OWAci00 3 7cl V S (. -a cunl oA boluPdwoo lahEnarld $ ayid uot ascp_)s GOOD HEALTH, }. BATTLE CREEK, VOL. 285 NO. 6. CONTENTS. June, 1893. GENERAL HYGIENE International Health Studies : 5o. California (Illustrated), by FEt,ix L. OswAi.i•, M. D.— What are the Results of Salt-eating ? by JULIA COLMAN — Sex in brains-- Healthy Flomes : V“ Illustrated), by 'HELEN L. MANNING —.The People of Iceland - What is- Hygiene ? — Sufficiency of a Vegetarian Diet — Fresh Air in Our Homes— Ethics of the Sense of Taste. HOME GYMNASIUM . 172-175 Tht. Bicycle for Invalid Women ( Concluded) ( Illfistrated), by J H..K1:Li.o(a;', M. D. HOME CULTURE . 176-181 'Child-training (Continued), by J. H. KELLOGG, M. D. I Would..nOt be Cross ( Poetry)— One Lady's Opinion — Sloyd within a Circle : No.. 6 ( IllustraledY.:(Continued), by MRS. M. F. STEARNS — Young Girls and the World's Fair — Tight Lacing. in England — Aspara- gus = Oatmeal and Oranges. EDITORIAL 182-185 Eye Deterioration — Sterilized Butter — Keeley Lunatics —Dilated.-Stomach — Honey as a Food — Spectacle Venders — Eating before Sleeping — Atmospheric Food. A DOCTOR'S CHATS WITH HIS PA'T'IENTS 186-191 Diet for a Person Suffering with a Dilated Stomach.— Precautions against the Spread of Scar- - let Fever — Massage for Sprains — The Teeth. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS.: Potato Skins, Olive Oil — Floating Kidney — What to Eat, Roast Potatoes, Canned Fruits, Dress Patterns, Etc.— Cereal Foods, ExcesS of Uric Acid — Onions, Radishes, and Lettuce Celluloid, Kennedy's Medical DiscoVery, Etc.— Toasted Bread, Castoria — Discs for the Ear — Superfluous Hair, Removing Red Veins. RELIEF DEPARTMENT. LITERARY NOTICES . 192 UNFERMENTED WINE We are premixed to furnish a Fine Quality of unfermented wine, for SACRAMENTAL. OR MEDICINAL PUT UP IN PINT BOTTLES. PURPOSES. Guaranteeing the same to be made from tine table grapes, to be eirict y unfermented. and free from any chemical preservative. Thin PRICE : wine ie put up in bottles hermetically sealed and will keep indefinitely. Single bottles, - - 50 Cts The method of preservation re- tains the Natural, Delicious Flavor Cases of one doz. bottles (pints), $5.00 of the Grape, unlrnpaired, and there is no bettor appetizer or more healthful tonic for a chronic inva- Shipped, securely packed, to any lid or a convalescent from any acute disease. address, on receipt of price. SANITARIUM FOOD COMPANY, BATTLE CREEK, 'CCP r I I 4. .4 I- LOW CASTE HINDU WOMEN, BOMBAY. XXVIII. BATTLE eR. tX.P11 (t-I ► GAN' JUNE, 1893. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH STUDIES. BY FELIX L. OSWALD, M. D. Author of " Physical Education," "The Bible of Nature," Etc. 50.—Talifornia. IT has been observed that the occupations of Even at San Francisco the warm showers of the savages — hunting, fishing, etc.,—tend to become rainy season — the word " winter " would fail to de- the pastimes of civilized men ; and it is equally true scribe the state of affairs — can make a Yankee long that the summerland homes of our primitive fore- for .a good Vermont snowstorm ; but the long cool fathers will always be revisited for purposes of summer compensates that grievance to the satisfac- health and pleasure. tion of the most fastidious immigrant. There are The Roman patricians had luxurious country seats rains in April, but they are rare and light; the first in winterless Syria, as British aristocrats visit South- half of May is dry enough for troutfishers to camp ern Europe, in the never-renounced, though often- without tents, and then follow twenty-five weeks of disappointed, hope of regaining their forfeited health as pleasant, clear-sky weather as the ancient Greeks in a land of eternal summer. The incidental advan- can ever have enjoyed in the Arcadian highlands. tages of such health resorts, indeed, often come to About io A. M., just when the rays of the sun Wive constitute their chief attraction, and California owes fairly tempered the morning chill, a current of cold sea its popularity to its scenic wonders and its cool sum- air pours in through the portals of the Coast Range, mers quite as much as to its warm winters, which, increasing in force till an hour after noon, when it considering its latitude, seem really phenomenal to gradually subsides, unless the rising temperature of a visitor from the blizzard-swept eastern coast of the inland regions should revive it a few hours before our continent. At Sacramento, under the parallel a calm sunset is followed ,by a cool night. The of Philadelphia, semi-tropical butterflies flop about the refrigerating sea breeze streams up the Sacramento flower gardens in January — a trifle soiled by fre- Valley as far as Benicia, and even the settlers of quent rains, but otherwise not the worse for a winter Suisun Bay sometimes enjoy the luxury of a second campaign in the open air. Farther south, at Visalia, morning at the very time of the day when the brood- the winter work of the evergreen orchards is often ing sun torments the New England farmer's boy with done in shirtsleeves ; bluebirds warble the year temptations to run away and enjoy the noon of his round, and find an abundance of food at a time of life in the shade of a Boston commission warehouse. the year when their Pennsylvania relatives would In midsummer, when the heat of the inland valleys have to subsist on snowflakes. But microbes, too, often rises to a hundred degrees in the shade, a cool linger ; ailments which in New England yield to the northwest wind is apt to shroud the coast in mist, but expurgative influence of frost, tend— to become the rolling sea of vapor rarely passes the threshold of perennial, and hunters who spend their Christmas the Golden Gate; curls of fog drift about the seaward vacations in the duck brakes of Lake Tulare, come cliffs, but the uplands bask in sunlight, and a reddish home swollen with gnat bites. gray haze betrays the aridity of the eastern foothills. 162 GENERAL HYGIENE. " It is curious," says Dr. H. Gibbon, " to observe cisco has never yet suffered from drought. The an- the conflict between the absorbing power of the air nual rainfall varies from twenty-five to forty inches, and the supplying power of the ocean, in regard to and altogether it may be doubted if any other city moisture. Toward noon, when the wind rises, huge of the same size and the same resources of civilized columns of mist may be•seen piled along the coast, life enjoy a more delightful climate. The city of three or four miles west of the city, and pouring in Mexico, at an elevation of 7000 feet above sea-level, like a deluge upon the land. But the inland air, is ten degrees warmer in summer ; Nagasaki, several which is always thirsty, drinks it up with astonishing hundred miles nearer the equator, is eight degrees avidity, so that the impending wave, though in a colder in winter. In the middle of July, 1854, the current moving from thirty to forty miles an hour, thermometer sank to 46° Fahrenheit ; while in No- makes slow progress. By the middle of the after- vember of the same year, the minimum of the coldest day was 47°, and there are years when the summer passes without an hour of disagreeably warm weather. A few weeks ago Congress made an appropriation for an investigation of city slums, with a view of ascertaining their deleterious influence on the sani- tary conditions of our large cities, and the list of towns selected for test-case inquiries, included the commercial metropolis of California. From an architectural point of view, the Chinese baCk-alleys of San Francisco can, indeed, challenge comparison with the ugliest laza- roni-dives of the Naples Ghetto, but the epidemic-proof climate will baffle the efforts of the commission ; the develop- ment of cholera, yellow-fever, and typhoid germs requires heat as well as moisture. The southern border counties of Califor- nia are as hot and dry as Southern Spain, while the north coast is as wet as Oregon. Somewhere or other along the seven-hun- dred-mile stretch of coastline from San Diego to Crescent City there ought to be a region blest with the right medium of a climate most conducive to health and the enjoyment of outdoor life. Yankee tourists would find that medium in San Mateo county, with its fine fishing coves and red- wood forests; immigrants from the Middle States, perhaps a little farther south, in SHASTA SQUAW. Santa Cruz, or in Monterey county, where noon it is within a mile or two of the city, and there the sharpsighted Jesuit fathers founded their chief it stands like a solid mass of water, several hundred mission, two hundred years ago, and the Spanish feet in depth, rolling and tumbling toward you (not governor of the State established his headquarters. without grandeur and majesty), and threatening to Thirty years ago the ancient capital of Alta, Cali- overwhelm you in a few seconds. You await its fornia, had sunk to the rank of a second-rate village, coming, but it comes not, it even recedes, to return but the unrivaled charms of its climate and scenery and recede again." t at last attracted the attention of enterprising invest- The contrast between the humidity of the coast ment seekers ; a magnificent hotel arose on a spur of the and the interior of the State is, indeed, such that in foothills and electrified the sleeply old burg with open some parts of Kern county, only a hundred miles air concerts and fashionable cavalcades. Free plan- from the greatest ocean on earth, not a drop of rain tations made the shore dunes bloom like the garden may fall for a period of ten months, but San Fran- of Eden ; pleasure seekers gathered from all parts of GENERAL HYGIENE.
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