University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-29-1996 Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 45, February 29, 1996 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 45, February 29, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1331. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1331 Golden Knights mens' basketball team prepares for the TAAC tou~ev- p.12 Future Huseman letter claims he was denied due process by MICHELLE MARTINEZ for his resignation. Asst. news editor Also in the letter to Milligan, Huseman urged the Office of the Comptroller to correct Richard Huseman, fonner dem1 of the their investigative report of the allegations College of Business Administration, was not against him to accurately and fairly reflect his given the fairness of due process in an eight and his colleague's actions. month investigation by theOfficeof theComp­ "There is nothing to correct," said Gil troller, according to a Jetter Huseman ad­ Robinson, regional director, Central Florida dressed to Comptroller Robert Mi11igan. region Office of the Comptroller. The letter was sent to Milligan along "I'm very comfortable with our report with Huseman' s response to a report issued and Huseman's response is apples and or­ by the Office of the Comptro11er in January anges." concerning 13 anonymous allegations against By apples and oranges, Robinson Huseman. meant that Huseman' s response to the a11e­ The letter and response were received gations and findings in the comptroller's by the University Attorney's Office on Feb. report was not relevant. He said 13. the fact that Huseman gave outside presen­ In the letter, Huseman stated he was not tations which led to contracts for business able to present his side of the issues when programs is not relevant to the fact he used "delays and outright news leaks preempted slides paid for by the college for these the findings with a fusillade of unrelenting presentations. innuendoes and editorial indictment," before • One allegation in the comptroller's the report was released. report stated Huseman paid $25.000 for the He stated he was not infonned as to the BE2000 display using state and foundation content of all of the anonymous allegations funds. against him until the final report by the Office The report by the comptroller said of the Comptroller was released. although there was no violation of state Huseman resigned as dean of the Col­ law, the money used for the display was an lege of Business Administration last Decem­ imprudent use of state funds and the col­ ber; and in a media memo issued by the Office lege of business should be more frugal photo/SOILEAU ofPublic Affairs, he cited differences in man­ when spending state funds in the future. Knightro stands beside NASCAR winner Jeff Gordon's car, Feb. ·21. Gordon's car was on campus to kickoff Dupont and Orlando Colli­ agement style with his superiors as a reason see RESPONSE, page_3 sion Center's promotion to benefit the UCF Alumni Scholarship fund. UCF senior crowned Miss Ortando by DORIS BLOODSWORTH won the Miss Philippines USA title. works a part-time job. Asst. news editor Last year, Alvarez entered the Contestants must have a plat­ Miss Orlando contest, but she did form, and Alvarez has chosen con­ Jennifer A1varez,a22-year-old not make the cut. She went on to win cern for the elderly. She started a senior, looked in disbeliefFeb. 5 at the the Miss Mt. Dora title and com­ program called HEART -Helping ribbon which read, ''Miss Orlando." peted in the Miss Florida contest. the Elderly And Retired Tooay. '1justcouldn't believe it when Once again, she won the non-final­ Alvarez said both of her they ca11ed my name," the health ser­ ist talent award. grandparents live in the Philippines. vice and administration major said. "After that, I wasn't sure if I She said she started the program for LouisRoney,artist-in-residence should try again or not," Alvarez UCF students who might want to and voice professor, said he met said. Because of the time and com: share time with the elderly. Alvarez five years ago while she at­ mitment involved in preparing for a In addition to the respect she tended Colonial High School in Or­ pageant, she considered quitting. has earned for the HEART pro­ lando. She credits opportunities for gram, the judges gave the UCF se­ "She was very, very shy," perfonning, like singing at an Or­ nior high praise for her talent pre­ Roney said. He encouraged Alvarez to lando Magic game, as the main rea­ sentation. attend UCF and has been her voice son she tried again this year. "This year, I decided to try professor since then. Alvarez's schedule is daunt- something different," Alvarez In 1992, during her sophomore ing: said. "Instead of wearing a ball year, Alvarez entered the Miss UCF • Monday, Wednesday and gown and singing a popular song, contest but did not make ~ cut. The Friday she attends classes at UCF. Idressedincostumeandsang 'Un next year, she entered, made the cut •Tuesday, Thursday and Sat­ bel di vedremo' from Madama but was not a finalist. urday she works out with a physical Butterfly." According to Alvarez, she en­ trainer. With $7 ,000 worth of schol­ joyed the contest so much, she deter­ • Twice a week she rehearses arships behind her, Alvarez will mined to win the next year. She worked with a voice professor. compete for the Miss Florida title hard at losing 30 pounds and attended •Each week she attends prac­ June 26-29, in Orlando at the Bob classesatLisaMailehnage,Modeling tice interview sessions. (The inter­ Carr Theater. and Acting School. view counts for 30 percent of a "The Miss Orlando title is pltoto/ALVAREZ In 1994, she won Miss UCF. contestant's score.) great, but I will always have spe­ Jennifer Alvarez, Miss Orlando, sits beside Marissa Gilbert, Alvarez went on to win the non-final­ Additionally, Alvarez takes cial feelings about the Miss UCF who was named Little Sister of Miss Orlando. Alvarez and ist talent award at the Miss Florida her"adopted grandmother'' grocery title I won," Alvarez said. "I had ~ilbert represent the city at public appearances. contest During the same year, she shopping once a week and also worked so hard to be Miss UCF." News 1-3 Opinion 4 Classifieds 5 Features 7-10 look back at the lndie Kni hts concert Sports 11-12 2 •The Central Florida Future• Feb. 29, 1996 THE GREEK OOLUMN Campus Calendar • FEB.29 • Greek Week stresses unity •CommunicationsDay, 11 a.m.-3p.m.onthe Green. Free pizza and Coke, music by the by LESLIE ADAMS signed agency to fulfill their it will remain lit throughout Nifties. • Greek columnist job assignments to help Keep the week. •Caribbean Display, UCF Library. Orlando Beautiful. Volunteers Other events included in •Caribbean Student Association bowling night, Greek life often calls for must participate for a com­ Greek Week are: call 481-8548 or 671-5136 for details. • Greek competition. This bined time limit of three hours •Greek Sing, a musical • Miss UCF rehearsal. week, however, UCF'sGreeks in order to receive their team's skit performed by each team: •Blood drive, through Mar. 1, from 9 a.m.-5 are corning together to help participation points. •Games on the Green, p.m. Bloodmobiles will be on campus. the community and have a In addition to commu­ such as egg toss, dizzy bat, • little fun. nity service, Greek fellowship mixed-relay race and tug-of­ MARCH IS is implemented through team war. Greek Week is a tradi­ WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH tion at UCF which usually activities such as opening cer­ •Blood drive. MAR.I entails a skit night, games on emonies, Greek Sing, games Points are awarded to the • CSA Banquet, call 481-8548 for details. the Green and community ser­ and a blood drive. top three placing teams ofeach MAR.2 vice, with a focus on winning The opening ceremo­ event. At the end of the week, •Taste of Greek Park, noon-2 p.m. .. as a result of competitive nies were held at 6 p.m. Mon­ the points are totaled to deter­ • Miss UCF contest, 8 p.m., SCA. games and events. day. The activities resembled mine the winning team. (In •College Volunteer Day, call 823-3318. This year's Greek those of a pep rally. Musical past year's, one fraternity and MAR.3 Week, however, is focusing entertainment headed the one sorority was declared the •Movie: Reservoir Dogs, 6 p.m. and Pulp on service to the community schedule of events, followed winner.) Fiction, 8 p.m. and Greek fellowship. by spirit activities and gust Another difference in MAR.4 Community service speakers, including this year's Greek Week is the . t • Speaker: Susana Estrich, 8 p.m., SCA. comprises Greek involvement Panhellenic President Barbara uni versa! theme. Previously, MAR.5 with "Keep Orlando Beauti­ Lopez. each organization utilized a •Hypnotist, Tom Deluca, 8 p.m., UCF Arena. ful," sponsored by the Second Also included in the theme for itself. This idea was •Knights of the Round table meeting, Univer­ Harvest Food Bank.
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