u . - ----.-- o NOVEMBER. 1987 31756O OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF INTERNATION ALORDER OF HOO HOO THE FRATERNAI ORDER OF THE FOREST PRODUCTSINDSTRY s N A R K i 9 o 8 F 7 r I T i H 9 E 8 8 U N I V E R s DICK CAMPBELL L E L-77398 1- . ,, i ' ' . .. p \____ J I I_,& TIIt SI'S 3 I7 6C)) i. puhhhcd qLlirwrh I.'r VICE PRESIDENTS' REPORT S5.'9 per tear h he InftmaUo!laI Concatcnuitcd LOG & TALLY Order ,f Hc,Hoo. Iii. P 0. Ro II X . GElrdon. Ark. 71743, SecondCI; age paid at Gurdo,t. Ark.. NOVEMBER, 1988 VOLUME 97 NO I arid additional mili i TIF! ' POSTMASTER Send addrL hangesh. tor & FIRST VICE PRESIDENT will tive us an added dimensäon in communication through this TalI. P 0 B' II 8. (jurdon. Ark. 7 I 743 increasingly popular medium. Phil CocksL-77298 In 1992. Hoo-Hoowillbe 100 years old. Rameses Laurn Champ is heading up this project which will be held in Hot We want them. have Just returned from 2 weeksofHoo-Hooing whichSprings. Arkansas. Fund raising is already under way with a Our hard working Gurdon crew. Billy and Beth. will be included the International Convention in Seattle and a tour ofspecial $ I per member per year assessment. getting an updated computer for general procedures to continue the West Coast. the highlight of which was a visit to the Hoo- Attendees at this years convention in Seattle contributed the highly successful dues billing program. Communications Hoo Memorial Redwood Grove. near Eureka. 57,200 to a 50/50 raffle organized by Gordon Graham which between the office. directors and clubs will be greatly improved Mv thanks go to the Seattle Club for a very successful andput an additional $3.600 in the Centennial Kitty. by the installation ofa new facsimile machine in Gurdon. Billy well attended convention and also to Dave Jones. who did an Ifyou don't count the lucky winner. Mrs. M. Hoeck. wife of Tarpley is composing a registry of FAX numbers for the HHI admirable job of organizing and directing the tour. It' this was Second V.P. Lyle Hoeck. this means that on an average. each officers and club contacts. for distribution. Please advise him as Dav&s first effort. I dont know what he will do for an encore couple bought $48 worth of raffle tickets. soon as you have an available number for contacting. (will there be an encore. Dave?). The proceeds. which brings our Centennial Kitty to over The convention in Seattle attended by over 300 was a Now that most ofthe fun is behind us. it is time forthe board$8,000, will help underwrite costs for what will be an affordable. fantastic success. So. too. was the pre-convention hosting by and club officers to get down to the serious business and work tomemorable Hoo-Hoo event. Vancouver club and the post-convention West coast sawmill make our organization better and more desirable to the mem- I look forward to working with you this year - any tour. My congratulations and thanks to all the organizers who bership. Various board members have been given assignments tocomments, help or constructive criticism. would be welcome made it so enjoyable and rewarding to so many Hoo-Hoo. achieve this aim. Gordon Graham and myseifhave undertakenand appreciated. including 27 Kiwis and Aussies. One ofthe higiflights was the the tasks of retention and membership. respectively. H.H.l.'s presentation to me by the North Cascade Club 230. lt was a overall goal this year is a 10% increase in membership. What? Health. Happiness, & Long Life. monument as a symbol of friendship between North America You say! Isn't that the same as last year? - Correct! But with Phil Cocks L-77298 and the South Pacific region - J-IV. It is a magnificent 8 ft. high this worthy goal. we achieved a 1% increase - in other words. 1st Vice President cedar carving of an American bald eagle. which will be installed we achieved only 10% ofour goal. Can you imagine what the Hoo-Hoo International between a huge American Ponderosa and Pacific Island Pine result would have been had we not made the extra effort? growing beside my Hoo-Hoo bar in "Gurdon" Woy Woy Bay. We believe we have stopped the bleeding and now we really Although just one of the many examples of Hoo-Hoo frater- have a chance to make some progress. To assist you. we have DICK CAMPBELL ialism displayed at the convention, it will be cherished by the introduced direct billing. For those who doubt it's effectiveness. mmbers from " Down Under." as of today. 9/28. Billy Tarpley advises me that we are 60% Thanks to all the Supreme Nines for helping me get together ahead of last year in collections. a program to visit clubs early next year. I shall startfrom the t don't want to get into Gordon Grahams area of responsi- SECOND VICE PRESIDENT West coast at J-6 in mid-February through J-7 to Gurdon for the bility. butyou all know how yourchancesofcollectingdccreases weekend ofthe I lth March forthe mid-year Board meeting. All as the debt grows older. Lyle HoeckL-77159 are invited tojoin in the celebration ofthe planned reactivationof New membership - what must we do to attract more MEMO FROM the Hot Springs Club No. I 90. I shall then proceed to J-9 for worthy members? I emphasize worthy. as quantity is of no use I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the their mini-convention the following weekend, and continue on without quality. I am listing a few do's and don'ts that I feel cansupport in electing me as your 2nd V.P. for the coming year. I counter clockwise through to J-3 by the end of May. At this improve membership. also want to thank everyone in the Seattle. Tacoma-Olympia. THE SNARK point. I will bejoined by Billy Tarpley who will return with me to DO - Make your club more visible in your local area. and North Cascade clubs for such a wonderful convention. It J-Iv as their guest to visit clubs and attend the J-IV Mid-year DO - Encourage regular programing that will attractwill be long remembered by my wife, Manan. and me. The board meeting. I feel sure this will give him vital experience and quality membership. committees and all who worked so hard to make it all possible. Greetings as your new international president! assistance in handling J-IV affairs back in Gurdon. DO - Set yourself a club goal of 10% membershipwe givé thanks to all. We have an enthusiastic Board of Directors who are This year is J-IV's 25th Anniversary of the formation of increase this year and start now. As we enter a new year, I hope we can all give oursupport dedicated to the advancement of Hoo-Hoo and the application Hoo-Hoo in their region and I shall be attending the celebrations DO - Create a membership committee charged withand enthusiasm to our new Snark Dick Campbell. I will ofits ideals tothe members and the forest products industry. Ourin Adelaide. Deputy S-9 for Hawaii. Hammie AhIo, will be attaining your goal. endeavor to do what I can to make this year a great success for all thanks to Rameses 79 Jack Jacobson and his Board for a great attending and calling afterwards with me on five club meetings to DO - Welcome new members. be concerned with theirHoo-Hoo. overall effort and the maintaining ofan increase in membershipspread a little more international knowledge and fraternalism - attendance and involvement in club activities. We will all have to strive for increase in membership and I which we shall enieavor to lift to the desireable IO percent this That's what it's all about! DO - Get involved in helping a new club start up. hope every club will try to increase as this is what Hoo-Hoo is all Wishing you all a rewarding new Hoo-Hoo year! about. I think we should take a look at some ofthe members we year. j DON'T - Recruit. heedless oleligibility. Decisions made at the convention to attainthkmembership DON'T - Plan meetings month to month - Set the years have lost over the years and make a greater effort to regain some increase are: program in advance. ofthe members we have lost. There is a pot ofgold in all of those. I .Continued club membership recruitment and concats. DON'T - Let a couple ofhard workers do it all - Createso let's strive for them to become active again. We also need to increase our kittens and afterwards get 2. Club membership retention scheme. HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONG LIFE! committees and use them. 3. The reactivation or establishment ofa new club in each DON'T - Put off any of the above. -them involved in club activities. With these efforts we can strive jurisdiction. and ... Dick Campbell L-77398 for that increase that our Snark again is working for. Snark ofthe Universe In order to give the clubs better representation from Hoo 4. Funding ofDeputy Supreme Nin&s travel. through their Hoo International. Deputy S-9's will be given financial assis- Again, thanks to all. i' respective Supreme Nines. to allow better contact with clubs. tance for the first time. This assistance is to be allotted at the There are a lot of lumbermen throughout Hoo-Hoo Land . discretion of the Supreme 9 who appoints the Deputy S-9. HEALTH.
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