![Quantum Consensus: an Overview Arxiv:2101.04192V1 [Quant-Ph] 11 Jan 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Quantum Consensus: an overview Marco Marcozzi1 and Leonardo Mostarda1 1Computer Science Division, University of Camerino, I-62032 Camerino (MC), Italy Abstract We review the literature about reaching agreement in quantum networks, also called quantum consensus. After a brief introduction to the key feature of quantum computing, allowing the reader with no quantum theory background to have minimal tools to under- stand, we report a formal definition of quantum consensus and the protocols proposed. Proposals are classified according to the quantum feature used to achieve agreement. Introduction scenario, the study of quantum distributed systems is fundamental for the correct The advent of Blockchain technology and, functioning of such a network [3]. To ensure more in general, of the Distributed Ledger agreement in a quantum network, thus, it is Technologies (DLTs), has attracted and vital the development of quantum consensus focused the attention on the study of Dis- protocols: from a formal definition, to actual tributed systems. It has been revised the proposals. Consensus problem, with new proposals being analysed and tested, because of the necessity of agreement on the publication Our paper is structured as follows: an of block, to ensure integrity, and to handle introduction to computational complexity faulty nodes in blockchains [1]. theory will show the importance of quantum arXiv:2101.04192v1 [quant-ph] 11 Jan 2021 Analogously, the increasing interest in computation, then a brief presentation about quantum computation is leading to a deeper quantum computing theory will give an understanding of quantum distributed sys- insight about quantum formalism to a reader tems, and eventually it will be implemented unfamiliar with quantum mechanics, finally a world wide quantum network, already an overview about quantum consensus is know as Quantum internet [2] - the quantum shown. counterpart of the World Wide Web. In this 1 Computation theory was born and it is breaking discover of the Shor’s algorithm, developing following the evolution of Inform- that allows to solve in polynomial time ation Technology: from the first computers, the factoring and the discrete logarithms through the transistors, arriving to the problem [9]. Shor’s algorithm sparked a today’s supercomputers and the enormous tremendous interest in quantum computers. amount of data produced every day [4]. The reason lies with the fact that Shor’s Even though the computational power of algorithm can theoretically break many of our devices nowadays is unbelievable high, the cryptosystems in use today [10]. if compared with the devices from a few years ago, classical computers seem not to Therefore, the discover of quantum al- be fit for the next generation of problems in gorithms solving some problems believed almost any field: chemistry, biology, medical to be computationally hard, triggered a technology, cryptography, optimisation, rephrase of the computational complexity finance, etc. [5] theory. Because of those and other applications, A problem is said to be computationally in last forty years, the possibility to build easy, hence it belongs to the computational a computer based on quantum mechanics class P, if it can be solved by a classical is focusing the attention and efforts of computer in polynomial time, respect to researchers, governments and companies. the number of bits needed to describe the The history of Quantum Computation problem. A problem is said to be computa- started in 1980, when Paul Benioff proposed tionally hard if the required resources (time) the first quantum mechanical model of for solving it rises super polynomially fast a computer [6]. The next year, Richard (often exponentially) with the input size. Feynman gave a talk at the First Conference Such problems belongs to the computational on the Physics of Computation, in which he complexity class NP (non-deterministic stated that quantum mechanical phenomena polynomial time). Regarding those problems cannot be efficiently simulated on a classical classes as sets, it is "strongly believed" that computer, proposing a basic model for a P⊂NP. "Strongly believed" means that quantum computer [7]. nowadays it is only know that P⊆NP, but it is strong the trust in the fact that NP Since then, a lot of discoveries have problems cannot be solved in polynomial been done. Among the most important time by a classical computer. ones, there are the description of the first Universal Quantum Turing machine, i.e. In this framework quantum computers play the definition of the first universal quantum their role. Shor’s algorithm (and other al- computer, that can simulate any other gorithms, e.g. Deutsch’s algorithm [11]) quantum Turing machine with at most a demonstrated that certain problems in the polynomial slowdown [8], and the ground- NP set could be solved efficiently (i.e. in 2 polynomial time) using a quantum computer. 2019, Google and NASA claimed to have It leads to a new complexity class, BQP achieved and proved the quantum suprem- (bounded-error quantum polynomial time), acy [13], [14]. The result was impressive, even that includes all the problems in P and some though there was scepticism, because some problems in NP (it is still not clear how researchers pointed out that the problem many). solved by this quantum annealer (not an uni- In Figure 1 the relationship between the dif- versal quantum Turing machine) could have ferent complexity classes is shown. been solved by a classical supercomputer in a comparable amount of time; moreover, since the machine is not a quantum computer, strictly speaking, they believe it is improper to address the achievement of quantum su- premacy in this particular context [14]. Quantum Computing Computers are physical objects, and computations are physical pro- cesses. (David Deutsch) This sentence reveals a deep connection between information theory, computer sci- ence and physics. Even though information theory can be stated in a completely math- Figure 1: The relationship between classical ematical fashion, i.e. the physical support and quantum complexity classes. While it is used can be omitted, computation theory strongly assumed that BQP is larger than and algorithms need to rely on a physical P and encompasses some problems in NP, it theory. It means that, as classical computers remains unclear how the classes are exactly uses Maxwell’s electromagnetism in a Newto- related. Figure from [12]. nian framework, a quantum computer needs quantum physics and related phenomena In this context, scientists started talking to work. A brief review, based on [12], about the possible "quantum supremacy" for about quantum mechanics is presented in what concerns computation. It was conjec- the following. tured that indeed quantum computers would solve hard problems efficiently, but an ex- Quantum mechanics is an axiomatic perimental proof was needed. In October theory used as a mathematical framework 3 for the development of physical theories. It two vectors v, w, the expressions for the inner doesn’t hold any information about physical product hvjwi and the outer product jvihwj. laws, but it provides a conceptual connection Using bra-ket notation, therefore, a qubit can between the mathematical formalism and be defined as the physical world. As an axiomatic theory, then, quantum mechanics relies on some jΨi = α j0i + β j1i ; (1) axioms, or postulates. For the purposes where α, β are complex numbers satisfying of this review, those postulates will be not 2 2 the normalisation condition jαj + jβj = 1, presented rigorously. Therefore, naïvely, 1 0 j0i = j1i = postulates of quantum mechanics define: the and 0 , 1 are two vectors, in system, as a complex vector space (i.e. an principle arbitrary: in this case the computa- state of the system Hilbert space called ), tional basis states (connected with the logical evolves how a quantum mechanical state , "0" and "1") were used. and the measurement operations. In Figure 2 there is a graphical repres- For computational purposes, the minimum entation of a qubit, commonly called Bloch quantum state is represented by a vector in sphere. The normalisation condition guaran- a bi-dimensional complex space. Such a vec- tees that the vector has unitary magnitude qubit tor is called . It is important to point and, consequently, two angles are needed to out that there exist computational paradigms fully describe an arbitrary quantum state. d where a -dimensional Hilbert space is used: Therefore, a convenient way to express a in such spaces the unit of information is called quantum state is qudit. θ θ A qubit is built on the classical concept of jΨi = cos j0i + eiφ sin j1i : (2) bit and it is the smallest information resource 2 2 for quantum computers. While a classical bit where θ; φ are angles on the Bloch sphere can be either 0 or 1, the qubit can be in a and j0i ; j1i are vectors of the computational superposition of both at the same time. This basis. feature is intrinsic in the properties of the Hil- bert space: any combination of vectors in the No-cloning Theorem Hilbert space is a vector that belongs to the same Hilbert space. The no-cloning theorem [15] states that it A convenient way of expressing vectors in cannot exist an unitary operation able to cre- an Hilbert space is the Dirac notation, also ate an identical copy of an arbitrary state. known as bra-ket notation. In such notation It means that, if we have an unknown ar- a vector v, called ket, is represented as jvi, bitrary state j i1 2 H1 and a "blank" state while hvj, called bra, is its Hermitian adjoint. jei2 2 H2, with H = H1 = H2, it is im- Using this formalism, it comes natural, given possible to find an unitary transformation U 4 but using as basis states the tensor product of the two qubits composing the system j00i ; j01i ; j10i ; j11i. As a result, any arbit- rary two-qubit state can be written as jΨi = α00 j00i + α01 j01i + α10 j10i + α11 j11i ; (4) where αij are normalised complex amp- litudes and jabi = jabi1;2 = jai1 ⊗ jbi2 is the tensor product of two different qubits jai1 and jbi2 (for simplicity, in the tensor product indices can be omitted).
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