Bradley McGogg: The Very Fine Frog Beiser, Tim E BEI Frogs Madeline Bemelmans, Ludwig, 1898-19 E BEM Picture Book Madeline's Rescue Bemelmans, Ludwig, 1898-19 E BEM Picture Book The Several Tricks of Edgar Dolphin Benchly, Nathaniel E BEN Archimedes and the door of science Bendick, Jeanne. B ARC Science What is color? Benduhn, Tea. 701 BEN Art What is shape? Benduhn, Tea. 701 BEN Art My Cat Has Had Kittens Bennett, Leonie E BEN Cats The Hindenburg disaster Benoit, Peter, 1955- 363.12 BEN History: Disasters The Exxon Valdez oil spill Benoit, Peter, 1955- 363.738 BEN History: Disasters The Titanic disaster Benoit, Peter, 1955- 910 BEN History: Disasters Ancient Greece Benoit, Peter, 1955- 938 BEN History: Greece The Children's Dinosaur Encyclopedia Benton, Michael J.
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