-- _.- ~-- ,-------- - -- - ------ - - ----.-- . -- --- -- - ---. - --- ~ n U~ I) -rtv Vt-. -~ ." 7;>~3 Htftv1-/ It-fa4"5J-J-ty14 D.t~~ tfYl V Co-Yy~S P 1.':r) A_I VI ~ L __ UN ARCHIVES SERIES ~-o't 41.e BO X _t..l.---- i ~fc~ fer~v 1 FILE ~ Ace. PAt-,Iff/, :5 ~(,) / (}'j/lvj;? C~ ~/~l/u'~~ ~.yw1Uv A»Vkvu~~ New York, September 14, 1959 Miss Aase Alm Private Secretary to the Secretary General of the United Nations. New York,N.Y. Dear Miss AIm: I have received today a letter from His Eminence Cardinal Spellman, introducing Miss Mary de Anda, from Houston, Texas, and asking me to receive her. During the course of the conversa­ tion Miss de Anda told me that she wishes to present her compliments to Mr. Hammarskjold and speak to him about a personal matter. I have called her attention about the difficulty of such an interview, as I person­ ally cannot arrange for this meeting not knowing myself the nature of same. But in view of the interest shown by Cardinal Spellman, I am giving this letter of introduc­ tion to Miss de Anoa in the event that during your con­ versation with her you may be able to find something of interest to the Secretary-General and, at the same time, comply with the wishes of Miss de Anda. Thanking you in advance for your kind attention, I remain Very truly yours, ~ ";;. &u- ~..-~ --" Jose Felix de Lequerica Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations. I asked Miss de Anda to write to you, as you were too busy at the moment to receive her; explained at the same time that an appointment would be difficult unless JPhe could give some information what it would be about. I think you "WJ uld want to see this becauseII of the introductions from Spellman and de Lequerical~. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON THE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT May 25, 1959 Dear Mis s De Anda: I have been asked to reply to your letter to the President relative to surplus food. Your inter­ est in submitting a forthright expression of your views is appreciated. Secretary of Agriculture Benson and representa­ tives of the major wheat exporting nations met in Washington on May fourth to explore means of utilizing food in the cause of peace. I feel sure that the enclosed White House release which tells of the Food for Peace Conference will be of special interest to you. The kind wishes you extend mean much to the President. Sincerely yours, Miss Mary L. De Anda Braeswood Medical Laboratory 2259 W. Holcombe Houston 25, Texas Enclosure Mary L. DeAnda M.T. Brae.wood Medioal Laboratory 2259 W. Holoombe Houston 25, Texas May 2, 1959 President Dwight D. Eisenhower The White House Waahington, D.C. Dear Mr. Pre.ident, In my opinion, We, the people or the United states are ind.ividually beooming an acc~lioe to the crime of letting our brothers die or starvatIon. We let our tood surplus rot ~ worse, we ~ to ret It rot (Seoretary Benson r"iPOrted that it ooste us $1 Million a day just for storage of the government's aocumulation or unsold surplus farm commodities). I wander if it would oost that much to transport it to our hungry friends in other natIOns? Keeping tne prIce up in the world market Is one excuse g1ven. Well, most of the people that are in dire need of food are just going without because they can't aftord to bUt it. Yea, we would have to differentiate, determine, or ae ect those that truly could not afford to bU7 it at market. We could set an example for-our cousins in the other four surplus producing countries. I teel they are really decent and would follow suit. Because how could they dare to call thEllDUlelves our f'r1ends and anne sam. time ask our conscience to d80ay along w1th our tood just so they might enJoy more comfort and convenienoe? By tultilling our priVile~. and obligat10n or feed1ng the world's hungry, we woul not onIy gratlt7 our soul, but would gain the respect and love of our fellow humans who we would help to remain free. And the1r love or go~ ~, dear S1B, would be a most powert\11 and effective weapon against oommun1sm and therefore a great defender of ~ awn freedom. Very s1ncerely, P. S. I love you Mr. Eisenhower, because you deserve it. May God blese, keep, and guide you. IMMEDlATE RELZAS]!: May 6, 1959 James C. Hagerty, Press Secretary to the President ---~-~-~~~-------r---~-------~--~---- THE WH~TE HOUSE, FOOD FOR PEACE CONFERENCE Joint Communique of May 6, 1959 The Conference of Major Wheat Exporting Nations convened by United States Secretary of Agriculture Zzra Taft Benson, implementing President Dwight D. Eisenhower's instructions to explore meanS of utilizing food "in the interest of reinforcing peace" took place in Washington May 4 - 6, 1959. The GovernmeJJts were represented by the following Cabinet Members or Heads of Delega.tions: For Argentina: Rafael Garcia-Mata Under Secretary of Agriculture Buenos Aires, Argentina For Australia: Sir John Crawford, Secretary Department of Trade Canberra, Australia For Canada: Han. Gordon Churchill Minister of Trade and Commerce Ottawa, Canada Han. Douglas S. Harkness Minister of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada For France: His Excellency Herve Alphand Ambassador of France Washington, D. C. For the United States: Ezra Taft Benson Secretary oJ Ag~':kulture Depc:..~~tment: 'J! A§;I'iculture Washh'lgton, D. C. : ~. _ .l C. Douglas Dillon Under Secretary of State Department of State Washington, D. C. Clarence L. Miller Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Washington, D. C. Laurence B. Robbins Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. more Copy of invitation from The Queen to attend her coronation ceremonies ­ extended to DE in his persor~l capacity .. /' FOREIGN OFFICE, S.W.1. The 'JUtten has authorSee4 .. to latornt TOG tibat It would glye Her ~8j..",..ueIl pl_supe \0 receive you as one of Her gueete ror the Oorona'\lon cerern01l1es which are to take place 01'1 the 2nd ~ June next. Theperlod durlns which Y181tore fpGm over.eaa who haTe been 1m!ted to ,he Coronation wl11 be guests 01' The l;'iueen 1'1111 be f'ltom ·a'urday the 30th ot Ma, 'to ;;a'iuraay the 6th of June and if, aa I 81noepelv hope, you find It poeslble to aoeep' the . lnYltf.ltion, a.commodation wl11 be arranged 1"or you in London between thoue da1ies. It 1s perhaps hardly neceseary i~or me \0 explain that having regard to the constitution and machinery 01' the Un1te4 Nationa Organl••tlon.. this invitation 18 extended to you 1n your personal oapacl1iy ana not aa 01"1"101811; representing the Organisation. "nel... Ilammarakjold.. Secretary General. United Nations Organisation. New York. Invitation from H.R. Luce to preview of TV "'I'w'enty-five Years of LIFE" Declined C.B. Jackson of Life Magazine called to tell SG personally that he would be receiving invitation fram. Henry Luce (TINE INC) to Life's 25th Anniversary celebration, a 90 minute TV spectacular evening of Feb. 28. From 5.30 p.m. wished to add his personal urging that SG accept. gg Invitation not yet arrived ~r. Henry 1?obinson Lace requests the pleasure of company at the preoiew perfOrmance oFlIte teleoision production " Twenty-Roe Years ofLIFE 'TuesdayeoeningJ the twenty-eigltth oFFebruary promptly at ltalFpast floe o'clocle Ziegteld 'Tlteatre to be fOllowed by a reception and supper at eigltt o'clocle 'lime ~ Lite 13uilding eiglttlt Floor .8. D. P. d enclosed 'Black tie Invitation to National Indoor Tennis Tournament Declined dZ,L _k I ,,. J \f W CDOOl NL PD TRENTOO NJER rEn , nlE HONORA BlE DA G HA MMA RSKJOLD SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS ELEVEN NAnONS VIZ AUSTRAUA, BELGIUM, CANADA, FRANCE, GREAT BUTAIN, HOLLAND, ITALY, MEXICO, SOUTH AFRICA, ~ST GERMANY AND THE UNITED STA TE S or AMERICA ARE EXPEC TED TO EN TE R TI£ IR mVls CUP AND OTHER l!ADING AM\ TEUR TENNIS PLAlERS IN THE NA nONAL INDOOR TENNIS TOURNAI£NT, FEBRUARY 51TH TO 13TH INCLUSIVE AT THE SEVENTH REGIMENT TENNIS CLUB, PARK AVENUE AT SIXTY SIX sTREET. NEW YOR K, NY. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU A.NDPA,RTY TO BE .OUR GUESTS. KINDLY RESPONT TO LAWRENCE HELFFRICHt PRESIDENT, THE SEVENTH REGIMENT TENNIS ewa AT ABOVE ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE RHINE LANDER 49820 BOARD or GOVERNORS THE StVENTH RGXXX SEVENTH REGIMENT TENNIS CLUB SC "1 t,JIllIAM ACKERMAN SECRETARY -; ·UJ C d"t '"7' rrl ...- 924A EST FE B6•• r- - ." -~ rn rr1 ;on ( ~ -, co ;<:J --,,~) , ~. ~ . 01 "i_ "":".1 ~<. -,' ~ )~ l~ ..,."- -i c.: - .---.. tr? 0 -; (, .. , Z -'-J (J) , , I1.I.VEN NA n(X~s VIZ AUSTRALIA, BELGIUM, CANADA, fRANCE, CR£AT aITAIN, HOLLAND, ITALY, MEXICO, SOUTH AFRICA,KST Q:IUt\t~T All) THE UNItt» STAT£S or AMERICA ARE mECftD TO £NUB TII:II . \ M,IS CUP AND OTJER tEA-DING Aflr\TEUR TENNIS PlAYEI'S IN THE: NAftONAL I ._oat TDlNtS TOURNAl£NT, F£!RUARY 'TH TO 13TH INCLUSIVE AT TIl! SlVENTH REGIMENT TENNIS CLUB, PARX AVDlt.£ AT SIlTY SIX STREET. NEW YORK, NY. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND PARTY TO 1£ OUR GUESTS. KINDLY RtSPONT TO lAWRENCE HELFRICH,' PRESIDENT, T1f[ .VENTH R£CII£NT 1EtiNIS CLUB AT ABOV£ ADDRESS OR TELtPHONE RHINE LAN1I:R .M20 8Q\RD at COVtRNORS THE SE.VENTH RCXXX S!VENTH RECIPIENT T£NNIS CWD SC " vtLIJAM ACKEJU'I'N SECRETARY 'IliA EST II: B C_. - \ ~., ....SL! ~C hAMRn~LD :"ftAl,.C!tJt"P..etL OF T1It m~1 'm) riA n a~ s ':;....··~71t)'JS VIZ AUSTnAU~;, O£L~IUti, CANADA,mAUer.
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