RURAL WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER N° 5 – BRUSSELS, NOVEMBER 2000 foreword Dear Readers and Friends, participation, and the other draws conclu- hundreds of others – can be consulted in sions and makes recommendations for the the Project database (see our website: We have now reached the evaluation phase, future of the Project. These two documents http://www.fao.org/sd/dimitra). This data- and we thank you all for contributing to the will be backed up with extracts from the base presently contains information on 841 evaluation survey of the Project by replying reports drawn up by the partners for the Work- organisations, 1894 projects and 820 publi- en masse. We have actually received 500 shop. We are also publishing the address cations. evaluation forms (i.e. almost 20% of the delivered by Ms Marie Randriamamonjy on Day The forthcoming Dimitra Guidebooks – on total number sent out), and the vast major- 3 of the Workshop in the presence of Mr. Africa and the Near East – will be available ity are very positive about what the Project Eddy Boutmans, the Belgian Secretary of in the course of 2001, but the database has achieved. We value your responses, State for Development Cooperation. And there itself has already been extensively updated which are important in the context of the are further articles on the impact of the and can be researched on the Internet. general assessment of the Project. Dimitra Project in Algeria and Senegal. Thank you for visiting the Dimitra website In the present issue, a large proportion of The Fourth Meeting of the ISC took place in and checking the correctness of your par- the columns will be been devoted to the Dakar from 22-24 November. The main theme ticulars. In case of error or change, please Reflection and Self-Evaluation Workshop held was “Rural women’s access to and control advise us as soon as possible. in Brussels on 16-18 October with the part- over productive factors”. ners of the Dimitra Project. We hand over to We then go on to describe some projects of We hope you will enjoy reading this News- the partners, who have drawn up two docu- particular interest from the point of view of letter. ments on the proceedings of the workshop: biodiversity, gender and food security. We one reviews the effects of Dimitra Project would remind you that these projects – and Proposals for the Future http://www.fao.org/sd/dimitra Mr. Secretary for Development Cooperation, Address delivered by Ladies and Gentlemen Representatives MARIE RANDRIAMAMONJY sommairecontent of the Belgian Government, Chief, Women in Development Service Mister Representative of FAO, of the United Nations Food and Agricul- Ladies and Gentlement Representatives 1 Proposals for the future ture Organisation (FAO) (at the Reflection of the NGOs, and Self-Evaluation Workshop of the Dimitra Reflection and Self-evaluation Dear friends and partners of Dimitra, Project on 18 October 2000) Workshop of the Dimitra Project 3 – Summary It is a great privilege and a great pleasure Representatives of our partner organisations for me to be in the company of the men and have already reported in full on the results 4 – Benefits and Problems women without whom this Project could never the Project has achieved. I shall thus merely 6 – Recommendations have been realised. I thus wish to thank the mention the most salient features. Through Belgian Government, and in particular the its networking activities and publications, 7 The impact of the Dimitra Project: Directorate General for International Coopera- Dimitra has succeeded in highlighting and – in Algeria tion of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, developing the role played by rural women, External Trade and International Cooperation, who are invisible, but essential, development – in Senegal: Establishment of a the King Baudouin Foundation, our 8 field actors. At the same time, Dimitra has provided National Network of Rural Women partners, the coordination team in Brussels a means of promoting awareness of the 8 Fourth Meeting of the ISC and our colleagues at FAO in Rome. broader issue of gender amongst development I would like to take this opportunity to renew actors, and in particular amongst policy- 9 Project examples on biodiversity & FAO’s commitment in its efforts to fight poverty makers and planners, with a view to promoting food security and to seek to ensure food security for all. equality between men and women, and to 11 Ghana: Grascutter Domestication The Dimitra Project is directly in line with FAO’s achieving a fairer and more equitable mission and priorities included in the strategy development. 11 New Books adopted by the Conference in November 1999. Dimitra also falls within the framework of the Back in 1996 during the World Food Summit, FAO Plan of Action for the Integration of november 2000 the Heads of State and of Government under- Women in Development. One of the main lines FOOD AND took to ensure a political, social and economic of action in that Plan concerns the availability, AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION environment based on the full participation validity and use of data and of quantitative OF THE UNITED NATIONS of men and women on an equal basis. and qualitative information on rural women. proposals for the future FAO Strategy for Action be disseminated on the FAO website and in The problems and solutions mentioned by our The Strategy for Action which was drawn up forthcoming publications. partners for improving any subsequent phase at the High-Level Consultation on Rural Women Networking, sharing information and making of the Project will of course be taken into and Information in October 1999 has under- information more accessible are also objecti- account. lined the importance of producing and dis- ves set in the “Strategy for Action - The role I shall conclude with several wishes for the seminating information and of the possibility of Information - Gender and Food Security” future. of accessing it. Dimitra played a remarkable adopted by 130 countries in Rome in 1999. role in that event by contributing the testimo- Dimitra will continue to support these efforts. Update of the database nies and expertise of its partners in the field. For what is important is to keep the informa- If the Dimitra database is to stay alive, we Women, particularly in the developing world, tion up to date and to provide a means of must continue to update it. We are relying on generally benefit little from the means of even more extensive exchange. our partners to pursue this task, and we as- exchange and mobilisation which information sure them of our support for carrying it to a technologies provide and the opportunity they The results of the Workshop successful conclusion. The same applies to bring of opening up to new arenas. I would I would like to go back to the results of the the networks, which must be strengthened cite amongst the many reasons for this the brainstorming session to underline several key and sustained. These last days, whe have lack of training in how to use these technolo- points which prompt us to pursue the Dimitra talked a lot about the “Dimitra spirit” which gies, the low percentage of women staff in experience and to share this conviction with must be kept and disseminated. We have had the media, the physical, social and psycholo- our bilateral and multilateral partners. requests to extend the geographic and gical isolation of women, the absence of infra- Despite the sometimes difficult operating con- technical coverage of the activities of the structures, and the limited financial resources. ditions, all of the parties involved agree that Project. Dimitra has taken these problems into account on the whole the objectives of the Project and endeavoured to find a solution. Of course, have been achieved. It is always a pleasure Extension of the Project Dimitra is no panacea but this Project has to talk about success unanimously. And above On the strength of our experience in Africa, helped move things in a rather unique way all, Dimitra has provided a means of ensuring the Near East and Western Europe, we would greater visibility for the contributions made like to extend Dimitra’s activities to Central A unique project by rural women and of promoting gender and Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia. – Unique, for in the FAO it is the only net- awareness amongst development partners. We must thus identify new partners and train work of this scale dealing with the role of One of the partners talked about giving “a them so that activities can be decentralised women in food security and rural develop- voice to the voiceless” . to the best possible advantage. It would ment. indeed be of advantage to organise meetings – Unique, because it has promoted an in- The benefits of the Project and/or seminars at the national and regional terface between 3 partners: NGOs, rural One of the major contributions of the Project level to share information and propose trai- women and government institutions. has been to create networks for exchanging ning sessions. The information supplied by Dimitra is not only information, in particular on good practices. Dimitra could continue to play its role as provided through traditional media such as Local know-how has also been developed coordinator and provider of technical assis- the 6-monthly Newsletters and the Guidebook; through the Project, and the information sour- tance putting organisations that are seeking it is also available on the FAO website. And ces and internal capacities of the partners partnerships in touch with one another. The thanks to the new information technologies have been enhanced. FAO will continue to place its unique exper- and the advantages they bring, the database A further major contribution has been the tise at the disposal of the member countries on projects, methodologies and publications creation of networks for exchanging informa- and partners as well as its database on agri- is regularly updated.
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