FRIDAT, AUGUST St, IMT A m gB Daily Cirollatioa Thc Weather jgattftrpatpr iEogntitg Ijpratft rar the Mm Mi ml Jaly. IM1 Forecast et C. B. Weatbar Bunas . Fair, bof aad humid today, on Palm street, and Hector Chl- 9,052 nll'-htly cooler tonight: Sunday The Board of Selectmen will hold coine was granted a Ilka permit r-'- to parity elondy, hot and hu- another session for dlscumion of Board Grahte for 109 Cornell street a af the Audit the town btidget next Tuesday Mrs. William C. Cheney was •t mid. , nifht at 8 in the municlpsl build- granted permission to convert a -X I lnj{. ___ _ AH Petitions portion of her dwelling at 33 Park Manchester—•‘A City of Village Charm street'Into an apartment. Edward : Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiiam McMullen Hapita was granted permission to VOL. LXVL, NO. 274 A d w tM a g On Pago A ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1947 (TEN PAGES) PRICE FOURAJENTS of Edmund street and their <1»>'*‘'' ExcrplIonM Alloweil by conveit a se<ond floor dwelling at I ter. Mrs. Edwin D. Foster of W O x ­ the comer of Center atreet and bridge street, have returned after Zoninjr Aiilhority al McKee street into professional spending some time visiting rela­ Mrt. WH1» SuprcnAnt of 34 Port* I offices. tives-In Toronto. Ontario. Canada, I^nt Night’* Sennion Because of an error In the ap- Blast-Torn Detective Bureau Und street, who has UuKht music During their stay Toronto exper- hers in past yeara, has been en­ i pllciitlon of Roland Valllgnt who ' lenced Its share of the recent heat permission was granteil In every Britain Plans Use Oifmreryr^ wished to erect a Quonset hunt for gaged by the school system of Co- : Wave, which was the worst in the Greek Cabinet Falfs; case by the Zoning Board of Ap- ] temporary living quarters on HII- himMa and Hebron to teach music ' history of that city. They also In thOae towns., it aas announced peals last night with one excep-' Ilanl street and who failed to state VW I spent several days st Niagara that it was on an underslxed lot, tion and that petition was with­ today. Falls. the petition was tabled until next Of Escape Parts drawn. The application of the Mnclne meeting until the request can be Howard Andejson' of -fM High­ Corps I.,esgue for temporary per­ properly advertised. Resignation of Trio Mrs. Howard Rent withdrew her l AIJ («UAita land street, graouate Of Manches- mission to erect a Quonset hut for ‘ ter High school, resumes his ■ use of the organisation as a cluh petition to be allowed to erect a Of New Charter studies at Morse cbllege. Hartfonl. ; howl over s side entrance at 393 I N G O house on the southwest comer of ' In September, ^ J o rln g in serount- .Middle turnpike west and Brosd Bidwell street. Tonight 8 p. m. ' Ing. ____ street, wss granted for a five year Notice Served of In­ Dutch Assert Precipitates Action . The Past Pocahontas Club ,of term. oranc e hall Joseph Miner received an ex­ tentions; Action Will ; Sunset Council will have a meeting tension of hla permit for 'two : DIABETES: Be Taken in Order ' this evening at eight o’clock with ‘ years to keep pigeons st .149 Mil- • fliMi r*ow inBf^e Bn<] tumpitr! # Move to Halt Maxiiuo* Drafting H is Mrs. Mar>’ Humphrey of 18 Orif- ; • Trr«t yourtrlf to Dietirian Biand • Preaclitir Selling Numbers ilard street, and a two year limit • cbocotat* *04 butmvrolrh pitdamga. • ' Shop For To Permit • Continued Argentina Will ‘ fin road. j waa also placed on the application • trUtiiide88eft8. rookie*, • Tickets Under Arrest Cabinets Resignation of Walter Pleaclk to conduct a 0 Dietirian *'8*8orte<l rhorolatt*' «lelltts # Preferential Trade Mrs. Gertrude Berggren. Obrien. | • Gfid iBmi.talad dre8*ingBod other low • Fight Failure To Present to King; Get Ready For repair ahop f<8i refrigerators and ; • ralofi*. tow rarbohydrate aubatitutea. • School Clothes Arrangements in Force Insist Action Detroit, Aug. 28—(g’)—Ar­ widely known concert contralto, washing machines. In a garage at I • Sea our dtaplay. Tear tbia out oow. • f will sing Gounod's "O Divine Re­ rested on a charge of selling, Coalition Formed 21 Wlndemere atreet. United Nations Secur­ numbers tickets, “ the Rev.” Your deemer” at the morning worship Geiirge Forbes was given per- ! WELDON DRUG C.O. Oneva, Aug. 23 — (/P) — Last January With service Sunday at F.manuel Luth­ On Haleys A ir Be Unanimous Erpest Hall was quoted today rn'lsaion to build a chimney a fool Prescription Plmmwclsls Britain sirred notice today ity Council Appears by police as saying he had to eran. her home churrh. Mrs. Obrien Tel. IU2I Seven of Eight Par* and a half acrosa the side lines Bfll 'Main *t. she would use escape clauses “do business with the Devil” to Fall Sewivig in the daughter of Alexander Berg­ Conditioned Headed for Trouble gren of Walker street and for in the newly adopts charter raise money tor a new church. ties Represented; Left Delegation Seelretary- “ I had. a talk with the good Costom Hade Bella some years has made her home in of the proposed international III Reaching Decision Gciieral Reuffinns Lord,” he explained to Lieut. Wingers Left Out Covered Buttona ; New York City. The service w'lll be Second Floor A lfr ^ Beckoaky. “ He just says i at 10:30 and the congregation of trade organization, in order Covered Buckles to permit continued preferen­ Lake Success, Aug. 28—<*■)—’The Stand on *Veto Right’ to me. “ Reverend, you Just go. I Concordia Lutheran church will United Nations Security council, out and take them no-good Athena, Aug. 23 — {IP} — ! units with Emanuel. tial trade arrangements with Buttonholea its efforts to halt hostilities in In­ In Defciifie Svfltem .gamblers’ money and then you. The coalition cabinet headed nations of the British com­ buy yourself a lot and build by Uemetrios Maximos, back­ 24-Hour Service! donesia branded, a failure by ’The monwealth. Qultandlnha, Brasil, Aug. 23 —(*') yoU m lf a church. ‘I'm Just go­ ed by $300,000,000 in Am eri­ Netherlands, appearsd headed for ing Mwut the Lord's business.” The'United Statea delegation to — Arg(;ntlna announced at the In- can aid but^ rent by internal the conference baa attempted to trouble today In Its efforts to reach Police said Hall waa not an Alice Cofran teryAmeiiran Defense conference Singer Sewing GIRLS’ effect here an agreement for the a decision on the problem. ordained nqlnlslsr. but preached dissention,' ‘fell today. The reduction and gradual elimination today that alie would “defend the ixrcaalonally li a community resignation of three ministers Heading* Daily br. Eelco N. Van meffens, ’The church. He Is often addressed Center of the preferential trade arrange­ Netherlands representative, de­ pMltlon of unanimity” In any Joint who insisted on changes in ments. hemisphere action against aggrea- as ’’Reverend", by hla acquain­ 832 Main Street 169 Church St.. Hartford livered a virtual ‘ulttnuitum to the tances, officers added. the cabinet precipitated the " /fa COTTON DRESSES Befera To Dlffloultlea Council yesterday, demanding that pion. Tel. 8883 Telephone 6-2024 •' ' - Plain colors and colorful prints. Sixes T to 14. government’s fall. J. Harold Wilson, Britlah asc- qhc Council either “ send troops” to FlremMi gather la a mraer e f the Philadelphia detective hurean la the City hah, nxamtnlBg wreckage WhUe reaffirming hla nation's Opposes Beshuffllag retary for overseas trade, address­ Indonesia to police its cease-tire or­ which reacted from aa exphmiua In a steel locker. A bomb, peeelMy belag held as evidence, was be­ Insistence on the ■ controversial Foreign Minister Constantin “ veto right” In the hemispheric in g a plenary meeting, referred to der, or keep hands o ff and let the lieved reeponelbl^ (A P wirepbuto). Tsaldaris, Just bail, from Wash­ Britain’s balance of piayment dU- Dutch handle the situation. defense system, delegation Secre­ ington conferences, opposed the r $2.59 to $3.98 tary-General Enrique V. Coroml- Britain Plans flCulUes •and added: He said that killing had Increas­ ’’eshuffling, contending it "would Shop in Cant fort on Ou^ Air Conditioned c y ’Th e metbodh we may have to ed In Indonesia since the cease-fire naa added, “ we are democratically render no service whatever to the use In the intervening months and ordejr and Implied that further In­ Inclined to go along with the ma­ country,” Hartley Raps jority derision” of the 20-natlon Output Boost yeara may appear to be opposed to tervention would Intensify the con­ Sikhs Plan Ghoulish Informed quarters said Maxiroos conference. Second Floor And > the principles and methods of the flict. was drafting his cabinet’a resigna­ RAYON DRESSES draft charter.’’ " Acceptable Sotatloa Difficult Unions^ Stand Denies Denwuid Withdraaa He dented that Argentina had Fewer Im poi^ anil I tion tor presentation to King Paul* Bright colors with Irish crochet lace. ' ’The draft waa adopted yesterday On the basis of statements made this afternoon. In a unanimous action by the 17 Tasks Before Raids withdrawn her demand for unanim­ by the various dslegates at two ^Rationing* of .Dollars Mmtlmoa, a leader la the Bi^»<___ nations represented here. It now seaalons yesterday it appeared the ity In favor of the United States Asserts AFL and O O poaltlon fur two-thirds majority ullst party, formed the cxiallUon goes before the Wdrld Trade con­ council might find it difficult to Also Steps Planneil cabinet last January, with mem­ $3.98 to $5.98 > ference at Havana, Cuba, in Nov­ Punjab Military Con­ rule, which Is shared by most of woric out an acceptable solution of Proposals to Ignore bers from seven of the eight par­ ember, for final action.
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