1 ^ 1 1 4 1 1 ji pii .!,■ ji y T ^ y :''T r - 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. May 4, 1985 MANC HI S I I K CONNI C TIC I T SPORTS W l A l HhR BUSINESS PZC to try again Tax cut pli.n has 36th Little League Clot^Jy sky tonight; Cancer patients encounter job barriers 'on condo hearing OomethingTor all season under way windy on Tuesday Business In ... page 3| ... page 7 ... page 11 ... page 2 LaBarre directs contracts A dietitian fired after a mastectomy was groups can rise because of the cost of ongoiiil having difficulty in getting another job, cancer treatments. « WINDSOR — Robert M. LaBarre of Manchester has been usually on the basis that she was "not It is deeply Ironic, - therefore, that w named director of commercial contracts C-E Controls, a suitable." Y o u r Insurance giant. Metropolitan Life, maqg , division of the PowerSystems Group of Combustion Engineering history in 1975 with a pioneering study showimj A 53-year-old technical writer was Inc. its own employees with cancer histories wew refused employment by a company which M o n e y 's He joined C-E in 1942 and has served in numerous management "excellent employment risks.” The job recoup told him that his treatment a year earlier positions, most recently as director of planning and materials at Worth of former cancer patienU compared favorably for Hodgkin’s disease, a form of lymphatic — in performance, absenteeism and turnover C-E Controls. cancer, made him a poor insurance risjt. Sylvia Porter M m l h LaBarre attended Cornell and Denison universities and is a ' with a sampling of non-cancer workers. The study recommended "selective hiring of per World War II veteran, serving with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific A 62-year-old college graduate, given a sons treated for cancer.” ' clean bill of health after being afflicted Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Monday, May 6,1985 — Single copy: 259 Theater. Yet, a decade after the publication of this with prostate cancer, was turned down for study, many employers seem unaware of the a series of jobs for which he was otherwise now get cancer every year but also their findings or. if aware, choose to ignore them. ^ bickstein wins contest considered superbly qualified. employers, families and friends. And cancer is expected eventually to strike three out of four Studies by the American Cancer Society of If you are a former cancer patient (or a perspp BOLTON — Howard W. Dickstein of Vernon was the U.S. families — due to our increasing longevity. recovered from a heart ailment, emphysema er grand-prize winner of United Cable T V s "Be Choosy hundreds of "w orkable" cancer patients, typified by those mentioned, found that more Ignorance is an unfortunate contributing other disabling disease) and you feel you have , Bolton Sweepstakes'' drawing for a new Bertone convertible sportscar. suffered Job discrimination, you have some United Cable has two cable systems in the state serving 64.000 than half of the hundreds of white-collar factor: Many supposedly knowledgeable people workers and 84 percent of the blue-collar — personnel directors, even doctors — are legal redress under the Federal Rehabilitatlop Reagan, in Spain, customers in the Avon. New Britain and Vernon areas. workers surveyed reported job problenns profoundly unaware of the difference in Act of 1973. This act requires most employers because of their illness. expected survival rates for different types of doing business with the federal government to goes to cancer. Otherwise well-informed people are take "affirmative action” to hire handicapped Colonial’s profits increase Outrigtt dismissal was only one problem. unaware that large numbers of persons are persons and treat them fairly — or face the low Patients also faced such discriminatory tactics WATERBURY — Colonial Bancorp Inc. has reported an completely cured of cancer; believe cancer is of their federal contracts. as demotion, denial of promotion or pay hikes, contagious; think former cancer patients may In addition, more than 38 states have the polls increase in first-quarter profits over 1984's first quarter. or having to give up their group health and/or Net income for the first quarter of 1985 was $2.8 million, a 33 not good workers. affirmative action and fair employment prac­ life insurance as the price of keeping the job. tice laws to prohibit job discrimination. talking to Soviets percent increase over the $2.1 million reported for the first Also found were many instances of psychologi­ This information gap extends to insurance •v Sarah Posaoll quarter of 1984. cal abuse, being isolated and shunned, teased or companies. In the words of Dr. Robert J. If you feel you are a victim of job „ Horold Roportor Net income per common share was 90 cents for the first treated with hostility. McKenna, president of the American Cancer discrimination because of your cancer history, By Jim Anderson left West Germany nearly an hour quarter, compared to 67 cents in the first quarter of 1984. Society; "Many insurance companies have an ask your local American Cancer Society for a - behind sdiedule for Spain, where As a 42-year-old bookkeeper with a colostomy BOLTON — By noon today, 400 of Unitod Press International First-quarter results were led by growth in domestic loans and antiquated view of cancer, see it as a fatal free copy of Its pamphlet, "Cancer — Your Job, Z Marchers protest hundreds of thousands of antL summed it up: "I receiv^ a death sentence Bolton’s 2,505 registered voters deposits. Total loans reached $1,036 billion at March 31. 1985. rather than a highly curable disease. They do Insurance and the Law .” It tells you your rights - Reagan protesters demonstrated twice: once when my doctor told me I have had cast their ballots in the MADRID — President Reagan 6 visit to cemetery not keep up with the rapidly improving data on and how to get them. ' - before his arrival. compared to $920 million a year ago. while total deposits grew to cancer, then when my boss asked me to quit municipal election at Community arrived in Spain today buoyed 1^ a the increases in cancer survival and cures.” The cheering crowd intemipteil $1,306 billion from $1,168 billion in 1984. because the cancer would upset my fellow Nice note; After filing a complaint with the Z Hall. cheering eendoff by 10,000 German — see page 4 "F o r a town election that’s young people and planning to make Reagan’s speech about 30 times workers. Except for my wife, that job was my As a result, cancer patients, if forced to seek Labor Department, the technical writer mentl- ;; and often shouted, "Ronnie! Ron­ whole world!" oned earlier was hired by the company which Z good,” sdid Town Clerk Catherine an arms control overture to the It’s a better first quarter another job, might find it difficult to get Soviets in the m ajor address of his nie! Reagan! Reagan!” had rejected him six months before because he " Leiner. In the 19M town election, a The problem affects not only many of the adequate health insurance. Or if they stay at total of 1,110 of the 2,275 registered European awing. Reagan, who was hailed in West HARTFORD — The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and had had Hodgkin’s disease. ' 400,000 members of the nation’s work force who their jobs, the medical insurance rates of their voters cast ballots, or Sl.S percent. White House d e w ty press secre­ borders from Moscow to Lisbon.” German newspapers today for his Insurance Co. has reported that operating income for the first “They've been coming in tary Larry Spe»es said today He would not elaborate. emotional, somber visits Sunday to quarter of 1985 was 95 cents per share following a two-for-one drovee,” said another town em­ Reagan will make the overture The Soviet Union already has the military cemetery at Bitburg stock split approved by shareholders. This compares to a loss of ployee who obeerved the election when be addresses the European declared that it will not use nuclear and to the former Nazi death camp 11 cents per share for the first quarter of 1984. traffic aU morning. ParUament in Strasbourg, France, weapons first and often criticized of Bergen-Belaen, chose to make In his letter to shareholders. President Wilson Wilde said that The polls, which opened at 6 Wednesday—the 40th anniversary the United States for falling to his attack on communism from the the combined ratio for the first quarter was 100.1 percent, LIVE IN MANCHESTER? SO DO WE! a.m., will close at 0 this evening. of the World War H Allied victory respond. castle where 30,000 Germans met compared to 127.8 percent for the first quarter of 1984. The 1905 election campaign has In Europe. Before leaving West Germany, in 1032 for the first call for German “ The improvement primarily relates to our insurance featured fierce competition for Reagan and his wife, Nancy, Reagan ad d res^ 10,000 German democracy. operations where revenues increased 18.8 percent, claims THE MORIARTY BROTHERS HAVE BEEN SELLING three seats on the six-member were greeted by King Juan Carloe I young people at Hambach Castle, “ Those first patriots cried out declined 18.1 percent, and underwriting expenses increased only Board of Finance, with those allied and Queen Sofia upon their arrival an 11th century fortress consi­ for a free, democratic and united 3.8 percent." Wilde said. on the side of fiscal conservatism in Madrid with a red-carpet dered the cradle of German Germany,” Reagan said to loud NEW AND USED CARS IN MANCHESTER crossing party lines and standing welcome and a 21-gun salute.
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