nesting areas. nesting continued– working pastures. Farm has a wetland with wild bird wild with wetland a has Farm pastures. working beautiful March. thru October from only appointment by reached be Can Graze NY participant, raising healthy animals and maintaining and animals healthy raising participant, NY Graze 6 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm. Closed July 16-17 & August 30- 31. 30- August & 16-17 July Closed pm. 4 - am 10 Saturday pm, 6 raised beef, natural eggs (happy hens = healthy eggs) available. eggs) healthy = hens (happy eggs natural beef, raised 11 am - 4 pm, July 3 thru September 25: Thursday - Friday, 10 am - am 10 Friday, - Thursday 25: September thru 3 July pm, 4 - am 11 Pastured poultry, performance horses (QHA and IBHA), naturally IBHA), and (QHA horses performance poultry, Pastured trained stock for sale at all times. all at sale for stock trained April 14 thru July 2: Wednesday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm, Sunday pm, 6 - am 10 Saturday - Wednesday 2: July thru 14 April Call for appointment. for Call [email protected] family pleasure, the show ring and sports arena. Young and Young arena. sports and ring show the pleasure, family 607-648-8033 607-669-4187 A Morgan horse farm devoted to producing quality stock for stock quality producing to devoted farm horse Morgan A Owner: Marianna Ferdo Marianna Owner: Owner: Dana L. Keiser L. Dana Owner: Visitors welcome by appointment. by welcome Visitors 144 Hunt Hill Rd. Port Crane, NY 13833 NY Crane, Port Rd. Hill Hunt 144 www.brookstonemorganfarm.com , [email protected] 3801 Brady Hill Rd. Binghamton, NY 13903 NY Binghamton, Rd. Hill Brady 3801 8. Twin Oaks Farm Oaks Twin 607-748-8803 19. Stony Hill Farm Greenhouses Farm Hill Stony Owners: Carol and Richard Stone Richard and Carol Owners: Vegetables, sweet corn, pumpkins, firewood and campfire wood. campfire and firewood pumpkins, corn, sweet Vegetables, complete with chickens and pigs. Some produce for sale in season. in sale for produce Some pigs. and chickens with complete 179 Nelson Rd. Vestal, NY 13850 NY Vestal, Rd. Nelson 179 Tomatoes, all stake grown, excellent fresh or for canning. for or fresh excellent grown, stake all Tomatoes, quiet available for you to enjoy. See how a dairy farm works farm dairy a how See enjoy. to you for available quiet Brookstone Morgan Horse Farm Horse Morgan Brookstone 28. Call for appointment. for Call Fishing, hunting, birdwatching in a country setting. Peace and Peace setting. country a in birdwatching hunting, Fishing, July thru October. thru July Handicapped accessible. Handicapped Please call for appointment. for call Please 607-775-2047 607-849-6343 Pleasant setting, picnic tables available. Children welcome. Children available. tables picnic setting, Pleasant 136 Frost Rd. West Windsor, NY 13865 NY Windsor, West Rd. Frost 136 Contact: Alice Lee Alice Contact: Farm fresh produce, U-pick blueberries. Easy access from I-81. from access Easy blueberries. U-pick produce, fresh Farm 7. Steve Cervini Farm Cervini Steve Monday – Saturday 8 am – 8 pm, Sunday 12 – 6 pm 6 – 12 Sunday pm, 8 – am 8 Saturday – Monday 131 Howland Hill Rd. Berkshire, NY 13736 NY Berkshire, Rd. Hill Howland 131 July thru September thru July Lee Tops Farms and Howland House Rural Retreat Rural House Howland and Farms Tops Lee 18. Tree Farmer Award (1996). Award Farmer Tree 607-648-2198 ornamentals, bag and burlap. Recipient of NYS Outstanding NYS of Recipient burlap. and bag ornamentals, plants-annual & perennial flowers, vegetables and hanging baskets. hanging and vegetables flowers, perennial & plants-annual Contact: Marjorie Johnson Marjorie Contact: Choose and harvest Christmas trees, hand sheared wreaths, sheared hand trees, Christmas harvest and Choose A greenhouse featuring home-grown, highest-quality bedding highest-quality home-grown, featuring greenhouse A 1006 Castle Creek Rd. Castle Creek, NY 13744 NY Creek, Castle Rd. Creek Castle 1006 April thru December, 8 am – 7 pm. 7 – am 8 December, thru April Open spring, and fall for mums and pumpkins. and mums for fall and spring, Open 27. Castle Berries Castle 607-967-8516 Tuesday - Saturday 9 am - 6 pm, Sundays 10 am - 4 pm 4 - am 10 Sundays pm, 6 - am 9 Saturday - Tuesday 221 Stilson Rd. Afton, NY 13730 NY Afton, Rd. Stilson 221 Minutes away from the Oakdale Mall in Johnson City, NY. City, Johnson in Mall Oakdale the from away Minutes Sundays 10 am - 4 pm. September thru Halloween, thru September pm. 4 - am 10 Sundays Baxter’s Tree Farm Tree Baxter’s 6. May thru September, Monday - Saturday 9 am - 6 pm, 6 - am 9 Saturday - Monday September, thru May recipient of prestigious Century Farm Award. Farm Century prestigious of recipient 607-849-3020 Founded in 1860s by Mr. Wright’s great grandfather, recent grandfather, great Wright’s Mr. by 1860s in Founded 9 am – 7 pm. Year-round dog and cat boarding. cat and dog Year-round pm. 7 – am 9 Contact: PJ and Lee Johnson Lee and PJ Contact: Livestock sales by appointment only. appointment by sales Livestock Farmstand open June thru November, 7 days/week, 7 November, thru June open Farmstand Goats, cows, fields and sky create picture perfect setting. perfect picture create sky and fields cows, Goats, 9160 NYS Route 79 Lisle, NY 13797 NY Lisle, 79 Route NYS 9160 607-655-2644 season. All home grown produce available at vegetable stand. vegetable at available produce grown home All season. 16. Growing Gardens Growing Contact: Mike and Joan Griffin Joan and Mike Contact: All natural meat products and fresh garden vegetables for sale in sale for vegetables garden fresh and products meat natural All 1716 NYS Route 79 Windsor, NY 13865 NY Windsor, 79 Route NYS 1716 for sale Thanksgiving to Christmas (choose and cut or pre-cut). or cut and (choose Christmas to Thanksgiving sale for Veggie season June thru October, 9 am - 6 pm 6 - am 9 October, thru June season Veggie WindDrinker Farm WindDrinker 5. during summer and fall. Christmas trees and wreaths available wreaths and trees Christmas fall. and summer during 607-729-1869 evaporator used in making syrup. Lumber available for sale for available Lumber syrup. making in used evaporator 171 Zevan Rd. Johnson City, NY 13790 NY City, Johnson Rd. Zevan 171 Small fruits and berries in season. in berries and fruits Small Best of Show Maple Syrup at NY State Fair. Modern wood fired wood Modern Fair. State NY at Syrup Maple Show of Best Fourth Wright Farm Wright Fourth 25. Please call for hours/appointment. for call Please Award winning maple syrup, maple cream, maple sugar maple cream, maple syrup, maple winning Award 607-655-2074 Dried arrangements available from October to Christmas. to October from available arrangements Dried Self-serve maple products available all year. all available products maple Self-serve 1609 NYS Route 79 Windsor, NY 13865 NY Windsor, 79 Route NYS 1609 607-692-4630 gardens. Some vegetables, rhubarb, asparagus available in season. in available asparagus rhubarb, vegetables, Some gardens. Windsor Berries Windsor 4. Owner: Gary Cole Gary Owner: Master Gardener on our 7 acres, plus expert advice, and display and advice, expert plus acres, 7 our on Gardener Master Huge variety of perennials available for sale, grown by a by grown sale, for available perennials of variety Huge 52 Parsons Rd/3143 NYS Route 206 Whitney Point, NY 13862 NY Point, Whitney 206 Route NYS Rd/3143 Parsons 52 Harvest Festival Harvest 2 October Festival, Rhubarb June 5 June nd th Please call for an appointment. an for call Please 15. Cole’s Turnpike Tree Farm Tree Turnpike Cole’s June 5 – October 2, Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm 12 - am 9 Saturdays 2, October – 5 June April thru September. thru April 607-655-2507 Open daily morning through dark. through morning daily Open 607-798-0867 Contact: Nancy Burrows Nancy Contact: Blueberries available for sale mid July thru end of August. of end thru July mid sale for available Blueberries Contact: Emily or Al Hyle Al or Emily Contact: Village Green, Main St. Windsor, NY 13865 NY Windsor, St. Main Green, Village 607-692-3066 1132 Oakdale Rd. Johnson City, NY 13790 NY City, Johnson Rd. Oakdale 1132 3. Windsor Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Windsor Owner: Dean Frost Dean Owner: 24. Emily’s Perennial Gardens Perennial Emily’s 196 Bull Creek Rd. Whitney Point, NY 13862 NY Point, Whitney Rd. Creek Bull 196 and disposition, without loss of true Morgan character. Morgan true of loss without disposition, and Tuesdays and Fridays 8 am – 1:30 pm 1:30 – am 8 Fridays and Tuesdays 14. Frosty Mountain Frosty sport disciplines with a distinct emphasis on beauty, ability, beauty, on emphasis distinct a with disciplines sport July 4 thru October 15 October thru 4 July Thirty years of experience breeding for the show ring and the and ring show the for breeding experience of years Thirty located only a short distance off the highway. the off distance short a only located 607-772-1850 Please call for an appointment. an for call Please today’s corn. Our U-pick berries are drip irrigated and are and irrigated drip are berries U-pick Our corn. today’s Contact: Leo Schreiber Leo Contact: www.hartlandmorgans.com We pick our sweet corn early every morning and sell only sell and morning every early corn sweet our pick We Collier Street (between Court & Hawley Streets) Binghamton, NY Binghamton, Streets) Hawley & Court (between Street Collier 607-655-2604 July thru September, 8 am to 5 pm, closed Sundays. closed pm, 5 to am 8 September, thru July Binghamton Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Binghamton 22. 787 NY Route 79 Windsor, NY 13865 NY Windsor, 79 Route NY 787 607-648-5827 2.
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