Page Two the pointer Tuesday, April 6, 1954 A Tribute Many Days Of Pandemonium For every actor seen upon the stage, there are End With Printing Of Pointer many persons never mentioned who play just as big a part in the production. (with humblest apologies to everybody on the Our paper is like that. We, the writers get the Pointer staff). credit; but behind our efforts are editors, copy-read­ I am your Pointer. And brother, am I glad to be ers, proof readers, typists, linotype operators, and here! Believe me, it was a struggle—almost didn’t printers—all of whom are just as important as the make it! reporters who get the news and write it out. They I began two weeks ago, seventh period in Room 313. sweat and toil just as hard but remain obscure shapes It was News Day. and all the bright reporters gave in the background. forth with what they had found out about what was Very prominent among the backstage helpers was going on. Or at least, that’s what was ’snosed to hap­ our late printer. If we were to mention Mr. Jack pen. ... I was looking forward to my future. Furgurson, few students outside the members of the The next day was Assignment Day. The eager re­ Pointer staff would connect him with our paper. Yet, porters marched into the room humming the death without his efforts there would have been no Pointer. march. Ah—such enthusiasm! Mr. Furgurson did so much more than just print Then came “Woe-Is-Me” and “Waal-Seeing-As- our paper; he stepped over the borderline and read How-I-Can’t-Git-Out-of-Whatever-It-Is - That - I’m - our minds; he corrected mistakes we overlooked; he In Day.” Everybody started working like m-a-a-a-d! knew what we meant when we marked things im­ The next day the whole room was turned into one properly; he changed bad headlines; he inserted jokes frantic (pardon the expression) mess as the feature (good ones too!) when the copy ran short; he cut it writers (except the ones who couldn’t think up a when it ran over. good excuse) turned in their stories with that kind’ve All our amateurish efforts he put up with, explain­ hopelPS=, “herp-I-go-to-the-guillotine” look. I began ing our errors to us so that we wouldn’t repeat our to get butterflies way down deep inside me. mistakes. Next, the news articles straggled in. I began to Many a green editor on his first issue thanked his think I had a pretty good chance. lucky stars that Mr. Furgurson was there to give Soon my headlines were written, and I started sage advice and humorous comments. thinking about how beautiful I’d be. Whether a headline writer, a business manager, At the end of the week everybody within rounding or an editor, all will remember Mr. Furgurson for distance was rounded up to read my copy. There were his twinkling blue eyes, his leather cap, his grayish- a few minor corrections: A couple of ads were printed white hair showing beneath it, his extra-special way upside down; there was a five-inch hole in the middle of marking a galley proof, his way of arguing for of the front page; the date read “October 11, 1359.’' his viewpoint, his calm and studied manner as he I felt kinda dubious about myself again; but all the quickly read off the set type, all of the peculiar- loyal reporters went to work to patch me up, and sud­ traits of personality that made him Jack Furgurson. denly there I was. And here I am! No person could work with Mr. Furgurson and not know something about journalism; no one could work with him and not have more faith in humanity. Song Titles Change Meanings; Here’s a mystery for all you Joe Fridays to figure out; so get out your detective hats and your trusty magnifying glasses. Do you re­ Note The Dedications Below Lend Your Support call ever having seen these two posterior views? If you don’t, read the article below. Maybe a few hints will help you. From the current issue of Music Views come these Several weeks ago the Allied Youth began a series song titles for advertisers who wish to pep up their of weekly dancing classes, held on Thursday nights sales: in the Elks’ Club ballroom. The officers of the club Diaper Service: “There’ll Be Some Changes Made” and the advisor. Dr. Taylor, worked hard finding in­ Finance Company; “You Belong to Me’’ structors and making other arrangements for the Mystery Of Miss X And Mr. Y- Income Tax Bureau: “Oh, Promise Me” dance group. Weather Bureau: “Thev Didn’t Believe Me” Mrs. Alice Palmer and Joyce Mellis were secured Can You Identify This Couple? Magician; I Wonder What’s Become of Sally” as instructors, with the backing of the City Parks Aspirin: “You Go to My Head” and Recreation Department. The local Elks’ Club Presenting the mystery of Stu­ still stumped on identity? Here Pawn Shop: “Everything I Have Is Yours” volunteered the use of their ballroom facilities. dent X (girl) Student Y (boy). are a few more clues to couple Undertaker: “After You’ve Gone’’ Attendance at the first sessions was vei-y encour­ Do you recognize who the Senior X and Y. Dentist: “The Yanks Are Coming” aging and several who attended reported that they couple is from this unusual photo­ This twosome had been going Manicurist: “The Touch of Your Hand” had “a wonderful time.’’ graph? If you don’t know them together for two years, and X re­ Bootlegger: “In the Still of the Night” Lately, however, attendance at these Thursday from this enlightening view, here ceived a De Molay Sweetheart Pin night sessions has decreased considerably. For the are a few helpful hints and clues. on her birthday. May 15 of 1953. Now for some dedications to some familiar people: past three weeks only a “handful” have shown up. The first clue to Student X is Here is another hint. Perhaps The dancing group was originally planned as a Miss Smith: “Dry Bones” that she has sparkling hazel eyes you’ve seen a little white Ford Mrs. Walden; “Latin Lady” major activity of the Allied Youth, and the organ­ and blond hair. This gal really bowling down Montlieu Avenue ization of this group is an accomplishment of which New Cafeteria: “Time Will Tell” gets around and participates in some school morning. The car was Sam Guy: “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore’’ the club may well be proud. It seems a pity that from numerous school activities. She is crammed with neighborhood child­ an organization of 500 members only about 20 re­ in the National Honor Society, ren and. of course, our mystery Mr. Whitesell: “Wood I Love You” gularly take part in this major activity. Beta Club, and Masque and Gavel. couple. Both of these people ’ em Carolyn Sumner; “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody” Among the types of dancing which regular attend- Student X’s favoi-rte sub.iects, she to be partial to cheesebu..,^ • as Miss Mourane: “C’est Si Bon” ers of the sessions will master are the waltz, tango, says, are A Cappella Choir and a favorite food. Charles Vaughn: “I Dream of Jeanie with the shag, and sugarfoot, as well as many other types of English. Know who it is now? Stymied, Light Brown Hair” ballroom dancing and jitterbug. The average student Now to take up Student Y (boy). huh? Well, if you don’t guess who Miss Highfill: “In the Drill of the Night” seldom has the opportunity to receive free dancing Clue number one to Student Y is after these clues, you’re hopeless! Tally Wright: “In My Old Model T” instruction in so many fields. laughing blue eyes and blond hair. Both of these Seniors are on Kay Moore: “How Do You Speak to an Angel’’ The Allied Youth did well when they decided to He is a DeMolay, and has held the Pemican editorial staff, and Practice Teachers: “Strangers in Paradise(?)” establish such a group. It is now up to the members various offices in this organiza­ Student X was elected Senior Su­ Harvey Horner; “I Don’t Claim To Be an Angel” of the organization, all 500 of them, to support this tion. Now he is president of the perlative Most-Likely-To-Succeed. All H. P. H. S. Students: Oh, for the “Good Old project and really make it worthwhile. Hi-Y. Maybe you have seen him She also was chosen to be a Sen­ Summertime” at last year’s basketball games, ior homecoming attendant. Couple where he operated the clock. Also X and Y are in homerooms 302-a according to X, Y is very fond of and 312, respectively. Highlights Of School's Past Spanish. (There’s something funny Of course you’ve guessed it! about this. Why is X standing Our mystery couple is Patty Dil­ there just dying laughing?) lon and Jerry Meeks. Recalled From Old Pointers The old Pointer file in the Pointer office hides many a pleasant memory. Remember when, one year ago: March, 1963, Ruby Hallman received the National All Burglars, Watch Your Step; Honor Society Service award. The A Cappella choir was ready to leave for Chattanooga for a Southern Reginal Music contest. The members had raised the Sheriff Snipesll 0et You Yet money themselves by washing windows, baby-sitting, By Helen Lucas mowing lawns, etc.
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