33368 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 118 / Thursday, June 19, 1997 / Rules and Regulations 1309.14, Information Requirements FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS should allow manufacturers sufficient Handbook. COMMISSION time to implement any changes to the 6. Revise §§ 200.7 and 200.8 to read rules. Accordingly, It is Ordered, that as follows: 47 CFR Part 15 the effective date of § 15.37(g) is [ET Docket No. 95±19; DA 97±1212] extended to September 17, 1997. § 200.7 Request for records. This action is taken pursuant to Requests for records and the Authorization Procedures for Digital authority found in sections 4 (i) and 303 processing of those records are governed Devices of the Communications Act of 1934, as by the rules at 7 CFR 1.6. Agency amended, 47 U.S.C. 154 (i) and 303; and AGENCY: Federal Communications pursuant to 0.31 and 0.241 of the officials are authorized to receive and Commission. act on requests for records as follows: Commission's Rules, 47 CFR 0.31 and ACTION: Final rule; delay of effective 0.241. For further information contact (a) The Regional Forester, Regional date. the Office of Engineering and Special Agent in Charge, Research Technology, Anthony Serafini at (202) Station Director, and Area Director at SUMMARY: This action delays the 418±2456 or Neal McNeil (202) 418± the field locations and addresses listed effective date of the transition provision 2408. in § 200.2; the Director of Law of § 15.37(g) by 90 days from June 19, Enforcement and Investigations; and the 1997, to September 17, 1997. The Federal Communications Commission. Deputy Chief for the program area Commission received three Petitions for William F. Caton, involved, located in Washington, DC, Reconsideration filed by the Information Acting Secretary. are authorized to receive requests for Technology Industry Council, Hewlett- [FR Doc. 97±16052 Filed 6±18±97; 8:45 am] such records, to make determinations Packard Company, and Intel BILLING CODE 6712±01±P regarding whether records exist, and to Corporation. The extension will permit grant or deny requests for records the Commission to act on the petitions exempt from disclosure under the and should allow manufacturers DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552(b). sufficient time to implement any (b) Each of the officials listed in changes to the rules. Fish and Wildlife Service EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date for paragraph (a) of this section also is 50 CFR Part 17 authorized to take the following actions: the amendment to § 15.37 published (1) Extend the 10-day administrative June 19, 1996, 61 FR 31049, is delayed RIN 1018±AC98 until September 17, 1997. deadline for reply pursuant to 7 CFR Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 1.14; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anthony Serafini at (202) 418±2456 or and Plants; Endangered Status for the (2) Make discretionary releases Neal McNeil (202) 418±2408. Plant Lessingia Germanorum (San pursuant to 7 CFR 1.17(b) of records Francisco Lessingia) From California exempt from mandatory disclosure; SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In ET Docket 95±19, DA 97±1212, the AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, (3) Deny records pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Commission adopted and released an Interior. 552(b); and Order on June 10, 1997, extending the ACTION: Final rule. (4) Make determinations regarding the transition provision of § 15.37(g) of the charges of fees pursuant to 7 CFR 1.8(a). rules. By Report and Order , 61 FR SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife 31044, June 19, 1996, the Commission Service (Service) determines § 200.8 Appeals. set an effective date of June 19, 1997, as endangered status pursuant to the (a) Appeals from denials of requests the transition provision of § 15.37(g) of Endangered Species Act of 1973, as submitted under § 200.7 shall be the rules. This action extends the amended (Act) for Lessingia submitted in accordance with 7 CFR effective date of the transition provision germanorum (San Francisco lessingia), a 1.6(e) of the Chief, Forest Service, U.S. of § 15.37(g) by 90 days from June 19, plant from the San Francisco peninsula Department of Agriculture, Auditors 1997 to September 17, 1997. Section of California. L. germanorum occurs in Building, 14th and Independence 15.37(g) requires that the manufacture central dune scrub habitats. It is known Avenue, SW., P.O. Box 96090, and importation of Central Processing from five sites on the Presidio in San Washington, DC 20090±6090. Unit (CPU) boards and power supplies Francisco County, and one site on San (b) The Chief, or other official to designed to be used with personal Bruno Mountain in San Mateo County, whom such authority is delegated, shall computers, cease on or before June 19, California. This taxon has been affected determine whether to grant or deny the 1997, unless these products have been by and is endangered by competition appeal and make all necessary authorized under a Declaration of from invasive alien plants, shading by determinations relating to an extension Conformity or a grant of certification. alien and native plants, urban of the 20-day administrative deadline The Commission received three development, bulldozing, sand for reply pursuant to 7 CFR 1.14, Petitions for Reconsideration filed by quarrying, fertilizer-contaminated run- discretionary release pursuant to 7 CFR the Information Technology Industry off, habitat damage and trampling by 1.17(b) of records exempt from Council, Hewlett-Packard Company, pedestrians, bicycles, and off-road mandatory disclosure under 5 U.S.C. and Intel Corporation in the above vehicles, and other human activities. 552(b), and charging the appropriate captioned matter. The Commission Because of its small population size and fees. expects to act on these petitions in the extremely restricted distribution, L. near future. We recognize that germanorum is also subject to an Dated: June 11, 1997. manufacturers are concerned about increased risk of extinction from natural Ronald E. Stewart, finalizing their designs until the issues events. This rule implements Federal Acting Chief. raised in the petitions are resolved. An protection and provisions provided by [FR Doc. 97±16011 Filed 6±18±97; 8:45 am] extension of 90 days will permit the the Act. A notice of withdrawal of the BILLING CODE 3410±11±M Commission to act on the petitions and proposal to list Arctostaphylos Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 118 / Thursday, June 19, 1997 / Rules and Regulations 33369 imbricata (San Bruno Mountain glandular secretions. Other treatments The Presidio populations are manzanita), which was proposed for (Ferris 1959, Munz and Keck 1968) also threatened by competition from invasive listing along with L. germanorum, is recognized varieties of L. germanorum. alien plants, shading by alien and native published concurrently with this notice. Currently, L. germanorum is recognized shrubs and trees, bulldozing, sand EFFECTIVE DATE: July 21, 1997. as a distinct species (Lane 1993). quarrying, trampling by pedestrians, ADDRESSES: The complete file for this Lessingia germanorum is a slender and other human activities (CDFG 1989; rule is available for public inspection, annual of the aster family (Asteraceae) California Natural Diversity Database by appointment, during normal business with diffusely branched stems 10 to 30 (CNDDB) 1994; Susan Smith, pers. hours at the Sacramento Field Office, centimeters (4 to 12 inches) high. The comm. 1992; Paul Reeberg, pers. comm. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 3310 El leaves and stems are glandless and 1993; Terri Thomas, pers. comm. 1993). Camino Avenue, Sacramento, California covered with grayish, loosely The population on San Bruno Mountain 95821±6340. interwoven hairs. Tubular, lemon- is threatened by urbanization, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: yellow, disc flowers with a brownish or trampling, competition from invasive Kirsten Tarp, Sacramento Field Office at purplish band are clustered into heads alien plants, bulldozing, and fertilizer- the above address or by telephone at that are solitary at the end of branchlets. contaminated run-off (Thomas Reid 916±979±2120. The seeds, which are attached to a Associates, in litt. 1991; Susan Smith, crown of hairlike bristles, are light and pers. comm. 1992; Paul Reeberg, pers. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: easily carried by the wind. L. comm. 1993). Background germanorum typically flowers between Previous Federal Action August and November. Lessingia germanorum (San Francisco On December 15, 1980, the Service lessingia) is endemic to the northern Historically, Lessingia germanorum published in the Federal Register an San Francisco peninsula in California occurred within central dune scrub updated Notice of Review for plants (45 where it is found within central dune habitats throughout the San Francisco FR 82480) which included Lessingia scrub habitats. Natural habitats of the peninsula. L. germanorum is currently germanorum (as L. germanorum var. northern San Francisco peninsula have restricted to the Presidio area of the San germanorum) as a category 1 candidate undergone extensive change as a result Francisco peninsula (five occurrences), for Federal listing. Category 1 taxa were of human activities. The northern part and near the base of San Bruno formerly defined as those taxa for which of the San Francisco peninsula is highly Mountain (one occurrence). L. the Service had on file sufficient urbanized. By 1984, over 90 percent of germanorum grows on remnant sand information on status and threats to the northern peninsula's natural dunes and sand terraces in open areas support issuance of a listing proposal. habitats had been disturbed or with blowing sand (Susan Smith, Yerba On November 28, 1983, the Service eliminated (Orsak and Schooley 1984). Buena Chapter, California Native Plant published in the Federal Register a Urbanization has eliminated L. Society, pers. comm. 1992), at an supplement to the Notice of Review (48 germanorum from part of its range, and elevation range between 24 to 91 meters FR 53640) which changed L.
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