•v - ' i ->•" ~** -' •*"* " r~f?* , ..^ ' •""' ,Yt - *'*"**• ""- " '-^ ' 'f v--.** ' «<*- '*'" " ' . *.''*- _\"" . ' ,- ' r ^ THE FBKDEBIOK-?QBTi FREDERICK, MD., TUESDAY JtOBNINQ, 7EBRUABT.10.1931. FAOITHBn f Blue Ridge League Disbands After Operating Continuously For 16 Years. Reo (20) Totals 4 9 17 ! j G. F. Tp. On Tour GETTYSBURG FIVE Gettysburg Frosh (20) i | Myers, f 000 MAJOR LEAGUES DUKE ALLEN'S Results In G. F. Tp. | jResults In IKehne, f 000 Elouth, f 0 -2 2 j j Heim, c _ 328 Ox Fibre Kitzmiller, f 3 5 11 I j Y Basketball Cassell, g 419 NOT INTERESTED FAME TARGET OF FALLSTO WILES Heller, c 1 1 3 j E. Nogle, g 033 Maust, g 0 1 1 ( League Bream, g 1 1 3 | League Totals 7 ... 7 3 20 Haughton, g 0 0 0 | R e f e r e e—Quinn. Timer—Krc-i. IN "BABY" LOOP OHIO'S ATTACK Sweeping all three games Irom the OF ML ST, MARY'S The Buicks gained a game on the i Scorer—Blair, Office team Monday night on the Totals 5 10 20 runner-up Fords in the Y. M. C. A. y- M- c- •*• BASKETBALL LEAGUE Referee—Tracey. Pythian alleys, the Bristle Department Basketball League race Monday night Cleveland Champions To bowling team got back into the Ox Mountaineers Lead At The Yesterday's Results. Withdraw Support Given FREDERICK CUBS FALL jwhen the leasue-leaders dropped thejReo. 20; Studebaker, 26. Fibre league pennant ch&ee, while the Intermission, 10 Q i 1 1 Vn Over A Period Of Two Put Seven Foot Center Office rollers dropped a little deeper ~~* .rrrmr r-^mir*.T rr f i second place boys 15-9. The Buicta' 'Buick" '- -, 15~-; Ford<"< , °9. Against Him. ' into the cellar. Some good individual To 6, TO MIDDLETOWN H. S. jtoot the lead at the start and never Years. scores were turned In, CUngan, Stock- — ! lost it, the score standing 8-4 at the Standing of the Clubs. man. Brookey, Kennedy and Tippetts, With Joe Lynch returning to his old- Outplayed in every branch of the j half. Haller was ejected from the Ford | W. L. Pet. Bhunned by the major leagues, who Boasting the reputation of never setting the pace. game by a better Middletown high lineup on fouls near the end of the j Buick 11 5 .688 having been outplayed on the local time form in the- waning minutes of lor two years succored it, the Blue The score: school quint, the Frederick Cubs were contest and the Buicks clinched the i Ford 11 1 .611 court in the two years he has worn the play. Mount St. Mary's defeated its an- easily thumped by Coach Bill Hauver's game. O'Hara starred for his team, i Reo 10 7 .588 Ridge League passed out of existence Bristle Dtpt. (1,927) uniform of the Fadco Big Five, Duke Lambright _ 131 101 134 cient rival, Gettysburg College, before a scholastic court trodders in the Middle- The other league contest went to the Oldsmoblle 9 7 .503 Monday. The 16-year life span of the j Allen, the big center of Frederick's i town high school gymnasium Monday I Studebakers. who mauled the Reo drib- ; Studebaker „ 5 12 .294 C. Harrison _.. 88 84 capacit; pioneer Class D baseball league in j crack professional basketball team, Brookey - 107 135 132 4 12 .250 America was terminated by President J. stands to have his record shattered at Stockman * _....! 92 133 118 i- and Cassell starred. the State Armory Friday night when 194 125 ped by the plugging Cubs. The score The scores: V. Jamison, Hagerstown, in a circular the Big Five faces the Cleveland Fa- CUngan 152 minutes yet to play, Lynch broke the j Coast Guards and Fishermen Saved. letter to the presidents of the Fred- R. Harrison — 101 deadlock with a foul goal and followed at the end of the first two periods of Buick (14) vorite Knits, world's basketball cham- scrimmaging read, 17-5. G. F. Tp.! Buffalo, N. Y.. Feb. 10 CAP.—Seven erick, Hagerstown, Waynesboro and pions. In the lineup of the Cleveland it up on the ne«t tipoff by dribbling Chambersburg clubs Monday. Presi- Totals ,..._ 670 647 610 through the entire Gettysburg team for The score: > Michael, f 0 1 1 j coast guards and three fishermen whom team and jumping opposite Allen Fri- Office (1,739) Middletown H. S. (34) Brust, f 1 0 dent Jamison, in his letter, told of his day night will be Shorty GUI, -a young field goal Awarded another foul toss, - j they had gone out tc rescue from a inability to interest major league clubs Kennedy . 134 132 101 Lynch converted it, and less tihan a G. F. Tp Thomas, c „ 1 * 31 drifting ice floe in Lake Erie were tn teams in the Blue Ridge League and man whose nickname belies his actual 112 100 101 A. Rudy, f l 0 2 j O'Hara, s 3 - ' . brought to shore ice this morning and MAX SCHMEUNG appearance. Gill stands seven feet, minute later clinched the decision with 13 j Mobley, g 0 1 recommended that the circuit disband Gittinger _ 120 136 91 another field goal. The game was mar- D. Rudy, f 6 * [ were able to make their way across the four inches from the pine boards, wears ...._ 108 82 124 Speck, f 4 8 - to the hope that enough support can Max Schmeling . World's heavy- a size 20 shoe and tips the scales at Lakel red by quite a bit of fouling, but was ~ "T i ice to land. The three fishermen, were the be secured to operate again in 1932. weight champion, will appear in an ex- Tippetts 127 155 116 Sigler, f 0 Tota'.s .1 5 0 ID j lait of a group of 20 cast adrift Sat- 265 pounds. It will be this "mountain interesting and closely contested all the Wise, c -. 4 Ford (9) The demise of the Blue Ridge League hibition at Nixon's Academy theater of beef" that Allen will have to outplay way. The Mountaineers led at inter- urday when the ice on which they were brings to an end organized baseball in in Hagerstown Wednesday night. Max Totals 601 605 533 Bowlus, g 0 G. ' ^ I fishing snapped away from the main Friday rngnt to maintain his reputa- mission, 10-6. Lynch and Gray played Kefauver. g 1 2 i Derubaugh, f 0 the Cumberland Valley. For 16 sum- -a-iil referee two of the wrestling Bouts great gam«s for the Blue and White, b dy mers the Blue Ridge League has fur- and later give a boxing exhibition with tion. Ziegler, g 0 Castle, f - 1 0 2! ° ' . GUI. while one of the featured stars, OX FIBRE BOWLING LEAGfE while TJtz, Keener and Anglemoyer HaUer, c 3 nished baseball to fans in this section, his sparring partners and talk to his stood out for the Bullets. Stroup, g 0 0 6 I but lack of interest among the fans, is not the whole show for the Favorite — j Byrne, g 0 1 i i Timonium Stable Burns. nudience. The German scrapper who Knits. In addition to the big boy, She Last Night's Results. In the pr?liminary game the Gettys- 34 i Thrasher, g o 0 o Baltimore, Feb. 9 (AP).—Seven race insufficient financial rapport and is to meet Bill Stribling in June, is Bristle Dept. defeated Office. burg Freshmen defeated the Mount St. Totals 16 Cleveland team has "Chump" Richard- t Frederick Cubs (19) horses were led to safety early today 'shrinking of the loop from six to four louring the country. Above he is son. Sieve Budinskr, Jim Byms. Moe Mary's Frosh, 20-17. The young Bullets clubs the past few years contributed to shown doing a little road work at his G. F. Tp Totals as fire destroyed a stable adjoining the Tanne. Rudy Similar, Jim Madden, Standing Of The Clubs. outpassed the Mountaineer yearlings to Studebaker (26) race track at the Timonium fair its death Monday. training camp. The wrestling card W. L. Pet. win. The score stood 10-8 in favor of McKenzie, f 1 0 2 Tish Trapnell, Jess Perry and Fran 1 1 G. F. Tp grounds, one of the four larger half- The Blue Ridge League was the out- Wednesday will be featured by a two- Miscellaneous 28 17 .622 Gettysburg at the half. This contest Scrine, f 0 p Cahill, all of whom have gained their 1 Albaugh. f 1 0 2 | mile track plants in the State. growth of the Tn-Statc League, which hour limit match between Jim McMil- 19 .604 5 experience in Middle Western univer- Bristle Dept 29 was also marked by considerable foul- L. Myers, f 1 4 was organized in 1914 by Frank K lan and George Hill. 19 .578 | Kreh, c. '. 2 1 6 6 The fire companies from Towson, sities and in fast pro leagues. Since Block Room 26 in?. Etchison, c _ „ 5 1 Schmidt, this city; J. V. Jamison and 21 .533 Gasttey, g 1 0 11 Lutherril'e and Cookeysville were the demise of the American League and Machine Shop 24 The scores: Shaw, g 3 1 Charles Boyer. Hagerswwn. and Lewis 25 .444 Bowers, g 1 1 7 hampered by lack of water. The fire the start of the present tour, the Cleve- Brushmakers 20 Mount St. Mary's (20). H. Nogle, g 0 0 0 was confined to the one stable by use H.
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