*All of the presentations will be given in Japanese unless otherwise specifi ed. Program Day 1 : Saturday, September 10, 2016 Registration Desk Opens( Building 33, 1F) 9:15~ Morning Sessions 10 : 00 ~12:30 Arbitrary Theme I ①Parent and Child, Foster Parent and Child, and Sexuality(331) Chair Michiko Nishino(Toyo University) ①-1 Boomerang Kids in Japan Toshifumi Yoshida ①-2 How Do Mother-Daughter Relationships Function?: Kyoko Kudo(Rikkyo University) From Interview Survey ①-3 Th e Family Norms of Kinship Caregivers and the Rela- Hiroe Izumi( Japan Women’s University) tionship Between Kinship Caregivers and Their Children ①-4 Coming Out Experiences of Families With a Non- Kotona Motoyama( Osaka University of Economics) Heterosexual Member and Recalibrating Norms ①-5 Attitudes Toward Gender, Families and Homosexuality Saori Kamano( National Institute of Population and Social Security Research) ②Education, Inequality, and Social Capital(332) Chair Toru Kikkawa(Osaka University) ②-1 Socialization Processes in the Family and Structures of Yuki Hayashikawa( University of Tokyo) Social Space ②-2 Single-Parenthood and Children’s Academic Tomohiro Saito( University of Tokyo) Achievement: A Cross-National Comparison ②-3 Child Poverty and Gender Ulrike Nennstiel( Hokusei Gakuen-University) ②-4 Family Relationships and Subjective Well-Being of the Yan Ye( Waseda University) Elderly in China Seen From Social Capital Th eory: Comparison of Urban and Rural Area ②-5 Th e Homecoming Choice of the Second Generation of Ryuryu Cho( Waseda University) Japanese War Orphans and the Returning Aid Policy: A Focus on the Correlation Between Th ese Two Thematic Session I Factors Aff ecting Men’s Involvement in Child Care: Findings From Interviews to Child Care Leave Takers( 333) Organizer & Chair Masako Ishii-Kuntz( Ochanomizu University) (1)-1 Changes and Current State of Fathers' Child Care Leave Masako Ishii-Kuntz( Ochanomizu University) (1)-2 The Factors Encouraging the Paternity Leave From Yoko Hayashi(Atomi University) Work in Japan: Comparing Before and Aft er Child Care and Family Care Leave Act Revised in 2010 (1)-3 Experiences of Child Care Leave and Fathers’ Networks Junko Takayama( Ochanomizu University) (1)-4 Working Lives of Fathers Aft er Taking Child Care Leave Mika Omagari( Ochanomizu University) (1)-5 Do Wives Appreciate Husbands Taking Child Care Kaori Hayashida( Ochanomizu University) Leave?: Focusing on Duration and Timing of Child Care Leave Discussant Futoshi Taga( Kansai University) 1 *All of the presentations will be given in Japanese unless otherwise specifi ed. International Session I( The 1st and 2nd presentations will be given in Korean with Japanese translation) A Comparative Study Between Japan and Korea: Discrimination Against Single Parent Families, Their Exclusion From Society and Social Support (Meeting Room No.1) Organizer & Chair Fumiko Kambara(Kobe Gakuin University) (1)-1 Th e Study of Single Mothers' Socio-Economic Condi- Sung Hui Cho( Hyupsung University) tions in Korea (1)-2 Th e Single Mothers’ Experience of Self-Independence Jung Hyeun Sung( Hyupsung University) in Contemporary Korea (1)-3 Exploring the Conditions for Independence From the Fumiko Kambara( Kobe Gakuin University) Perspective of Difficulty in Living for Single Women With Child( ren) (1)-4 Unwed Mothers and Their Networking in Japan: Yasuko Tama( Osaka Prefecture University) Focusing on Their Differences, Similarities, and Changes in Th eir Life Courses Lunch, Committees 12 : 30 ~14:00 Afternoon Sessions 14 : 00 ~16:30 Arbitrary Theme II ③Marriage(331) Chair Akane Murakami( Momoyama Gakuin University) ③-1 Attitude Toward Life Course Among Never Married Mariko Nakamura( National Institute of Population Women: Gaps Between the “Ideal” and “Antici- and Social Security Research) pated” Life Course Shohei Yoda( National Institute of Population and Social Security Research) ③-2 How Parents’ Mind and Behaviour Work for the Akiko Fuchu( Chiba University) People Who Get Married ③-3 Th e Eff ects of Career Upon Marriage Timing: Ryota Mugiyama( University of Tokyo) Interaction With Age and Gender Diff erence ③-4 International Comparative Analysis of the Relationship Shigeki Matsuda( Chukyo University) of Youth Employment and Marriage Experience: Features of Japan and Asia Compared With the Europe ④Work-Life Balance( 332) Chair Junya Tsutsui( Ritsumeikan University) ④-1 Determinants of Parental Leave Use Among Japanese Fumiya Uchikoshi( University of Tokyo) Women and Its Eff ect on Occupational Careers ④-2 Wall of the First/ Fourth Grade at an Elementary Yukiko Senda( Tohoku Gakuin University) School: Using Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities to Show the New Diffi cult Life Stage of Work-Life Balance ④-3 Why Do Married Couples in the Tokyo Metropolitan Masakazu Yamauchi( National Institute of Population Area Have Fewer Children Th an Th ose in the Rest and Social Security Research) of Japan? ④-4 Japanese Women’s Career Formation in Hong Kong Fumino Hirakiuchi( Aoyama Gakuin University) ④-5 Family Norms in Expatriation: Gendered Divion of Miyako Hayakawa( Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Labour in the Household and Spouses’ Career Sciences Sociales) 2 *All of the presentations will be given in Japanese unless otherwise specifi ed. ⑤Nursing Care and End-of Life Care( 333) Chair Sumie Goto(Nihon Fukushi University) ⑤-1 Caregivers’ Caregiving Burden for Th eir Parents: Kaoru Okaze( Ochanomizu University) Th e Gender Diff erences Among Carers ⑤-2 Feasibility of Task Sharing in Caregiver Network in Tomoko Wakui( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Japan Gerontology) ⑤-3 De/Emphasizing the Voices of Kin and Blood Relatives Yuko Harasawa( Nagoya-city University) Within the End-of-Life Care Process in Nursing Chiho Shimada( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Homes Gerontology) Ryo Hirayama( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) ⑤-4 How Much Older Adults Can and Should Self-Disclose Ryo Hirayama( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of to Th eir Families: Structural Ambivalence in the Gerontology) Context of Advance Care Planning Chiho Shimada( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Kazuhiro Nakazato( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) ⑤-5 Indicating to Family Members What One Wishes Chiho Shimada( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of About End-of-Life Care Gerontology) Ryo Hirayama( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Kazuhiro Nakazato( Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontolog Thematic Session II The Use of IT and Family Life Among Parents of Childbearing Years: Japan and Korea Comparison( Meeting Room No.1) Organizer & Chair Katsuko Makino(Utsunomiya Kyowa University) (2)-1 IT Use of Mothers With Preschool Children and Fulfi llment Rie Okamura( Ochanomizu University) in Life (2)-2 Mothers’ IT Use and Th ier Power on Parenting in the Couples Mari Nakagawa( Ochanomizu University) (2)-3 Relationship Between IT Use and Child Care Involvement, Takayo Sasaki( Ochanomizu University) Paternal Identity, Fathers’ Perception of Personal Growth (2)-4 Parent’s Perception of Personal Growth by Communication Rika Takamaru( Ochanomizu University) Form (2)-5 The Impact of IT Use of Fathers and Mothers on Commit- Kuniko Kato( Kawaguchi Junior College) ment to Th eir Child in Korea and Japan (2)-6 Th e Impact of IT Use on Childcare Support of Relations Nan Ryu( Yamagata University) Discussant Kyoung Won Lee( Okayama University) General Meeting(AV Room, Building 38, 2F) 16 : 45 ~18 : 20 ・ Opening Remarks From the Chairperson of Conference Executive Committee ・ Matters to be Reported ・ Agenda ・ Awarding of the Prize From the Japan Society of Family Sociology ・ Special Report “Looking Back on the Operation of Evacuation Shelters During the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes: A Consideration From a Sociological Standpoint Hiromi Yamanishi(Kumamoto Gakuen University) Reception(Cafeteria Building 38, 1F) 18 : 30 ~20 : 00 3 *All of the presentations will be given in Japanese unless otherwise specifi ed. Day2 : Sunday, September 11, 2016 Registration Desk Opens( Building 33, 1F) 8:30~ Morning Sessions 1 9 : 00 ~10:30 Arbitrary Theme III ⑥Community and Ethnicity( 331) Chair Eiji Kinoshita(Momoyama Gakuin University) ⑥-1 Th e Construction of Neigborhood-Community by Naoko Inami(Osaka University) Living in a Collective Housing and Family Life: A Perspective of the Family-Community Question ⑥-2 Activity of Parents About Treatment of the Staff Sup- Yumiko Kinoshita( Konan Women’s University) porting Child Care: Through the Association of Parent Co-Operatives (Association Des Collectifs Enfants-Parents Professionnels) in France ⑥-3 Sibling Confi guration and Halal Food Consumption Hiroshi Kojima( Waseda University) Behaviors Among Muslim Second-Generation Youth in Western Europe ⑦History of Families( 332) Chair Yuki Senda( Musashi University) ⑦-1 Familism and Gender in the Discourses of Conserva- Keiko Kaizuma(Iwate University) tive Labour Movement on Early Showa Era ⑦-2 The “Home” Concept and Consumption: Analysis of Miwa Kimura( Ochanomizu University) Shinkatei in the 1930s ⑦-3 Development of the Discource of Sexual Education Yoriko Yanagizono( Himeji University) Policy in the Post-WWⅡPeriod Thematic Session Ⅲ(With Publicly-Off ered Speakers) In Search of Plural Ways for Globalization of Japanese Family Sociology: Through Eyes of International Students From Asian Regions( 333) Organizers & Chairs Liping Shi( Meiji University) Mari Yamane(Aichi University of Education) (3)-1 Another Globalization From Asia Hyang Nam Kim( Ferris University) (3)-2 Chinese Family Construction and Chinese
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