SELECTMEN’S OFFICE BULK RATE LYME, CONNECTICUT 06371 U.S. Postage 2014 Annual Report PAID Permit #37 Deep River, CT 06417 Local Boxholder Town of lyme Front cover Credits and Acknowledgements Gravestone of Samuel Ely, Esq. of Lyme, CT died 1784, carved Cover and center-fold photographs of headstones are by Chris Zajac. by John Isham (1757-1834). Cemetery photos and captions for all photos by Carolyn Bacdayan. Appreciation is extended to Ann Brubaker for documentation. John Isham lived and worked in East Haddam and later Photographs and captions are the property of the Lyme Local History Colchester. He was commissioned for at least twenty stones Archives, Lyme Public Hall Assoc., Inc. in Lyme burying grounds between 1784 and 1815. Typical of this carver is the serene face with its long nose and Compiled by Marsha Orzech up- curved wings on the upper part of the stone. Edited by Marsha and Sirge Orzech The elaborate profile of this headstone is a good example of the new and innovative shapes that began to outnumber earlier, simpler three-lobed headstones in Lyme cemeteries by the middle of the 18th century. Positive qualities of the deceased are mentioned in the inscription: “...unparalleled virtue, eminence and sanctity...” But it also notes that these good traits could not “ransom from the grave his vital breath.” Valley Press & New Era Printing Co. Sirge and Marsha Orzech, Owners A NNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Dedication LYme Garden Club Allen and Susan Rosenshine Eugene A. and Louise B. LYnch Herbert and PhYllis G. Ross The Board of Selectmen has chosen to dedicate this Year’s edition of the Annual Re - J. W. and LeRaY McFarland Dr. Craig A. and Pietrina SaXton port to all the donors, both large and small, Who haVe made contributions to the ToWn Patricia Mellon MarY C. Schroeder Hall/LibrarY Campus Center building project. Gina Bornino Miller SYlVia R. Shocker LYme residents haVe generouslY supported manY fund raising initiatiVes oVer the Thomas M. Neff and Bernard M. Slater Years, but the leVel of participation for this particular public endeaVor has far eXceeded MarY LYndon HaViland Jack F. and Lorie E. Sulger anY preVious outcomes that can be recalled. John F. and Heidi G. Niblack AnthonY C. and Sandra H. Thurston William B. Paradis HumphreY S. and Susan S. TYler Our Voter approVed total project cost Was fiVe million eightY thousand dollars BettY A. Pinson Eugenia West ($5,080,000.00), some one and a half million ($1,500,000.00) of Which has been raised Via Bradford M. and Ellen R. Purcell George Whelen IV grants, foundation support and priVate donations. In addition, this enabled the toWn to Hans H. and Hildegard E. Rennhard Thomas and Andrea Wing reduce its anticipated borroWing requirement bY tWo hundred thousand dollars Jere Michael and FaYe O. Richardson James P. and Janis T. Witkins ($200,000.00) Christopher du Pont and This eXtraordinarY ciVic commitment made it possible for the toWn to fashion a Rosalind H. RooseVelt compressed debt serVice paYment schedule significantlY easing the burden on each and eVerY propertY taXpaYer in LYme. If We haVe oVerlooked anYone, please adVise the Board of Selectmen of our oVer - sight. HopefullY, We haVe spelled eVerYone’s name correctlY and presented them all The Board of Selectmen also Wishes to eXtend a special acknoWledgement to LYme properlY for publication. LibrarY, Inc., Without Whose support the project Would haVe been reduced in scope or postponed. SimplY put, Without the incrediblY generous support of all the organiZations and indiViduals listed, the project Would neVer haVe happened. You should be justifiablY STATE OF CONNECTICUT SMALL TOWN ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT proud of Your magnificent accomplishment and again on behalf of the toWn, our FOUNDATIONS/CORPORATIONS heartfelt thanks. CommunitY Foundation of SE CT RespectfullY, H.J. Promise Foundation The LYme Board of Selectmen LYme LibrarY, Inc. Norfolk Southern Foundation The PfiZer Foundation PRIVATE DONORS More Than Meets the Eye AnonYmous AnthonY Enders Albert S. and CarolYn B. BacdaYan Ethel F. Feltham LYme ToWn Historian Nathan Belcher TreVor and Melissa Fetter Richard E. and Linda E. BireleY John HargraVes & NancY NeWcomb Almost dailY, most of us pass one or tWo of the 26 cemeteries in LYme in the press Dr. BarrY and Joan Bloom Randall D. and Patricia A. Harris of time to get to Work, the store or school. TheY are off the road a distance, sometimes Stella Bloom John T. Hart darklY shaded, so familiar a site as not to stir particular attention. BUT, there are important Maureen T. Cain Roger B. Heap reasons for us to paY attention, especiallY to the manY hand-carVed graVestones from Susan Budlong Cole Mitchell and CherYl A. KellY- Heffernan the 1700s in seVeral of these cemeteries. For one thing, theY offer insight into the stuff Marta F. Cone John T. and Dr. Karen N. Horn of life in our communitY for the period – religious beliefs, social attitudes, ciVic Values, Richard F. and GWen E. Cooper SteVen and Patricia B. KurlanskY health conditions, occupations, and artistic stYles. A most urgent reason for paYing Peter C. and AleXandra M. Daitch GerrY and Ruth Laubach attention is that the informatiVe and beautifullY carVed surfaces of the graVestones are Jane W. D’Artista Richard and Judith Lightfoot eroding, crumbling, or dropping off altogether because of the fragile nature of the Thomas S. and Judith W. DaVies Parker H. and Diana R. Lord sandstone used. Pollution, fungus, falling branches, tree roots and poWer moWing tools James S. and WendY D. Douglas Miriam A. LuboW also take their toll. These culturallY significant artifacts need our attention about hoW to preserVe their enduring Value both phYsicallY and through documentation. 2 3 The LYme Local HistorY ArchiVes undertook a documentation project in Spring of Table of Contents 2014 to start photographing the surViVing 18th centurY carVed graVestones, to studY them in the conteXt of Connecticut graVestone carVing and to identifY carVers. An Dedication ...................................................................................................................................... 2 More than meets the eYe ................................................................................................................ 3 eXhibit, “The Ancient BurYing Grounds of LYme”, folloWed at the LYme Public Hall to General Information ...................................................................................................................... 6 help raise local aWareness and concern for these cultural artifacts. This documentation Meetings .......................................................................................................................................... 9 project Will continue and eXpand, to become part of the permanent collection of the ToWn Calendar .............................................................................................................................. 10 LYme Local HistorY ArchiVes. Selectmen’s Report ...................................................................................................................... 10 State and ToWn Officers .............................................................................................................. 12 Examples of 18th and early 19th century carved gravestones are found in the center fold with Affordable Housing ...................................................................................................................... 23 short descriptions. Auditor’s Report .......................................................................................................................... 89 AuXiliarY of the LYme Fire CompanY ........................................................................................ 49 Board of Assessors ...................................................................................................................... 60 Board of Finance .......................................................................................................................... 23 Budget SummarY for 2012-2013 .................................................................................................. 24 Cable AdVisorY Council .............................................................................................................. 61 Eight Mile RiVer Wild & Scenic Watershed ................................................................................ 29 EmergencY Management ............................................................................................................ 99 EstuarY Council of Seniors .......................................................................................................... 74 EstuarY Transit District .............................................................................................................. 50 Fee Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 6 Graduates L/OL High School ...................................................................................................... 74 HadlYme FerrY Historic District Commission .......................................................................... 45 HadlYme Hall Garden Club .......................................................................................................... 73 HadlYme Public Hall ...................................................................................................................
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