North Area Committee 4th March 2010 Central South and West Area Committee 9th March 2010 Strategic Development Control Committee 25th March 2010 Application Number: 09/02466/FUL, 09/02467/LBD, 09/02468/CAC Decision Due by: 10th February 2010 Proposal: 09/02466/FUL: Demolition of buildings on part of Acland site, retaining the main range of 25 Banbury Road, erection of 5 storey building fronting Banbury Road and 4 storey building fronting Woodstock Road to provide 240 student study bedrooms, 6 fellows flats, 3 visiting fellows flats with associated teaching office and research space and other ancillary facilities. Alteration to existing vehicular accesses to Banbury Road and Woodstock Road, provision of 27 parking spaces (including 4 disabled spaces) and 160 cycle parking spaces, recycling and waste bin storage, substation and including landscaping scheme. 09/02467/LBD: Listed Building Demolition. Demolition of buildings on part of Acland site, retaining the main range of 25 Banbury Road, (demolishing service range and later additions). Erection of extensions as part of a new college quad to provide 240 student study bedrooms, 6 fellows flats, 3 visiting fellows flats with associated teaching, office and research space and other ancillary facilities. External alterations including the removal of a chimney stack, underpinning and replacement of roof over staircase. Internal alterations to remove modern partitions, form new doorways, install en-suite facilities and reinstate staircase to 3rd floor. 09/02468/CAC: Conservation Area Consent. Demolition of 46 Woodstock Road. Site Address: Keble College Land At The Former Acland Hospital And 46 Woodstock Road 25 Banbury Road, (Site Plan - Appendix 1) Ward: North Agent: John Philips Planning Applicant: Keble College Consultancy REPORT Recommendation: Application for Planning Permission The North Area and Central South and West Area Committees are recommended to support the application for planning permission. Strategic Development Control Committee is recommended to be minded to grant planning permission but to delegate authority to officers the power to issue the notice of permission on completion of the legal agreement. For the following reasons: 1 The proposals are therefore considered to be a well thought out and intelligent response to the site constraints and the objections previously raised by officers. It accords with the local plan policy with regard to land use, parking and sustainability. The scheme would not adversely affect the amenities of neighbouring residents and the need for the development has been established by the College submission. In this regard the principle of the development is considered to be acceptable. The impact on the listed buildings on and adjacent to the site have been carefully consider, as has the impact on the Conservation Area, and the Council is of the view that the proposal is sympathetic in both regards. 2 The Council has had regard for the comments received through the consultation process. The issues set out below have been addressed within the report and are not considered to be significant enough to warrant refusal of the application. 3 The Council considers that the proposal accords with the policies of the development plan as summarised below. It has taken into consideration all other material matters, including matters raised in response to consultation and publicity. Any material harm that the development would otherwise give rise to can be offset by the conditions imposed. subject to the following conditions, which have been imposed for the reasons stated:- 1 Development begun within time limit 2 University of Oxford or Brookes Only 3 Details of educational establishment 4 Housing Management Service Specification 5 Samples in Conservation Area 6 Details of windows 7 Photographic record prior to demolition 8 Boundary details before commencement 9 Landscaping plan required 10 Landscaping upon substantial completion 11 Archaeology - evaluation 12 Travel Plan 13 Construction Travel Plan 14 Details of bin and cycle storage 15 Land contamination study 16 Arboricultural Method Statements 17 Tree protection measures REPORT 18 Arboricultural site supervision and LPA liaison 19 Site arrangements (storage of materials, compound etc) 20 Details of Utility Services Application for Listed Building Consent The North Area and Central South and West Area Committees are recommended to support the application for listed building consent. Strategic Development Control Committee is recommended to be minded to grant listed building consent but to refer the application the Government Office for the South East (GOSE) and to delegate authority to officers the power to issue the notice of consent on clearance from GOSE. For the following reasons: The Council considers that the proposal, subject to the conditions imposed, would accord with the special character, setting, features of special architectural or historic interest of the listed building. It has taken into consideration all other material matters, including matters raised in response to consultation and publicity. subject to the following conditions, which have been imposed for the reasons stated:- 1 Commencement of works LB/CAC consent 2 LB/CAC consent - approved plans 3 7 days notice to LPA 4 LB notice of completion 5 Further works - fabric of LB - fire regs 6 Repair of damage after works 7 Further details – construction details, junction between new and historic fabric, installation of new services into the listed building 8. Architectural and photographic recording 9. Demolition and construction methodology including measures to ensure stability of retained building, repair schedule 10. Salvage and reuse of architectural features 11. Protection of internal features, schedule of internal features to be retained 12. Samples of external materials, internal finishes within the listed building Application for Conservation Area Consent The North Area and Central South and West Area Committees are recommended to support the application for conservation area consent. Strategic Development Control Committee is recommended to grant conservation area consent for the following reasons: 1. The Council considers that the proposal, subject to the conditions imposed, would accord with the special character and appearance of the conservation area. It has taken into consideration all other material matters, including matters raised in response to consultation and publicity. subject to the following conditions, which have been imposed for the reasons stated:- 1. No demolition prior to contract for redevelopment REPORT 2. Photographic record prior to demolition Planning Obligations: The following contributions are required to mitigate the impact of the proposals on City and County Services and infrastructure. The contributions set out below are indexed linked to values at 2006 levels and should be increased accordingly to the real value at the time of payment. City Council – £9,720 towards Indoor sport Facilities Plus £250 towards monitoring and administration County Council – £9,882 towards Library Services £22,356 towards Cycle infrastructure improvements Plus £500 towards monitoring and administration Main Local Plan Policies: Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 (OLP) CP1 - Development Proposals CP2 - Planning Obligations CP3 - Limiting the Need to Travel CP6 - Efficient Use of Land & Density CP7 - Urban Design CP8 - Design Development to Relate to its Context CP9 - Creating Successful New Places CP10 - Siting Development to Meet Functional Needs CP11 - Landscape Design CP12 - Designing out Crime CP13 - Accessibility CP14 - Public Art CP15 - Energy Efficiency CP16 - Renewable Energy CP17 - Recycled Materials CP18 - Natural Resource Impact Analysis DS2 - Acland Hospital Site ED7 - Oxford University - Additional Development ED8 - Oxford University - Student Accommodation HE2 - Archaeology HE3 - Listed Buildings and Their Setting HE7 - Conservation Areas HE9 - High Building Areas NE10 - Sustainable Drainage NE14 - Water and Sewerage Infrastructure NE15 - Loss of Trees and Hedgerows REPORT NE16 - Protected Trees HS13 - Institutional Student Accommodation HS19 - Privacy & Amenity HS20 - Local Residential Environment HS21 - Private Open Space TR1 - Transport Assessment TR2 - Travel Plans TR3 - Car Parking Standards TR4 - Pedestrian & Cycle Facilities TR12 - Private Non-Residential Parking Core Strategy – Proposed Changes CSP2 - Previously developed land & greenfield land CSP10 - Energy & natural resources CSP11 - Waste & recycling CSP14 - Supporting access to new development CSP17 - Access to education CSP18 - Infrastructure & Developer contributions CSP19 - Urban design townscape char & historic environment CSP20 - Community safety CSP26 - Student accommodation CSP30 - The universities Other Material Considerations: This application is in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area. It affects the setting of listed buildings adjacent and involves the demolition of a listed building. National Guidance: PPG 15 - Planning and the Historic Environment PPS 1 – Delivering Sustainable Development PPG 13 – Transport PPG 16 – Archeology and Planning Local Policy and Guidance: Regional Spatial Strategy for the South East (May 2009) Planning Obligations-Supplementary Planning Document (April 2007) Parking Standards, Transport Assessments and Travel Plans-Supplementary Planning Document (October 2006) Natural Resource Impact Analysis Supplementary Planning Document (November 2006) Supporting application documents:
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